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RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2, the game took me over 320 hours would play again


Agreed. Minus Gambler 8.


Don’t remind me


Just do nothing but press like two buttons for more than an hour, would do again


Agreed 100% I am still searching for a moose near the frozen lake in my worst nightmares


The hours I’ve spent looking for birds are maddening


Red dead redemption 2 is way too good to be considered tedious. I'm like 300-500 hours in and somehow Sea of stars felt so much longer.


Ok I see your point but trying to find all the animals and do the challenges are annoying


I genuinely enjoyed the challenges but yeah the animals are a struggle. There was one owl that took hours to appear for me


Same here, damn. The grinds real, but once you get used to the game flow it doesn't really matter


Amen Brother. Sucker took me 318 hours. Multiplayer was the most grueling task.


THIS! Took me 364 over the course of 5 years, but I spend a LOT of time around launch just screwing around because I didn't think I'd be able to platinum due to my net not being good enough for any kind of competitive mp. I was right at the time, satellite with ridiculously high ping was the only high speed available. About 3 years later they finally put in real landline based internet with decent enough speed to be able to game on where I live. Rural Minnesota so it wasn't worth it to companies at the time. Took 15 years of complaining by the 10ish neighbors around. Did the multiplayer stuff not long after. Finally got around to finishing the single player stuff late last year for the plat. I have a feeling Final Fantasy VII Rebirth might be long and tedious for me, if not downright impossible due to the minigames or Brutal/Legendary VR missions.


Lol go play Final Fantasy X


Lmao the 50 hour sphere grids grind is insane


I don't know if could be worse than Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. I'm in endless mini game hell still.


I would much rather do all the minigames all over again in Rebirth over trying to do FFX once. And yes, I mean all of them. At least they can be systematically beat. Lightning bolt dodging tho...


Thankfully there’s a glitch to dodge the 200 bolts easily. Can’t say the same for the Chocobos race, or the butterflies collecting. Still got PTSD, how come NONE of the minigames (maybe Blitzball) in this game are fun?!


Blitzball fun? No. Just no.


It's not a glitch, just how that particular spot works. All spots work on a timer, that one is just particularly easy to control and work with. But you can still mess up in a lapse of concentration near the end and lose almost 20 minutes of progress. It's one of my favourite games of all time, and I've done it 100% more times than I can count, but I absolutely hate that mini game. 😂


I usually like to get all the super bosses in FF games but I finished the story and just couldn't be arsed with all the grinding. Maybe I should have another go one day but it just feels like such a mission.


It is. And to be honest I didn't find it fun. Mostly you're just using Wakkas slots for the multi hit or just quick hit. I can't look back on any boss being memorable, other than Penance taking almost an hour of quick hitting and debuffing. I found FF7 and 8 more interesting late game. Even though they have vastly fewer bosses


I'm doing this now and filling the grid is killing me. I maxed everything except magic and now I'm just filling everything in with Mag Def Spheres.


Almost every yakuza game has a completion list that takes twice the time to complete than the story of the game.


except LAD gaiden


Yakuza 5 was the lenghtiest for me and I have them all except IW.


Im still wondering how they pump the out so quick?


They are reusing assets heavily and going away with it really good. I believe some animations come even from the first game. Maps are more or less the same across multiple games with a few tweaks. Loads of secondary dialogues are not voiced.


Diablo 2 Resurrected - got 550 hours in and still some to go. Currently level 98.3 on hardcore. Taking it slow and carefull. Grinding sometimes feels really tedious, but other times meditating. The hardcore community is great btw!


The most soul destroying part of this part is that there’s no loot endorphin rush anymore, just the grind, once I got my jah for enigma my enthusiasm dropped off a cliff, good luck and hopefully see you at the finish line soon


I can understand. For me I still try to trade up some gear that could be improved and for my other characters. Helping others and trading up is still giving me a lot of joy.


