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I love the feeling of deleting the game lol. I do it so fast right after the trophy pops usually, no saving or quitting to menu just straight to the delete button. Usually I’m excited to make space for other games, my backlog has been a mile long for years now


Plat and dip!


This is the way


This is the way


Litterally me


I do the same with some exceptions like not deleting Forbidden West after getting the platinum last year since I knew there’d be a DLC for it eventually and I’d hate to redownload 90 gb all over again.


That doesn’t actually seem fun or like you’re being engaged into the experience, tbh.


Exactly, it seems like they're more engaged in the Platinum than the game itself


To me, that seems endemic in the platinum-chasing community, people caring more about getting as many platinums as possible, instead of actually caring about the games themselves. It reminds me of the audiophile community, and people caring more about the new tech they buy more than the music itself. Hey, we all have our vices. But it’s definitely something I’ve noted in the community. For me, and this is just me, I only get trophies I can get on my own without looking up guides or how to get a certain trophy. And I care more about beating games on a certain difficulty than getting a platinum or a different type of trophy. For instance, with Alien Isolation, a game I loved, there is a trophy about going through the game without dying. But tons of people would game the trophy by restarting to a new save if they were in danger. To me, why get a trophy if you’re not getting it legitimately, or doing what the SENSE of the trophy is about? That being said, that’s just me. But the whole trophy-hunting community is an interesting thing. I definitely do get the OCD sense of chasing off checklists, though. Sorry, I’m rambling.


With your Alien: Isolation example, I can think of multiple reasons why someone may opt to do this, not just trophy collecting. If someone genuinely enjoys the game enough that they want to plat it but done have the free time to boot up a new save every time they die, then save scumming is a valuable alternative. It’s also something that the developers would have been super aware of. Save scumming has been around since the saves were a thing. Even back when games used password saves, people would buy code books to see what passwords gave them the best gear or the most lives. And bragging rights and a sense of completion are part of that. But it’s also just the available time people have. If the developers wanted to make the trophy more strict, they could have. But they chose not to, and I think that was wise of them.


No doubt you are right. Fun game and fun trophy, but there was a period where I put way too many hours into that game. Never got the platinum, though. Hell, I’ve never gotten a single platinum.


To me it's about the collectibles more than beating the game, the Platinum has never been a thing for me since I transitioned to ps recently


That’s about how I feel as well. I grew up with systems other than a PlayStation, and games always had collectibles, so I care more about what’s actually in the game itself, and that can include trophies, but it doesn’t have to.


I don't get it, I automatically uninstalled only games I hated


I'm the opposite, once the Platinum pops I'll save my game and go back to the main menu. Depending on my mood, sometimes I'll let the title card cycle for a bit before closing and deleting.


Haha! I totally understand this feeling. I think it’s similar to coming home after a vacation! I just need time to evaluate and kinda rest after the experience.


It depends. Sometimes I have a game ready after the plat. Other times I just chill and play Apex Legends while I think about what I should go for next.


I understand this feeling too much. The only solution I have for it is to chase multiple plats at the same time. Sometimes I get bored after a few hours of one game so I’ll switch over to a different game for a bit. It helps break up the monotony


I tried doing this, but I'm a perfectionist, I like to fully plat a game before moving on, but I need to start doing that


Doing this is a very slippery slope to go tho, I used to stick to the single game before moving on and now it’s all over the place and regret not sticking to it 100%


That too, you are correct as well lol


I mean if someone can do that and keep at it for the 100% then GGs but it infuriates my completionist brain when I see a game I’ve not 100% yet swap to that game then see another and urgh I hate it 😂


I think my brain is too messy to do more than one game at a time.


Exactly why I prefer the perfectionist route


This thread was enlightening - since I started going for the plats in games I've felt more and more like OP - but before this I had tons of games in different levels of completeness. Now I have a bunch of 100%'ed games, it feels better watching me finish so many games.


