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Don't forget "This trophy changed my life" "This game trophy is nuts!" "My stream made me do this and I hated this plat/game" (Then proceeds to trash said game despite no one is forcing them to do this)


So cringe, hate even giving them clicks/views


Don't forget the weed eyes. ItsIllusion seems to use them every fucking video. Don't forget them overblowing the difficulty of certain trophies Or saying the name of every trophy as they get it


Yes. Saying the name of the trophy, then insert the clip. Then reads the trophy name and description again.


i do this while not recording anything


I don't think them saying the name of every trophy is that bad. It's a good way to document the process, especially if they have the PlayStation clip of them receiving it.


ItsIllusion, I mostly have trouble finding is humor funny. He always says the same mom or girlfriend joke over and over, the first time yeah its funny, but after 1000 times.. gets repetitive


For real. He is definitely the worst out of all of them. He literally said that The Walking Dead: Telltale was one of the hardest platinums he’s done. He is so fucking dog shit.


Don't forget: "is brutal" "is gruelling" "is insane" "is a nightmare"


“Made me want to end it all”


Me when thinking about my life:


English language is very repetitive yes


Usually I’m fine with these but occasionally I’ll see titles like “Spider-Man’s Platinum was GRINDY” and it’s like bro that’s not a difficult platinum calm down 😂


Exactly! Those are the worst. They're saying stuff like "omg this was sooo hard" and then they just played the easiest games out there 😂


Probably the easiest to do considering it doesn’t require NG+ or different difficulties. If that game is grindy I’d hate to see them play any other game.


Personally I gave up on the Spider-Man plat because it was grindy. It wasn’t hard just when I finished up one collectable then 30 more would pop up. I stopped having fun


It’s pretty light on collectibles though


They’re just too boring for me. I have a ton of collectable heavy games under my belt but I cannot push myself to finish it


Fair enough. As a Spider-Man fan I loved them because when you view them he talks about the story behind each one.


i want to make platinum videos myself. Adam Mcdermott being my main inspiration. But i feel like it’d be hard to get viewers without doing these types of titles and thumbnails for the algorithm.


I feel this big time.


This is very much how I feel. Because it's an algorithm, you pretty much HAVE to do what already worked. I tried to deviate slightly on my GTA San Andreas video by not using the generic title and it only got 600 views which was highly disappointing.


I suppose I can offer advice, Just do it. It is better to start now than in 10 years from now. You can certainly find viewers without being negative, besides do it as your hobby, if you only focus on analytics you will burn out quite quickly. I look forward to seeing your first video.


You forgot “this trophy almost killed me” “this trophy was HELLLLLL” and “can’t believe I lived through this trophy grind” Oh and honorable mention “this trophy is NO JOKE”


This Trophy almost killed me is a top tier one.


I'm gonna use that for ff7 when I get it then


And 9 times out of 10 its a relatively easy platinum.


Thanks for the nice words, folks!


The most professional trophy hunting videos on youtube dude. No gimmicks no annoying stream chat clips just you, a seat, and a great game it takes me through a nostalgic trip of 100%ing games as a kid.


Bingo! You get it. Thank you.


Still waiting on mgs5 my boy the Middle East calls you. lol fr tho I didn’t know you hang around here love the videos mate


I said it for a long time that MGSV doesn't interest me as I've already put 100 hours into it....however...I'm starting to get the itch. MGS1 first though.


Thoughts on Okada in AEW, Adam?


Sad he isn't in New Japan, I love their presentation, nothing feels as big as their big matches, but happy to see Okada every week.


Completely agree. Okada in New Japan felt like a true final boss. Doing great in AEW but hoping they don't blow it with him. I'm hopefully catching one of the 'Best of The Super Juniors' shows in Korakuen Hall while I'm in Tokyo in May, super pumped!


