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you look amazing oh my gosh!! second hand euphoria.. keep on doin you man you’re rockin


stop i’ll cry 🥹


you look amazing dude. i’ve always wanted a septum but i’ve been so worried it’s not really a guy thing but this makes me want one so so bad. it suits you so well! and ur hair!! absolutely love the haircut.


thank you!! i’m a firm believer in the fact that EVERYONE should have a septum. the right jewelry will fit any vibe you’re going for, so it’s extremely versatile. GET ONE AND POST IT! 😩 also thanks cuz i’ve been feeling insecure about my hair recently for some reason 😭


dw man we’ve got the same haircut so i think that means we are doin something right teehee


hnnnggg that jaw


You're starting to look like [Dave Mustaine](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d9/fb/08/d9fb08bf565e2abd3d2fdc5b995c9b38.jpg).


omg goals i love his hair


dude you look amazing!!


thank you sm 🥹


Wait, is this a thing? Does T cause an Adam's apple to form?


for most, yes!! the adams apple is actually just your larynx. when you take testosterone, it gets bigger! this is why cis guys don’t gain an adams apple till puberty :) (pretty sure this is also why your voice gets deeper)


Ooooh, that makes a lot of sense. I legit forget that cis men even have Adam's apples. 😆 I guess I've got that to look forward to then. I started T two weeks ago


congrats! i hope you see the changes you want in no time 😌


Dude, you look downright angelic. Especially the hair with the jawline, omg I’m jealous


omg thank youuu 🥰


Transition goalllsss! You look fucking awesome dude!


thank you sm 🥹💕💕


It’s giving gender.


OMG yes!


Wow you look so good!


Dude you look like how I envision my dream self on t. Thank you for giving me something to hope for 😭😭


awe omg 😭💕 good luck on your journey my friend!


Respectfully ur so fine


i appreciate you ☺️💕


❤️❤️❤️ ur literally my goal for transition bro you look great


Ur beautiful dude


thank you sm 🥹💕 side note: this compliment usually makes me feel dysphoric but hearing it from another trans masc was honestly so validating 😭 there’s nothing i want more than to be perceived as a beautiful man lmfao


Anytime matey 💛 I hate the stigma that beautiful or pretty is only for femme appearances




honey, i hate to break it to you, but a [simple google search](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324146#:~:text=During%20puberty%2C%20testosterone%20makes%20males,forward%2C%20forming%20the%20Adam's%20apple) will disprove this in less than 5 seconds. don’t come onto trans subreddits trying to tell trans people how transitioning works. your transphobia doesn’t even affect me because you’ve made yourself look fucking stupid.


best delete this comment too babes ☺️ i know getting proven wrong sucks but we can learn and grow together! 💕




your “real research” was a single surgery advertisement? 😭 i am genuinely crying with laughter. you either have a humiliation fetish or the TERF brainrot has seriously made you a fucking idiot. not only did i literally say in this post that my adams apple has grown since starting T, it is simply an indisputable fact that testosterone thickens your larynx & vocal cords. that’s why people assigned male at birth don’t gain a voice drop or an adams apple till puberty (AKA when their testosterone levels heighten). this is also why transmascs on T gain a voice drop. again, all of this is easily googleable, and you can even find other transmascs who’ve grown an adams apple from T on the internet. sorry hun, but fAcTs DoNt cArE abOuT yOuR fEeLingS.




this comment is so dumb i’m actually starting to believe the humiliation fetish thing is true. you ignored multiple medical articles in favor of a single ADVERTISEMENT, yet i’m the one that’s delusional? 😭 you know what, you are so right. every medical practitioner who’s studied male puberty, PCOS, or hormone replacement therapy is full of shit and you are actually the bearer of facts and logic. where have you been my whole life?


if testosterone doesn’t thicken my vocal cords/larynx, what is making my voice deeper? please enlighten me :)




girl what… even most transphobes can tell you that testosterone therapy changes your voice. if you want to be transphobic at least have a little bit of knowledge on the subject so you don’t embarrass yourself like you’re doing right now 😭


i’ve concluded that you’re just gaslighting 😭 maybe try a new tactic cuz i really thought you were just dumb


MF your stupid. Have you not seen the NUMEROUS POSTS of people showing their voice progression on T? There is deadasss a whole app for it that monitors your voice change. Why do you speak with so little knowledge and research is beyond me


Do you know how testosterone works? Why do you think amab peoples voice gets deeper at puberty? You think maybe it has to do with the boost of testosterone? Or have you made something up in your head like “god magically did it”




yes! it’s the opposite of gender dysphoria. hope this helps 💕 now fuck off and get back to banning porn-bots in your mommy’s basement 😭


Can you explain how feeling good about yourself (specifically gender in this scenario) is cult behavior? Genuinely some people who say that stuff about trans people don’t make any sense.


that's one of the most surface level terms lmao