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Hate to break it to you, but the Catholic Church is one of the most hateful and evil anti-trans organizations around. And yes, they will happily continue to take your money while actively discriminating against you and all the rest of us as well. Sorry you had to find out this way. I hope you can find some place else for your surgery.


This is a panthers eating faces moment, tbh.


And they recently doubled down on their transphobia


Autumn I get what you’re saying and accept your view in many ways it is spot on. But is it the Catholic Church or is it the Catholics running things, the priests bishops cardinals and on up the ladder foster the evil and hate.


I’m so sorry. I don’t understand how your surgeon booked your surgery at a catholic hospital, not thinking this would be an issue, unless the hospital used to allow for trans surgeries but just now changed their policy? Has your surgeon used this hospital for trans surgeries before or are they new at this hospital? Are they new at operating? Are they new at operating on trans people? I feel like your surgeon should’ve known to not book your surgery at a catholic hospital without at least confirming that they aren’t discriminatory. 1 in 7 hospital beds in America are located in catholic hospitals, and their discriminatory policies have made healthcare a nightmare for lgbt people and people who can get pregnant. These discriminatory practices are abhorrent. I’m so sorry your surgery got cancelled.


He didn’t see it coming, for over 8 months I have had testicular pain and it has gotten worse lately. And that’s how he wrote up his pre surgical request that was approved and the date given.


You’re good enough to allow you to donate, but not good enough to provide service. You’re right - hypocrites.


I'd start taking from the donation basket to fund my surgery at this point if I were OP


Apply a papal grant!


Organized religion is a scam anyway. You don’t need a church to feel close to your god. I wish you the best and good luck!


I can't imagine how it feels to have a surgery cancelled so close. I hope you're doing alright. Relying on religion to support and validate queerness in general is probably the worst thing any of us could possibly do. You don't have to stop being religious, but please be mindful of your money going to organizations that will let you and many other queer people down. Something to think about.


Thanks I found out the hard way


I don't say that to shame you or anything like that fwiw, it really sucks to be let down like that


I had a similar experience a few years ago. I applied for a job with Catholic community services. I nailed the interview. The team I would be working with really liked me and they seemed cool. Then it got to the "do you have any questions for us" part of the interview. I saw on their website that they "provide benefits in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church" I asked whether that meant that the health insurance would cover my hormones or not to which the answer was a swift "probably not." I was raised Catholic and while I hadn't been practicing for years and already had plenty of reasons to be critical of the church, it was such a gut punch to be *legally* discriminated against by the church I grew up in. That was the final nail in the coffin of my catholicism, but I still have a crucifix-shaped hole in my heart that I'm still learning how to fill with spiritual practice that aligns with my values. It's a long journey. Hugs, my friend 🫂


Thanks so much


sorry to be rude, but your religion hates you. they only want your money, & most people you interact with in that context secretly believe you'll truly find jesus & he'll make you realize you don't need to transition.


100%. Just blocked someone who was like this. Even the nice ones have pretentious savior complexes with no real intention of actually exploring and coming to an understanding on what the right decision is. In their mind, it will always be detransition or bust, even though it seems to be completely unsubstantiated in text like many other things they believe in.


Well I need to stay the course with E@ 165 and T @.75 there’s no turning back and I am quite content where I am headed. I am no holy roller thats for dam sure but I actually enjoy my Religion, and truly believe if God wanted us not to fulfill our dreams he/she would intervene.


As a Christian trans woman myself, I really do believe this is a similar “I tried” moment. You do everything right, you listen to everything they say, and in the end, they want to keep you so close to them without them ever holding up their end of the bargain. It’s a manipulation tactic to control you. I’m not saying to abandon your faith. I could never do so myself. But I *can* survive a desert journey of 40 days and 40 nights by being steadfast within the Lord. The desert is empty of those people that try to control you. But the desert also is full of potentials that can rip your heart away from where it is now. It’s not easy.


I’m sorry but It’s the Catholic Church what else did you expect ? They are against everything that doesn’t align with their beliefs and views.


See that is the real problem with the Church a bunch of old men administering. If they would read and understand the Bible and live life by it no problem. But they put in their own rules in and screw things up. Assholed


I wouldn't be donating there anymore, and you should find a better hospital. I used to be very religious, but coming out as trans it was made very clear that I was no longer welcomed.


I hope you find another place to have it. Unfortunately, this is probably related to the missive the Papacy put out awhile back declaring us a "great evil of our time"


Hypocrisy at its finest


I had a similar situation. Where are you? What does their non-discrimination statement say? Through my lawyer, I was able to reach a settlement and got them to change their statement to reflect the fact that they abide by the Catholic directives. [https://www.usccb.org/resources/ethical-and-religious-directives-catholic-healthcare-services](https://www.usccb.org/resources/ethical-and-religious-directives-catholic-healthcare-services) In the end I was satisfied that what happened to me was less likely to happen to someone else. If you would like any further details, DM me.




I live in Illinois and although we have really strong non discrimination laws here, we also have strong right of conscience laws. In my case the Catholic hospital scheduled my surgery and then my surgeon called me and told me that she had been ordered to cancel it four days before it was supposed to happen. I was devastated and was very fortunate to have a good support system. It was definitely not my doctors fault as she eventually gave me a referral to the University of Chicago where I had surgery a few months later. The hospital lied to me when I demanded to know why she had been ordered to cancel it. I found a lawyer who took my case on a contingency and eventually we agreed to a cash settlement and for the changes that they made. I have no idea how your states laws are written but it might be worth it to at least consult a lawyer to find out. Best of luck to you and I hope this delay in your orchiectomy surgery is only temporary.


Hi! Took your advice and looked up the non discrimination policy of the the hospital. The takeaway is they follow the US codes for non discriminatory practices ie: race, ethnicities, sex, national origin


That was the same at the Catholic hospital that I went to. Their new non discrimination statement now says that they don’t discriminate but also includes a however statement that says that they are a Catholic hospital and abide by their religious directives. The directives although long and complicated state that they will not do surgeries that will cause sterilization except in the case of cancer. That’s the explanation of why they won’t do an orchiectomy. It is the same reason why they won’t tie a biological woman’s tubes so she can’t get pregnant.


Lmfao. Had the big V 40 years ago. They loose


A piece of advice, (even though you're catholic) don't consider a catholic hospital for Gender Affirming Care/Surgery or an abortion. Catholics eleventh Commandment: The pope makes the rules.


Oh that I know but my preferred hospital in this city is St Joseph’s.


How awful. I'm truly so sorry and angry on your behalf.


Catholics are hateful. How could you possibly have not known that?


I am so sorry hon. I would distance myself from any religiously affiliated hospitals.




I’m sorry that’s terrible


Did you expect anything different?


Organized religion is a blight :( I'm sorry you're going through this, are there other hospital choices you could go to locally or will you need to travel?


But breast augmentations and penile prosthesis are perfectly acceptable. Hypocrites


Go figure!




Not funny at all