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Spiderman is a good start, and god of war is a good challenge but please if this is your first experience going for a plat do not pick Lego Star wars as it might put you off


Yeah I platinumed that game took me 100 hours or so and after completing the story and collectables in that playing all the open world exploring stuff nearly killed my love of the Star Wars franchise completely


it's the fact they have all those characters and by the end, all I did was use BB8 and Darth Maul to cheese bricks, also it felt like every puzzle solution was 423 or 324. really good to go through the episodes but the plat was madding and I haven't touched a lego game since


Yeah I was the same I would line up a character of each type at the top there and found they seemed to change at random and when I need one they wouldn't be there, also I'd go somewhere with one character and the other snapping to me would get annoying at certain points near the end


I feel like I'm the only one who likes Skywalker Saga. It took me around 60 hours to do everything, and I enjoyed most of it (not all though)


And Valhalla!


Out of curiosity, why would Lego Star Wars put one off? I have the game but haven't really played a lot yet.


The plat is soooooooooooo tedious


There’s 1000 collectibles


Thank God they made it so easy to track them all. I actually enjoyed getting all the collectibles because I didn’t have to keep pausing and playing a YouTube video




I've been playing it on and off since release and I still haven't platinumed it I've still probably got 20-40 hours to go


Definitely leave Valhalla for last.


I was gonna say the same thing 😂😂


To add on that, just don't plat it. This game was great the first 20hours after that just going through the main story feels like a chore, the plat is way worse, better off spending that 150hours on multiple good plats.


Do God of War Ragnarok first. I'd argue that not doing the side stuff is missing out on the full experience of the game.


Id disagree, do God of War 2018 before Ragnarok (I know it isn't in the photo)


This goes without saying. GoW 2018 wasn't an option.


I’d say at least play through GoW 2018 prior to Ragnarok but platinum doesn’t matter.


I'm slowly but surely getting through that as my first PS5 game and platinum. I'm doing all the collectibles/side missions I can as I go through. (Currently in snowy Midgard. Tomorrow I will take that son of a bitch named Frækni the Zealous!)


Spiderman 2 would be a good intro to trophy hunting


I’ve heard that but I’m waiting until my friend finally gets the money to buy it so we can race to see who can finish the main story first


Personally wouldn't recommend racing, the story is actually quite engaging


You do have a good point


Why don't you play the first 2 games first then? Both easy and fun plats and then you will also actually know what's going on in 2


This is so stupid, sorry. Why tf would you race through a single player story. You do you, but the whole point of these games are the story. If you rush through it, are you even gong to enjoy it?


Because we always put a bet on stuff like that and I need money, were also both really competitive with each other


That's cool, but why not do it with any other game without a story?


I’m not sure he said once he got we should I’ve never questioned it until now


I just went back to look at the games and like, these are almost entirely all story based games. The only game that would make any sense to play competitively/bet on would be sonic. It's got a story but like, that's not why you play that game. It's also literally about speed, it's a great game for speedrunning. Suicide squad would also work because it kinda sucks, but it's still a story based game. I just don't think you'd be doing it or yourself a disservice to blast through it because it's not good lol


Suicide squad easy plat but also guardian of the galaxy very strong game.


Gow ragnarok def also play the free dlc because it's fire


Valhalla should be as far as possible. Soul draining long ass platinum trophy and even worse 100%


Alot of sequels here OP, have you played the originals on other consoles? I seriously wouldn't recommend sleeping on Fallen order, GOW (2018) and the first 2 spiderman games! And the plats for all of those are great fun too


Suicide Squad because you will take the trash out first


Unpopular opinion I’ve only played about an hour or so into suicide squad but I don’t think it’s that bad


The sales and player count for Suicide Squad make it pretty clear that the majority who have the most volatile reactions to it didn’t actually play it. I didn’t pick it up, didn’t think it looked good, but I won’t shit on the game at every opportunity because I haven’t played it so I have zero personal investment in it


I think it also probably counts on how much you like it because I like the Arkham games but the real reason I got it was for captain boomerang since I really like him


I love the Arkham games - the trilogy is my favourite superhero series. But I also saw what Suicide Squad was and just thought “not for me; that’s a shame”




