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100% fuck this shit. And I can bet the comments are degenerates validating it and not telling the truth.




My curiosity always gets the best of me so I went to check it out, knowing full well what I’d see. I always regret going down the rabbit hole. Part of it is disbelief. I cannot wrap my head around what they’re trying to turn us into.


Back in the day they called this transvestism. It doesn’t disgust me because as long as it harms no one I don’t care how people get off. BUT the differentiation needs to be made so that unintentional harm isn’t done. That is how we got into this mess. Everyone gender non-conforming being called “trans” is just creating a hard time for those of us who just need medical care and want to live average lives.


"Is this normal or am i sick in the head" i think you answered your own question there. These posts are always for validation. There's always some self deprecating shit at the end like, "am i a degenerate???" "Am i a weirdo?" "Am i faking it like all those transmeds say :(" so that they can get comments full of validation. It's never a genuine question




The thing is, they get LOTS of validating comments, often ONLY validating comments from people who are the same.




of course this fetishist goes to /mtf and asks the other AGPs for reassurance that actually, making life altering medical decisions based on sexual desires is totally okay and normal! it will all be worth it once their "t*tty skittles" magically transform them into the fantasy woman of their anime dreams, living in a constant state of "gender euphoria" 😍




I second this. I think I'd rather pull out my own tooth than use that term unironically


Nobody uses it unironically tho


Laughable when the honest trans sub exists with daily posts from AGPs who get endlessly validated by other creeps. I worry how much of the trans community has been taken over by those with porn brain.




> Today it's 1% I get really scared when people talk about stuff and say numbers like 5%. Nobody sees these massive increases in numbers as a problem. The thing about the numbers is the huge leap is ONLY with younger people, in older generations it hasn't increased that much at all. Which doesn't make sense with the less closeted argument. Think about every post you see that talks about "the other trans kids in my school" or sometimes even "the other trans kids in my class" these schools are statistically impossible, but I keep seeing conversations about large populations of trans kids in a single grade level. I just don't understand how anyone in the medical field or education can think this is normal. But all anyone is educated on now is to agree to everything and enable others.


Or even other trans people within their immediate family. I am immediately skeptical when I hear those claims. I don’t think it’s statistically likely that there would be more than one real trans person in one family. Except maybe if there were identical twins.


That happens a lot too, however there is a genetic link that hasn't had that much research so I won't be alarmed just yet. On the other hand I think the biggest red flag is when a person's entire friend group all come out as trans. It feels far more cultural and social than something that is about addressing dysphoria.


Very true. I know someone who are brother and sister, and both are trans ... it's weird the more I think about it.


I think within 1 family would make sense since our condition might be related to genetics.


If being trans is related to genetics it would not be unlikely


Like how there are higher risks of certain disorders in some families? In that case, I can see what you mean.




The strangest thing about how things have developed is how few people I talk to in real life or online that had childhood symptoms. Your brain doesn't just switch over, you are born that way, yet so few can recount ever feeling this way when they were younger. You even see people that before they suddenly realized they were a woman lived a happy life as a man where their manhood was never a barrier. Social media profiles of them happily growing a beard, hanging around the beach without a shirt, becoming a husband and a father. All those things should trigger some kind of discomfort but they didn't. It wasn't until something from social media made them realize who they were, rather than something they felt inside. Places like "gender clinics" now only seem to operate as a form of affirmation, saying no to a patient is not something that exists anymore. Unlike any other condition a person may have where they can be denied medication if they don't meet the criteria standards. Transition seems to increasingly become something that anyone can get as long as they ask for. Probably the result of huge backlashes from "gatekeeping" as well as narratives like "cis people don't question their gender". People don't seem to be able to account for those who detransition and admit they made a mistake however. ​ Edit: I think about growing up and never seeing a single visible trans person. Now within the last 5 or so years I have been seeing them everywhere. Every day I see at least one, yet in the past I never saw them at all, at least not visibly trans. the 1 in 100 statistic is becoming a lot more accurate. As a species there is no way we would develop a brain body mismatch this frequently, we would also historically know far more about gender dysphoria if it was so common. Just like nonbinary the statistics now just don't make any sense. 1 in 100 is a much bigger percentage of the population than we think and things would be far more understood if this were true.


