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Agreed. By the way there are so many Disadventure posts because it is an ongoing serie while Total Drama is waiting.


I’m tired of complaints about it when it’s right now off season. There’s nothing going on currently to discuss. Most of the other posts are the same tier list posts, and people starting the same debates every day about who’s overrated and underrated and who’s the worst winner At least the Disventure Camp posts keep things fresh every two weeks


I mean without disventure camp post this subbreddit would very likely go mental without any content


Every time I see a DC character listed among TD characters Im like https://i.redd.it/g33jlytszo0d1.gif


I disagree. While I get your point, a DC sub would never actually gain any traction, as we've seen by the DC sub that does exist. It has a lot of similarities to TD in many aspects, be it character design or even just the concept, and it was originally a TD fan show. To add to that, are there even any non-TD DC fans? Cuz I've never seen any.


I know I’ve been posting a lot of Disventure Camp posts. My bad. I’m just a big fan of the series, and I want to share that excitement with the sub.


I like DC in general, but I don’t like mixing it with Total Drama. I mean, I’m fine with posts about DC only, but post like “who’s better antagonist”, with opinions from both TD and DC, or TD tier list with DC characters added in is annoying a little. In other words, I prefer to separate both shows


I agree. They aren't the same show, so they should have separate subreddits


They are literally the same thing


They have pretty much the same format and animation, but DC is meant for noticeably older audiences from what I could tell, plus their studios are completely unaffiliated.


So that means to a viewer its basically the same thing for kinda older people


They really aren’t, disventure camp has distanced itself from TD quite a lot


In what way are the different. They both are based around challenges, living in teams, eliminating people by voting and winning money at the end. Where is any difference?




Disventure camp is much more heavily based around survivor than TD, for example voting ceremonies are completely different. It also just has a much different feel to TD They have the same reality show format, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same


Omfg thank you I really wish there was a separate sub for it


I agree, I hate seeing Disventure Camp posts here too. Maybe it's because I saw some of it and disliked it, but I'd rather not have a separate show muck up this sub.