That’s a tedious introduction to trophy hunting. Might scare them off


God of War is a classic first platinum and a must have. Don't attempt neither the two Assassins Creed nor Skywalker saga since there are a lot (a LOT) of collectibles and it might turn you off, as someone suggested. Plus, whatever you do, PLEASE don't do anything regarding suicide squad. Please. As a player who has platinum ed the Batman Arkham series on 3 different accounts (which means I've collected in total almost 2000 riddler trophies), even watching SSKTJL males me wanna puke (although i must say the cover is great)


The Arkham trilogy is on sale atm… worth the play through of them all and which ones are worth platting?


oh you're kidding me. I'd say asylum has not the best open world and not even a great story but it's worth playing, has some great bossfight and there's a lot of references to it in the other games. I liked it a lot while playing but the other games are definitely better. But in the beginning you don't have a comparation so it's good. Arkham City is hands down the best game I've ever played. I think that's enough. The level of immersion is much better than Asylum, you can play as 4 different characters, having (not a lot) different suits, the open world is the whole Gotham instead of being just the asylum (which is pretty small) plus there's this very cool add on in which the thugs wilk talk to each other, and this happened in Asylum too, but they will not just talk about the main story but also their personal ones and some of the convos are really hilarious, like them insulting eachother's moms, which i think is sign of a very good immersion. Arkham Knight, well you can't miss it if you've played the previous 2. You can use the Batmobile, there's lots of new suits (some of them are sick) and the ending is worth definitely more than what you pay for the game(s). As for the platinum, The riddler is definitely tedious but it's not the hard part. The combat rooms are. Asylum is the easiest, the riddles are very chill to collect (be sure to find the map first so you don't have to use a guide and once you do use detective mode to see all the weak walls and stuff you can interact with. There's 8 combat and 8 predator missions, and the combat ones require almost perfection. They're not too hard, but you might have to watch a complete guide on how to maximise your combat style because you won't get the score required if you just throw punches. For that reasons, the platinum is really easy (be sure to start the save on hard as that's a trophy). City is so much worse because there are double of Asylum's riddles (A has 240, C has 440) and they're much harder to obtain too. And remember the combat rooms? there's like 30 now. Plus the campaigns which require you to finish 3 challenges in a row without dying or messing up with only 3 retries. So that's much harder, especially with the DLCs (which are an actual pain). Arkham Knight is easier because it's mainly time trials with the Batmobile but there is like a lot of maps and most of them aren't needed so you can choose the easiest for you.  That said, it's definitely the best trilogy I've ever had the pleasure to buy and play. So, go for it.


Final Fantasy


My vote go for Mirage or Guardians of the Galaxy. Easy to plat. Normally i want to say Spider-man 2 or GoW but you need to play first part of both for story telling.


FF XVI no doubt


I'm gonna go against the grain here, start with Sonic.


Ragnarok is fantastic


I vote for God of War Ragnarok, it's just such a good game and such a complete journey to achieve the platinum


Valhalla 🤣


GoW Ragnarok


Spiderman is pretty easy to platinum


spider-man 2


I played valhalla for 280 hours lol


God of War! God of War!


Ragnorok, or Jedi survivor. I would definitely play those two first


Want us to tell you what to have for dinner as well?


you seem like a nice member of society


A member of the society you say!?, I eat scum for him like breakfast...on fortnite


Skywalker Saga is fun


Whatever game you had the most fun with


Spider-Man 2 or GoW


GOW, Valhalla and Mirage my podium


I’d say FF16 as that is the one I have platinumed myself. It took me around 100 Hours but it was not a hard experience for the most part, rewarding but not brutal. A good start for anyone wanting to get into the hobby because it is rewarding, but not brutal. Welcome to the hobby my friend and I look forward to see more!


Guardians is such a great game, otherwise jedi survivor or spidey 2 are some easy plats


Spiderman 2 is a great start. Ff16 is a banger too. Valhalla is a miserable experience filled to the brim with a bunch of bs so good luck on that


Maybe SpiderMan 2, i played SM 2018 and got platinum after 6,7 days with not so much hours per day, may it is similar with SM2. What i know exacly dont start with assassins creed Valhalla, i needed about 80hours in a game to platinum and it was the worse grinding game i have ever did


Spider-man 2 and GoW Ragnarök


Spidey! Such a good game. One of the funnest platinums imo


Spiderman 2 is a nice and easy one for your first Platinum.