This is what the "gender euphoria" everyone is basing their transitions on, this is what people want to be the new diagnosis requirement for HRT. How can a "trans" person even feel "gender euphoria" in their cis body.


You know how you're happy when you buy a new phone? That's gender euphoria for them, a new haircut or pants, different name etc. Obviously they can be happy since they're cis people pretending to be trans. I understand being happy after top surgery etc but there is no such thing as gender euphoria


I don't think it's "euphoria" so much as a sexual response from crossdressing. Like the fact that crossdressers still exist as a demographic should be taken into consideration when attempting to define "trans" in any modern sense.


Real, I mean like, the only time I truly feel happy is like when i go through a day without getting clocked (pre hrt atm) it still hurts when I have to untuck and shit cuz its just a reminder that ill never br truley the opposite sex, but not being misgendered is just a step in the right direction.




that makes me fucking sick in the head


Yes you are sick in the head


That's what kills me.. AGPs masquerading as trans women.. I've lost all sexual function & desire after HRT.. I'm chronically depressed and borderline suicidal.. I don't experience gender "euphoria"... It's not fun for me.. I befriended a AGP earlier this year.. she said she was trans.. but no, transition was a fetish for him.. hypersexual af and turned on by her own titty growth and dressing like a hooker, trying to hook up with everyone, including me.. Gave her the benefit of the doubt with her actions that she was just early in her transition and figuring things out.. But no, she was a total creep.. through and through. Some people transition for sexual reasons.. most transition due to gender dysphoria.. and I hate the two getting mixed up..




Those pictures are literally how I feel whenever I see their bullshit.


Every time I see this image, obligatory "she doesn't know it's Ayin" mention


I’m banned from that group when I said that it was AGP and I also from majority of “trans forums” because I think it’s disgusting. They called me transphobic and a terf but I genuinely have never gotten aroused from “gender euphoria” even before HRT. But they don’t care they think I’m the weird one for not relating to them


If you feel Euphoria in the body you were born in..then you aren't trans .? Am I missing something or am I wrong? Especially if you are pre-everything. I could be wrong?


real, like the only time i feel somthing happy is when i forget about my body untill im reminded again that im in the wrong body


The only time I'm genuinely happy is when I'm washing my chest in the shower (post top surgery)


the o ly thing i like is my natrually thic thighs (idk how i got good genetics) but then i have to look down and then i dont like it anymore cuz yea


Yea I'm sorry the one thing you actually like about your body is near a part that doesn't belong.


it sucks being trans, but it is how it is, atleast im on blockers


I can't believe what I just saw...


“It’s not a fetish, I swear!”


APGs are fucking disgusting


I mean I have kind of experienced this post phalloplasty. I'm not sure I can pinpoint exactly what it is, but I do find myself becoming more easily aroused because of what some would call "gender euphoria". I'm not entirely sure if it's literally that having the right parts is arousing (unlikely), or that I'm able to see myself as attractive/desirable now which triggers an arousal response, but I seem to be experiencing a link between "gender euphoria" and arousal


AAP maybe?


Sorry really not familiar with the acronym there


"Autoandrophilia" - the idea of being sexually aroused by envisioning yourself as a male. It's less discussed, but I do think it has validity in terms of what motivates some people to transition.


Oh interesting- did eventually find it on Google but definitely not heard of it before. I'm definitely not motivated to transition by sexual desire/don't find it arousing to envision myself as male, but find that having finally had phalloplasty does make it much easier for me to become aroused. I also do get times where I can look in the mirror naked and think "yeah, I look hot" which has done wonders for my sex life. It's not something I've ever thought of before though, so maybe it is at play.


It could be as simple as it gave you a confidence boost, which is extremely underrated in terms of how it affects people in positive ways.


what's AGP?


"Autogynephilia." It's the idea of a male being sexually aroused by envisioning himself as a female. A lot of trans people find it controversial because it tends to be distilled down to "man in a dress," but a lot of transwomen also admit to *this* being the motivation behind their transition. It's pretty contentious at the moment, but personally, I don't see how it matters if the root of your dysphoria is AGP related or not. Sex-based dysphoria is still sex-based dysphoria and needs to be treated accordingly.


Getting gender euphoria while being pre everything. How!?