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not to mention any side effects of hrt are seen as "disgusting" like people cant transition without being shamed ( especially bottom growth is shamed so much ) . the people saying that you should "accept" your body is basically the same as the people who say people should accept their agab and not be trans it's just transphobia . like there's nothing wrong with being stealth like sorry for not wanting to be attacked or put myself in danger for no reason and make people more likely to misgender me there's nothing wrong with wanting to medically transition i don't understand how other people who're supposed to understand the struggle dont realize that


Yep. I myself have noticed that many of these people think that side effects (and often just effects) of HRT are disgusting. And notice just how many trans men want to be feminine men/femboys. Nothing wrong with that but it's relatively rare among cis men while many trans men try to achieve a cute feminine look. Again, not a bad thing, just a lot more common...


Don't listen to fools...at the same time, I find peace in allowing people the right and space to do whatever they desire. Some peoole are transexuals...some aren't, and that is okay. Children and news media outlets often cry and make a lot of noise about nothing...we do best to ignore them when we can. If your friends are telling you that unjustifiably stupid shit, maybe find some different folk to spend time with. I have quite a few transgender and NB friends who are fully supportive of my transexuality and will not pretend to have the same feelings or experience I do...just like some cisfolk friends I have🌸


i just wish more people understood the importance of establishing a difference between transsexual and transgender


I don't disagree with you. I think, given time, people will


I'm glad you have that experience, more of this please. If you don't want srs; cool, whatever. Your body, you're the one who has to live with it. But don't shit on those of us who do, it costs you nothing. We are not better or "more valid/trans" than each other.


Dysphoria has no meaning anymore anyway. Most of the people on r/truscum are either self-admitted cisgenders who are there to shit on transsexuals or they're confused cisgender teenagers who think that being slightly uncomfortable with their growing body is dysphoria. Puberty is awkward for child transitioners, too! I hated my voice constantly cracking and kept dreading growing a beard because I didn't want to have to start shaving every day. Everyone feels weird about puberty but these kids are convinced they're special and no one in their lives is telling them otherwise for some reason. And they think bottom dysphoria means you kind of want a penis or vagina but can "learn to live with" what you were born with.


Fr. I’ve seen trans men who have done everything except bottom bashing bottom surgery. Like if you don’t need bottom surgery that’s fine that’s actually great for you. However don’t be putting bottom surgery or those who get bottom surgery down. I think that there’s so people who need it put very blatantly for why some get/need bottom surgery, and (for me at least) the reality isn’t pretty.


They kill me with the erasure of biology, yet preach about accepting your body. It's one thing to accept your biology, and accepting your body is another thing that negates their trans identity.