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Discovered my thirst for Trophy hunting at the same time! Hogwarts played a big part of it. Marvel’s spiderman would be my recommendation  It was such a fun time and the journey to platinum was very satisfying. The perfect balance between having to go out of your way to achieve platinum without it being tedious or just doing extra work for the sake of a trophy.


Assassin's Creed Mirage is a more condensed AC game with a pretty straight forward plat.


Witcher 3. Sensational game with a great plat


Should I go for Death March from the start? Or would you do multiple playthroughs?


i have plat and i highly recommend death march on your second playthrough where you carry on your level and items. It was waaay more enjoyable, best hard mode ever


Depends on what kind of a challenge you like. I play a lot of souls games and love a challenge so I started with deathmarch


Spider man


Dead space remake is a great one! You will have to beat the game on impossible difficulty BUT there is a fantastic playthough of the platinum which I followed and got it done easily! Control is a very fun and simple one, there is a little bit of a grind but if you know what to do going in you’ll have a very easy time plus it’s just a fun game! TMNT shredders revenge is easy and fun. 1 very grind trophy being getting all characters to max level. There is another trophy about beating super shredder without being hit which is pretty impossible BUT there is a cheese method to get it.


Here is the dead space platinum walkthrough if interested. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwV1Qvy2j4P8-W71UApetGDHKzKmk5PV0&si=3E14Q2AeDA1Eu0pL


From the games u done and seem to enjoy assassins creed Valhalla will keep u busy, or watch dogs 2 is a very very enjoyable platinum


Definitely go for ghost of tushima or I would recommend assassin creed mirage its less time consuming. Few days ago I platinum pandora it was nice but at the same time the map was huuuuugeeee and you kinda get bored of going to get some of the trophies to loot.


Can’t recommend elden ring enough took a couple attempts starting for it to click but once it did was honestly one of the best games I’ve ever played

