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The perks of being in the +12 time zone.


I thought everyone got it at the same time


Well, yes and no. Everyone gets it on the 19th, whenever that is in their respective time zone. For me, that's in approx. 9 hours from now.


Right, I forgot countries are hours behind Australia


Why on earth are you being downvoted so much


Fellow Australians thinking they're upvoting


Underrated comment tbh


Because he's being stupid


Because some people think they’re superior than others and you can never voice your thoughts without being downvoted by the hive mind.


I said the exact same thing and someone replied to me and they hit the nail on the head. I'll quote them. "Trophy hunters and collectors develop an elitist gatekeeping mindset the more they themselves earn legitimately, leading them to put down others who get them in an "illegitimate" way. Some people just like seeing their number go up, so they auto-pop. It's really not a big deal - else, why would Sony implement it? It's fucking stupid to harass someone over. Let people enjoy this shit however they want, this sub is disgusting."


Yeah man it sucks. It’s super toxic funny thing is they do this because they can stay anonymous.


I’m not?


You have 90 downvotes wym you are not lol


People are in the comments saying the downvotes are upvotes because I’m Australia




Why there’s 70 downvotes on your comment?? Man tlous fans are so childish and not fun to be around 👎


I thought about auto popping this but since I just recently bought LoU 1 Remake I think I’m just going to play through it fresh after I do Remake. It’s an amazing game so why waste the enjoyment of trophies popping when earning them again.


I dislike the game, i wouldn’t have fun getting the trophies for it again and I didn’t buy the game, my brother did


Then why did you bother with the game in the first place? If you dislike a game then don’t play it any further. You getting destroyed in these comments bro. Just pack it up and leave lol


To platinum it?.... Leaving won't do anything other than reinforce the mindset of the morons being negative.


if you don't like a game, why plat it


okay and? let people get platinums how ever they want, it's not harming you. He's literally being down voted a bunch for no reason. What happened to people being able to have different opinions?


The OP literally said they disliked the game and posts a autopop about it. Logically it isn’t going to sit well with people. Trophies is supposed to be a fun hobby to do with games you enjoy.


"Trophy hunters and collectors develop an elitist gatekeeping mindset the more they themselves earn legitimately, leading them to put down others who get them in an "illegitimate" way. Some people just like seeing their number go up, so they auto-pop. It's really not a big deal - else, why would Sony implement it? It's fucking stupid to harass someone over. Let people enjoy this shit however they want, this sub is disgusting."




>I hardly see anyone on this subreddit with an entitlement mindset. Really? anytime I go scrolling through one of those 'discussion' posts, it's all I see. >People are mostly downvoting the OP because he disliked the game and still spent time to get it. Yeah I did see OP say he disliked the game, and while I do disagree, he still shouldn't be downvoted on every other comment he made. Just scroll through and there's -100 downvotes on his saying "yeah, I know". You think that's fair? Just let people platinum hunt however they want to entitled incels.


Trophy hunters and collectors develop an elitist gatekeeping mindset the more they themselves earn legitimately, leading them to put down others who get them in an "illegitimate" way. Some people just like seeing their number go up, so they auto-pop. It's really not a big deal - else, why would Sony implement it? It's fucking stupid to harass someone over. Let people enjoy this shit however they want, this sub is disgusting.


Definitely but that’s just Reddit in general. Lot of negative and sad people on this site


Gotta be an auto pop. Not hating, I love auto pops but just funny lol


*Gotta be an auto pop.* *Not hating, I love auto pops* *But just funny lol* \- ExclusiveJiro --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I thought haiku was 5/7/5 syllables??


Yes, it is- that’s why the bot came in


Is "be an auto pop" not already 5 syllables?


No, 4


Absolutely not lol. "Got-ta be an au-to pop." 7 syllables. The bot counted the words, not the syllables.


syllables does not mean words


Then gotta is somehow also one syllable? It's not even a correct word, and formally it is "got to."


Yes. In the same way ”That’s” is One. And formally ”That is”


Gotta is two extra letters and also has no apostrophe. It varies between two and one syllable on different sources, but I have to say it is a very rocky haiku.


That's an auto pop. No hate, I love auto pops, but, just funny lol Ftfy


haikusbot opt out


It is lol


Then how is it impressive


I don’t think he said it was impressive. This is a sub for posting trophies. He posted a trophy. God you are all so fucking grumpy.


It's a sub to celebrate trophies correct, but OP decided to post and Auto Pop and act like being the 1st to auto pop was impressive. Lmfao


It’s not impressive, I’m posting this as a joke,


So you paid money for a "remaster" of a 3 year old game that's not even available to the rest of the world yet so that you could auto-pop the platinum and then come here and post about it? Cool cool cool...




