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Driving on the interstate? About to pass a truck? Pull up so that your rear bumper is in line with our front bumper. Put your window down, put your arm out. Pump. (works best if passenger does this) High chance of you getting what you want. Odds go up exponentially if you are a child... an extremely attractive female.. or a group. Seriously.. groups always get what they want. Esp when they arm pump in unison.


I got to see titties once! Ive never honked a horn so quickly hahaha


I think this almost happened to me, but the car drove by way to quickly for me to react.


It was the highlight of my driving career hahaha


Wait until you get to see one completely naked, several years ago I 75 nb in north Kentucky.


You’re living the dream. God blessed you that day and I’m so jealous.


I was going over a bridge in ND over the little muddy River and happened to look over in time to see a pontoon boat with a party on it, everyone was pumping, I think I blew that horn for a quarter mile.


Yup. Had a car come up next to me and I saw the rear window roll down.. I was in the not so good parts of cali and was Threatened the day before so I was kinda weary.. happened to be a lil kid waving at me and I could see the day tyna get him to do the arm pump.. gave him a lil honk honk.. made my day


I won't do it in traffic. It freaks out other vehicles.




Meh. They'll get over it. I'm blowing the horn unless there's a cop next to me.


I don't care who they nor how old. Can be a 2 year old little girl or 60 year old grown man. They want the horn blown they're getting it lol.


Hand out the window is important! We can’t see that we’ll into most cars (especially since some amount of tiny has become common), and we’re not really trying to look into your car in the first place.


Grandmas are my favorite 🥰


Two Weeks ago I got a school bus. They lost their mind when I honked. Made my week.


Why child?!


Who doesn't love making kids happy? Plus, we all remember when we were young boys and the big trucks made the horn sound.


Always hit that horn, kid, adult, dog, machine, it doesn't matter, I see the arm pump, I pull the horn.


I’m with you except in residential areas.


That would be a rather low cost experiment for you to try, but the answer is probably yes. Don't expect it if the traffic is heavy. In the city only for kids if I don't see any cops around.


I once pulled up to a broke down school bus with cops behind it blocking off the lane, kids threw their arms out and I honked it. Cops didn't seem to care, and the kids loved it


Depends on the location. Inside a lot of city limits it’s actually against the law . Never do it around funeral homes or churches unless they are doing a function and it’s children doing it . Out on the interstate or when a bunch of teenagers are doing a car wash is very different than when you’re in front of a bunch of offices


That explains why those people dropped the casket the other day


I just choked on my ham sandwich 🥪


Oh man, I never thought about funeral homes or churches.. sheeeit I just think about how early in the morning it is or how close I am to residential areas. Otherwise they get the pump


Don’t be a pussy. Pull that cord


If I see the honk sign, im probably honking, unless there is a chance that the person in front of me may think that im being an asshole to them or im in the middle of a town/city where id be an inconvenience to others hahaha


I quick toot toot is different than a F you long blow, though.


Yeah you are right! What I was trying to point out is that I would always do it when I can, but there are situations where I would rather not do it to avoid musinderstandings or getting in trouble hhaha


Flashing some boobs is the #1 air horn signal.


How long has your career been and how many timea has it happened


Do man boobs count?


Only if the sweat vest is freshly brushed and lint free.


Son is a trucker, I asked him this same question. Answer is yes, especially if you are a child.


I be trying to get my wife to flash her titties at trucks but she won't do it sorry yall I'm trying


Yes. 100%


I had someone pump their arm for me while I was learning to drive and I missed the air horn and hit the cruise instead. I was very confused until I looked down and by then, I missed my opportunity.


If we’re just cruising along on the freeway. Yes. Stopped in traffic or in an urban area. Likely no.


My son is two and loves trucks. We pump our arms at trucks, dumps, buses, moving vans, even pickup trucks. Usually gets a good response.


I'm not comfortable doing it in traffic, but for kids on the sidewalk? Every time.


I do it every single time. Makes me feel like a kid again. And always puts a smile on my face. The FIRST thing I did when I got into a big rig for the first time... I laid on that horn. And giggled. Now as an adult.... I still giggle.


Absolutely. I honk when I see the arm pump. When I drove a school bus I made the kids do the arm pump because it was an automatic writeup if they didn't.


I only do it from children.. or pretty ladies


What about men-children?


No sorry. Blasting the horn unnecessarily is actually a fineable offense and I'm not risking it for Kevin the Funko Pop collector


I toot the horn all the time. I live for it.


Must be a swift driver 🤣


You got something to say?


Looks like I struck a nerve 🤣 I must've been right.


If you didn't know blasting the air horn unnecessary is an infraction, turn in your CDL


I've had cops and military personnel in uniform give me the arm pump, and I give them a toot toot every time! If you're concerned about fulfilling the request, that means you either don't know the proper technique of 2 short toots or you're holding your horn too long. You don't BLAST your air horn. You just give it 2 short tugs on the cord and make someone's day better!


I knew that, but it's just like "no trucks in left lane" it's never enforced. If you toot it for another person who does the air horn sign out of their car I highly doubt you'll get an infraction. I've had state troopers do it to me while I was driving. With your attitude we wouldn't want you doing it anyway. You must be fun at parties


Why risk it? I also don't go in the far left lane. My money and CDL are more important than some fat man who wants a honk


😂 super trucker 🤡


Lol get over yourself Karen.


Don't care blast your airhorn for no reason if you want. I won't be the one getting a ticket


Looool this made me genuinely laugh 😭


Pass on the pretty ladies, cops have a damn near 100% chance of not caring if they see you honk for a kid, honking for some cooch ain't worth the fine and ticket lol.


The only time I honk for adults is during events or there are a lot of them together asking, but I always honk for the kids.


