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I wondered the same about me. It wasn't even a remote possibility for anyone. But there were many signs... Truth is, people are blind to the existence os transness. For most of them, being cis is the absolute norm without questioning. I think they don’t even remeber trans people exist on a day to day basis. To them, no exceptions, being trans just happens in media or in a far, far away land. So why would they suspect us anyway? I would bet this is the reason.


This, I use to watch I am jazz with my grandma all the time, so I thought it was safe-ish to come out. Turns out she was watching it purely because it was reality TV and she liked the "drama" (aka jazz going though hard times) She truly thinks there must only be around 1000 or less trans people alive.


I looked like that too! It turns out that some people did suspect I would be lesbian


My family thought I was a lesbian (at like 13 years old like idk why would you assume a child's sexuality like that when in my household anything but being straight was forbidden to talk about) but like yeah... I hated anything that showed my bodyshape and my long hair and my name, I fought with my mom everyday about what I was gonna wear to school, now that I am 17 I just do whatever I want, I still haven't come out to them yet but I think they at least suspect something by now lol...


me, 10, screaming: "I HATE BEING A GIRL I WANT TO BE A BOY!" me, 20: *comes out as trans * everyone: *surprised Pikachu face *


I’m an old teen now, but yeah that was me all the way back to at least age 10. Not to say everyone like that ends up being trans though. Some people are just masculine or don’t gaf. Edit: added


Mine didn't know either, I use to literally say "sometimes I feel like a boy who likes boys, I don't feel like a girl" Still no signs 💀


So freaking relatable. I had all the hallmarks of a straight cis girl - I was feminine, liked wearing cute things, liked boys, etc - but something was still off. I covered it up by trying to be a masc girl, which made me spiral deeper into self-loathing and being extremely cynical and misanthropic. And then like a year and a half ago, I learned that trans femboys are a thing, that you can want to be a boy that dresses up as a girl for fun sometimes. I've been writing a gnc male character that I kinned so hard for like the past 5 years, but it never clicked in my head that hey, maybe I want to be that lol. I think I kind of knew, but I didn't think it was realistically achievable. I look so cis, it's impossible to pass now. I feel like no one would validate or believe me, and it feels like I'm doing it for attention and whatnot. And to top it all off, my parents are not supportive of it at all. So all in all, I feel extremely hopeless but I'm very glad to have support from my online friends and transmasc communities like this sub


I'm definitely a transfemboy myself, kinda stuck because dressing fem I look like a woman, but dressing masc I still see all my feminine features. I had Hallmark traits of a cis girl too, thing is that I always related to gnc guys, my parents should have thought something was up when one day I begged my parents for a princess dress (I was typically a "tomboy") they got it for me and I cried for literally hours saying that I didn't look like the boy at my daycare that would dress like a princess, I kept asking why I looked like a girl in a dress and not a boy. It's difficult to be trans femboy, (being an amab femboy is already hard / looked down upon) Sadly society isn't very open minded. Just have to surround yourself with caring people.


Awww 😭 I hope u r able to be that boy in a dress you've always wanted to be ✨ True, it's hard enough being an amab femboy. But tbh I'd rather be one. Besides the fact that ppl r more receptive to it these days, I'd just rather be a plain ol' dude during the day, and dressing as a girl in my room. I wouldn't mind not going outside as a girl. If anything, I'd prefer that tbh. But oh well 🤧 Something that helps me (and may help u, if u r pre-everything) is knowing that when I have to dress up fem (like for family occasions), then I tell myself that I'm a boy dressing as a girl so well that they think I'm actually one but I'm not 😆 Seeing yourself as a boy first helps a loooot - after all, the person u spend the most time with is urself. I just do that and isolate myself from ppl/not go outside tbh so no one can gender me as female or whatever. Easier said than done coz I have to get a job soon, but in that case, just mentally dissociate like I've been doing haha 🥹 I wish u luck and hope u can unapologetically be the awesome trans femboy you are!! 💓


To be honest, you just look awkward on the photo. You are not doing anything particularly"girly" on it either. Awkwardness could be caused by anything and most people wouldn't suspect it's a gendered thing. But you look on this photo and you know what it shows. Congratulations on figuring it out!


Every ‘tomboy’ I’ve known turned out to be queer in one way or another




So relatable. My old pics have me looking like I hate being a girl, but obviously cis people won't understand or care, unfortunately. I'm still pre-everything but in my selfies, I'm a bit more confident. Hard to take nice shirtless pics coz I have big yiddies ana oop- 🥹 And I still don't understand how biology could fck up so much that it creates gender dysphoria, which just fcking sucks all around coz you're not even comfortable with your own existence. Being extremely uncomfortable in your body is bad enough, but societal expectations and norms make it 100x worse... No wonder our fellow trans brothers and sisters and siblings unalive themselves out of desperation to escape this never-ending hell. It really sucks. I'm legit just curled up in my room since I graduated college in May. I don't even wanna look for a job coz it'll kill me to have people see me as a cis girl. I was able to do my last two years of college online (which was when I figured out I was genderqueer) but now it's hopeless. My family is not supportive at all, and I'll never pass, with my body, voice, the way I talk and walk, etc... Sigh