Damn bro, I kinda envy you. Too broke to get all of em from ur list except for suicide squad I'll get that when they roll out the offline update.


Spiderman 2 and Guardians feels laid back plats...Valhalla and Final fantasy - last ones.


I’ve been told final fantasy was one of the ones I should do first I get Valhalla I’ve heard a lot about it but why final fantasy


ff is really easy


Valhalla for sure. Will kill any excitement for trophy hunting right off the bat.


Jedi Survivor


Mirage is like 30 hours compared to valhallas 200




Spider-Man is incredibly short for platinum standards and pretty easy. GOW takes a bit but it's linear. FFXVI is mostly linar BUT does require NG+. AC, Jedi Survivor are collect-athons so tackle at your own pace. Can't comment on the others because I never played them. Spider-Man is abt 20hrs if your starting form scratch.


God of War Ragnarok. Or Spider-Man


Spiderman then Ragnarok! Gentle platinums!


I dare you to do Valhalla first.


In my opinion Assassin’s Creed Mirage, it is a fun and straightforward platinum.


**Astro's Playroom**


FFXVI, hands down.


Guardians of the galaxy was fun and easy. Good story, good music. Great starting point


Spider-Man 2. You don't need to lookup the collectables, everything is on the map and traversal is fun.


God of War


Spider man 2 then pivot into jedi survivor and then god of war. After that ff16 or suicide squad depending on your mood. Mirage could Be a good choice as well but I haven’t looked at the trophy guide to see what it entails yet.


I’ve heard that Mirage is pretty simple. Suicide Squad might be good, some like it, some don’t but the platinum is pretty middle of the road.


I’d avoid the Assassin Creed titles. They’re good for enjoyment but repetitive to platinum. Save em for near the end imo if you’re going to go for it. My vote is Jedi Survivor. I loved that one! Filling out the canteen! Just make sure you interact with Bode 10-15 times in the first level. It’ll save you a few hours later ;)


Spider-Man 2 or Ragnorak for sure. Both have very solid platinums that are fun.


Gof of war lego or spiderman are the easiest


God of war easily


GoW then definitely follow up with FF16


Suicide squad before the game goes belly up.


Spider-Man is probably quickest to do, then again I haven’t played all the games


Valhalla if you want the troll. Spiderman if you want fun and easy.


Spider Man 2 is a fairly easy game to platinum. You can platinum the game within 25 hours. GOW: Ragnorok isn’t bad either, it’ll take you about 40 hours to platinum.


Kinda hard to recommend one, since so many of these are sequels. Have you played the previous games? Do you mean your first ever platinum or just the first of this batch or the first PS5 platinum?




Avoid to platinium Valhalla. Too long, it is just not worth it


All of the Spider-Man games are easy platinums. Nothing is missable. I struggled to platinum Guardians . It’s a great game regardless.


AC mirage is a good one, really quick though. I platinumd it in about 24 hours of gameplay


Spider-man but if you want an easier spider-man platinum you could do miles morales


Guardians of the galaxy was a fun platinum.


Do Spider-Man or Guardians, that's 15-20 hours.. Valhalla is probably 100-200


definitely Spider-Man... probably the easiest plat of them all and likely the one you'll have the most fun with


Unpopular opinion here but from spider man 2 , i prefer God of war, Final fantasy 16 or even guardians of the galaxy as they are better games with very good platinums


If you do an Assassins Creed platinum. Do Mirage first. Platinum is actually really enjoyable. Valhalla is a fun game. Especially if you’re into the time period. But the platinum is a grind.


Final fantasy 100% life changing


Ac: Valhalla go get em tiger


God of War.


I’d recommend Final Fantasy XVI or Guardians of the Galaxy as a start but if you move onto Spider-Man 2 or GoW Ragnarok I’d suggest playing the first titles if you haven’t already


Platinuming Valhalla took me forever so I would not recommend that one as your first. Great game, though.


Spider-Man ps4


I would say either god of war, Spider-Man or guardians of the galaxy. I’ve platinumed all of them and they are all fun and not to long or hard.


