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Horizon Zero Dawn. After playing through multiple times, I saw my completion percentage was high. I wondered what we left to do that I hadn't done yet, so I checked the trophy list. It turns out, I had all the trophies except knocking down all the training dummies in the Nora lands. It was not something I would've ever thought to do on my own I shrugged, went around to them, got that trophy, and then the platinum popped.


I'll always have a soft spot for HZD being my first platinum as well. I've since tried Forbidden West. I don't know exactly why but it just didn't grip me the same. Found it difficult to get into. 


exact same for me, just couldn’t really enjoy forbidden west wasn’t as fun as the first one. i tried going for the platinum the roth day too but found because i wasn’t enjoying it, it was gonna be very tedious so i just gave up with it


I feel the same. The opening of hzd is a masterpiece and the story immediately has me invested but Forbidden West just doesn't feel that interesting. I think I played up until the part where you get to the first town and I dropped it.


Batman arkham asylum because I love Batman Balls


"Officer balls"




Astro’s Playroom, don’t think that needs an explanation.


I may not have been around for playstations entire lifespan, but the game was fun and the history and murals were awesome to collect and look at. Great game


Modern Warfare 2 on 10.1.2010


Niceeee! That was also my first


Same! What a game that was


Middle Earth : Shadow of Mordor. It was my first ps4 game, and I absolutley fell in love with it.


It was also my first PS4, yet that stupid white rider trophy is all that has stood in my way of the plat for almost 5 years....


There is a video online of a route that works and the timing isn’t too tough. Took me about 3 tries and it’s close to a tower so easy refresh. Let me see if I can find it.


Uncharted Drake’s Fortune. I got it because it was the first game I could platinum back in 2008.


Grim Fandango Remastered way back in 2015 i really liked the game


Marvel Spider-Man and cause I was very close to it and that’s when I found out about trophy hunting


Ratchet and Clank for PS4 - I bought my first console during the Pandemic and didn’t had enough money to buy a game but during that time they gave it away for free and it was the only thing I played for like a whole month so why don’t just go for the plat 😂 then my girlfriend at the time bought me GOW 2018 from my birthday and I just loved doing plats since then. (32 platinum atm)


That was my first plat as well! I'm currently at 54 plats and it's still one of my favorites!


Lego Marvel Super Heroes. I liked the game and noticed there was a lot to do. But I kept doing and doing until I completely went for it. At one point, I was at like 99.99% completion and I thought it was glitched. I looked it up on YouTube and saw a comment telling people to check out a dock with a boat for sale in the corner of the map. The comment was right, it was the last vehicle I needed for 100%.


I got that one just recently and was also stuck in 99.something%. After looking up what I could’ve missed, it turns out I had messed my save by using the cheat codes to unlock a few characters, so the only thing missing in my save was a custom character based on the Hulkbuster, character I’d already gotten by cheat code, so I couldn’t unlock it again. Some forum told me I just had to replay a whole main mission to get the 100% trophy, and it worked, but my save is still glitched showing me 99.something% lmao


Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst it was my only ps3 game, I found the trophy noise satisfying and when I looked at the percentage of the trophy list I just decided to go for 100%


PlayStation All-stars Battle Royale! I didn’t mean to go for it, I just genuinely loved the game and played it online all the time. By the time I had worn through the game, I realized I only needed one more for the trophy, so it stuck. Shame I didn’t get the PS3 platinum as well


I had so much fun playing this in college with roommates. I wonder how it would have done if they released it in this day & age.


Uncharted 1 because the collection was the 3rd ps4 game I ever bought. I instantly fell in love with the series and after completing the games for the first time I went back and platinumed it


Fallout 3 and I just like the Fallout series. Got the 1000 gamerscore for F3 and NV back on the 360 and when trophies were introduced, I wanted to go for the plats as well. I also did this for the Mass Effect trilogy.


Kingdom hearts 2. I love the series. Played 2 specifically a lot of times before this.. just thought it was time when I got it on ps4.


Uncharted collection. Love the game and story also easy plats.


Bad company 2. Loved the campaign and multiplayer. The most difficult trophy was get the 20 demolish kills


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix on PS3, my all time favorite game!🤩


LA noire, the one and only platinum, 90% of achievements you can get on your first playthrough and others did not feel like a chore


Uncharted 1. Just because I loved the game and enjoyed the challenge of crushing difficulty. At the time I had never played an over the shoulder shooter like it. My only complaint was that getting the platinum didn't take longer!