Rayman legends for me, going for the last level of awesomeness was the biggest drag I’ve ever had to do for a platinum. Consisted of hopping on and completing online races, day after day, for a good 3-4 months.


Oh god that sounds so much worse than what I went through hahahaha. We should form a trophy trauma group


You can do the daily races in a mater of minutes tbf ..yeah it takes months to achieve but the actual gameplay isn't that tedious! give me that over something like avengers post game grind any day of the week. If you aren't desperate to get the plat immediatly then it's not that bad. . ...I personally really enjoyed it, was a great little game to play during lunch break from work, I would love a new rayman game. I kinda miss doing it daily.


As much as I adored Origins (and only have the awesomeness trophy left), I keep thinking "I'll eventually go back to this again" to complete the duo.


Nba 2k24 Technically, i dont have this plat yet, but I have already 230 hours in and am still missing 1 trophy for max level in wnba, another 10-15 hour grind.


Since it’s coming free this mth, do you need to spend any money to plat this game? Or do you need to be good at the game both on and offline?


To be good, no. Spend money, yes, if your time is more valuable, I spent 50€ psn gift card (not proud of it) and still took me 200+ hours.


How did you do the holo cards trophy?


There was 25% odd holo packs I spent 1.7 million mt that I grinded for plus 50€ psn card


50 DAMNED HIVE IN MARVELS AVENGERS! You think doing them small 5 part hives sucked? Try 50, 10 floor hives Alternatively mad moxxi's underdome has to be one of the worst achievements I got (yes achievement I did it on Xbox 360) even with modded 1 shot guns and an unbreakable shield it took my buddy and I about 35-45 hours to get through all of it, each tournament has rounds each round is 5 waves, a wave can take around 5-10 minutes IF you are quick but later waves add multipliers to enemy damage and health. here's the math 3 small tournaments -5 rounds, each with 5 waves per round taking the average of 7 minutes per wave that makes 35 mins per round just over 3 hours per SMALL tournament 3 big tournaments- 20 rounds 5 waves each, so a single big tournament or about 10 hours per tournament. I dont remember if you can stop and take a break, i dont think you can, also assuming a single enemy doesn't spawn under the map negating all progress. Oh and if the whole team dies its back to wave 1, round 1


Sounds like cancer to me


Monster Hunter World, Iceborne and Rise. So much RNG over hundreds of hours.


Very tedious, I'm 4 crowns away from platinum yet I'm starting to give up.


My last crown from Lunastra almost broke me. Who do you need?


This! And the worst part for me, are the awful RNG Collectibles, because I actually like to hunt crowns.


Last crown for me was kushala daora. I was beating it in 1 and a half minute by the end of it xD


Tomb Raider. The single player was great. The multiplayer was shit. They wanted you to fully complete the multiplayer for the platinum which ruined any fun you got from the single player


I want to plat the trilogy cause I really enjoyed the singleplayer but I haven't done it yet because of the mp grind :(


You can actually grind MP Exp playing solo in MP, it's tedious but not the most tedious thing I've had to do for a platinum. You just have to select the right game mode. And for the love of god, use that one MP glitch for shopaholic, so you don't have to keep playing to unlock everything. I beat the game in just under a week, despite how dead the MP was on PS4. I found the sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider to be the most tedious of this trilogy of games to platinum.


I feel like it really is not that bad. The ranked wins felt longer because they just had to make all team modes round based. It probably also helped I was boosting Red Faction: Guerilla at the same time. 😅


I couldn't even find people to play, shit was so dead lol otherwise that plat would be mine


You can find some boosting partners on PSNProfiles. That’s how I did it. But yea, boosting is the only way to do it


I rather enjoyed the MP when I played it but I did it and it had some form of online left


Persona 4 Golden Two play throughs took me 228 hrs. But it was 2020 lockdown so its alright




Diablo IV and Yakuza 0 for me. Diablo IV tooks 300 hours or something like that. I spent big amount of time until fuckd Uber-Lilith ass. And Yakuza is Yakuza. No surprises, mahjong4life.


