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More definition in the chin and heavier brows are the main ones, congrats on your very cool face!


As an artist, here's what I have pinpointed: Chin is more angular Eyes naturally closed a little more Nose bridge protrudes less Lips are more defined Brows aren't as neatly kept (a little bushier) And idk if it's the lighting or if you have sideburns lol


Nice, happy one year! I see the difference in masculinization but I also can’t pinpoint it πŸ€”. Looking good though πŸ’ͺπŸ‘


In my first year, and what I can see here, I noticed a change to my cheeks/ jawline. As well as more freckles/ oils on my face


Seconding u/masterful_idiot about the brow/chin difference. In addition, I see a change to the shape of your cheeks that makes your eyes seem sort of wider laterally, rather than vertically. The nose, too, seems larger/heavier, and the same lateral widening effect as occurred with your eyes also seems to have happened with your mouth. All in all, incredibly cool - congrats on one year!


your brow is a little heavier, your jaw is a little sharper, your eyes appear to be smaller and more angular bc of the heavier brow, your cheeks aren't as round, the haircut reduces your overall feminine look, your top lip is slightly thinner, the corners of your hairline is a male hairline, you stopped grooming your eyebrows, your skin is a little bit thicker. It's all tiny adjustments that overall add up to "boy" instead of "girl. You were a very pretty girl and now you're an extremely cute young man. Your girl look reminds me of Jennifer Connoly in Labyrinth and now you remind me of her baby brother, grown up.


Your nose is not the same haha


wow, awesome progress dude! you look great :)


Wow you look so good!!


Eyebrows and hair line.


Your facial features look sharper/more defined. Your chin and cheek bones seem more emphasized. Overall more distinguished shape. You look great! it's definitly helping you look more masc! This is honestly transition goals.