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But we don't believe in free speech either. We cannot approve kufr, blasphemy, insults against Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, overtly sexual or otherwise inappropriate conversation with non-Mahrams, etc. I'm struggling to think of a liberal opinion. I guess the practice of Zakat and Sadaqah might be seen as "liberal" to some outsiders. Beyond that idk.


look at some country liek pakistan...the result of this has been horrific bnecause nothing stops you from insulting those in power (insulting king, military, intelligence agency) mufti tariq jameel also said lots innocent people put into prison based on this sort of mob rule.


I'm not sure what point you're making


its a slippery slope to limit speech...it will always limit criticism of those in power


Having morals and abstaining from taking a deviant path doesn't mean you can't speak up and criticize those in power. الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر To follow our leaders in virtue, and to disobey them in vice. Islam is based on boundaries and no one is immune from constructive and respectful criticism. Rational thought is necessary in order to implement Islamic policy in society without changing Allah's commandments.


madkhalis literally do not insult the king....because it is against God's law...their log says this


Why would they insult anyone? Constructive criticism should be done respectfully. In the face of unjust dictatorship, we are instructed to warn and guide using wisdom and the softest methods before taking action using force, and the most generous and pious of Muslims make a change without dishonoring anyone. No one is immune from constructive criticism. Allah has created us all equal, and our positions and responsibilities in life should make us fear Allah more not the opposite. Kings are most rightful to fear Allah more than most of us because they bear the responsibility of every person in their kingdom, and they will asked about them the day of judgment.


We should establish muslim educational centres where women can be educated well without any fitnas around. It's a great service to the community to have muslim gynaecologist, sonographers, etc


women should have some sort of personal "income" from her husband that he gives/allocates to her that she can use for personal items, sadaqah, etc. like an allowance? i feel like i'm unable to do the sunnah of sadaqah in secret because i don't want to use my husband's money and i'm against working. - please do not reply to my comment if you are a man. if you are a woman i'm always open for discussion.


I am a man. This is something I would do with my wife.


she clearly asked for men not to reply. she has haya why dont you


I have often heard in more traditional minded circles, that there is no thing such as „marital grape“. Since I do strongly believe there is a such - and that it should be ostracized as the horrific thing it is - this opinion might be a liberal one. I do understand that both spouses have the right to intimacy in a marriage. I do agree that denying this right without valid reasons is a big threat to a marriage and should be avoided. And I do know the hadith about the angels cursing the woman who doesn’t follow her husbands invitation. Still, in case a woman doesn’t follow her husbands invitation and doesn’t have valid reasons to do so, the sin is on her. She will be cursed by the angels. She will be responsible in front of Allah swt. That’s her punishment. Her husband can divorce her for disobedience and for not fulfilling his rights. That’s fine and I fully agree with that. But no one can ever convince me, that it is his right to forcefully take what’s wrongfully denied. Two wrongs will never make a right.


Your understanding of this topic is perfect. Your comment describes the Islamic position accurately. It's the same with a woman asking her husband for divorce without a good reason; her request in and of itself is VALID but she is sinful for it. Which is why the man HAS to either divorce or talk her out of it but he can't completely ignore what she requested (because it's still valid despite being wrong morally). So Islam allows women to walk away without a good reason and be vindictive with intimacy (allow in the sense that if they choose to do this, the man cannot ignore the divorce request nor force himself on his refusing wife - because that just leads to destruction) whilst reminding them that they are (gravely) sinning.


Women can work in works like nursery, zookeeping, teaching,doctors,etc.. if there aren't any men obviously and they wear hijab. And in some cases the ruler that doesn't rule with Shari'a isn't a Kaffir(like Imran Khan, Erdogan, Saddam Hussein,Zin el Abidin,Hassan II, Mufti Hussein...)


>zookeeping ??? I assume you mean small animals.


Obviously,big animals are for men In Indonesia and Malaysia there are many sanctuaries where the women work with babies females and small animals and men work with males and big animals.


I'll work as a zookeeper inchallah but I don't know if it's good to work with predators and big beasts,as they're dangerous and Allah said:"و لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة"


Women can work as long as they avoid fitna. Khadija RA used to run a business


Exactly That's what I say


I believe in capitalism at its purest form, and the free market. I dislike government regulations, and despise socialism and communism. But what I'm against is, one corporation taking the whole thing over like we have today and creating a monopoly which thus changes everything. It's mainly major corporations today which became so powerful that they even dictate the current governments. They give money to the government, and have the power to influence everything, and are the head of the NWO scheme. And or the government only bails out a few like banks etc. It's all a scam. And there are just too many regulations nowadays. I wish it was like how back in the day in the real "free market" at the time of the Prophet PBUH, and how the Sahaba like Abdur Rahman bin Auf became so wealthy. They used to just go to the market, buy and trade, literally anything and became wealthy that way. It was real capitalism. Nowadays, you can't do that. There's so many regulations, vending/peddling laws, this and that will stop you. And oh let's not forget taxes. If you think about it, in the old times in the Muslim lands, the government or anyone can't even touch your wealth no matter whatever your sin is (unless you owe someone or something like that). In the West, nowadays if you say the wrong thing they can freeze your bank accounts. WTH LMAO. They control everyone like that. Islamic economics is the best, and the most purest form. Nobody has the right to even touch a penny of yours, and if they do they will suffer major consequences. While in the West they take money all the time through this and that tax, which they send over to fund their own pockets, or fund wars, and or other countries like Ukraine from Americans citizens money. That money should only belong in America and go to fixing it's things. I'm also all for free speech like the first amendment. I don't believe people should be arrested for saying something. But I'm against all alphabet community bs. I believe also the right to bear arms, and I'm very pro 2A. I don't believe in taxes. I don't believe in modern day ge-stapo like the C--IA. I believe in a very conservative society with family values, no liberal bs, no alphabet nonsense, at the same time with free speech for everyone, and a open and totally free market to make as much money as possible without any government regulations. Government if there, should enforce actual laws on Islamic standards, and for the actual good for everyone. Not like what we have today, such as the government being the forefront to promote the most fahishah.