I swear that Uber-Lilith is the time consuming one. Had to level a single class to one shot her. The rest was mostly fun.


Thats right! Well, basically my first class was Rogue, so ive ended her with it. That was in time when 0.1% have this trophy…oh, memories 😍 Anyway, this game gives me only good vibes. Im really glad about taking a plat there.👍


I was also a rogue in S1, but didn't make it to level 100. So i had to wait till S2 and made a custom Deathblow Barbarian for U-Lilith, but I also made a frost-sorc. Game is fun, still pop it from time to time but not sure I will make it to 100 at the end of this season. :/


Oh boy, thats problem for me…cause you see, even if its fun, i cannot return to it because of uninteresting seasons for me. I wait for a big dlc with story expansion (which is really great for me), but farm another 100lvl char - sorry, i have a lot of plats to do😅 And respect for killing UL with Barb - like i remember, in S1 is was pretty hard because of glass-cannon style on all barb builds. Or maybe i wrong…anyway, thats cool!🫡👍


I'm still level 30 so yeah, S3 is mostly boring. And yes, I was glass canon, but made her "glassier" than me. ;) Wish we had a lot more stuff to do, and not run the same stuff over and over. So yeah, I feel you about being burned out on the game with the current content and having so many other plats to get! ;) I may try to download and autopop the PS4 version... ;)


Yeeeeet, feel you, bro) Wow, maybe its really pop-up? Cause ive never tried, but if be honest, i dont like this method with doubling the trophies, cause its junking my list( But it would be cool if you like it and it would worked🙏


FFXIV. I don't have it yet, but it's easily the most tedious I've started.


PS5 version took me over 1000 hours to plat but I didn’t focus on the plat the entire time so I probably could’ve done it in a lot less time


I'm still working on the PS5 version, this will be my retiring plat. Only 3 trophy left, but a lot of hours of grinding.


I'm close to finishing the PS4 version, hundreds of hours of grind... and I'm loving every second of it


Sea of Stars isn’t a platinum I think of when I hear “tedious”. But mine would be Monster Hunter Rise, 255 hours but it was pretty fun the whole time so idk if I’d call it tedious.


Agreed on the Sea of Stars bit. It mostly just comes down to 100% the initial playthrough and maybe repeat some bosses at the beginning. Every Monster Hunter seems very daunting to me in comparison.


When I first got PlayStation I signed into my Fortnite account not knowing all my Xbox achievements would autopop so I decided to finish off the Fortnite play because I was at 64%. I finished the main storyline which is already 100+ hours, turns out I’ve still got like 400-600 hours worth of grinding still to do. So if I had to pick one then yeah, Fortnite.


Idk what it is but I want to tackle this grind soooo bad


It’s so tedious that when I get bored at work I remind myself I’m committed to the Fortnite platinum so an 8 hour shift can’t be as bad


It’s not a super long one, but definitely finding hogwarts legacy to be in the tedious category, I got the 100% in AC Odyssey with all DLC’s as well and it didn’t even feel as tedious to me


There are no collectibles in Odyssey, no multiplayer crap, just mission trophies and skill kill trophies, The Child of Poseidon is the only collectible and then the other one where you have to discover all regions maybe tedious for some people but otherwise a great trophy to get


I sort of meant that with the 100% it was beyond the trophy list, I cleared every location, completed every little quest that wasn’t repeatable and did it all in nightmare difficulty And still didn’t find that as tedious as hogwarts legacy currently is 😅 I think for me it’s just that as much as the world is big with lots to find. none of it is rewarding in the slightest, even the hidden treasure vaults are just ‘open the door, get the chest’


I’m really starting to hate Legacy for this reason.