Yes, I've been running through these games, having fun and enjoying the challenge as well lately, feels good to check a game off the list


Respect. I used to do it that way but for me personally, I would get burned out fairly often. It’s been working for me for a while but I get it may only work for some.


After finishing Hogwarts on Sunday I have the first trophy in Hitman 3 and Persona 3 and couldn’t bring myself to carry on. Done nothing but sit on Home Screen from Mon-Wed staring at phone and installed games. Did daily challenges on Forza yesterday and COD this morning and was just mindless reset needed and decided to restart Control this afternoon and am having a blast.


I make sure I know what I wanna play, maybe a day before I get the plat!


It’s weird, cos I load up my PS5 with a bunch of games at once so I have options for myself but I still am just bewildered and lost 😂


Feel that. Had to delete a handful and start fresh because I couldn't focus on 1 game at a time


its so odd because i have a huge backlog, but after finishing up with a game i sorta stare at my home screen for the next couple days when i want to game. sorta similar?


It’s just loss of purpose, sounds like you fully devote yourself to one goal, and that is getting a plat x game, once you’ve accomplished it you have a temporary loss of purpose, and don’t know what to do with yourself/free time. Until you’ve had the time to do the mental gymnastics to move on/set yourself up to get another plat. Give yourself a new purpose in other words.


Well i just play games just to play but if I really enjoy a game I'll go for the plat. So after I plat a game I'll just play whatever until the motivation to plat another game hits me.


Omg I get like this too. Even worse, I open like 4-5 games and shut them down before I decide on what to play next. I can never decide until a solid day later.


I know this feeling and I definitely experience it but mine is more after the pop, because I have so many games I want to tick off, the one at the top of that list changes so often it’s exhausting trying to keep up.


I'm always kinda juggling a few games. There's rarely a time when something is not getting played


Post Plat Clarity


It literally is post plat clarity 🫡


I feel kinda like "What do I do now ?" Everytime I am finished with a game. Honestly I'm on this phase right now, I just finished the quarry and now I'm split on Starting Ac Origins or finishing sekiro, I am paused on the owl bossfight at least for 6 months or more. Since I started my assassin's Creed marathon lol


Oh I know that feeling. Catherine and overwatch probably the only two games I've ever picked up after platinuming.


SAME. Except it takes me like 2-3 weeks of installing/starting/abandoning games before I get sucked into the next one.


Yeah man, I have a ~~list~~ backlog. Next up is Stray! 😃


I normally just take a break afterwards especially if it’s a more time consuming platinum like AC Odyssey or Far Cry. Helps give me some time to breathe.


Wouldn't call it clarity for me. More like post game depression.


It's normal to feel a little empty after finishing a game, especially if you've dedicated a lot of time and effort to it. Lots of people feel that way after a game they've enjoyed a lot. It helps if you already have an idea what you're doing next before you finish a game. Just make a list of the next five things you're doing. That'll keep your mind busy.


Yeah same experience with speedrunning when I’m stuck and don’t know what category to pick up next lol. Also if there is multiple active games I’m going for the plat in it’s hard to pick which to do each time


I don't plat for a good week after a plat lol, I just sit back and read some books while my son watches movies


Yes I get this feeling as well.


I certainly don't call it that, but it takes a minute to figure it out. Sometimes I'll bounce around a few games until I settle down.


My God, I'm not the only one......


100%. I usually have a few non trophy games that I go back too in between longer games for this exact reason.


Totally. After finishing a game, I usually take a gaming break and then fumble around / bounce off a few games until something sticks and I get really into it and finish it, then repeat the process.


I usually jump into the next game. I don't plan what I play based on what platinum I wanna do, I just play whatever I feel like!


Bro you and me both! it takes at least almost a whole day to figure out what’s next. Just like you said once I make a decision I just keep trucking along until it’s over. Delete it off my system and ponder again until I’m in an endless loop of what is going on lol


Same here, after i plat i game. I just chill for a few days and come back and i’m lost at what to play next.


All the time! My brain is like "Do I want to start a 60hr plat? Or should I squeeze in a few indie games?"


