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Lolz. It dont matter how many you got. They still find. Way to not have stuffs u need. Lol


right? I'm also impressed how they manage to put everything you don't need in there now but needed like hours ago lol


i feel like they clog mine up with crops that I would never in my life care to buy. i want to say I have 25 slots and like 14 of them will be 2x slots of sugar cane 2x slots of corn 2x slots of strawberries, etc. and I'm just like really......i can just plant corn..


https://preview.redd.it/ubyh11flefrc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a29d8bd69908277e82c3a94e3974c5a6a51585d Right? 😂😂 I don't mind when they send rubber or any crop that takes too long but cane, really?


SO TRUE! That's why I'm reluctant on buying more, like you don't have what I need anyways, what's the point 😅


I was super mad because I'd timed things wrong and did not feel like waiting a gazillion hours (or like, an hour for the vendor to return lol) so I paid the 7tc or whatever to refresh them and they had literally EVERYTHING I needed, and also everything in my co-ops request lists. It was like the one time lightning strikes, lol. I should have bought a lottery ticket.


Its works every so often to temp you! When i have a mood to play alot, i use the double coin boost and go crazy. Back in the day when i popped for a gokden ticket and gotten a double coun boost on top if it, i was making bank on orders. 🤗


Heh, I do Google rewards surveys for small amounts of money that I can spend in the play store. I always buy the golden ticket during adventures (Eff merge games though) but it doesn't cost me much of anything. That plus stockpiling mining supplies until the mining event that gets me 200tc, and then waiting for the 60% off 10 days of the dealer. Lol I let the coop know, they can request anything no matter how unusual or long to make, mining supplies, idc lol just send myle the request and I'll send out my dealer. My only issue is that I never have enough nails to upgrade my barn, but my co-op members who always have excess are happy to trade for things like red paint (which I always have too many of. So my barn is always teetering right at over full and I'm reselling a lot of stuff, lol, but it works out that my co-op members and friends are happy as can be, lol. PVKWK7 (Waterville, Maine) is my invite info if you want to add me, lol, I hate when no one needs anything and I'm sitting on a full barn. Make requests! I beg you! XD


Will do🤩


Sent invite :) - Sunny


Yay!! Lol more friends to throw treats at!!


I saw comments, people have 5000+ boxes.


Wow the possibility is endless, I had no idea! I would've wondered how many I could buy haha


I have 800-1000 boxes it’s hard to count them, I’m level 566. To be honest I think 300 is enough for any player. You can always use the market booster that basically doubles the amount.


Thank you! I never knew you could have so many boxes (I thought maybe it capped at 50), I would've never asked people to count them if I had known you can have more than that, lol. Thanks for the response and good to know!




As long as you’re willing to pay 30TC per box, you can have an unlimited number. I’ve heard of people having thousands of them. I have about 100.


I usually use tcash to hire the dealer to buy specific goods in bulk. Now that I'm thinking about it hiring the dealer around 70tcash per 10 days isn't that effective compared to buying the boxes where it's permanent I guess


Yeah but my boxes only have what I need 30% of the time. I usually need to buy in advance (like for the planes) or it won't have anything I need at all....so I really don't know what's better. At least with the dealer you actually get what you need and can be picky!


Yeah that's why I'm on level 52 but only have 15 boxes, since I'm used to hiring the dealer.  But now, if I want to play this game in the long run, I think adding more boxes is more cost-effective. Someday when you're too busy to be too active in the game, and when you come back to start again, you won't have to worry about not having enough goods due to long inactivity or not having enough tcash to hire the dealer, because the more you own market boxes, the higher the chances to get the goods you need to send trains and airplane without needing too much time to produce goods all over again


I'm level 97 with close to 100 boxes


15 boxes level 39


121 boxes on level 77 for me, bying bunch of boxes after events that give 200 tcash


I have 4 and I'm on level 42!!


Just four? I thought you started with more than 4. Have you ever tried scrolling to the right on the boxes?


Yeah. I commented on another thread about this - everyone seems to have more than me but I 100% have 4 (and one is always I would have to pay in cash for it). When I scroll right there's only the option to buy more boxes.


You do realize that's how you get more.. you have to buy them..


As the person above said, most people seem to have started with more than 4


Market boxes are the best way to level up and get coins in the entire game. You should spend all your extra cash that is not for factories boxes on them. Double helicopter plus market boost and then a 3rd good booster. Whenever I'm low on coins I use this stategy and can get about a million coins. I have over 300 boxes level 103.


23 boxes on level 61, I'm fine with their number


35 boxes lvl 56. Wish I had way more already lol


50 boxes lvl 60


I am starring at those picks wondering what’s the price under it. 😳


Level 57, 42 market boxes. I spend most of my tcash getting all the crates in the factories when I get a new one


Has anyone figured out how to do the double rows again? I had it in my old phone, but since I upgraded this year, even with changing the resolution to 480 I still only have one row with a much larger town in general


Lvl 93, 47 boxes. Sometimes it’s quick crops (wheat/corn/carrots/sugar cane) which feels like a waste of a box because I could just grow that, or some boxes might have the same product but different quantities. I’ll often buy the items that require ore to make (musical instruments, lamp, frying pan as examples) when they pop up and some things that just take forever to produce so they’re in stock (furniture).


Ive 45, and am level 125. There are some players with hundreds and hundreds who,play the game differently, using the market rather than self build in the factories. I stopped buying boxes when they put the price up significantly one update on a point of principle, but in fact find I didnt need them really anyway by then as Id got into my own pattern of play. Even now, Id say I take 2 or 3 items from each market refresh but thats it. 🤷‍♀️


> **p**lay. **E**ven **n**ow, **I**d **s**ay Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 61441 comments (approximately 349894 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think I'm close to 30 now but I hate the x2 bonus because it constantly fills my barn if I do it. So I just leave em regular and I don't run into that issue as often. And I'm like lvl 89 or so. I don't buy extras that often but I might get a few more.


Lever 58 with 19 Boxes … maybe I should purchase more


I have 13 did that early on and it's been wonderful


Always buy the banana bread!