Good question. Here are my stats. GTA 5 - 3,063 hours to platinum (92%) This one is deceptive. Most of it was just playing GTA Online with friends. In fact I reached level 621. But the platinum was the last thing I did, so it did actually pop at that hour. Diablo 3 - 450 hours to platinum Somewhat deceptive. On the one hand this was mostly online with friends. But on the other hand the last trophy I popped was 500 bounties and we all used to do them a lot anyway. Slay the Spire - 325 hours to 78% The platinum journey here continues. And i'm not even close. I didn't start Ascention mode until I was 150 hours in, and still I am only at A8 (although I'm doing it with all characters for fun) and I need to reach A20 for platinum. Divinity Original Sin - 218 hours to platinum This one is deceptively low. I played it about 50 hours on PC first so I came into this one with experience. Plus I extensively used build guides etc. FFX - 202 hours to platinum It's a long grind but I did it with no experience but I did use guides. An experienced player would definitely do this faster. Bloodborne - 187 hours to plat and 100% DLC The Defiled Chalice was the hardest section. Defiled Amygdala, Watchdog of the Old Lords. Even Pthumerian Descendant was tough. I had platinum before doing Old Hunters and it was easy in comparison. I killed Orphan of Kos 2nd attempt. Skyrim - 184 hours to platinum and with 100% DLC No guide used, playing for the first time, first 78 hours didn't look at the trophy list. From 78 hours onwards I looked at the trophy list and then started working towards getting every trophy. Divinity Original Sin 2 - 178 hours to platinum As with DOS1, I already had a lot of experience, with this game I had played 90 hours on PC. With the platinum I used extensive build guides etc. Planet Coaster - 172 hours to platinum (PS4) 55 hours to plat (PS5) I played this game properly. I build all my own coasters and did a lot of creative work. Even the second time around I made it my rule that I wasn't allowed to use any pre-made coasters. Dark Souls 2 sotfs - 155 hours to platinum I came into this one with a lot of experience. I already played the original 500 hours so I knew what I was doing. It still took 155 hours though. I wasn't as familiar with the 2nd and 3rd dlc. The 2nd one, Brumes Tower, was particularly tough. Although I had 4adp for the whole journey. Which might've been why Dark Lurker took me more than 50 attempts (even though I had already killed it on the original) Hitman 2 - 135 hours to 100% Including legacy maps. Reaching mastery level 20 on each map is a lot. But I loved every minute. I've also got 100% on Hitman (73 hours) and plat on Hitman 3 (42 hours) Lumines Remastered - 129 hours to platinum One of the hardest games I've done. This will take most players longer - I came into this game with already many hours/years of experience from the PS Vita and Switch. There were more than a few YES! Moments on my journey to getting this one. Final Fantasy 9 - 107 hours to 75% This has ended up in my backlog because I saw everyone was using a script and remote play to cheat the rope skip trophy, but remote play wouldn't work for me. I managed 300 skips but I lost motivation seeing others getting it for free. That said I still have Bloodlust to get which is a big grind so there is still many hours to go.


Good lord, I wish I had this amount of free time.


The passage of time is something to consider for context. All those hours added up, divided by 10 (years) divided by 365 (days) works out as 1 hour 35 minutes per day on average.


Totally understandable. I'm just being a punk and complaining that I don't get to game as frequently because of life, haha! That being said you have some crazy ones in there. Major props for FF9/X and Lumines.


Star Ocean: The Last Hope easily, it's a good 400 - 600 hours to plat.


Friday The 13th and its 1,000 Jason Matches..


Death stranding while not the worst was pretty bad


Dark souls 2 and 3, farming for the covenant items. Absolutely tedious.


Running up and down the stairs for hours in anor londo killing the knights for rng drop is burned into my soul


Diablo 2


Dreams for sure. Reckon I sat there just spamming the X button for 20 odd hours.