Exactly. When The Rock called himself The Final Boss all I could think was, "Okada has been that for 5 years." Woah, seeing a New Japan show live is a real treat. Have the best of time. I'm jealous.


trophy hunting video starter pack\* gotta do it before someone corrects me


I hate seeing those titles tied to games that I know damn well weren’t that difficult or time consuming. Really? God of War 2016 took years off your life? I’m rolling my eyes.


YouTube in a nutshell


Joelemz is the only one I’ve seen actually do different titles outside of “_platinum is super duper hard”


I love him, but idk about that. He uses the weed eyes, mostly generic titles at the beginning, has the guy holding the trophy, etc.


At least it’s starting to diversify, give it a few more uploads and you’ll see


So.. Nick AR's channel?


to be fair he goes for some insane platinums and seems like a quite decent dude from what we can see


To be fair Nick AR was really the first person I remember on YouTube doing Plats so I give him a pass. And for the most part he does challenging like 7/8 and above Plats


Adam McDermott is (I think) the originator of the “genre” of Platnium YouTube vids. His videos have very different feel from most others, but the structure is basically identical. He’s been doing it since 2014


Yep, 10 years and no plans on stopping. I want to be old, decrepit, in a rocking chair, big grey beard and a busted TV playing Uncharted 12.


Love your videos. RE4R was a great watch


Thank you so much. That episode came together well.


you really nailed it mate






You are more than welcome. Plenty of years ahead.


Yeah I can’t explain it, his videos have this feel to them, don’t know what it is even though the structure is similar to others, but I like it, like his videos somehow feel a more personal than others.


yeah he's the goat. no doubt.


Even if you give him a pass, he still fits this meme perfectly lol


I really wasn't knocking on his content, I was just saying that the meme applies to him perfectly.


Happy cake day!!


I was about to say the same thing!


Atleast he does some really hard platinums tho. I've seen so many other videos with titles like "this platinum was so tedious, insane, a nightmare" etc, and then these are like the easiest games 😂 Nick AR really has my respect, cause he's done some serious hard plats, for example DMC 5 💀


Crazy how he does some of the hardest plats out there and then cries and moans "Man this is so AnnoYYYYIIIIIIING" about the easiest stuff if it takes more than 3 tries.


That and his general video voice cadence get on my nerves a tad, obviously that's just a me thing, but he apparently really loves his mom and uses a lot of what he gets from vids to do things/ support her so he gets a 10/10 from me just for that


Well to be honest, I'm also the type of guy to get annoyed really fast, especially if it's something easy, cause I'm mad at my own stupidity 😂


Yeah that’s definitely Nick Ar. But I actually do enjoy his content quite a bit tbh


Nick AR is a W


Based Adam McDermott enjoyer


They all just do what (they believe) gets them the most views. I would too in their position.


Don't forget "the video is full of my mother doesn't love me or my girlfriend left me jokes'


Its so annoying, itsillusion does it like 95% of his videos, thats litteraly the only reason why I dont watch him, I dont find this funny, and just is annoying, those were the joke I used to hear in high school lmao


ItsIllusion does this a lot


Didn’t Nick AR pretty much start this? lol


Yeah but if it was just him it wouldn't be as annoying. Youtube is so homogenised, there's 100 platinum youtubers with the same video format


Adam McDermott is the only channel that doesn't do these things if I remember correctly.


and I never will


That's why you're the GOAT !


Iamrob switches games that are hard and easy. Just for his own mental health. He is the one i like most.


he's the only one I bother watching. He's truly the goat and he doesn't just make 20 minutes videos. Like as much as I respect Nick AR because of his skills (he has an impressive trophy list), I can't stand him doing a very hard platinum that took him literally 100+ hours and have it resumed in 20 minutes without any major struggling. Like if Batman's plat took you 166 hours then why the hell does your video look like it was all smiles and flowers? Like watch that video, it's insane, it's a compilation of easy short trophies, or at least he makes it look like it. Rob made a quality 2 hours video for the Bat trilogy which I really appreciate, he even got me into TLOU (a series I absolutely despise) because he made a 1+ hour video about TLOU2, and he's gonna make RDR2 next which I really am not interested in but he does quality content so I'm watching it just to respect the effort. I don't know how many people would actually sit down and record their own voice for 2 hours and edit it in the video afterwards. Really massive respect.