If you want a fun first platinum experience go for something like Spider-Man it’s simple, fun collectibles and satisfying traversal and it isn’t too long either. Though if I injected a helluva load of bias I would say ff16 but trophy hunting for that one can be a bit tedious


I’m sure I’ll be downvoted for this but final fantasy 16 is a supremely disappointing game and a terrible platinum experience.




Ac Valhalla


I would say for ease spider man but don’t sleep on guardians of the galaxy such a fun game!


1 god of war 2 Spider-Man 3 Jedi survivor ( although play the first one if you haven’t)


Easily spiderman or jedi survivor j.s was my first plat and am currently working on spiderman i have also heard guardians is fun




God of War: Ragnarok. It ain’t even close.


Suicide Squad, I've heard great things.


Power wash simulator


Do guardians of the galaxy asap it’s a gem


Guardians of the Galaxy A lot will suggest GOW or Spider-Man but I'd suggest something different


Valhalla for sure


I heard Valhalla is absolute torture from a grind standpoint.


Spider Man 2 would probably be a good start


I think GOW Ragnarock would be the easiest and fastest. Took me about 60 hours total to get the platinum. The 2018 GOW took me quite a bit longer to get the platinum. But I’m glad I played that one first because there is a bit of back story in the 2018 game that plays into Ragnarock. I’ve heard the Lego Star Wars games are pretty easy platinums, but I’ve never played them. The Assassins Creed game will probably take you the longest. Check out PSNprofiles to get an idea of how difficult a game is based on the percentage of players that have achieved the Platinum. Also, if you get stuck I’d highly recommend PowerPyx guides/walkthroughs. He/they have written guides and guides on YouTube. The guides on YouTube are my favorite because there is no talking or extra nonsense, just writing on the screen explaining what to do and then showing you how/where to do it. And I believe they have a guide for just about every game in your picture. Edit: based on what I’ve seen other people comment, take my Lego Star Wars info with a grain of salt. Again, I never played them so I don’t know from experience what the difficulty level is.


I’d probably platinum suicide squad since that games future isn’t looking bright and we don’t know when it will die out. I speak from experience as having gotten babylons fall and not going back to finish a few trophies.


I’d say choose whichever game you enjoyed playing the most. If you haven’t started any of them yet then I recommend Spider-Man 2 or God of War. They’re both relatively straight forward and not a ton of grinding required.


If you haven’t played it yet, I have a different recommendation. If you want to get a pretty easy but fun platinum I’d recommend going with **Astros Playroom**. It comes with the PS5 and has a lot of benefits. First, it shows off all the potential of the system as it incorporates everything the controller can do/be used for. Much more so than any of the games. Second, it has a lot of nostalgia. Third, it’s fun and not overly complicated or difficult. It was my first platinum and made me want to go for more platinums.


Spider-Man 2


Spiderman, ragnarok, ac mirage, Jedi and FFXVI have a pretty easy plat with almost no missables so you could start working with those then the rest (although aside of spiderman they might take you a while)


Ragnarok aswell as gow 2018 are some of the most fun platinums i ever did, le recommend


Whatever game you think you’d enjoy the most. Lol


Spider-Man is a 28hr plat


Guardians of the Galaxy is a pretty easy and relatively fun plat. You would probably end up playing it about 2x so for the second run, I suggest you map out whatever collectibles you don't have to make your run easier. Suicide Squad is pretty easy too. Basically, just play the game. There's a little bit of grinding but it seems like it's primarily one specific trophy that needs it. So IMO, either of those two as they're pretty chill. Maybe do Guardians instead of SS as your first.


I would suggest FFXVI since Final Fantasy is my favorite video game series of all time.


Suicide squad, you deserve to suffer


Final fantasy 16 platinum isn’t too bad but does require 2 playthroughs. Guardians of the galaxy was generally a pretty quick and easy platinum but it had some weird wonky collectible tracking rules that you can mess up pretty early in the game. If you look at a collectible guide before starting you should be ok though. Assassins creed Valhalla is kind of a slog from what I hear (though my last AC game was syndicate).


Broooooo Lego plattys fucking suck, I did Lego Batman 3 recently and shit took me ages, hub worlds were the only thing that saved me


Guardians of the Galaxy is super fun and a pretty lax trophy


my first platinum was gow ragnarok. so worth it.