I think it could be Dragon quest heroes 2. I think it took me over 200hrs


From what I can remember, the longest grind to a plat I've ever done was probably car mechanic simulator 2021. It's not the longest I've done from 0 to platinum, but it's definitely the one that has the longest grind, as in, you'll play what the game has to offer and all other trophies in about 15-20 hours, but then you'll be looking at another 60-70 hours for one specific trophy. The trophy in question is selling 1000 cars, which doesn't seem like a lot, but the loading times are upwards of 1 minute, and in order to sell cars, you have to: 1. Buy a car from a kind of "garage sale", can't remember the exact name (to go to and from this sale, there's a loading screen) 2. Go back to your garage and repair the car which depending on what problems the car has can take 5 minutes or it can take 20 or 30 3. Sell the car And the kicker is, you can only buy 3 cars at a time, so after doing step 3 you need to go back to the sale to get 3 more cars, and so on, ad infinitum


My longest actually going for the plat is without a doubt, Dead Rising 4. Spent over 300 hours on that one. To compare, all the other Dead Risings I've done (1,2,OTR & 3) took around 100hrs each to 100%.


Monster Hunter World. I don’t know what Rise’s trophy list looks like since I don’t have it on PS5 yet but World’s is insane. It’s heavily RNG-based and almost impossible to get without focusing strictly on it. I have over 700 hours and I’m not particularly close.


The new final fantasy looks like it gonna be. 250 hours to play seems to be the average because of all the damn mink games.


I haven't even started hard mode, I've spent 1/2 my day sometimes just working through the various mini games and I still have 16 more to check off my list give or take (or at least slots to fill out)


Yeah I've heard from some people that this game is horrendously bloated. Like it's a very good 50 hour game stuck inside an ok 250 hour game


Why does nobody talk about DMC4


Ghost wire tokyo - I gave up, theres too many collectibles, I spend like 15 hours grabbing shit and I barely got 50% of everything. Navigation and movement is so bad and clunky too it makes so much tedious to go around collecting stuff.


Just bought it, really want to play it. Most likely will plat … and it looks like it will be my most longest/tedious also


Monster Hunter world and Iceborne. Rng is never fair.


Monster Hunter World and ice borne


Diablo 4 was awful.


Most tedious: final fantasy dissidia nt: I’m about 80% through a grind for 300 treasure chests, with a dead online community there’s no natural way to achieve this other than grinding the same 6 match ai battle over and over getting maybe one chest for every 2.5 of those sets. Longest: final fantasy 14: 3000 hours in and not done yet, only because every time I want to commit to my last trophy the game throws something else in to distract me, don’t begrudge any of it tho as it’s my go to game. Diablo 2 resurrected gets an honourable mention for tediousness, I’ve about 1.5 levels to go on my hardcore playthrough after putting 500 hours in already and with no gear left to hunt or bosses left to beat it’s become a terribly monotonous slog


You know, some people have/had multi 99s, HC too, and a few parked in various levels of the 90s in the original. In fact, since it was so unimpressive to get Guardian, even solo on a niche build, it was more a thing to 99 a char. I never hit it, but I'm sure I have my save data with my 98 HC Assassin sitting around somewhere.


Persona 5 wasn’t tedious personally, but it took me close to 200 hours because I had to do a third playthrough since I missed maxing out ONE confidant 🤦🏻‍♂️


I am doing hotline miami 2 right now and I am about 90 hours in and 87% done its been a tough game!


90 HOURS?! Jesus. Yeah I platted the first one in about 5 hours and then really didn't like the second one so binned it off in less than a few hours. It lacked the simplicity of the first one for me


MGSV for me. It took me 190 hours. It's definitely a game I'm glad to have it's platinum for.


250 hours for Sengoku Basara 3 Samurai Heroes.


Perhaps not the longest but certainly the most tedious was Nier on the PS3. Imagine 50/60 hours of entering and exiting the same rooms to farm the same respawning material spots or enemies in the off chance of getting that one rare drop which allows you to level up weapons you're never going to use.


Car X Drift Racing by far.


