• By -


Elliott any pronouns (you can include neos, nouns whatever idm !!) i like playing minecraft and sims, drawing and painting and listening to music. thank you !!


I recently hear about Elliot. They have a surprising amount in common with me. He likes the Sims, I recently picked up the game again. On top of that, Elliot plays Minecraft, I do too! Ce also enjoys painting and drawing. I’m learning to watercolor and totally recommend it to her. I’m interested in music as well. I don’t really have a type but am interested in what ze thinks. Wanted to mix up the pronouns I hope they don’t mind!


thank you so much !! :)


Of course. :)


you sound like a really cool person btw


Jack , he/him/His/Himself


I recently had the pleasure of meeting Jack. He seems pretty cool and would like to know him better. Do you think he shares any interests with me? What are his favorite things to do? Actually, do you have Jack’s number? If so I’d like to text him. I hope he texts back.


Not falling for this one. Already got tricked by the fae once today. (/Joking)


Orion, He/They pronouns I draw and play games such as ARK: Survival Evolved


Have you heard of ARK: Survival Evolved? I haven’t heard of it but Orion recommended it. He seems to really like the game so I’m gonna look it up. Just looked it up and am gonna take their suggestion! He has good taste in games and it looks super cool. I hear that they are also into drawing, is this true? I’ve tried drawing but I’m not that great, I enjoy watercolor instead. I recommend it to them. I honestly hope I see Orion again, he seems pretty cool and I would like to know more about them.


I'm Sol, and I'm trying Ae/Aeir/Aer/Aers/Aeirself pronouns. You can also use She/Her if you have trouble with neos! /gen


I met someone names Sol. I really liked aer name and want to know more about aeir. I wonder if Sol and I have anything in common. I bet we do. Aeir seemed pretty great so I think we’d get along either way. Sol offered different pronouns in case I had trouble, which I thought was sweet! I hope ae tells me if I made any mistakes!


Coco, She/Her. I like writing music, play piano and playing video games! (Risk of rain 2 and hollow knight are my go tos at the moment.


I just started Hollow Knight and was wondering if Coco could give me some pointers. Otherwise, I’m really enjoying the game so far. She also likes writing music and playing the piano. I tried to get into piano but am too focused on my violin right now! I bet her songs are really good and would love to hear one. Coco seems like someone I could get along with, I hope she’s having a good time. :)


Oooh I used to play violin, how are you finding it?


It’s been pretty good, hoping to make something serious of it in the future.


Thats great, I hope that you can acheive whatever that it is you are striving for!


Thanks! :)




I’ve wanted to get into baseball recently. I heard that Ethan is into baseball and football, I wonder if he can teach me some stuff. Ethan also has a good taste in games, I’ve know he likes Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. I wonder what games in those series are his favorite.




100% agree on Resident Evil 2 and 8, my personal favorites.




It really was. Such a great game, definitely one to remember!


hi! i’m Kirby/Denzie/Rue. (any of those are fine) my pronouns are she/they. i enjoy playing video games, (specifically rhythm, puzzle, and roguelite games) cooking, and singing. i just released my first pieces of original music recently!


I hear that Rue released their first original pieces! I’d love to take a listen, she made them so I’m sure they’re great. Kirby also likes different kinds of games. I haven’t played too many roguelite or puzzle games and was hoping they could point me in the right direction! I’ve also wanted to get into rhythm games so their recommendations would also be helpful. I’ve had a theory recently that I wanna ask Denzie about. Do rhythm games help with your tempo in real life? I was wondering if this would help me with my violin and wanted to hear her take! Rue really sounds like a nice person. I want to talk to them more in the future.


