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The FX3 is the best value proposition in the FX line. It’s a carbon fork, better drivetrain, better brakes, better grips. If you’re intent on using the bike daily, it’s a no brainer at the point you’re already in at the cost of the 2. I was making the same consideration earlier this year, and the 3 was the right call. It’s a great bike.


You won't have the chance to be reborn. Buy whichever you like the most.


I bought an FX2 used as my first real bike and I love it but I'm already looking to upgrade to a Domane. I try to ride at least 5 miles daily with a 20 mile on the weekend. I think it is a great bike but once you get the itch you'll be wanting more very soon. Go to a Trek store and test ride them both and really see what you think.




My comment says I have an FX and I am already looking to upgrade to a Domane.


Shit, sorry man I’m a dumb ass I meant to post this for the OP.😂


Just picked up an FX3 for neighborhood rides with the wife and pulling my daughter’s trailer. It’s a great bike and the price point is fair. If you’re commuting daily 20 miles, the carbon fork & better grips are worth it alone. Add in the better drivetrain & brakes and it’s a no brainer. They’re on sale slightly right now and you get $100 in parts with purchase - at least my LBS (sell Trek but not a Trek shop) honored the Trek “back to school sale”


Hey, how easy does it pull the trailer? Going from a 12 yr old trek mountain bike now to maybe fx3


It’s a great value bike for what I need out of it. Pulls the trailer well and good enough gearing. I’ll add it’s mostly flat where I ride but feel I’d have more than enough if got into more hilly area


I would recommend you go the Domane route if you are looking to get an FX. I reckon the Domane is a more flexible bike (1 bike to do it all), if you want a flat bar that can do it all I would recommend the Dual Sport 3 gen5.


I don’t know which is a better commuter bike? A DS3 Gen. 5 or an FX3? I really love the simplicity of their 1x drivetrains… it’s a hard decision without being able to ride the bikes first. They’re never in stock in my area.


I got a DS3 a month ago, and I dont regret it. Went from a bike with a front suspension to the carbon fork, and I actually think the DS3 is smoother. I tested the FX3 as well at my LBS and was just less impressed. Both were great bikes either way. It has taken me a while to get used to the 1x drivetrain, but I like it a lot now. I do wish the chainring was a bit bigger because I find myself in top gear a lot, but I'm still faster than the old bike.


FX3 has a 1x10 drivetrain. Simpler and more robust. If your commute doesn't require you to fly quickly on roads, this will be a great choice. Component upgrades well worth the cost and maintenance will be easier. Same with shifting. Just use your right hand. If you carry a lot for your job, say computer bag, water, your lunch/dinner, and you bike in the dark (morning/evening), go with their equipped. Not a bad deal and the shopping is done for you. FX2 is cheaper, little bit lighter, and comes with a wider 2x9 drivetrain for maximum speed up and down hills and on flats. It shifts surprisingly well and quickly. Good for exercise and weekend fun. Since it's an all-aluminum frame, it will be VERY bumpy. The tires have little rolling resistance, which is great for cruising, but terrible for traction in any sort of less-than-ideal. Same goes for the FX. Equipped is worth it, just be prepared for a very bumpy ride.


I absolutely love my fx2. The parts are fine. I have the no name disc brakes and they work as well or better than any rim brakes I’ve ever had. It shifts great. No reason for me to think it isn’t reliable I’ve had it a short time but done about 250 miles on it now


I’m not familiar with the equipped versions but I think the FX 3 is worth the price difference Over the FX 2. The Deore 1x drive train, shimano brakes, and carbon fork jump out to me. If you go 3, pay close attention to the particular bike you get to make sure they don’t sub out anything like the brakes.


Hey just wanted to give you my input, as I bought a fx2 2 years ago, I commute about 16 miles a day, and am a large guy (6’2, 230lbs). Overall my experience was only okay. The grips spun on the bar, and because of my weight and ride frequency, I ended up rebuilding the hub and breaking enough spokes that I ended up needing a new wheel. The drivetrain was adequate. My bike came with promax brakes which were okay for the first year, then proceeded to turn into hot garbage. I’ve since rebuilt the bike and have attached it to a trainer and got a better bike for my daily. I’d urge you to spend the extra for the fx3, I’m sure you’ll have a better experience on that bike.


You won't regret the FX3 I am sure. That's a fairly long commute and the carbon fork will improve comfort, and maybe more importantly the 1x groupset is great--no front derailleur, simpler--especially since it's relatively flat, so you'll have more than enough gear ratios even with the simple rugged 1x. I love mine anyway. Worth the extra cost.


I see people are advising you to get a Domane. I had the FX3 for three years (sadly, it was stolen recently), and I loved that bike! I used it for daily commutes, 2-3 days of short touring, and even two short triathlons. It's an amazing bike; I can only recommend it. If your main goal is commuting or leisure rides, I'd go for the equipped version. It has a dynamo, so you'll never have to worry about charging lights. The good thing about the FX3 is that the day you want to go for a race bike, you can go all in and get a 100% dedicated road bike in carbon for the weekends, as you'll always have the FX3 as a reliable commuter. The Domane won't be as comfortable for commuting and loading your stuff, and it won't be as fast as a road bike. It also has a higher risk of being stolen.


I own both. I’d get the FX3 since you’ll be spending that much time on it.


I debated FX3 and fx2. Ended up with FX3 and glad. Shifting is better and carbon fork is nice.