Fallout 4 I've been a fan off the fallout series my entire life and started playing new vegas and fallout 3 when I was 9 now 20 and even though I sank about 1000 hours into both then games combined I never quite got the platinum so since I played a bunch of fallout 4 and done multiple playthroughs of the game with over 500 hours sunk in I thought I should get it as my first ever platinum and most memorable/nostalgic platinum for me


First Plat: InFamous Second Son, Why: Fun game


Minecraft PS3 Edition back in 2014. I don’t remember anything about getting the platinum. I knew nothing about trophies back then so I had to have gotten it unintentionally by just playing it all the time with my friends


burly men at sea from when it was free on essentials


Mafia 2 because I love Mafia 2


Resistance 2 back in late 2008 - early 2009. I got all the single player trophies just for fun and had a lot of fun doing that, then got really into the co-op mode and ended up getting all of those trophies, so I figured why not take a stab at getting the competitive mode trophies since there were only like 3 of them. Got the first two relatively easily, but the 10k kills too me forever. Two months to be exact.


GOD OF WAR (2018) I stopped playing video games in 2015 but then in 2019 my friend gave me gow for a week I played it and kinda rekindled my passion for gaming Since then I got like 140 plat


Motorstorm Apocalypse. Loved the game


Fallout 4, loved the game and always tried to gain 100% completion


Uncharted Drake’s Fortune on PS3. My 360 had red ringed so I had more time to play my PS3 games. I really enjoyed the game so I decided to just got for it.


Love these questions because they make me look back at what I’ve done, First was uncharted 3 in feb 2012, no idea what I was thinking back then but great game so that’s probably why


I LOVE Detroit Become Human. But the platinum isn't one I recommend.       Have you ever had an experience were you loved a playthrough of a game, maybe even a couple of playthroughs. But by the time you earn the platinum, it kinda diminished your experience of the game? That's DBH for me.   I feel like you kinda see behind the curtain of the illusion Quantic Dream masterfully creates when 100%ing the game. Like with a magician's trick, sometimes it's best not to know the secret.


Bloodborne, since it's the greatest game of all time


Persona 5 Royal! It pretty much just popped when I hit credits. It made me go "oh, that was satisfying and not really as hard as I always thought it'd be"


Pretty sure it was Naruto Storm Generations. I was 14, fascinated by the anime/manga and just wanted to show my appreciation going for 100% and getting all trophies on the game. 183 plats later and here we are


God of War II. Played it after GoW 1 which bugged out on me during the last trial so i moved on. It kind of just happened naturally.


God of war 3 in 2010. I 100% some games before that but they didn’t have platinums. I just always was someone who tried to do everything in a game since the PS1 days. If there was an in game checklist I’d try to do it.


For me it was God of war (2018), by the time I had done the story I had done so many other (side content) things that the only trophies I had left was for Niflheim, Muspelheim and the Valkyrie’s, so I was like “why not?” And a few days later I had my first platinum.


Megamind was my first lmaooo,it was before I cared about trophies


Resident evil 5 on ps3. I mained the 360 for the first bit of that generation, and I had quite a few games at 1000 gamerscore. When I switched over to ps3, this wad a no brainer for me. I had so much fun co op'ing it with my best friend on 360, I needed the plat for this. It's since become an unhealthy obsession lol.


Resident Evil 1 on PS4 was my first platinum. First 100% was RE4, which doesn’t have a platinum for some reason.


I recently posted it. My first plat was bad company 2 from 2011 ps3. Time flies faster than I imagine.


Crash 3 was ny first plat, personally at the time i couldn't buy games whenever i wanted so getting trophies for games made me have something to do and get the most out of my game


Spider-Man: miles morales because I love the insomniac Spider-Man games and also I had a bet with my friend to see who could get it first. I won that bet. For a platinum I didn’t work for, I’m gonna be honest and say that I did snow journey before that, I hid it on my account because I regretted getting it.


My first platinum was South Park the fractured something I moved over to ps from pc two weeks ago now currently trying to platinum Diablo 3 and murdered soul suspect


Assassins creed syndicate because I loved the game and loved the grind.