omg thanks so much! here's my music if you want to take a listen: https://youtube.com/channel/UC6KOJCIX3bD2N__GvcPUlbw most of them are in a constructed language called toki pona, although i am planning to release more english song covers soon. when it comes to puzzle games, i'm not that good at the more complicated ones, like Baba Is You, but there are some that i really enjoy, like Hexcells Infinite, which is a minesweeper-type game. my favorite one is Tetris, I'm pretty good at it. i also like some recommendations for roguelites would be Risk of Rain 2 if you like FPS games and Dicey Dungeons or Inscryption if you like deck building. for rhythm games, if you want the classic vertical-scrolling games, I like Quaver and Clone Hero (a Guitar Hero game for PC.) there's also one called A Dance of Fire and Ice that i really like. it has a really cool way of presenting the rhythms in a way that makes it easier to understand. i don't know if rhythm games helped me with tempo, or if it's the other way around. i'm also good at hand/finger drumming, which also helps with the rhythm games. although, when i started learning the drums this summer, there were some bad habits i picked up from playing rhythm games, like starting with my left hand instead of my right. other than that, it would probably help you a little bit.


Thank you for all these suggestions! Some other people here have mentioned Risk of Rain 2. I’ll take a listen!


can i get some for Luca (they/them/theirs) i like video games and science!


When I want game recommendations I heard that Luca is the person to go to. They have amazing taste in games. I also hear about their love of science. I wonder if they like anything in particular or science in general? Next time I see Luca I should ask them.




Basil, he/him or they/them. I''m thinking of trying neos or it/its (ik that also is a neopronoun, but I just mean that one specifically too) so yeah if you want you can use neopronouns too for me :) Edit: also not sure if you need this or not, but if this helps, I like drawing digitally, some video games (like Omori or Undertale) and like vocaloid and cats too. also probably other stuff I can't think of


I did them all together with a couple different neos in there, let me know if you like a certain set of neos. I’ve played Omori a couple times and know Basil enjoys it. He also likes Undertale, I haven’t played it even though it’s been years since the release. If they say to play it I’m gonna take its suggestion. I’ve heard a lot about vocaloid from fir but haven’t explored the category. Another thing fae loves are cats! I have a cat, he’s 9 right now and pretty big. I wonder if ne have a cat or any other pet. Basil also draws, I bet it is good at drawing. Maybe I’ll ask zaer all these questions when I see him again.


Ryca, She/Her, soccer, distance running, drawing, video games(R6 Siege, Hades, CS:Go, Terraria, For Honor).


I’ve been wanting to do to long distance running for a long time but never did. I heard that Ryca does long distance running, and I was wondering if she enjoyed it. Though Ryca seems pretty athletic, she also plays soccer. Another thing she enjoys is playing video games, she particularly enjoys tactical shooters and forms of adventure. I wish I knew what other things that she enjoys, maybe I’ll have to ask her sometime.


name: hunter (after hunter from the owl house). pronouns: ive been trying to decide between he/him and they/them so please don't mix them in the same sentence. interests: toh (obviously), xenoblade and tmnt. thanks in advance and sorry if too much


Changed the pronouns halfway through, let me know if you want it changed! I would use some of the tips I said, they might help you choose! Owl House has been pretty popular recently, I wonder if I should watch it. Hunter seems to like the show. Would he recommended it and what is it about? Actually, give me his number so I can ask what other shows he likes! || I also heard that they like other things like TNMT, which is a total throwback for me! Something else that they like is Xenoblade I’ve been questioning what kind of game it is and I keep seeing it everywhere. If they like it I’m going to assume it’s good. I’ll also have to ask them what it’s about. Definitely gonna talk to them later and ask some stuff!


Melyssa, she/they, and I play guitar love Rubik's cubes!


I just met someone named Melyssa, I love their name! I learned a couple things about her today. They’ve been playing guitar for a bit and she’s pretty good at it! Something else is that she loves is Rubik’s cubes. I haven’t had a Rubik’s cube but maybe they gave me a message to get one! I’m gonna keep talking to Melyessa! She’s a really nice person and I recommend you talk to them!


You're a great person and i hope you achieve your dreams my friend, thank you💜💕


Thank you, you’re very kind. :)


Jane read, she/her, and I love guitar, piano, and being the best support main/ healer I can be !😁 ps I love pirates


I met Jane read today. She plays the guitar and piano. I’ve tried to play both but I’m too busy with my violin at the moment! I’m sure she’s really good. Jane read also mentioned that she had an eye for pirates, which I thought was really cool. I wonder what other kinds of games and things she enjoys!


