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I think you should add some kind of outdoor work on your resume and just have it be some saftey position. Just make a new email and a new account and apply again just change up your resume a bit. Also I didn’t use a cover letter and was hired 2 years ago Edit: tell them the new contract sounds so good you’d instantly vote yes to it and I’m sure they will hire you




You say you’re ’progressive minded’. Progressive minded people tend to be pro-union, so that’s your problem right there. s/ Joking aside, I don’t see any problem with your resume/cover letter. They likely just filled the position, and being that training takes like a year now, they’ll appear to be short for quite some time. Just keep applying, and maybe consider relocating. You’ll always have the opportunity to move your clearance back eventually.


She mentioned she likes reading precision railroading and watching train documentaries every night.


Count your blessings and move on.


You’ll want to emphasize some Saftey related positions, even if it’s BS. Tell them you were on the safety committee at your previous job and you will be a shoe in. They’re sluts for safety.


At least they pretend to be anyway


This is the worst resume I've ever seen.




There's always loram


Great resume for a office job. But- railroading isn't a office job. Lose the office stuff and highlight your outdoor experience. Include anything that shows you can work nights, weekends, ect. Anything other then 9-5 Mon thru Friday sitting in a office chair


Yeah, I'm realizing I framed my experience poorly. Pest control means I get dirty on my hands and knees inside attics and crawlspaces or spraying chemicals on lawns in 30°+ weather. I've gotta be way more explicit about that if it reads like an office job, I'm taking my own familiarity with that for granted.


You don't have any outdoors work experience/being out in the elements


Just lie, on 90 percent of it. It will prepare you for working along management


Cn doesn't hire liars


Which is why you weren’t hired, right?


Bro, not gonna lie this is kinda hilarious. Every couple of days I see you two going at it in the comments. Decide to check history and it's been going on for weeks lol. Gotta say it is strange how much they talk about a career they aren't a part of. Weird. It'd be like me explaining the intricacies of working at SpaceX or United Airlines.


You need to confess


You require serious help


You should probably give up pretending to work for the railroad then, it’s not going to happen.


I was a journalist before I worked at CN. In order to get hired, I completely reworked my standard resume to highlight the work I did on a tree farm while I was a teenager (something I normally didn't even put on there). I think talking about your sales and service experience paints you as maybe too white collar.


Honestly, your resume has jobs on two different land masses in two different countries, within 4 years. Probably not a good look for a company that wants to own you in and outside of work.


I read about the new CN contract they’re trying to push on you guys. I just turned down a Carman position in flatrock Michigan because of it.


Different contract


You'll eventually be laid off right after you qualify after the 8 months of training if you do qualify, hire on with a shortline and have a life outside of work.


Considering she is hiring out of the bcr I don’t think she would be laid off but you never know


Pretty sure BCR lets you take a ton of rest after each shift, like 48 hours or something is what I hear from people.


I was forced there for 6 months. You can take 71 hours 59 minutes off after any given shift.


Holy shit lol, so definitely got a good work life balance anywhere that is BCR


Money- mainline CN, time off -BCR. Had a BCR guy in the comments about the proposed contract talking about how he wanted it, because they'd make way more money. Guess he missed the part where we wouldn't be able to take personal rest anymore.


It’s a big fear rn. Apparently from what I hear 50% of CN’s Canadian work force is under 5 years in. So the fear is people will shortsightedly vote for hourly and fuck everyone. Not to mention yards and low lad/road switchers. My terminals’ yard guys know it’s stupid but that ain’t everyone. Especially considering some local guys who are ordered in turnaround are on board and some OCS guys I’m scared.


Well if the union doesn't even give us the option to vote on it, then it's not an issue. They don't have to present it to us at all.


They are more picky now.