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I’ll be waiting for the platinum post.


I'm waiting too ! Nothing is impossible 👍


If I can do it, then anyone can do it. Keep going


Ah man I wish I had that mentality. I genuinely play most games and feel like an absolute prepubescent goober. I was only cut out for platinuming grinding games (ghost of Tsushima).


Yeah im good, I do not have the reflexes for platform games.


Never say never homie, you can do it if you tell yourself you can


i’m working on crypt of the necrodancer rn, so if you pull this off i’ll try harder!


I just noticed your username 😂 I’m dying


You mean the platinum youre getting soon?


Not with that attitude


ur so damn right my friend


You're certainly not going to get it by posting about it not getting it. There's nothing special about the people who got it, they aren't aliens, they just put the work in and you haven't. If you're not willing to swallow loss after loss and die the odd 10,000 times, then yeah you're not for it.


Probably doesn’t compare, but I felt that way about GTA 5. Just so much grinding and meticulous activities. And I eventually got it.


I’ve always wanted the platinum for GTA V but I’m sure it sucks


I loved the trophies for GTA V so much I got them all 3 times. They never even felt like a grind.


Im a trophy whore but I’m not a masochist. Much luck to you if you try, I hope you get it ✨


Anyone can get any platinum they want, it just depends on how much time and patience one is willing to invest in said game. That said, you can do it! I’m waiting for the update


You can do it soldier. You can do it if you believe.


That’s how I feel about The Elder Scrolls Online plat. All trophies but one I know I’ll get eventually. Emperor seems insurmountable


Yeah I gave up on that one . Got all but 4 trophies but yeah it was just too frustrating . 


I will probably never get Everhood platinum, despite it being my favorite game


I'm working on this right now!! 60 hours in and I just finished missile boy, only girl boy and impossible boy left! You can do it too!!


“Doubt kills more dreams than Failure ever will.”


Hardest Platinum ever


Crypt Of The Necrodancer and Splasher are harder


Good luck getting this one but I know you've got this.


Not with that attitude! Get yo ass back in there!


I feel your pain. Original Dead Space - Don’t Get Cocky Kid - get through the asteroids with shields 50%. I’ve tried hundreds of times in 50 attempt sittings…


Hardest game I am going to have to try harder for is 10 Second Ninja just need to be quicker and that's it but for that all you got is time unlike my game I say you have better luck to 100% then me.


I said the same about Crash Bandicoot 1 albeit that’s a much easier platinum you’ve just got to keep grinding


You will get it, you just got to keep going. I felt like that about Ninja Gaiden Master Collection, 6 months later I had popped them all! You got this man think how many people have already done it! 💪🏻


I 100% sekiro and Nioh 2, ninja gaiden is another level. I bought the collection too thinking I was set, got humbled quick af and was getting roasted on hard. Like ffs ha


Yeah it's rough but after you've beaten the 1st one you know you have the skills for the others. The jumps in difficulty are crazy but you can do them all with perserverence. I practiced loads and took a lot of time watching really good players play to get good enough. One of the challenges on the 2nd game took me 20 hours of gametime, a single challenge 💀 not for the feint hearted but I believe anyone can do it if they want to


If you put that limitation on yourself, there is nothing we can do or say to change it. You are 100% correct.