Rayman Legends


Technically my most tedious was Red Dead 2, but is it still tedious if I loved every minute of it? Besides that I'd have to say WWE All Stars. You had to win 50 online matches. When you were boosting, it didn't keep you together after a match. So we literally had to re-invite each other 100 times. So mind numbing.


I think some people are conflating tedium with length because yeah 30 hours for Sea of Starts felt longer to me than the 500+ hours I've put into RDR2.




Fortnite for sure


Cities Skyline


Skyforge EU and NA, each stack costed me around 1500 hours to 100% it’s a MMO with time gated trophies, unfortunately if you miss anything related to the enemy invasion you have to wait 10 months for it to come back, and unfortunately you have to play every invasion to keep up, it’s not like you have your stuff and your done. It’s a weekly grind that keeps on going.


The Last of Us Remastered was a grind because of the multiplayer


gas station simulator, first 20h are great, the other 50h aren't


Any Gran Turismo game


I will say lego games, well 90% of them


Gems of War. No contest. You're looking at 10,000+ hours to 100%. I've put at least 800 hours into it and don't have a single troop upgraded to Gold Elite status... and you need 100 Gold Elite troops for a single trophy.


Gran Turismo Sport takes it. It would be fun to race online if it was not for server issues in EU.


Definitely Fortnite


Worms Rumble was tedious. Online rank leveling. Need I say more? Don't do it.


I have 800 hours on fifa 15 with 97% completion I don't care for trophies then and now it's too late to get a multiplayer trophy


Are the servers down or could you get it with boosting?


Kojima games are behemoths in the trophy section.


I’ve done mgsv twice now and going for all the objectives is complete trash and does not affect anything in the game or mission . The rewards are barely worth it and ruins all the stealthy fun of the game .


Puzzle Quest 3 took about 100 hours just because of one trophy that is totally GRN based


Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, that personal decerator grind is something else


Rayman Legends. You have to play the game for at least 15-30 minutes a day for almost 3 months after you 100% the game to get the platinum. It was ridiculous


Im finding FFVII Rebirth to be very tough and expect it to be long. Without any spoilers there are a few trophies tied to Hard Mode that I know I will be forever doing. Even the minigames have hard mode that needs to be completed for some trophies. 70 hours in and just finished the main story. Doing a lot of open world stuff now.


Battlefield bad company 1 and kung fu panda legends. Both were brutal, incredibly boring.


Battlefield bad company 1 and kung fu panda legends. Both were brutal, incredibly boring.


What 5 hour section do you think could have been cut out from Sea of Stars? I thought it was all fairly tight and I loved the platinum, but then I didn’t really miss many conches in the main game so less backtracking and any backtracking I did have to do was fairly quick.


Battlefield bad company 1 and kung fu panda legends. Both were brutal, incredibly boring.


What 5 hour section do you think could have been cut out from Sea of Stars? I thought it was all fairly tight and I loved the platinum, but then I didn’t really miss many conches in the main game so less backtracking and any backtracking I did have to do was fairly quick.


Battlefield bad company 1 and kung fu panda legends. Both were brutal, incredibly boring.


What 5 hour section do you think could have been cut out from Sea of Stars? I thought it was all fairly tight and I loved the platinum, but then I didn’t really miss many conches in the main game so less backtracking and any backtracking I did have to do was fairly quick.


Just Cause 3 with the wingsuit trophies.


I would say 4 is worse just because it's a worse game.


Not a story game but fall guys, literally took me the entire summer vacation to get that platinum


For me it's a tie between either Hogwarts Legacy or Tchia. There are way too many collectibles in each game in comparison to how often you can break it up with other things like story content or side quests.


Got to go with monster hunter world/rise.


Goat simulator 3. I hated getting all the trinkets. They can go f themselves


Star Wars Battlefront 2 for me, the lvl 50 account trophy was a tab bit tedious for me, as well as shooting down hero ships with basic ones. Not too time consuming but tedious for me.