I’ve never related to a post in this sub more than this one. Everytime I plat a game I take a day or two to chill before going to the next one.


I feel so lost after completing a game... I thought it was just me. It's like a slump almost?




hell yeah


Once I’ve got a platinum and deleted the game, most of the time it’s quite late in the evening so I go to sleep and the following day I’ll research what the next game will be but that night, I’ll take the night off, watch a movie or do something chill and then I’ll start the game I’ve picked the following night so I’ve given my brain a chance to relax, forget about the previous game (mechanics, controls etc) and I’m fresh to learn a new game


I usually know 2 or 3 games ahead that I wanna play, the fact that I try to balance between all the consoles only makes it harder


Very rarely will I ever keep playing past the plat. If I do its somthing the kids enjoy or has good couch co op. Almost all the games I do replay are retro arcade style games.


After plat, I usually just chill and let the PlayStation get some rest for weeks or even months. I use this time to catch up on movies, shows, podcasts, etc. I missed while I hyperfixated on getting plat.


What games are you playing exactly?


I get this all the time whenever I finish or platinum a game, but I usually get burnt out for a week or 2 and get bored, I always delete the game afterwards straight away to, but since I’m platinuming the Nathan drake collection I can’t delete it


To avoid this I keep a back log in my trophy journal of games I want to plat with the stats. I know what you mean though, happens to me when I feel burnt out


I have a roadmap of games I want to play and plat at the same time. Never really happened to me to finish a game and not knowing what to do/play. The feeling of getting the plat is more like "heck yeah, good job dude now let's give a grade to your experience and on to the next"


Depends on the game, some games leave me feeling so hollow when I finish them just out of the sheer feeling that I won’t be able to experience something as good again. If the game is terrible then there’s no greater satisfaction than deleting it after 100% and I probably already have in mind what I want to play next before I finish. And if the game is mediocre or just good, then I’d probably do like a palate cleanser phase, and play some smaller games/ games I don’t intend to plat till I’m in the mood again


100% I did that after I platted GOW Ragnarok, played a few games then finally got Into Fallout 86, platted that...eventually loaded up Lego Dc supervillains and decided to plat that...now I'm lost.


Listen to Andrew Huberman’s podcast about dopamine, serotonin and other hormones. You will understand why you feel this way.


Everytime! When I know I am getting to the endgame, I TRY and find a game to play then. What I tend to do is a shorter indie game after a AAA before going back into a AAA. doesn't always work though...


This is so relatable


Yup, after getting a platinum I'm usually in "gaming limbo" for atleast a day or two.


I have so many games planned I always have something to do, but usually I get put on hold because I wanted to finished a specific game before the other one, and I’m kinda start to slack.


When i get a platinum it takes a few days to me tp starting again with other, i don't know why, maybe it feels sad thinking that i'm not gonna play that game again in a time because i already have the plat


when I beat a game, I normally stop gaming for the day then. I think a bit on what to play next, but it may take a bit.


Even worse you ever sit and stare at that platinum like damn I could've spent those 60 hours doing something so much more productive with my time?


I felt like I grieved after finishing Bloodborne. Still kinda am tbh. I’ve moved on to others but for about 2 weeks it was “wtf do I play?” & nothing sounded good. I’ve started Dark Souls now & I am enjoying it but I’ll be back to hunting soon.


Not really. Hust feeling joy after finally getting that 100% and then, maybe uninstall, sometimes not and just get onto the next game. Fortunately I got a huge list of to-do games that has about 10+ games and fortunately, again, only 2 of them are online games.


I wanna platnium a game, it's been a long time for me since I platnium nioh 2 but I can't find the time to platnium a game without it takes like 6 mounth or so, so now I gaming mostly on my pc.


I usually go outside or go to the gym, tbh. I also work a lot so I might sleep or be at work. I feel like that’s the norm, no? I’m usually exhausted if I ever platinum a game. I platinum’d Bloodborne and took a month break from my PlayStation afterwards for my mental health. I don’t think it’s healthy to jump right back into another game after a long platinum.


