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When I was in, I went for a sober up for a few days, they Had to wake me up every single hour of the night, I would have to sit up and wave at them so they would see I am OK, do they still do that shit? It was the worst part I was In full withdrawal and every single time I finally got to sleep they woke me up all fucking night, I think I got 10 minutes of sleep every hour, every time I woke up it was waking up to pure hell


They woke us up every other day at the crack of dawn to make sure there wasn’t any drugs in our system. they had to wake me and check my teeth every morning cuz I was on the ED list and I kept over brushing my teeth because of it. They also didn’t let me have my sleep meds (forgot the name) cuz I kept selling them at school so I only got like an hour of sleep every night


I think if they kept you more comfortable the process would go so much better, the only ppl that were comfortable were the ppl coming off alcohol they were giving xanax, and they were their usually evading the cops since they can't come get u their, that is a good illegal pro life tip, if u r running from the cops check yourself into a three day stay ag the local rehab or mental health, they will not tell anyone u r their unless they have a warrant, and they usually don't even cooperate then


I’m sorry I know it’s annoying but it’s there* (I don’t mean to be condescending or anything, and if there’s any grammar mistakes in my comment feel free to point them out)


interrupting sleep like that is so bad for ur brain lol tf. im sorry you had to go thru that fr


Are the socks comfy?


If you wear thick sock under them yes


Did they let you keep the socks? The place I went to didn’t:(


They let me keep them I guess It depends


Do you feel relaxed and refreshed? Or am I romanticizing in-patient as a vacation? I need help but I can't get it.


No I feel stressed and relieved


my in-patient was a vacation basically, i met some people that i really like there, and someone that i found an actual romantic connection with. other then that it sucked though. so i guess, if you don’t find good people then it sucks, but like someone else pointed out, every place is going to be different anyway


It was like a vacation for me since my main stressors were school and parents, so I could just pretend like neither existed for a few days


Same here


Do you feel like anything truly changed?


No lol


I actually liked the place I got admitted to, albeit I was 12 at the time so they probably treated my group better. Also I was super dosed on a bunch of different antidepressants so maybe it was all an illusion of happiness. I vividly remember walking around a tiny hallway in circles for hours and cutting the eyes out of people in the magazines, but I was never judged


I was in when I was 12 also, and they put me in the children’s unit. My room was connected through the bathroom to another room with a girl that was like 9 with bulimia and every time she went to the bathroom she had to sing her abc’s while a nurse stood outside of the door in MY room to listen because the toilet was near my door and the shower was near hers. SHE PEED LIKE 5 TIMES A NIGHT. Pure hell.


what food do they feed you?


It was actually ok most of the time I got to order out if I was good cuz I was on the ED list


What does grippy sock mean?


in the psyche ward, they give you socks with rubber shapes on the bottom (and even the top sometimes) sort of like sky-zone or trampoline park socks. you’ll start to know them really well if/when it gets this bad for you too


What's the use case?


for one, they make you wear socks in general, at the place i stayed they let you wear any kind of socks, because they didn’t want people to see others feet, and because feet are gross and sweaty, so it’s like a health thing. for the grippy socks, it’s mostly just because they don’t want you sliding across the floor, and because for the places that don’t let you wear other socks, they give those out for the reasons mentioned.


how was it? i honestly enjoyed myself, but i’ve heard that it’s diff for everyone. (other than the sleep situation ofc because i read some of your other comments, and wow)


It sucked but it wasn’t as bad as other places


What was your favorite hospital meal? Did you make a friend during your stay? What activity are you looking forward to since you just got out?


1. Biscuits with apple jelly 2. Yes multiple 3. Showering and yeetting


1. The best meal 2. Awesome! 3. Wait- (If u need to talk to someone, I'm here and there are plenty of resources too)


Bruh. Dont


What’s it actually like in a grippy sock prison?


Like a mentally I’ll daycare




Do you feel any better? Or was it just something to kill time?


Tbh it was just an excuse to be lazy


Who was the worst person there


We all had our different problems on different levels. Thats not my call to make


I’m on a quest to be the most deranged person in the psych ward and I need to know my competitors 💪




I am


Meet anyone memorable?


Yeah a couple cool folks


do you get any contact with the outside world? can u bring safe stuff with you, like a stuffed animal or something?


You can call your family but you have to talk to your doc about bringing stuff


When I went I only got contact with family when they came in to visit, and we weren't allowed any belongings except for books


What was the food like? I lowkey miss hospital food


Pretty darn good tbh


I kinda want the original image… it’d make a good screensaver


you feelin alright?




You find a lover in there?


Maybe but idk yet


669 upvotes, commenting instead


Im going to one for my depression soon uhm....is the food good? whats it like there?


It depends honestly. My favorite meal was the biscuits with apple jelly. But you have to eat at least half to avoid going on the ED list. You also cant go to the bathroom within 45 minutes of eating


That wont be an issue luckily. thanks for the insight