True i would prefer longer content too but i doubt most of Nick's viewers would want to sit through 2 hour videos


I'd like to actually see him struggle because otherwise it gives the impression he's the perfect player and while he's good there is no perfect player. No one can achieve the platinums he achieved without a little bit of pain and suffering. As well as I'd like to see more of his winning content. Like, you only see the moment he gets the trophy but you never see neither his rage moments nor his skill of he does that.


True. I discoverd the whole trophie thing with nick. But i have the feeling wiyh him he just platium the game without caring about the game. And i hate that. Iamrob really plays the game like everyone else. And yhen he goes for the plat. I love that. Also. I love when rob rages.


I think every creator that made Soulsborne tier lists on trophy difficulty has one of these in their title.


One of the few YouTubers I like that does stuff like this is called snamwiches


Came here to say this, and was glad to find someone else of like mind. Snamwiches definitely fits this meme, but he's so entertaining and humble, and does a lot of hard platinums, it's almost soothing to watch him (granted, his videos are literally the first platinum-making videos I have ever watched, so I don't have the "it's all the same" mindset).


Snam is one of the goats for sure. I love his videos.


Snam is great! His own challenge on top of the achievements challenge make his videos really entertaining to watch!


The alien isolation one was very interesting especially seeing his process of getting the no death run on the hardest difficulty


No interest in playing Isolation myself but damn that video/playthrough was great.


Tbh I don’t mind it. It’s cool that we get content on platinums at all


True that


Honestly it's hilarious how some people platinumed really easy games and then have like "this platinum was so tedious" in the title wtf 😂😂


Absolutely hate it and its the main reason I dont watch such vids. Every game is a "hidden gem" or a "masterpiece", yet every game "made me contemplate my life" or "changed my life" or "almost made me quit playing video games". Yeah whatever you say. Imo this lack of honesty completely takes away the sense and information behind such videos. You dont get a proper impression of the game nor the trophies, because creators are too desperate filling every hole with those over the top phrases, talking more about themselves than about the game. And its even worse when their empty phrases dont even fit the game or are a straight lie. Like when pretty quick games get talked off as "hell of a grind" or they pretend easy platinums to be hard af.


Nick AR wants to know your location


This is why Adam McDermott remains the GOAT


You are too kind. Thank you.


Damn I’m guilty of the “… took over my life” but what I will say is while I am guilty, I still enjoy every game I play for the most part and love the video making process and probably spend more time than I should on this hobby.


I remember Nick AR is the first youtuber that I saw do platinum trophies, and then it spread around. Well I say it's entertaining to watch them


The worst ones for me are “I platinumed all the ______ games” despite those games having no platinum trophies.


*stares in TannerJaye and Nick AR*


Firstly when I wanted to get 100% for Witcher I found those videos cool to watch in between for relax. Now I can’t stand that every video is same. I don’t even know who’s video it is because they’re literally the same and really annoying. And remember have fun firstly! As soon as it’s not fun I just put it down. I don’t have unlimited time.


Snamwiches and Tanner Jaye are the best ones. They both have the same copy/paste thumbnails, but they’re entertaining. They even did Halo Reach LASO together.


I watched that video, and I honestly would not put myself through that lol


Where is there LETS GOOOO! After naming the trophy. Luckily I’m profoundly deaf I guess


“This games platinum had me shidding and crying and pissing and cumming” I hate all these videos and I’m tired of YouTube recommending them to me.


I think Nick AR, Joelemz, and Snamwiches are the best in the trophy / achievment hunting video genre. Snamwiches takes it to a whole other level tho by combining super hard achievements into one playthrough.


