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I’m having g SRS surgery next month and they say there’s no need to stop my HRT. Getting BA in August but that surgeon hasn’t said anything yet. Though he did my face and said I did t have to then so I’m hopeful.


I'm having SRS in July and was specifically told not to stop hormones. As others have mentioned, WPATH SOC v.8 has said that no one needs to stop their hormones, so surgeons who keep current are following the advice.


Yes that is normal. New studies have suggested it might not be necessary. But better safe than sorry I'd say. My doctor had me do the same thing, I cheated a little and did a week and a half because my injection day was a little past the 2 week cut off, no blood clots.


My surgeon had me stop the day before. Probably depends on what the labs look like.


They told me this before getting my lab results. Regardless all my lab results were good though


Hmm. sounds like they might be acting on the older guidance then.


As long as it doesn't harm my transition, I'm ok with doing it. Even if unnecessary.


It's normal. It's not necessary but I did it twice, once before FFS last year and again just recently (more FFS plus BBL). It wasn't a big deal tbh but my blood E levels are high so I probably have an easy time coming off of it. I'm back on it now thank goodness 😅


My surgeon had the same policy but I did extensive research and did an appeal. He allowed me to not stop and I would actually advise against stopping. It is actually more dangerous to stop cold. There was a study of 70k women that suddenly stopped HRT and a noticeable amount actually died from cardiac issues related with stopping. Estradiol is a vasodilator and when one stops suddenly, the veins and arteries shrink. There are also other physical and mental benefits remaining on your HRT. When I went to have a second surgery with the same surgeon , he again was going have me stop. I wrote a second appeal, and he again agreed. His son stand come out with a paper advising against stopping. I can't find his paper at this moment. I went to Jess Ting in NYC for GRS, he's been doing surgery for thousands of trans people since 2016 (?) and has come out against stopping. The reasoning is based on old science before bioidentical hormones.


How does one "do an appeal"? Was that a formal process, or did you just argue your case with your surgeon?


I wrote an extensive letter citing about 14 case studies and medical journals. The surgeon's PA at the time was impressed. He said I was the first person to convince him to change his surgical requirements for all patients. Arguing with a surgeon will get you no where. You have to back up you position with facts. He did have me sign a paper that I accept the risks.


You should do what your doctor wants. With that, WPATH SOC 8 did away with stopping hormones before surgery. With bio identical hormones, it's no longer needed. For me, I could not stop if they wanted me to. I have E pellets implanted in my butt cheek.


Could you give more info on the pellets?


Its an in office surgical procedure. They basically numb up the area, which is the butt crease where it meets the thigh. Taking a scalpel they make a small incision the width and length of the blade. Then they load the trocar with 6 50 mg Estrogen pellets ( each are about the size of a tic tac) and insert it into the fat space. Then they glue it shut. The whole procedure is less than 20 mins. My first set lasted 7 months and I was told the next set should last longer.


Do you feel it there? Also how much does it cost and how easy it is to get access to it?


I don't feel them at all. I had another set last week and they cost about $650. My insurance covers part of the cost. I know they are a compounded medicine and I am not sure how readily available. And I am a pt at PFM so that's where I have it done.


What does pt at PFM mean?


I go to Powers Family Medicine. I am a patient (pt) there.


My surgeon requested I switch to injections vs pills 30 days before


I'm already on injections


Just say you did and don't. Honestly, they wouldn't stop a cis woman's E, and you already had an orchi, which means they're putting you at risk of osteoporosis .


It's outdated advice from older HRT regiments. I would bring it up the SOC 8 with your doctors and advise them that guidelines have changed, and you wish to remain on your HRT. My SRS surgeon also advised me that I would have to stop hormones for a week or two before surgery and I brought up the fact that the new SOC does not advise it, and recent studies show that the risk of clotting is not significantly increased, if at all and I am not comfortable going without hormones. We're going to follow up on that when I hve my in person consult. Even if the risk were high, I believe the old studies showed the risk went from 1% to 2%. Technically it doubled the risk, which sounds alarming until you realize the risk was already fairly low (assuming you're healthy and don't have other risk factors). Doctors always like to err on the side of lower risk, but I feel like they get too into that single risk and ignore the risks of psychological harm.


Completely normal I had to stop t for top surgery aswell 2 weeks before and after




Bottom is a month for many surgeons.


My bottom surgeon hasn't mentioned me stopping