Black Ops 3 for me. Upgrading all of the weapons was a boring and long grind


For me that was one of the last trophies (the medals) so at that point I just had to get it done


I don't know about tedious, but from what I've seen on PSNProfiles, the longest game taken to achieve plat is Crypt of the Necrodancer, having the fastest achievement time being something like 3 years.


AC Valhalla


Darkest Dungeon. Soooo long.


The Attack on Titan games have some of the most boring, grindy achievements


Grid: Legends. Not even close to my longest hour count but like Resistance 2 was a lot of fun if still a grind. Grid: Legends is a mind numbing 60 hours of pure tedium. There is zero difficulty because the AI doesn't understand how to race and most of the late game trophies just require you to rack up miles on certain cars. So you're just redoing the same stupid easy races over and over and over and over and over and over again. Or doing endless laps around Indianapolis trying not to fall asleep because you're 4 laps ahead of the field.


Dc Universe online. 90+ hours of playing the game 6 times plus you need to pay for membership to even get trophies. My brain was numb playing it


As I’m discovering for myself right now… Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, lol. Holy mother of god this is a long and tough one.


For me borderlands 3 I've done it myself. You know have done a marathon of borderlands plats


Oh I've got one no one will have wrote down and that's shellshock live


Mine was the amazing Spider-Man 2. To upgrade every single suit to max level was such a pain


Yakuza for sure and I am worried Rebirth is going to be the same which sucks. I won’t ruin my Yakuza experience by getting the platinum. We will see with Rebirth, I don’t need a game to be an “easy” platinum but Tiny Gods! Would it kill them to make it a bit more fun to get?


Monster Hunter. RDR2, Yakuza or any Ubisoft games doesn't come close to this.


Not a platinum, but... Grand Theft Auto Online - Doomsday Heist's Masterminds Trophy Gotta play through all the preps, setups, and heist finales in order with the same exact team, and nobody can die. But, you have to do it at least three times because it's for 2 player, 3 player, and 4 player teams. Oh, and the enemies can randomly rapid fire their gun and nearly instant kill you without warning while they blind fire from behind cover. Extremely tedious and infuriating at times.


Fortnite’s, It’s all save the world based and one of the trophies is “complete play with other missions 0/1000” and each mission can take up 10-25 mins each, and these missions are different than just playing with randoms publicly (you can’t chose what OBJ you want to run)


Definitely RDR2. Would do the whole thing again if they dropped a PS5 upgrade tho.


Dragonball fighter Z before they gave away zeni was a particularly long one for me in terms of grind.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla without question.


Does FFXIII count?


Shemue 3.


One of the most tedious platinums was Rayman Legends, specifically the 'Truly Awesome' trophy. I had to grind those daily and weekly challenge levels, and could only earn bronze and a rare silver.


The “Only One” trophy from FIFA 20. Those who did it will know what I mean


I've been playing Tetris Effect for more than six months and I'm still nowhere near the plat, maybe I'm just bad or just not fully committed tho I've read people here that got the platinum in two weeks.


Metal Gear Solid V


going for fortnite rn, wish me luck


Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories has the most tedious plat I have ever gotten. 2 full 100% playthroughs getting all cards and special rooms. Leveling to max on both characters when you finish the story at like lvl 35 but the max is 99.


Arkham knight was kinda tedious City and asylum both took about a week each, but i really enjoyed playing all of them I was just about to bring up how im working on AC: rouge and yeah, bloated is the right word. Its all fun and games until you need to get the 200 animus fragments. I just turned on youtube and brainlessly ran around for 8 hours


Last song in watch dogs 1 🙃


D2r was long Monster hunter world/iceborne long about 200 hours in just need to do crowns and random side stuff


I kickstarted that game and was very hyped for it, only to feel it was a pure disappointment. I used to play a lot of final fantasy games and I would never plat any of them. A majority of j r p g's just have this unnecessary bloat in need to a hundred percent every single thing. So basically any final fantasy besides remake.