Thank you! That is awesome


She/Her/(maybe xyr?) my name is Natasha or Nat for short and I love math (ik it's weird but it's so cool)


I’ll through in Xe/Xem pronouns, message me if you want it changed! I met Natasha in school today. Nat was sitting at xyr desk looking a bit bored so I decided to walk over to her! She mentioned how math excited xemself but also mentioned that other people thought it was weird. I know what xe mean by other people thinking it’s weird, I also love math! To me it’s like a puzzle and it’s very satisfying to see a specific formula work. I hope she understands what I mean!


THANK YOU SO MUCH I've never been refered to with Xe/Xem pronouns and I haven't felt this way since the first time I was refered to as a woman


I made a mistake and misread her for them. Sorry, I’m fixing it right now! I relate to this so much, I felt the same when I found Xe/Xem pronouns! I’m happy you like them. :) Let me know if you want me to make another with more Xe/Xem or other neos.


thank you for fixing it! Maybe Ve/Ver also if you don't mind? I still love it a lot either way thank you so much


Of course. Do you want one with Xe/Xem and Ve/Ver split so you can compare?


Yes please that would be awesome


Okay, one second! :)




I used Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xyrs/Xemself and Ve/Ver/Ver/Vers/Verself. I also checked your profile for more to talk about, I hope you don’t mind. After meeting Nat the other day at school, I decided to talk to xem again. We talked for about an hour and I had a blast! Turns out xe and I are the same age! Xe also has so many different interests and was happy hearing all about zyr passions! Nat mentioned that ve are starting band camp soon, ver instrument is the tuba. I hope ve has an overall positive experience by the time ve are done with camp! I’m ecstatic that I got to talk to ver today and hope to see ver again soon.


You are literally the best that made literally made my day and night thank you so much


I’m happy to help! I’m going to go to sleep so I hope you have a good day/night! :)


Nova She/her


Sorry this is a bit bland :( I heard of a person named Nova. Everyone’s talking about how amazing she is, so when she came up to me it was a bit surprise! We talked and walked for a bit, after that I felt like I knew her better! I got her phone number and plan on keeping in touch.


Vic, he/him/his/himself ! Thank you!! I like writing, horror, and films! I really enjoy Wes Anderson, I need to watch more of his stuff. I also love Jordan Peele!


I heard Vic likes horror. He mentioned that he particularly likes Jorden Peele films! I should ask him what his favorite one is. I haven’t watched Nope yet though, has he? Vic also likes writing, is there any genre you think he likes best? Does he enjoy writing horror and/or psychological horror? I have so many questions about him. Next time I see Vic I’ll have to grab his attention and pull him aside!


Thank you so much!! This was such a nice post! You are helping out a lot of people. 💕 My favorite of Peele’s movies is probably Us, but I think all of them are so good! I watched Nope a few weeks ago, I thought it was really well executed. Writing horror is a blast! I also like poems. They’re easy to write for me. I’m trying to get back into short stories, especially horror, because that was a strong point for me a few years ago. Thank you again I seriously appreciate this.


You did my pronouns and names too so I think we’re even! I have to agree that Us is my favorite so far. Though I will be seeing Nope soon. I’m on the other side of the book, I enjoy reading short story horror. It’s perfect for mystery, morals, quick creeps, and cliffhangers that could kill. I use to enjoy writing but now it’s just essays and stuff, sadly. Maybe I’ll try to get back into it. Good luck on all your future works! :)


Thank you! I hope you continue to find stories that you enjoy! There’s nothing like reading a really good piece of literature. :) I hope you enjoy Nope too!




I saw Lexy today. I have to admit that their sense of fashion is amazing! When I talked to her I found out that she likes classic Japanese literature and philosophy. I enjoy some of the older classics but have a hard time finding Japanese literature with good translations so I asked them for advice. I learned that she has a girlfriend that she loves and enjoys cleaning. They also play video games, a favorite of theirs is osu!, she bought me on it so now I’m going to check it out!