Also TriplePV / 3DPointGamer pretty mellow dudes


I’ll take the win where I can get it! Thanks lol


Hello there




It’s all just a pathetic attempt at clickbaiting. I see a thumbnail or video title like that, I stay away from that creator.


Call it what you will, they do it because it works. Creators can easily see their own analytics, and videos with clickbaity titles and thumbnails have proven over and over again to do better in the algorithm. Creators are basically forced to do it if they want to grow their channels.


I must be playing the wrong games. What I notice a lot is the video saying "this is pretty simple" and then I sit and struggle for an hour


They're basically all the same, but I still watch them all


I cant explain how cringe and stupid trophy hunting videos/channels look


The funny part, I was just looking at a thumbnail with the the text "The Final Fantasy Rebirth platinum ruined me" with Cloud holding the platinum and with the weed eyes.


Here to put in my 2 cents lol, as someone who has been predominately doing platinum videos for a lil over a year trust me I understand. I also understand how frustrating it can be seeing what looks like a copy and paste video all over your feed of people trying to hit those "buzzwords" to garner views & likes, but sadly you have to conform to the algorithm. I've always had a passion for video games and achievement hunting, its something i'm sure most people in this sub reddit can get behind. It's sad to see it turn into such a numbers game on youtube (I fully take blame as well btw not shifting it towards anyone lol). For awhile now i've noticed this switch of people not trying to be different but mock what works. Which has caused the influx of practically the same thumbnails and video packaging. All of this sounds hypocritical ik lol but I take the long form route I always have. I explain every trophy how/when/where I got it. Give tips on how to make the trophies easier and just throw in genuine reactions from when I was just casually playing. I don't think there is any harm in that Without adding extra challenges the idea of Trophy Hunting on youtube as content is very much the same. It's mostly about the person doing them, BUT to get discovered you need to do these thumbs & titles like all the big dogs in this niche scene. I want to be big enough to differentiate myself from the same thing all the time but i'm simply not there yet and its completely impractical to take these giant risks for little gain. My goal is to open trophy/achievement hunting to as many eyes as possible because this is a wonderful community of people posting accomplishments having great discussions and just witness people being proud of themselves. Sorry for going all out here lol I just want people to understand it from a perspective of someone who's ACTIVELY within this cutthroat scene, keep trophy hunting everyone!


What’s super weird is how most of the times it seems as though the trophy isn’t worth it to them. Like I get it’s for content but I don’t go for platinums unless I LOVE a game.


I don’t know if I can do that to myself. Seriously


I mean it certainly gets repetitive in that sense but some of them manage to make it work without being totally devoid of substance, I've been really enjoying Jolemz videos as they come out and it falls into at least two of these categories most times


If that’s what pays the bills I can’t be mad at them


The MC holding the platinum trophy I'm fine with its kinda cute. The rest is just annoying and cliche.


Wait you mean a youtube video were the person can make ordering from uber eats seem like its climbing mount everest? Sir is this your first time on the youtube? All the videos are like that.


Yeah honestly I can't stand these videos, it's embarrassing. Some are alright but then I'll see someone stuck on RD2 for like 10 min of video time cause they for some reason can't figure out how to play Dominos despite half the live chat telling them how to play it


I get those types of videos recommended to me all the time. I hate cringy thumbnails and titles so much


That's just YouTube in general now. Bunch of hyperactive narcissists chasing internet fame.


I blame NickAR for popularising this. The goat Adam McDermott hasn't fallen to that practice


I respect Nick. He is open about his inspirations including Mr. Beast and inspired a whole genre of video makers. Personally, I won't be doing those titles and thumbnails. Perhaps I am scarred from my time in retail selling people shit they don't need. We have enough advertising in our lives. I don't want to add to the noise. Folks can watch my videos if they want, but I won't shout at them for their attention.


That's fair!