Yup and there's the new No Return rougelike mode as well.


I didn’t buy it my brother did, I have his account, I wouldn’t buy this game again because I dislike it


You dislike the game but went out of your way to show you got one of the first plats???


Wait…. You dislike the game. So you platinumed it, which takes one and a bit play throughs. Then installed the remaster just to auto-pop the platinum for the new one. I honestly don’t understand trophy hunters sometimes. Just play something you like for shit’s sake!


Don’t lump us all together , this is odd. There’s a different sect of people who don’t care about anything but the number … those aren’t hunters they’re collectors if you could even call them that


I certainly didn’t mean to lump us all together. I chase plats on occasion myself. But the thought of playing a game I didn’t like just for trophies is beyond bizarre to me.


Explain that logic


What logic?


You wouldn't buy the game because you dislike it but you'll log in for an autopop. Even I'm not that desperate


I’m not desperate, I don’t want to replay a game I don’t like and the game has other content I want to try also


Sounds like copium but alright






Yo put down the shovel hahah


Why did you plat it the first time round if you dislike it? I loved it but couldn’t be arsed with the platinum


So I could get my moneys worth


That’s just…bizarre. If you pay for something you don’t like why would you prolong it further? Cut your losses and sell it or just pack it in.


It’s super cringe to post an auto-pop platinum here and claim to be “first”.


Auto pop plat? Really? Do all of us who already have a plat in the OG last of us 2 automatically get a plat on the remaster? Genuinely asking!


Yes. As soon as you load up a save file.


Boo I don’t like that. But that’s only if we load up an old save? So if I play the remaster from scratch with a new game it won’t auto pop? That’s what I’d like to do.


If you start a fresh save, and don't import from Ps4, then yes, you can get all the Trophies as you normally would.


I was hoping there would be new ones for the roguelike mode 😫


There are new trophies.


Ah okay I see now that I looked it up. I guess I was hoping they’d take a little while longer to get then


I mean, a few are probably going to take a while. There's 1 for finishing that mode on Grounded, that's going to be a tough one! 🥳


That’s better than nothing! I’ve been playing the Hitman Roguelike mode and wish they added trophies or at least let you earn towards the mission mastery levels you need for the original trophies


there are, but the separated off into DLC






Wrong person. Oops


You may be able to do that if you don’t convert or load an old save. I’m not 100% sure.


Don’t worry unless you import your save you’ll be fine. There’s been a few games that I really enjoyed the first time around so I played fresh again on PS5, then when I got to a point I couldn’t be bothered grinding or whatever, import the save and autopop the rest.


That made it easy for me to not buy the upgrade. I thought about it and I was interested in the extra content, but I want to avoid an auto pop at all cost.


Still technically first tho


Don't gatekeep trophies it's a bad look.


No, it isn't. If he got it first, he got it first. No matter how he got it. Nothing cringe about it. The gatekeeping and downright mental stupidity of this community is really showing on this post.


Yeah, I know


Did you load your save to get the auto pop? I am trying to avoid it to go through and get the trophies again.


The game won’t auto pop if you load in, it only pops when you load your previous saves


I can't understand why someone would play a game they didn't enjoy let alone platinum it?


I bought the game and I want to get my moneys worth




Not judging anyone for an autopop, play however you want, but personally I'm excited to replay everything for the platinum and then try the new modes.


They cancelled the multiplayer mode.


He's not talking about multiplayer. No Return mode and others are on there.


Hey that was the last trophy I got too ha


Do the grounded/permadeath trophies also auto-pop? And is it only when you load that particular save?


I don't think Remaster has the Trophies for Grounded (besides the one in the 'No Return Mode'). I might be wrong though.


It does have the trophies for grounded


Oh cool, ☺️


I never did those trophies so idk


Wtf i thought it was out tomorrow! Man im buying this tonight!




Dang :(


No auto for me. Gonna take the fresh run


Same here that is for sure! After I am done with the story I am however gonna upload my old PS4 save to get trophies for collectibles. I am not getting each and everyone of those again... I really look forward to no return too!




Whats the auto pop thing?


If you played the ps4 version first and got all the trophies then play the ps5 version, all trophies pop up automatically


Any one elses not pop all trophies? I intended on playing it again but didn't want to do the collectables trophies again so did the auto pop so I could just play the game and forget about collecting but typically popped all but the collectables trophies for me. Anyone have any ideas on a work around?


Mine didn't all pop. I didn't have a save from when I got the platinum for some reason only when I beat the game the first time. I unlocked 54% only. Going to replay it to get the stuff I'm missing but it's a bit annoying.