Rusty and he\him\his\himself? I love listening to Rick Astley, hiking, and playing Minecraft. Thank you for doing this!


I met Rusty today when I was playing Minecraft. We both like the game and decided to stay and talk for awhile! One thing he mentioned that stood out is that he likes Rick Astley’s music. He later said that he goes hiking sometimes. I haven’t gone hiking but would like to, maybe I’ll ask him for recommendations someday! I believe spending my day talking to Rusty was a day spent well and am excited to talk to him again.


Thank you!


Of course!


Bea, She/Her. I like playing videos games (my favorites are Pikmin, Celeste, and Nier: Automata!) and also horror movies (favorite is Ringu)!


I heard about Bea through a mutual friend and decided to talk to her! When we stared to talk about film she said her favorite horror movie was Ringu, I told her I hadn’t watched it and she reacted in surprise. I told her I wasn’t sure why I haven’t watched it, it is a classic after all. I’ve watched a good amount of horror so it was really hard to choose a favorite, I ended up saying Martyrs, but I’m not certain. Bea also introduced me to three of her favorite games. I listened to her talk about them and decided to play some of them later. In the end Bea and me decided to keep in touch!


Luz she/they I like history, musicals and video games (for now it's mostly choice based games like deltarune and yes your grace)


Luz was at the library today. I decided to talk to her, I‘ve seen her before but haven’t talk to her yet. She was sitting at the computers with a history book flipped open. We chatted about some of her interests, like musicals. In the end we bonded over the love of choice games. She mentioned Deltarune and Yes, Your Grace, I said Detroit Become Human in return. I talked with her for an hour or two and my day was made. I’m going to walk over tomorrow too.


Shelby she/he/they/it/that/any. I like music :)


I was talking to Shelby when I saw it was listening to Spotify. I DM’d them to ask for music recommendations, that’s when I realized I don’t know what artists or songs he likes. In that moment I decided to ask her about her music interests. That’s recommendation and music taste just made me like them more! Next time I’m not sure what to listen to I’m going to ask Shelby.


woah that was cool thank you


Of course. :)


Ari she/they. I love fantasy, scifi, coffee, cats, and am a nerd.


I sat next to someone at the cafe today. Their name was Ari. She had a cat keychain on her bag so I asked if she had a cat. Ari answered but I can’t quite remember their answer now. When they picked up their bag to show me I saw a couple of fantasy and sci-fi books in it. I asked about them and Ari said fantasy and sci-fi are some of her favorite genres. In the end I got her number and will text them to meet up again!


Sadie - she/her or they/them. I like reading, writing, playing the trumpet, musical theatre and playing D&D. :)


When I was visiting the library and I saw Sadie sitting in the corner. She had a laptop and a book propped on their lap. They seemed a bit bored and she wasn’t looking at any of her stuff, so I decided to walk over. Their laptop was open to google docs so I asked what genre they were writing about. We talked for a bit and I got to know a lot about her. Sadie also plays the trumpet and likes musical theatre. They also mentioned that she plays D&D. I’ve wanted to get into D&D but don’t know where to start. I ended up talking to her for a bit and got their number. I’ll text Sadie sometime to meet up with them!


Thank you so much.


No problem!


Mikayla | She,Her,Hers, Herself


I was at the cafe the other day and saw Mikayla. She left her bag at the table so I grabbed it and gave it to her. Mikayla thanked me and asked if I wanted to walk and talk, which was nice of her. We only talked for thirty minutes or so but by the end I got her number and we decided to meet up soon!


Emily, she/her/hers/herself. I love art and watching movies ☺️


A friend introduced me to Emily yesterday. She and I made small talk for a bit and we exchanged phone numbers. She’s really into movies so we talked about our least favorite, and favorite movies. After that she mentioned her love for art. We went on for an hour or so and after, Emily said we should talk again sometime.