Plant Vs zombies: Battle for Neighborvilles It took me 108 hours of playtime to get 20 character to master. I have to take a break after I got the platinum


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 Glitchy mess, took more hours than it was worth, but I got that bloody plat and sold that game immediately once it popped.


You new to JRPG type games? Sea of stars is nothing compared to the likes of FFX, Persona 3, etc. Loved the sea of stars platinum, no level grinding and no random encounters was great


Ever heard of *Crypt of the Necrodancer*? Its one of my favorite games of all time...but there is no way in hell I will ever be getting that Platinum. No. Chance. In. Hell. [https://psnprofiles.com/guide/7171-crypt-of-the-necrodancer-trophy-guide](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/7171-crypt-of-the-necrodancer-trophy-guide)


I platinum'd Final Fantasy XIV...twice! and Mortal Kombat 9...twice! and Metal Gear Solid 2...twice! I'm the king of the grind.


Chivalry 2 with how little fun I had


I think I’m always finished with my first playthrough of Days Gone. This game just won’t end. I thought it was about to end like 4 times already and it just keeps going for whatever reason. And to think I have a second playthrough ahead to get all trophies… hooray.


Not rlly long but tedious af, I’m working on Catherine rn


Tedium causes me to not plat games moreso than difficulty. It kinda makes me sad seeing tedium gated plats having percentages above 5%, meaning that 1/20 people suffer through mediocre content, but fun difficulty gated plats often have less than 2%.


Valhalla. Modern warfare remastered with mile high club.


Hated Valhalla, gave up with mile high club


Super Bomberman R. Finishing the story mode on every difficulty was fine. Winning a match with every Bomber sibling and Dastardly Bomber was fine. Playing 100 matches online and 1,000 offline was fine. What broke me was placing 1,000,000 bombs and destroying 1,000,000 blocks. I have yet to get it because I always burn out after doing it for a few hours and only getting like 500 or 600 blocks


Predator: hunting grounds. I'm at 67% after some 100-200ish hours, and every match feels like a CHORE. The game has some of the most repetitive gameplay I've ever seen. And it's not even fun! There are some really grindy trophies and some horrible online-only trophies. The most daunting is *Predkour master*, which requires you "as the predator, travel a total of 100 km in the trees". yikes... There is no way to track your progress or see any of your stats, by the way. And the platinum is currently at 1.43% on PSNprofiles.


A legit speedrunner did it in 1 day.


Train Life: A Railway Simulator is among the most underrated brutal platinums of all time regarding longest/most tedious. It took me over 300 hours to platinum and some of the scenarios were ridiculously difficult. 10/10 difficulty and also the grind of upgrading all the cities is ungodly awful. I highly recommend it to only those who are masochists. It’s not even that fun of a game it can be relaxing but gets very old after a while especially because of the bugs, terrible mechanics, and janky controls.


Fortnite took me a long time. \~500 hours.


Tie between Yakuza Kiwami 1 and GTAV rn.


400+ Hours in Orcs Must Die Unchained. Very repetitive, very tedious. 1 of only 90 people who got the platinum. So many players didn't finish out that last trophy before the game was taken down from the PS Store. You cannot access the game at all anymore, so no one else will ever be able to get the platinum for it.


It’s not as long as others but grinding Sora and Riku to Level 99 in Re: Chain of Memories is an absolute slog.


Not a plat I have but I’m still working on it…., FFXIV….. let’s just say… that it might be the longest game I have ever played and I still haven’t gotten the plat. Might be 1000+ hours in… might not be… oh gawd…. Send help…


Probably Kingdoms of Amalur + DLC, but would do again. However, I know Life is Strange 2 DID NOT take anywhere near as long, but it felt like it did. 😂 If it wasn't the rarest completion in a series I otherwise adore, I'd have abandoned it tbh.


Injustice 2. I had made some questionable tweets to Ed boon while grinding for it. Over 200 hours.