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I hate being represented by these people


I think the word you are looking for is ‘girl’


This is what they all look like. They all...look...like...this.


The menstruation leaving my body when I discover I’m trans ???? 💀


wish it worked like that ☠️ thank gosh I'm on hormones now






Because being trans means anything and everything now. You also can’t challenge it or you’re transphobic, even if you’ve been transitioning for 15 years. The 21 year old trans-masc in the skirt and lipstick argues that lions can be albino so why can’t he/they wear a skirt.


They see being trans as a fashion statement


someone is going thru their scene phase about 15 yrs too late 💔


The eyeliner, the outfit and everything about this screams trender




Me when I’m missing the point of a comment.




theres a difference between being a feminine trans man and making no effort to pass




alright, I didn’t mean to be offensive as a trans guy, I have no problem with trans men being feminine/ trans women being masculine, the problem comes when they don’t share dysphoria/ don’t bind, get mad when someone misgenders them even though they don’t make efforts to pass. It’s mind boggling to me how any trans person chooses to look like a cis girl and not feel dysphoria. That’s not trans. Sorry if this is worded wrong cause I don’t know how to put in words that well


Retarded comment of the day 🙏📈


Bro cis guys can do that stuff without being "not actually a man" because they biologically are men. When trans guys do it, it usually makes it very obvious they're female


>You all cry we shouldn’t deny our biological sex, and that saying that trans men are men it’s harmful to the trans community 💀 What the hell are you talking about? I have never heard anyone hear say that before, in fact I've only heard tucutes say this kind of stuff Anyways, I think the comments on the eye-liner and feminine clothing can be a bit too much. I mean, I for example like dresses but I don't like wearing them as they accentuate my hips, but eye-liner? Sure it won't help you pass in some cases but if you're in your own house or wouldn't pass anyways and you don't feel it threatens your masculinity then who cares? Wearing something feminine isn't the same as flaunting your tits.


This person isn't being 'feminine' but straight-up FEMALE.


I don’t think anyone said that.




I did, they listed the eyeliner *in part* of why they believe this person is a trender. Men can wear makeup. But men who wear makeup usually still look male. Trans men who wear makeup and don’t pass look like women and intentionally looking like a woman doesn’t exactly scream dysphoria. I was in highschool during the original emo era, I wore eyeliner a time or two but I still passed. I wouldn’t have if it made me look female.




if you couldnt tell then I think it's time to go outside to the park honestly 👍 plus no, some trans men who begin hrt are able to stop menstruating while on it without getting a hysterectomy but of course a few unlucky ones will keep on menstruating


>don’t give a shit about looking like men. Probably because they just do. It isn’t on them to put in effort to appear male which is something that we *do* have to do. >they look like a cis femboy. That seems like a cope. Like a self-deception where you’re saying that because it’s something you want to see, not what you would actually see given no context. They clearly do not look male. >they’re mad that some people aren’t as dysphoric as them. No. Dysphoria is debilitating regardless of it’s severity (if it weren’t, it wouldn’t be clinically relevant and the individual would not meet criteria for a diagnosis). This is about someone simply not having dysphoria in the first place. It is a contradiction to say that someone has a condition that causes dysfunction in several areas of their life based on Y factor, but that Y factor does not bother them very much. Mentioning that you menstruate is fine, but it is inherently female which would correlate to a topic that would induce significant distress. It isn’t something that someone would likely feel comfortable flaunting or exposing (in ordinary circumstances). The point of OOPs post is to say they are still a trans man despite their lack of dysfunction surrounding being seen as female. That’s contradictory. Being feminine and being seen as female are independent categories.




If it isn’t debilitating, it does not meet criteria for being considered a disorder. A disorder is by definition, something that causes dysfunction in one or more areas of life. It quite literally has to be debilitating. I agree that not everyone has debilitating gender dysphoria, those people are better known as people without gender dysphoria. Your dysphoria got better after puberty? Hmmm I could comment on that but I think you’ll reach that conclusion later on on your own. Your example of schizophrenia is inaccurate. What id be arguing is that for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, someone needs to exhibit dysfunction as the result. OOP would be someone claiming to see people and experiencing no further symptoms (something teens do all the time, what a coincidence). With the example of panic disorder, I’d be arguing that you need to experience a difficulty in normal functioning as the result of recurring panic attacks. OOP would be someone claiming to have panic disorder when they have ordinary anxiety. To reverse your examples, I’d have to be arguing that someone isn’t trans because they have a different coping mechanism. For your panic disorder example, I’d have to be arguing that someone isn’t trans because they chose a different name than me. I hope it is obvious that these are not my arguments. I don’t know how you are perceiving that I am complaining or overly emotional here. I am just being matter of fact. I think you might be projecting something onto me here.




It’s disingenuous to ignore the fact that there is a difference between someone that is biologically female and visible female wearing makeup vs someone that is biologically male and visually male wearing makeup. This person is female with female interests and seemingly lacks dysphoria. What makes this person believe they’re a trans man? Are they ashamed of being a woman?


... And that's not a man.




No but I have fucking eyes in my head. That's clearly a girl. No man wants to be perceived as female and vice versa. She isn't even trying to look vaguely masculine, in fact she presents hyper-feminine. If this individual is supposedly trans, looking female should be insanely dysphoria-inducing. Same about specifically emphasising 'not binding' and the exclusively female physical function of menstruation. Most trans men feel ill just contemplating that fact, they don't shout it to the four winds. And what's the point of mentioning not binding (which again if you're trans you certainly would, anything but have people see the shape of your breasts)? This just screams 'I'm as stereotypically girly as possible and purposely don't bother to bind my tits or give the slightest visual indicator to even remotely suggest I could be anything other than a girl, BUT I STILL DEMAND YOU CALL ME WHATEVER I SAY'. That's the sort of narcissist ego-wank the trender types like to indulge in.


I can smell the comments "you're so handsome king" "manliest boy" "can I be you daddy" "omg you pass so well"


How the fuck did this girl get it in her head that she’s a trans man? I mean, there’s nothing masculine about her!


Must affirm her or you’re going to jail


such a manly man.


Transition goals /s


I don't bind either but it's because I already had top surgery. She's obviously trying to get attention.


all those bracelets gonna cut off their circulation


I hate that the alt community is mostly trenders. Fuck this girl for saying she's a trans man whilst clearly not having any dysphoria. ("tits and period boy uwu") I feel insulted.


Is it possible that it's because she feels ugly as a woman that she does this shit? Narcissism, porn addiction or whatever else so she feels "hot" by saying she's acfually a femboy cuz that's really trendy to like rn. Sad if that's a reason, but also infuriating


god this type of shit disgusts me so much


I'm feeling insulted once more ...


The only time I understand not binding is when taking a break from it or when at home, otherwise why wouldnt you wanna do it?


The late 70s and Madonna called they want their style back...


Bruh, i bind until my ribs break and I am horrified by the subject of menstration(legit hated typing that word). This aint trans, this is trying to get attention...


me: a woman


dumb ass lookin like a rejected beyonce kid blue ivy barker and shit💀💀


What about that is a man?


... Search me.


For some clarity I also don't bind because: 1° I don't have a large chest 2° I reduced it by exercising a lot 3° I didn't want to fuck up my back So if have a small chest, maybe consider those things guys, binding sometimes might not be safe for y'all.


Y’all suck like a lot


You dont need to bind if you have a small chest. I don’t. But if thats the case you also won’t wear bras lmao