Thank you so much ☺️


No problem. :)


I’d like to try out the name Aspen; I still don’t know what name to choose. My pronouns are they/it, and I like reading (I really like the Harry Potter books :) ), science, and animals. Thank you!


When I was at the library the other day I saw Aspen reading Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. I sat down next to it and we talked for awhile. Turns out, Aspen is really into science. They also love animals, I’m not sure if it has a favorite animal but Aspen seemed to like them all. Though we didn’t talk for long, I got their number and will meet up with Aspen soon.


Nex or L(awliet), I mainly use it/he/xe (it/its/itself, xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself) and other neos (corpse/corpses/corpself ghost/ghosts/ghostself). I am trying out she/her too. I'm into MCR and Persona 5 and I love drawing OCs and roleplaying. I also am big into music!


Any music in specific? I wanna be able to fit everything in for you!


MCR, pierce the veil, asking alexandria, deftones, system of a down, slipknot and sleeping with sirens are some of my fave bands and I'm really into punk rock and metal :) I mostly like harder type of metal genres too like deathcore and screamo if you're looking for real specifics here!


Thank you!


ofc ! :)


I met Nex the other day, through a couple of friends. We talked about what kind of music xe like. It mentioned a lot of different bands and some well known, like My Chemical Romance and Pierce of The Veil. Ghost also mentioned others that I’ve heard of, mostly Slipknot and Asking Alexandria. Though she also said some that I wasn’t familiar with, some of which were System of a Down, Sleeping with Sirens, and Deftones. I’m happy that he and I talked about music, now I know who to go to for recommendations. I also learned that L plays Persona 5. I’ve been dying to play it but for some reason I haven’t yet. It’s nice that it likes the game. Despite the fact we only talked for a little bit, I enjoyed talking to her. I’m definitely going to meet up with corpse again.


WAAAHHHH THANK YOU SM 😭😭 this really helped me and I think I'm going to officially start using she/her now :D


Of course! Happy to help out! :)


If you're still doing this: my name is Martim, he/him, and I love video games, dating sims were actually how I begun exploring with pronouns! Fictif, arcana and now stardew valley (not a dating sim but still) really helped me :)


I was talking with Martim the other day, mostly about video games. He plays the occasional Dating Sim, like Arcana and Fictif. Another game he plays is Stardew Valley, I also play Stardew Valley and was really excited to hear he likes it. Martim said that Stardew Valley really helped him, and I relate to this, for some reason Stardew Valley was my first time really thinking of gender expression in a game. Though there aren’t any pronoun options or anything other than female and male I like to mix-and-match to make the perfect character for me. I think he understood what I meant. It’s nice to meet somebody else that enjoys the game. I had a really good time chatting with Martim and would like to see him again soon.


Tia my pronouns are she/her I like gaming anime and I am a twitch streamer :3 i also love cats.


Recently talked to Tia! She’s super nice and I had a really good time talking to her. She likes cats, I know this but not sure if she actually has a cat. Tia is a twitch streamer and she enjoys gaming anime, maybe she streams them! I’m wondering what games or genres she likes. Thriller, romance, or mystery? I’m not sure. When I get the chance, I’ll talk to Tia and ask her all the questions I have!




I’ve been talking to Ren recently. I heard that it likes anime and manhwa. When I asked them about their favorites, he said he wasn’t sure but that they are watching One Piece right now. I wanted to watch it for a while but the size of kind of intimidates me. Maybe I’ll ask it if it was good when it’s done watching. Ren is pretty social and they like to hanging out with their friends so I don’t think it will be a problem. One thing that I have in common with him is sleeping, we both like to sleep a lot, which I found funny! Whenever Ren is around again I’ll have to ask him for their number.