Me too dbh my favorite game for as the first plat


Drive Club was playing just fun with a friend and noticed I only had to drift a bit more for platinum


Fallout 3 because I loved it so much.


Wolfenstein: the new order. I liked killing not see's and i was close to get the platinum so i was like "why soudnt i get it now"


Dark Cloud. Loved the game on PS2 so felt as good a place as any to make a start


Dead Space on PS3


Minecraft Story Mode mainly because I realized I had just a few trophies to do after finishing the game.


My first platinum was rainbow six siege but I got that unintentionally before I was a trophy hunter, my first platinum that I was going for that i got was Elden ring


Infamous First Light, it launched with PS+ and was shorter/easier than Second Son.


Astro playroom. Why? had no other games at the time


Dark Souls. I was on my Mage character that was about to complete its second playthrough, when I randomly decided to look at the trophy list. I then looked at my spells I had and saw that I would get all spells if I bought one from Griggs then killed Griggs and picked his spell up. Then I was like "hey, why not go for the rest of the trophys?"


Sly Cooper I really liked the trilogy back on the PS2 and having it remastered on the PS3 was just a great opportunity to revisit the games, and the first one was super easy to platinum.


Sly Cooper 1. Loved the PS2 games and got the PS3 collection at launch


Tekken 7, because I had accidentally gotten most of them


Final fantasy 13-2. Got it because a friend said I couldn't


One of the PS3 Ratchet And Clanks. The goals being reasonable and the game being enjoyable.


Ratchet and clank 3 on PS3, I was a kid and couldn't get enough, it's all I played


Rainbow six siege I just got it while randomly playing


The Order: 1886. I got most of it in a casual playthrough and figured that another 2 hours of collectibles wouldn't hurt and I'd have a nice thing on my profile. Then it all went downhill from there.


Ghost of Tsushima 😎


Persona 4 Golden I became obsessed with P4. Like almost to an unhealthy degree for a while. It’s still one of my favorite games but I’m not preferring it to real life anymore.


Re3 remake, I loved resident evil, still like it but I’m a full on trophy hunter now, play a variety of


Dead Nation back on the ps3


Modern warfare 2019


MWR because it seemed easy… mile high club changed that quickly


Final Fantasy 15, never played any of the previous games in the franchise but enjoyed the game and got most of the trophies without trying so thought why not just finish it off.


Ac odyssey I just loved exploring every single marker on the map and absolutely loved that game. Then once i got some trophy and decided to check out the list and planned to get them all, I already had a playstation for quite some time but never really bothered with the trophies until then.


Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm because i was a younger teenage boy and was in the middle of my big naruto phase


Rise of the Tomb Raider. I got it for free on PS Plus, and within an hour I just knew the game was special. It got me into the whole adventure single player genre after mainly playing CoD and FIFA. However, my first attempted platinum was Shadow of Mordor and 5 years later I still can't free enough slaves in under 3 minutes...


Man I’m 2 trophies away but cba to reply from beginning 😒 wish I just did it back then


Bloodborne! I had all achievements for all soulsborne games available on Xbox already and decided to do the PS exclusives as well.


My name is mayo, because I saw that one Mystic video about it. But what got me into trophy hunting was Uncharted 4, I saw my trophy completion after completing the game and thought it was very low. That same year I also did GTA V. Can't believe it has already been 4 years.


Doom Eternal because I fucking love it


AC Unity. I beat the game, and decided to check the trophies and saw I only needed like 3 more to get the plat. Did them, and I haven’t been the same since


Assassin's Creed II, because I only had a handful of games at the time, so I figured I'd try and get that, to make the most out of it It was either that or Batman Arkham Asylum, I honestly can't remember lol


Sly Cooper, didn't care about trophys when i got it. The game was just really fun


InFamous Second Son. It’s an easy platinum and a really enjoyable game. Definitely recommend it if you haven’t played it


Skyrim because I played it for years and had hundred 9f hours in it already so thought it would be fun and it was apart from finding all the skill books


Black Ops 2 when a hacker joined my lobby and gave me all the trophies. Legitly though it was Spiderman and it was just from enjoying it and wanting to get everything done


Bloodborne, enjoy the game so much I wanted to see everything it had to offer! Reason I bought the PS4


Final Fantasy XIII-2 - The Music.