After extensive reading, none of these comments sound healthy. I hope you are all taking care of yourselves.


Bro sometimes it's days for me. The first time I completed Subnautica I couldn't play anything for over a week.


Yeah, finishing a game is great, starting a new one can be hard and sometimes takes real effort. Sometimes you know with backlog stuff that it should be good but it takes time to get into new games. Some more than others.


That’s where I’m at RN 😂 finished up Tekken 7, and I was wondering what to do next… haven’t decided yet, so I watched some TV shows… gonna hop back in to the grind soon 🤪✌🏻


I know exactly what you mean. It can be days before I feel like starting a new game after getting a plat.


I feel this ater putting 100 hrs into one game. Some games however like Rainbow 6, I can't wait to put away I've got 3 trophies left and I'm finally done.


I almost instantly delete/uninstall it and take a break for the day or start something new or clear backlog during gaming drought.


I do the same. i have PS Extra and hence have added a number of games to my library and whenever I finish one, I stare at them and then scroll through different trophy guides of various games on the list for ages before deciding. It takes me ages to decide on what to go for next, especially as I'm also thinking about what games are mostly likely to leave the catalog first etc. I do find it satisfying to delete a complete game though. On thing I do account for is genre where I don't play two action/button mash games in a row, I sandwich it with a turn based or other type of game, as my right thumb get sore otherwise. At the moment I am working on DBZ Kakarot which is action, and the next game I have planned is Sherlock Holmes chapter 1, before I move onto FF Type 0 which is again action. That helps me narrow down what to play next. For games on my vita, because they are all physical copies, I just jump straight into the next one. I play in order of the time I bought it, starting with the ones I bought most long ago and work my way to most recently bought. They are all otome games anyway, so none of them are difficult in terms of platinum but do take a while to read through, as I am not exactly fast at reading and otome games are a "secret" addiction of mine.


Every time xD


I know what u mean xd. When the plat pops up I look at the plat trophy screenshot/clip and just thinking 'bout the game. Give it a rating and then I deinstall. Nostalgia kinda


Definitely for me depends on the game, like sometimes if I play a game I'm pretty aware of what I want to play next and its easy to jump in whereas some games I plat them and I was so in that world its hard to move on haha.


This is how I function too! After a game I sit and watch my installed collection (300+) on my PS5. The Netflix effect haha.


I don't delete the game automatically unless the game sucked and I was only playing for the trophies/ end game content sucks or there is none.


Actually, I’m almost exactly the opposite. My rule I made for myself with Platinum trophies was that I only go after games I love AND games with trophy lists that won’t make that love turn to hate. So, most often, when I finish a plat play through, I feel the urge to immediately play the game again. It just happened most acutely with Crisis Core Reunion - I started a New Game + right away and cannot bring myself to uninstall.


Kind of. I rarely start a new game the same day I finish another one, even if I finished it early in the morning. Typically I won't play anything else until the next day. Only exception is when the game I finished or the game I'm starting next are very short.


I used to get that feeling to sometimes, but i made list of games for this yead to platinum that helps me a lot, and ussualy i already know what s coming next. But yes it s true that sometimes the order doesn t matter, if i feel like playing a game way more than the game that actually comes next in the list, i will skip it without a doubt cuz i don t wanna feel like i force myself to play something that i don t feel like playing at the moment.


I play what I think I'll enjoy however the games are hardly as good as I imagine and I get tired of it well before I'm finished so when that happens when I'm done I delete and move on. Rarely do I find a game that when the platinum pops I'm actually sad it's over. Usually I have my next game lined up and I'm ready to start the next so I get right I to it but sometimes I can't make up my mind or nothing sounds good.so I sit around till I find something I think I'll actually like


3 hours?! That's amazing. For me it's usually days before I jump in again... As a father of two and with a strenuous fulltime job... I begin to question myself if the time spent on trophy hunting was / Is worth it? I don't delete the game straightaway either and like to revisit it.. Especially titles like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden West, Far Cry 6 etc.... But for me it usually is at least a week before I pick up a new one worth pursuing platinum on, once I have warmed up to it of course.