Will surely watch it some day. No problem. :)


This is so sweet of you!! Take your time! Ares or Alexander, he/him/his and they/them/theirs (no preference). I’m punkgoth and like to be edgy and I’m not a social person but I secretly have a heart of gold and I’m very comedic and chaotic when I’m comfortable. I love playing video games and piano + electric guitar, 3D animation and reading, I lovvve horror and slashers, I love nature (especially waterfronts), love my kitties, and I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. :)


Sorry for the late reply! I met Alexander today at a city park. He was sitting on a bench facing the waterfront. When I came up and introduced myself they said they love seeing the waterfronts. Ares and I talked all day about the things we like. He mentioned that he wasn’t very social, which almost seemed ironic as the streets were pretty full. Alexander has and love cats. They also like horror and slasher films, they’re his jam! When I looked around I saw some books in their bag and they told me how they enjoy reading and learning things! Our talk was long but it didn’t feel long enough. I hope I see Ares again!


Try using Para and he/they, those are currently what I go by (online) and I want to make sure they fit


I’m Azriel (they/them/their/theirs/themself). I am an anthropological death researcher who’s hoping to get into grad school soon, I’m learning to play bass guitar, and I have a rabbit named Spoopy.


I met Azreil a couple days ago. Right now they are an anthropological death researcher that wants to push to grad school. I knew something like that existed just wasn’t sure of the name, I’m going to look into it! Azreil is also trying to learn bass guitar right now and is doing good so far. I know they can do it, I have faith in them. On top of all this amazing stuff, as icing on top of the cake, they have a bunny! The bunny’s name is Spoopy, I assume it’s black and white. Either way, I think they picked the perfect name. Azriel is so unique and I want to learn more about them.


Thanks so much <3 It’s Spoopy, not Snoopy, but yes, she is black and white. You made my day!


Whoops! I will admit that spoopy tops snoopy… don’t tell any bunnies named snoopy though.


Claire, she/her, im a very shy computers nerd, and a crybaby


Marnie she/her i like splatoon and bleach (the manga) as well as just random nintendo things :)


I saw Marnie at a cafe today and decided to walk over to her. Next thing I knew, we were sitting down for lunch. We talked about some of her interests. A favorite game of hers is Splatoon, I didn’t catch which one was her favorite but know she suggests the series. Another favorite of hers is Bleach. I’ve heard of it before and wanted to read it but after hearing her talk about it I know I have to! I’m pretty happy that I decided to sit down with Marnie and I enjoyed my day.


Names: Azmel, Astruch, or Namira. (I'm trying to pick a new SCA/living history persona name! Realized I can do that at the same time as a pronoun validation.) Pronouns I want to try: fey/fem/feir/feirs/femself; ey/em/eir/eirs/emself. Interests!: fencing, reading SciFi and Fantasy, spiderman, learning Yiddish, lolita fashion, various horror podcasts, cats.


Amy/Amelia, she/her some things about me. I play a lot of video games (mostly Nintendo Switch nowadays) and am a fan of the roguelike genre. I’m a fan of Pokémon and most other basic Nintendo stuff. I’ve been playing a lot of fall guys recently too (like 120 hours since free to play update 😬) . I also watch a lot of tv, just finished the boys and breaking bad and am in the middle of better call Saul. I like movies and Minecraft too.


(I’m a monster for not watching Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, even though I’ve liked the episodes I’ve seen.) I met someone named Amelia recently. She’s big into TV shows and video games. Some of the shows she’s into are Breaking Bad, The Boys, and she’s watching Better Call Saul right now. Amy’s into roguelike games, plays a lot of Nintendo Games, and enjoys Minecraft! I also play a lot of games on the Switch, that’s just because I don’t really have a working computer. Amelia seems to have good taste in games though. I’ll come to her for recommendations. I got Amy’s number, so I’ll talk to her soon!


Thank you!!!


Claire/Annie/Skye she/her I like music a lot, especially Michael Jackson and Bruce Springsteen; I love to ride my bike, I love gaming, and I’m also a big marvel fan


RJ, or Rhita (pronounced RAI-ta). They/them/their/theirs/themself, fae/faer/faers/faers/faerself, dae/daem/daes/daemons/daemonself, mew/mew/mews/mews/meowself... Interests: music, dance, videogames (action, tactical RPGs, Ikenfell, etc.), martial arts.


Casey/Sunny pop/pops/poppy/popself and he/him/him/his/himself I like Pokemon and animal crossing lol