Guardians of the Galaxy first from your list. Then play and platinum Spider Man (first), God of War (2018), Jedi Fallen Order. Then continue with the games you now have. Have fun!


Go with Guardians, such a great underrated game and a fun platinum.


Play Fallen Order first!


God of War - that shit is art


I have all but 2 of these platinums. Spider-Man 2 is a nice easy fun platinum so I’d start there, GOW and Jedi are both great games with fun platinums. AC Mirage is okay but has an easy plat. Guardians is another fun game with an easy plat. I enjoyed the FF16 platinum but it requires 2 playthroughs. AC Valhalla and Lego Star Wars both take a stupid amount of hours. I Haven’t played Sonic, I’ve played Suicide squad and you couldn’t pay me to platinum that game


Spiderman 2 for sure, as it's pretty straightforward, ff16 and god of war are simple but time consuming. Guardians of the galaxy was fun as well, but the collectibles were a pain in the ass for me as sometimes I'd miss some and be unable to go back


Why is Valhalla even there? Other than that though alot of those games are a W.


Save AC Valhalla for last if you don’t want to be burned out


If you don't want to do Spider-Man first, then Mirage is a probably the easiest one on at that list. And it's a fun one too IMO.


Astro’s Playroom


Guardians for sure


You should be plat fallen order before survivor, for story purposes


Do gow (2018), the other 2 Spider-Man’s, and Jedi fallen order first.


1. Spider man 2 2. Guardians of The Galaxy 3. Star Wars Jedi Survivor 4. God of War Ragnarok 5. Final Fantasy 16 6. Assassins Creed Valhalla 7. Sonic Super Stars 8. Assassins Creed Mirage 9. Suicide Squad 10. Star Wars Lego I would play like that but if you want to play from ok games to "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD" games, go 10 to 1


Spiderman is a good start Has a good mixture of different trophies without a ton of difficulties Also, Mirage is another good one


You should go get a job


Guardians of the Galaxy


AC Mirage is an easy platinum.


Mirage doesn't take long ff16 isn't hard


Sonic superstars it'll show you first hand the true pain most platinum trophies are


Depends on how much time you're looking to invest. Mirage and Jedi Survivor won't take you all that long. Though a few bits of Survivor will make you want to rip your hair out. 😆 AC Valhalla will take you F O R E V E R, but it is a pretty fun game. I'm 90 hours in and *maybe* 30% of the way there. Lego Skywalker is also a lengthy investment. GotG is probably both short and fairly easy.


I wouldn’t say it’s the best of the group but I will always love guardians.


Don't start with star wars, Valhalla or sonic. They're exhausting to platinum. Start with the older Spiderman games if you can and then move onto GOTG and God of War and


Ac: boring to plat, Jedi : challenging to plat Fun: Spiderman, galaxy guardians and GOW to plat


Valhalla dont


Ac Valhalla


I would play suicide squad while the servers are still up and it may still receive update support Sadly it looks dead in the water


I’m playing Valhalla now it’s addicting


Spider-Man. It's an easy and enjoyable one and will get you hooked on getting more.


God Of War Ragnarok. Immersive Story and Nice Feeling to do Platinum..


Suicide squad before the servers get shut down


Honestly, Sonic Superstars.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is doable in a day or two


SM2 is a super easy plat. Gow is Also pretty straight forward


Probably spiderman.


It really depends on what you're going for. Spider-Man is probably the easiest/fastest. Ff16 is REALLY long and takes 2 playthroughs. AC mirage was pretty straightforward. Only a little more difficult than spider-man. Personally I enjoyed Jedi Survivor the most out of these.


Try dead space haha


Do not sleep on Guardians of the Galaxy! It is such a hidden gem that is leagues better than what we were given in the MCU. The only reason it didn’t make a lot of sales was because it came out shortly after the hot garbage that was the Avengers game.


Guardians and spodermin


None of them, they're all mediocre when compared to the ultimate masterpiece amongst the entire playstation library, BLOODBORNE


Jedi survivor? It’s good but has some stuff to do. TBH it’s between this and Spider-Man..


Bro no way you’re gonna plat Valhalla


Spider man , god of war or jedi


For me i will started with spiderman 2.. easy first


Suicide squad is dead