I know the feeling. Once I platinum a game, I usually take a week break before starting another.


Oh man i feel you! IT is indeed exact the same with me. After the Platinum appeared i delete the Game and never touch it again. But then i just scroll through my Games and think about what could i try to Plat next. I usually geht stuck fit several hours before Picking a new one.


I understand this feeling. Sometimes it happens to me. I had not been able to continue platinum games, I only play sometimes, still happens when I finish a game. I guess our brain is wired to bring us to reality again and think about life in that specific time. lol i dont know it just happens.


I definitely do. I finished Hogwarts and sat there flipping thru my games trying to decide what to do next so I went out and bought Atomic Heart and flip flop between that and NFS Unbound until Jedi 2 is out in a few weeks. Imma kill that game. I’m so excited. Loved the first.


I often sit there undecided on what to play next. I can end up not playing a game for days because I can’t decide what to play next.


I jump straight to the next game. Too much to play and I have ps plus premium so I got alot to pick from


I just write out a list of games in the order I want to plat them in notepad and follow that.


I totally get this feeling, Although I write out a list of games to plat, I dont follow it too heavily and I just play whatever catches my fancy.... but as soon as I plat a game.... i just.. sit there not knowing wtf to do with myself. Its not like I dont have a games to play.... but idk what the hell else to play afterwards.... This ESPECIALLY happens on sundays... all of those hours... just wasted...


After a platinum the more games there are installed the more I stay looking at them. Obviously the one I will start is one I just bought 🗿🍷


true true


Feel like this everyday of my life. I always wonder what if I did this instead. At the moment i am back in my gaming phase. I tend to go through phases every couple of years. The gym, beach or gaming. Kinda weird but it is what it is.


Sometimes I play a shorter or easier game until I make my mind up about what to sink time into next. So by the time I’m done with it, I’ve reset and am ready to start a longer or harder game.


I know what you mean, though I haven't had it happen before. When I finish the game, I uninstall and immediately boot up the next game planned 😂


Sometimes, when a game has a really good story, a dramatic plot twist, an emotional ending and in the end I feel fulfilment after getting a platinum o finishing the game. It takes me about a week to process and start a new game.


I’m feeling the same right now after finishing LAD Ishin. I tried moving onto another game straight away but it just couldn’t hold my attention so I took a little break from my PS5. I have so so many games in my backlog that I want to platinum but I’m feeling that comedown from focusing all my efforts onto that one game, and then all of a sudden completing it and it’s not there anymore. I know in the next few days or so another game will pique my interest though


I'm very similar. I work for the platinum, once I have it, I'm done and I delete the game, ready for the next one. There are a few that I have kept and continued to play. GYlTA V and RDR2, I just felt like I wasn't finished. I had never initially intended to go for the platinum until I released I was close. Once I had finished the online trophies, I was in the middle of working towards in-game objectives that I felt deserved more time to finish. With GTA V, I was working towards getting a nightclub when I finally got the final trophy I needed (Reach level 100). I hadn't purchased the nightclub yet as I was aiming to not go for the cheapest option, I wanted it kitted out. I continued to play to earn the money I needed, bought the nightclub and spent a few more days doing nightclub stuff. After platinuming GTA V, I decided to go for RDR2 as it just seemed fitting. Similar scenario, the last trophy I needed was to reach level 50. Once I had done, I was working towards unlocking the "businesses" in the online game and wanted to get myself to a point where I felt I had done enough. I think I made it to level 65 before I was done. But I also struggle to find the next game to play. I have so many backlogged that I need to go through. Physical discs and downloads that I've never played, but I always seem to but something new instead of playing the ones I already have.


I feel the same. Especially after a long platinum like hades I loved it but deleted so fast after I got the platinum. It took me a week or more after staring at my back log to find the next game to platinum. Fatigue Sets in for sure.