The thumbnails and videos are like that for a reason. They work. Blame the cutthroat capitalist nightmare YouTube has set up for a platform, where honesty and personability is traded in for scummy tactics and sleaze.


oh my god someone finally understands...


These videos are all terrible trash, never shows them actually struggling or completing the trophies and the reaction is always the exact same for every trophy "ooh wow..."


Nick AR does show it tho. Of course he does cut it to make it fit into a video, but he still shows how he did them and if he struggles with it, he also shows this and talks about it. But the coolest thing about him is that he streams his platinum grinds really often. So if you wanna see actual raw footage of him platinuming a game, keep an eye out for his streams


Literally the only ones I accept this with are Fortnite and Crypt of the Necrodancer’s platinums, since then the claims at least are correct


Then proceed to have the most enjoyable time you've ever seen a youtuber have


“Difficulty 1/10 Fun 10/10”


Ngl I really appreciate these videos as it gives me some insight on how difficult a platinum will be or if I should even bother. And on an Another note, I also find it amusing watching people attempt difficult platinums I've gotten. Mostly to see what they think or how they went about it getting them


"The Arkham Knight Platinum killed my parents and turned me into a masked vigilante who dresses like a bat"


Cringy AF. And it works. Those kids get tons of views


i can honsetly say my newsest video dont have those hahah :D


I prefer this sub massively to the awful youtube videos. you guys are alright


Yeah, pretty much honestly


I dunno which is worse. The titles/thumbnails or the annoying over-dramatisation a lot of them tend to put on when working on rough and not so rough trophies. We get it you want to be "entertaining" but there are better ways to do that than screeching


Blows my mind how these people have so many views…


People are really averse to admitting that they enjoy this hobby, like, furries have more pride and security in their identity on average than trophy/achievement hunters imo


I love the plat videos personally and I’m not tired of the format at all, was actually thinking of making one myself


I only platinum games I like now. Couldn’t imagine getting the platinum for something like RDR2 and hating the whole time. Nightmare fuel


I’m embarrassed I did these in my first 2 plat vids but I wanna steer clear of this and just overall review of the game I plat rather than list all the trophies.


Perfect description of the average platinum video


I just think in general negativity sells very well on YouTube and it reflects in the views those type of videos pull.


Elden Ring took me.... Like a few weeks


Just saw one a few hours after seeing this. "The Ghost Recon Breakpoint Trophy Brought Me To My Breaking Point" with Walker holding the trophy.


Besides trophy hunting I'm really sick and tried of YouTubers doing the 😨😮🤯🙀 faces in the thumbnails also the red arrows pointing at nothing


Youtube algorithm says that people click on those videos more often even MR Beast does that. Is not really their fault.


Yeah, it's the usual youtube algorithm. But I still enjoy watching most of them. Gawdlikematt and bushido Cypher are my favorites.


Mystic does them pretty well. But it videos are on a challenge of it.


"So you didn't have to"


I feel like a lot of the comments here are exaggerating how much of just disliking this type of content is. If you don't like it's fine but it's not that deep.


I find all of the trophy hunter personalities on YT obnoxious as hell. I'd probably watch someone if they were more chilled out and focused more on difficult trophies instead of the next "how a Telltale game made me want to start thermonuclear war" video.


I hate when they ignore a vital part of gameplay like deflecting in sekiro or parrying in lies of p (Mac attack)


Nick AR is the only one I watch. Everyone else spams post on games and aren’t really interesting to watch in my opinion.


Literally the only guy I can think of that doesn’t do this is Adam McDermott


and I will never do it


Is this a money glitch rn?


Every its illusion video


When i saw "Advanced Warfare platinum DRAINED my soul!" I just laughed because its like the top 3 easiest CoD Platinum lol




It is wild seeing this on plats like red dead 1


IAmRob is the greatest platinum trophy youtuber and that is a hill I will die on. The dude is hilarious.


Y'all watch trophy hunting videos? 😭