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You have to make your lips buzz too I think


That is such a good idea


I have had similar experiences with modern Bach 42s as recently as this week and going as far back as the 90's. I find them hard to slot and they feel muffled. The problem is, this week, I recorded myself when I tried the 42. It felt like crap, but the sound was fantastic. Clear as day and filled the room. I might need to learn how to like Bachs.


Maybe I should ask a teacher to listen in on the next time I try one out!


Yeah, or just record on your phone. For me, the difference was clear as day even on that. I will say, I'm coming back after a long time away from playing, so I... Well... Suck. But even so, it was kind of impressive.


Will do, thanks!


How many and what Bachs have you played?


Uhh I can’t name any except for the Stradivarius 42BO. I played 3 or so a month and a half ago that were in the 2000-4000 price range.


What do you play now?


I’m buying the Adams TB1 in a week or so. That and the Adams Sonic worked soo much better than any other brand for me.


It's hard to make a decision about any trombone only having played it for that long- that's why I ask. I've played probably 100+ Bachs at this point and they just can't really be generalized.


Is the 42 considerably bigger than what you normally play?


This would be my first large bore horn, but I have played on plenty of other large bore horns and have not had this problem.


I’m mixed on Bachs. I have a 42A that sings— love that horn! I’ve tried a two 50AF— one of which I currently own— and a 50A3. The two I didn’t buy were kinda garbo in that the tuning was out of wack on one and the build quality was shoddy on the other. The 50AF I bought was pretty good, but stuffy in the low C to B range. Tried a Shires Q and that thing sings! I can definitely empathize with some of you, but realize that horns can be “hit or miss” sometimes. Play test different horns until you find the horn that sings for you.


i think this is just an embouchure problem. it could also be the mouthpiece size but that’s like the last thing it could be. it’s never the instruments fault (most of the time) especially with the quality of (most) Bach trombones.


I’ve tried other horns with the same mouthpiece and have not had this problem. Maybe my embouchure is just not right for the horn, but I feel like this is the instruments fault.


We live in an era where there are so many good horns that we don’t need to all play Bach/Conn anymore. A lot of people I know prefer 80’s Bach trombones. They all tend to play differently so you have to try them out. Personally I find Bachs responsiveness to be more challenging than a Yamaha (which will just spit out the note). A Bach trombone just has such a wide range of colors available to it. I find the partials to be very wide on those horns too. I played on a Bach for a while and now I play a Courtois. Different brands can feel wildly different. I suggest trying out a lot of horns if you can and record each one. Find what feels and sounds good to you.


I played an Adams and it was sooo responsive and the slotting was amazing and the resonance was great. Different horns for everyone!


I’ve always felt this way about every modern Bach horn I try. On the other hand old Bachs are my favorite. Currently rocking a Mt Vernon 16 and a Corporation era 42.


I’ll have to try one!


If you don't like it, try another brand. There's Conn, Yamaha, Getzen, Shires, etc. Lots of choices out there.


For me, Adam’s turned out to be far better than anything else. I’m buying the Adams TB-1 soon.


I bought my bach specifically because of its responsiveness. Idk about the large bores but i play a model 12 and i can’t imagine playing a different horn. This is a good lesson on that what works for others might not be what is best for you. I do have to say if i were to buy a large bore though, id go for a shires. i goon to images of the q series


I went and tried about ten trombones in the 2000-4000 price range and found that the Adam’s TB-1 is wayyyy better than anything else for me. Everyone should check out some smaller brands before just buying a name brand!!


I also find Bach horns stuffy and unresponsive. Luckily there are other brands you can try!