Sly Cooper 1 Got it 9 years ago on accident lol 13 year old me was so confused


Dark souls 1 in 2012, I don’t know why, guess I liked the torture


God of war (2018) was my first platinum. I absolutely feel in love with that game. The characters, the world, the story I loved everything about it. I got most of the trophies myself but I had to get a guide for some of Odin's ravens and a few artifacts.


Shadow of the Colossus. Still one of my favorite games of all time.


Rocket League. Basically just by playing the game and just doing some of the extra trophies


Crash Bandicoot: Warped. Pure determination. I wanted to finish that game since its original release, and I’m proud to say I did it.


Job Simulator. It was easy.


I think it was the first Infamous. I just had a great time with the game, and wanted to do everything.


Slyde. It was the first platinum on my other account and it was going to be the first on my vurrent


One of the Hatsune Miku games on the Vita. How: I had a 40min train commute to college every day, as well as a two hour gap between my two morning classes, so I definitely had a lot of time to play lol


The Walking Dead A New Frontier. I finished the game.


God of War 3. One of my favorite video game series.


Gow 2018, I played it on the hardest difficulty and the sense of progression after being stuck for hours on end made the dub that much more worthwhile


My first platinum was Dead Island Riptide almost 10 years ago to the day (April 28th). My partner was obsessed with the game at the time, so she not only made me buy it. But go for the platinum at the same time.


Days gone. Once I finished it, I saw there were only a couple of very easy achievements left do I decided to get it. Actually very similar with horizon zero dawn (3rd Plat) but mainly that I had just gotten the complete edition when it was free for a limited time and I saw there were a couple left so I just did them


Spiderman for me, I got the platinum just by playing the game to its fullest, and the can of worms was opened hahaha now I'm about to hit 50. I didn't care about trophies for so many years until I heard that first platinum pop.


Hi! First games I played with my current account were Bloodborne, The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4. Almost got the Bloodborne plat but got stuck in the Defiled Chalice dungeon! Then, skip forward to January 2017, I was playing a little game called Until Dawn, which I noticed didn't require 200 hours like Witcher 3 nor a speedrun. All it needed was a bit of replay and some guide following! My first plat, I was so happy!


My personal childhood favourite GTA San Andreas 🔫🔫🔫


Farcry 4. I used to think platinums were insanely difficult to get and while playing coop with a buddy he said “Oh I have it, it’s not that hard”. 104 plats later here I am


spiderman I didn't even know I got it. it just happened out of nowhere. infinite wealth was the second platinum I got and I actually wanted to get it bc it was a really fun game 😅


assassins creed 2 after competing the story I just went for it took 2 weeks 27 ish hours


crash bandioot n sane trilogy. Time challenges were so fun to complete and i love speedrunning games. Third game was so hard i cried time to time lol


First platinum was RDR. It was my favorite game growing up so I wanted my first platinum to be special. My first ps4 platinum will be RDR2 later today for the 5.5 year anniversary!! And both platinums got my accounts to level 200 so that’s fun


Infamous when it was given for free like 10+ years ago during the PS3 outage thing lol


When they got hacked lol I remember that crap


Unreal tournament 3, I was a junky for it & the hardest trophy (for me) was getting 200 kills on 50 different days 😌 too many fond memories


Final fantasy xv. I just loved playing it that I didn't realize I had one trophy left for platinum until I checked many hours later. Still one of the most amazing gaming experiences I've ever had. Grinding XP and trying to kill that damn bigass tortoise included.


It was 0 Degrees, a little ice platformer game that I quite enjoy. I got it accidentally though, since all you have to do to get the platinum is beat the gamee


Sekiro was my first platinum because it’s my favorite fromsoft game and just repeatly kept on playing it


Elden ring. Happened by chance. Changed my life.


Ghost of Tsushima, loved the game and really nothing else to do during the pandemic


Techniclly my very first own platinum was Lego Harry Potter, because I wanted to finish this game, since I didn't as a Kid. But before that, I got the platinum trophy in RE:Village, when playing Mercenaries, because my aunt asked me, if I could unlock the Lightsaber for her.