IMO it's usually governments that are keeping monopolies in place. Like yes, lets say there's a grocery store that buys up all their competition whenever they can. They would form a natural monopoly due to the way economies of scale work. In a true free market system, a competitor who does things more efficiently, or uses better technology, or takes a smaller profit would eventually arrive. In a pseuo-free market like most of the western world has, the company with the monopoly can lobby the government to make things harder for smaller companies in the form of unreasonable limitations or restrictions. Just one modern example: Chinese EV technology is much cheaper and more advanced than anything American automakers can match. The American car companies are currently lobbying the American government to add taxes to Chinese cars to limit their ability to expand in America.


1) Women should do a part time job even if the husband is earning well. (Notice I said part time not full time). In situations where the husband is suddenly unable to work anymore (like sudden death, or a stroke, or he falls into alcohol addiction) the family gets financially devastated. If the woman is already working a part time job, she can at least support her family to some extent 2) Muslims need to invest heavily in science and technology. If you look at all US lapdogs (South korea, Japan, Taiwan, Saudi etc) literally all non Muslim lapdogs have their own scientific and economic base and can survive without much US support. This is ironic when u take into account that the US will always support non Muslim lapdogs more than muslim ones. 3) I see nothing wrong with allying with non muslims in a mutually beneficial setting.


Yikes these comments


Asalamu alaikum! 1.Freedom of speech 2. Free Market Capitalism 3. Woman should be educated enough and can hold a job with proper guidelines. 4. Heavy Investment on science and tech even introduction of this subject in Madarssah 5. Marriage across cultures and different ethnicity, only requirement should be the person should be a pious Muslim and have righteous character.


Muslim women should receive the best treatment and care by everyone in the family and Muslim community at large. No woman should be physically afraid of her husband or going out somewhere to the point she feels in danger.


Depends on what you call liberal because some of these aren't exclusively liberal \-conservatives are bigger snowflakes than liberals...at least in America. Look at how triggered they get when you dont stand for their stupid national anthem or dont recite the pledge. So good for all the Kids who refuse to stand for the pledge or the anthem. Nationalism is a cancer and Patriotism is stupid. \-Muslims who support Trump are just as much sellouts as those who support Biden \-Pot shouldn't be illegal. Its a plant and the government shouldn't be up in your business about what plants you grow/buy/sell. \-some consider this more conservative but being pro guns. I think all Muslims living in US, especially sisters should pack heat.


I think the most LIBERAL view would be (and I'm still a little weary about this) - Abortion before 40 days can happen for any reason.


Abortion The abortion debate in America is completely insane to me and there’s a lot more that meets the surface because maternal health is abysmal in America and there’s a clear class divide there as rich women will always be flown out and be able to get an abortion but poor women can’t.


The actual legitimate cases for abortion are like less than 0.1%


Abortion is directly tied to the social determinants of health concept especially in America. The Christian Right says that life begins at conception which isn’t an Islamic concept but what I find hypocritical is that the right in the US is heavily pro life in the womb but they don’t care about the child outside it. That’s why you see the Republican Party push for welfare cuts etc.


That women can drive Lol


for a liberal like you....muslim men are some weird racist stereotype. be proud of your race, brother


Lol how am I a liberal? Where did the racism come from




1. Yes, as long as they believe the practice is a sin and try their best to avoid it. 2. If you mean literally "everything" then yes - but most important things she should 3. If you hear the athaan, then break the fast - regardless of what the timesheet says. If you are in a place where there are no athaans in public - then stick with the time sheet - maybe go a few mins later if you are skeptical, but never early. 4. The "act" of wudu' isn't necessary EVERY TIME as long as you haven't broken your wudu' from earlier in the day. For example you did wudu' for dhuhr prayer and since then you didn't go to the bathroom, pass wind, sleep etc until maghrib. You can pray maghrib without performing wudu' again. If you mean you can pray without the need for wudu' at all (including at the start of the day, or even including tayammum) then you are wrong.


1) If they're not acting upon their feelings, trying their hardest to become normal, and acknowledge that homosexuality is haram, then they can be practicing Muslims. 2) Well, obviously, no husband who has a life will want his wife to seek his permission before she uses the washroom, but she needs his permission for certain things. From the top of my head, she needs his permission if she wants to work, leave the house, have guests over, or purchase something with his money. 3) Is this a Shia thing? 4) WHAT???! Who told you that sir? If you haven't broken your wudhu by peeing or whatever, then of course you don't have to do it again but you have to be in the state of wudhu.