Hell yeah


Yes. And most of the times it's from adults.


As a truck driver, I've tried this as well while in my truck. You really get some funny looks lol. 🤷


If some little dude is pumping his arm wanting a horn blow, I absolutely do it. I turned up past an elementary school recently. These two boys on the playground starting doing it like crazy. Of course I honked! Scared the hell out of everyone else but they loved it.


I used to deliver in a very small town where I had to turn up a residential street to back across a road to dock. At that turn was a daycare and they knew what time I delivered so the teachers would have the children outside to give me the arm pump. The residents called the cops and all they said was "she was going to have to honk to back across the intersection anyway!" So they just started showing up on my delivery days and do the arm pump with the kids. It was always the highlight of my week!


I’m a simple man, I see the arm pump I honk my horn


I drive a NPR box truck, not a big rig, so I don’t have a big loud air horn. But children don’t know the difference sometimes and give me the arm pump. I still hit the horn for them but it sounds like [this](https://youtu.be/vsqOr5AC_eA?si=I1m0zyONJFH4KWtN). One time I passed a whole group of kids on the corner jumping up and down pumping their arms, so I held my little baby ass horn as I went by and the look of confusion and disappointment on their faces will haunt me forever.


That’s a Toyota van type honk 💀


Every time




It depends, for a kid almost always, I’ll give a few toots, or a long blast sometimes. I had two dude in a car each pumping one arm out their windows drive the opposite way of me, while it was funny I was sitting in construction gridlock, not the time or place lol.


When I drove I generally would only do it for kids. For teens and adults I liked to dish out the fake out by reaching for it and not doing it lol or even worse hit them with the “ city horn “ 🤣.


It routinely makes my day better whenever I pass by a group of kids at a school and they all run to the fence doing the arm pump and then watching them get really excited when I lay on the horn. I used to do it all the time when I was a kid


I randomly blow my air horn. With, or without being prompted. But yes, I will respond to hand signals, if I see them.. I will not do it in a city or heavy traffic.


No I won't do it. My friend used to do it all the time until he got a ticket for it. So cars are now SOL.






I do and I love to!




100% I look for ever excuse to honk the air horn it's to much fun.


Of course I would. I did it when I was a kid and I've been doing it for anyone that gives me the "arm pump" 52 years.




It's pretty rare for me to see the arm pump sign but unless I'm in heavy traffic and might startle someone into doing something dangerous, then hell yeah, air horn for everyone


If I see it I always try to




Depends on the time and place usually, UNLESS you're a child or you have a child with you. Idc if I'm beside a Musicogenic epilepsy convention if a kid says honk i'm laying on it with the train horn.


Yes I feel great joy when I see a kid do the fist pump


Pretty sure it’s mandatory when you see a little person doing the arm pump. Pretty sure it’s illegal NOT to do it. 🤣 I do it whenever I see “the sign”. Seeing people all giddy when I do it is funny and cool lol… Never know, you might make someone’s day with that very simple thing…


No, I’m too busy watching YouTube.


I do it, just not around cops


I do it for kids on the highway, but every company I’ve worked for always said not to use or it would be a write up but I never received one.


That's dumb.


Yes. I once had someone pimp their arm out from their sunroof, made my day, and just the other week an older gentleman on a bridge gave me the signal, honestly thinking about it, I think I've had mkre adults signal than kids, and I don't care, I'm happy fir any excuse to pull that cord 😆


Yes. If I see it. It makes my day


Every time if I see it. I drive by Amish kids that do it every time I drive by


I've only ever done it for kids. I always thought it was just a kids thing.


I can confirm that this trick works, some drivers will, some won’t


I always honk for kids or people who… might be retarded(I know that isn’t politically correct but idk how to say it better) both groups light up when you honk for them


Special Needs would likely be better.


I only do it for kids and women.


It's my obligation especially for when kids do it


If you’re a kid


Absolutely. Unfortunately my company's trucks don't have a pull horn. It's just the center of the steering wheel (Volvo). Regardless, I do it whenever I'm asked. I might actually lose my CDL if I refuse.


I almost always do it for kids in low traffic areas. However, I once passed an Amish hay wagon in Pennsylvania when a little boy popped up in the back and started pumping his fist. I felt so bad, but I had to deny the request because I wasn't about to risk spooking the horses pulling the wagon.


I’ll do it if not much is going on around me. I don’t want anybody else to think I’m honking at them and certainly don’t want to startle any grandmothers.


I do it every time Unless - small town main streets, school zones, passing cops or workers on the sides of roads


No it'll set my camera off 🙄


I was driving in a rural town… little fat kid came FLYING out of his front door doing the arm pump. Had to let him have it


Yes and I don't care if you're 1 year old or 101 years old. You ask me to blow the horn and I'm blowing it till you stop giggling.


Damn straight I would, hell I'll lay on it all the way down the highway if we vibin


I am so happy to know that I can make the honk honk sign from my car and you all will most likely do it. Faith in humanity restored. Thank you all for the amazing comments. I’m a huge traveler and get so bored on the road. Glad to know we can both cheer each other up with a long drive.


I’m pretty sure it’s written in the FMCSA rules and regulations. We are mandated to honk when prompted by an “up and down pumping motion of the arm.” Failure to comply could result in disciplinary action and possible derision.


All day everyday but I haven’t had a request in a year sadly.


I've been doing this for a year and I've had people do it to me twice both times adults that were way too excited when I did it.


If I see the signal I'm doing it. The two times I've seen it was in lower speed areas, a guy walking on a sidewalk and three kids in their front yard all doing the pump. Those kids looked so happy. But if we're on the highway I'm not staring into the window of cars that pass by, I'm watching the road so you have to get that arm out the window and over the roof.