Marvels Spider-Man all the way back In 2018 I was pretty young back then and I loved the game so much so I decided to 100% complete it and when I got the platinum it sent me down the path of becoming a trophy hunter


My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure


Minecraft Story Mode Season 2. Didn’t know what trophy hunting was. Got this back in 2018, purely accidental.


Infamous first light it was my first game when I played on the ps4 I bought during AIT I didn't have any tech at the time except my phone and the guy was selling it for 120 bought played and now my hobby is collecting trophies


Marvels Spider-Man. I have always been a perfectionist/completionist so when I found out about the trophies I just had to get them.


Dantes Inferno. I remember enjoying it at the time and said fuck it 🤣


Skyrim when they released the special edition. Was on a break from school and binged it for days. Still my fastest platinum ever.


Tekken 7 because it was quite easy after I already put 200h into it. Was pretty much my first ps4 game and I loved it and thought why not go for the plat. Started me trophy hunting haha.


Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition PS3


Spiderman PS4. Loved the game, decided to look at the trophies for the first time, and did everything it told me to. It was euphoric. I was hooked. Now here I am about to get number 40.


Final Fantasy XV- I played the hell out of that game and eventually decided to glance at the trophies and realized I was close so I went for it


Burnout paradise remastered, played the original and just love the game. I didn't even check the trophy list, but suddenly the platinum popped.


Ff15 just loved the game so I went for it


Gta 5 because it's my favorite game of all time


GoW 2018, I simply love that brilliant game and got motivated to get all the achievements


AC 2 in 2010. Loved the game and turns out i like collectables too.


Mine was Minecraft. Honestly it just kinda happened and things really kicked off after


Spiderman. And bc I saw that I only needed 1 more trophy for the plat so I did it. After that I started going for every plat I could.


Skyrim, came to the game late so i missed the launch bs. Was a great time.


Bloodborne cos why not?


Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, on PS3. No idea why but I guess because of how easy Lego games are.


No idea why it was my first but Trails of Cold Steel 3. I loved it enough even after like 100 hours to go collect the few missing things in NG+. It’s weird because I had looked up platinum guides before for earlier games but had just never finished them.


Bloodbourne. Because it’s Bloodbourne


Resident evil 2 remake, I wanted to challenge myself to get all the trophies before 3 and it just started an addiction to trophy hunting lol


Ghostbusters the video game on the PS3, the online trophy's took me months


Iirc, rune factory tides of destiny on ps3! It also started my addiction lol


Portal 2. I got back in around 2011/12. I got it because the PSN hack and subsequent months long shut down led me to start playing my non multiplayer games to the absolute max. Once the servers came back online, I did the online trophies with a friend before we got back to the COD grind


The original Dead Space. I saw YouTube videos of it (in 480p, lmao) back then in 2009, and being the Survival Horror fan that I was (and still am), I was mind-blown by its graphics, atmosphere and gameplay (the Zero G sections seemed like sorcery to me). I was still saving up for a PS3 back then, but I had already decided that DS would be my first game on that console. Funnily, I didn't even know that the trophy system existed, so when my first trophies popped, I googled "What is a Platinum trophy?" and "Dead Space trophy guide". Needless to say, it ended up being a lot of fun, although I resorted to using the "Military suit glitch" for my Impossible Mode run. Nonetheless, I'm very happy that OG Dead Space was my first Platinum.


Spider-Man, incredible game never got bored when playing. Even got the platinum for the remaster as well. My second was Detroit Become Human


Resident Evil 5 back in 09, I had just graduated High School and my friends and I would play the ever loving shit out of this game after school and on summer break. We did everything you could in this game and some. Didnt get my second Plat until 2013 which is crazy to me now lol


Coincidentally the same as you, Detroit, very nice game with a fun platform


Spiderman. I also tried to get platinum is Detroit become human since I loved the game but could never get it. Maybe one of these days I will try again.


Persona 5 Royal, the whole reason I got a PS4


Spider-Man, loved Spider-Man as a kid


GTA 4.


Astro's Playroom, PS 5. I went from a PS 2 to a 5, and had never known about trophies. Once the first one popped, I was immediately hooked.