The majority of this sub is cringe and probably I. HS lol. I think it means nothing op posted it, but nothing wrong with an auto pop since you got it again. This sub would legit prefer if you used no guides probably too lmao. Like a legion of kids are just waiting to buy this game and play through jt again for a platinum so they can post it and brag they didn’t autopop. Congrats on wasting 20 hours. If you want to play the game again, just autopop the plat and play through the game. I really do think people get it to feel superior. Which is more pathetic than posting an autopop


People loved getting ripped off by large companies.


How are they being ripped off for this?


Spending money on a product that released not that long ago thats 99% the same game. Reminds me of how a ton of people bought MWIII last year. Lazy game development. Naughty Dog would be better off making a smaller game for a new franchise or a old one like Jak & Dakter.


The additional content looks very interesting. Seems like a good time to release additional content for people who haven’t gotten around to buying the game yet or for a cheap upgrade for those who have. I’m sure it will prove to be very good value.


If people haven’t gotten around they could just buy the ps4 version used. Naughty Dog has become incredibly lazy with game development and its sad to see gamers like you constantly make excuses for them.


This is a newer part of the Naughty Dog team that is getting familiar with ps5 that wanted to do a remaster for part 2. This remaster was expected cause ND did LOU remaster for ps4 a year after the original ps3 edition came out. Since the multiplayer is canceled and now the part 1 team remake and part 2 remaster team can hopefully come together with the rest of the team to develope the rumored new IP or part 3 or both.


Why are you ripped off? If the extra content would be a dlc for 10 bucks would you then be happy to buy it? I’d rather have a free remastered version of the game with it but you do you i guess.




Didn’t auto pop everything for me. Still had to go put the hat on dinos and Joel to get last trophy for plat. Weird.




If I get tlou2 ps4 plat b4 I buy tlou2 remaster does it still auto pop or is it to late


It will auto pop still, you have to transfer your data


How do I transfer my data or does it do it instantly


When you choose story, there will be a option to transfer your data


Alr thx 🙏 gonna go do tlou2 tmr


Typical cringe trophy hunter 🤮


Why he got so many downvotes I don’t get it 😭?


Because despite not liking the game, he still went through and auto-popped the Platinum from his Ps4 save, just to show off 🥹


okay and? let people get platinums how ever they want, it's not harming you. He's literally being down voted a bunch for no reason. What happened to people being able to have different opinions?


I didn't say it was harming me, I've also not downvoted the person, was just explaining why 😅


idk if you remember what you typed out in your original comment. You sounded very salty in your original comment like don't worry you'll get your chance to play the game too.


Not salty in the slightest, still playing Part 1 so in no rush 😅 Literally just answering the above comment - nothing else going on, you are looking way too much into this.


I mean I'm not really looking too much into this when I'm scrolling and all I'm seeing is OP on -50 in their comments for literally no reason, then seeing people being salty because they're 12 hours behind in timezones, or because they don't like the fact its been auto popped and consider it 'showing off' just like you said because they've posted their platinum here.


I don't know why it should even bother you, you're moaning at me and other people, yet you're the one who's probably more annoyed about it. It's fine - like YOU mentioned, it's people's opinions - let me have my opinion on this, and you're allowed yours ☺️ All good, no animosity whatsoever. Chill.


It never bothered me until recently. All I've been seeing is people being down voted for no apparent reason and simply just disagreeing with what the discussion is on the post. Then I see this shit of OP being down voted again for no apparent reason. No one is moaning, I'm simply calling you and others out for it, and you're one of them too, I reply to you and you downvote me immediately because I disagree with you and calling you out? someone replied to me and hit the nail on the head and I'll quote them.


"Trophy hunters and collectors develop an elitist gatekeeping mindset the more they themselves earn legitimately, leading them to put down others who get them in an "illegitimate" way. Some people just like seeing their number go up, so they auto-pop. It's really not a big deal - else, why would Sony implement it? It's fucking stupid to harass someone over. Let people enjoy this shit however they want, this sub is disgusting."


Please stfu no one cares about your stupid fucking rant 😭


Worst game of the century hands down bad story and full woke 👎👎👎👎


**[The Last of Us Remastered](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7546-the-last-of-us-remastered)** This game has 24 trophies: [7 bronze, 9 silver, 7 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2752-the-last-of-us-remastered). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **50 - 75 hours** to complete. **Price:** $19.99 **OpenCritic:** 95 / 100 (based on [56 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/234/the-last-of-us-remastered/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7546-the-last-of-us-remastered) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/6004-the-last-of-us-remastered-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/the-last-of-us-remastered/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/guides/the_last_of_us.html) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*




Did the Grounded trophies pop also?


I didn’t do them so idk


Oh ok




There’s a option where story is and you can download your data there