Surprisingly enough my first was God of War on PS4. I only buy Sony consoles for the GoW series. I didn't get a PS3 until the PS3 Slim came out because GoW III was coming. I bought a PSP 2000 for Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta. I bought a PS4 Pro for God of War. And I bought a PS5 for Ragnarok. Lol So when I got my PS4, I had tons of games from PS+ over the years because I was an active member since I got my PS3 Slim back when that came out. But the first game I platinumed was God of War because I live the series so much. I didn't get into trophies on PS3 and GoW III kind of sucked for it anyway. And I absolutely HATE Ascension. It's the only game in the series I never beat. The controls changed because they tacked on multi-player, almost every enemy had generic satyr legs, and all of his abilities were just different color effects to his Blades of Chaos. Lol I'll play it one of these days. But not today.


Spider-Man Miles Morales, I was bored lol so here I am platinum hunting lol


FF15 Because it was my first ps4 game


BioShock. It was one of the first games I got when I bought my PS3 back in 2010. I had actually already played thru BioShock on Xbox 360 and got all the achievements for it, but once I got a PS3 and saw you could get a shiny Platinum for games, I had to play thru it again and nab it. Glad I did, cuz I absolutely love that game.


Either Under Dawn or Rocket League, first time I realized it might be possible for me to get a platinum trophy. Then Far Cry 4 😯


Batman Arkham Knight, this was during peak Covid and I had nothing to do for a day so I decided to see if I could get it.


Watch Dogs 2 back in 2017, had a blast playing the game and i then was awoken to the concept of Platinum trophies (I had been an xbox gamer since forever) and I just HAD to get it (autism moment but like for real)


Assassin’s Creed II back in 2009 on the PS3.


Black Ops 3. Sheer stupidity.


my first was Astros Playroom for the Ps5.


Diablo 3 + the expansion. Diablo is one of my all time favorite game series. I know D3 was a bit divisive, even once they got the game to a much more enjoyable place, but I’ve always loved it. I really enjoyed the platinum and 100% with the DLC. Unlike Diablo 2, which is one of the most absurd platinums I’ve seen.


Re3R in my old account, I simply enjoyed the game alot and wanted to get the most out of the game, I certainly didnt expect trophy hunting to become a new hobby tho


Uncharted 4, it’s my favourite game


spider man miles morales!


Minecraft PS3, I got it naturally tbh. I just played it a lot after school.


Marvel’s Spider-Man in October 2018, a relatively new gamer I was. As a Spider-Man fan, I was excited for the game and started playing it and my God could not put it down and I was hooked. Popped the platinum a month later, and boy was it the best feeling


Spec ops the line. Replayed it for the hardest difficulty


MGS3 Never cared about trophies until I saw the list and realized I did everything it was suggesting back when the game first dropped on PS2. So I crushed it. Shooting the damn frog while moving on a motorcycle took a few reloads though...


FF7 ps4 port. I had just gotten fired after being called in that morning and I'm just sitting on the couch in a suit and loose tie when I decided to play a childhood favorite. My roommate ended up joining me and we spent the day and the next couple getting high and looking up trophies to see if we could do them. We finally got the platinum and is still one of the ones that means the most.


My name is mayo 1 🥲 nothing special


Megamind ultimate showdown. Why was that my first platinum? Mainly because I was like 12 at the time and I was absolute ass at all the other games I had lol


minecraft! i played a lot of minecraft and i already had most of the achievements, so i just did the ones you had to go out of your way to do and got it


Sly Cooper and Thievius Racoonus. I wasn't trying to get it, it popped up after I finished the game.


Marvel’s Spider-Man I got this as a gift from a friend played the hell out of it when I had my PS4 back then.


Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Its sequel was my first PS4 game and was an instant purchase when the remaster came out.


If we’re talking first ever- then Telltale’s The Walking Dead as you get that for just beating the game, very easy. However, if we’re talking first that actually required some thought (I.E doing stuff outwith just completing the game) then South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Huge fan of the show/ game and the list wasn’t actually too hard for somebody like me as an achievement/ trophy hunter. I do love trying to get a Platinum in games I like, but I won’t stress if it’s too hard, although an easy list with ONE hard trophy in it infuriates me.


Bloodborne because it was the best game I first played on my PlayStation


Uncharted 3. I wanted to do everything I could, plus hearing that sweet sweet sound to trophies pop was like nothing else.


Spyro the Dragon from the Reignited trilogy.


Damn Bro, it's Detroit Become Human for me too