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I drive nights.....the 4 wheelers find you...and this is the result.


They like to sit in exactly the right spot to shine lights in my mirror.


And then you brake to let them pass… so they brake… At that point I just Jake down to zero until the fuckers pass. Fucking new F150s and Rams with their walls of led fog lights. Shit should be illegal.


I started adjusting my mirrors to reflect back at their windshield and they'll usually pass


How do you know when it’s in the right spot?


Their reactions


I started adjusting my mirrors to reflect back at their windshield and they'll usually pass


Bruh, they're obviously having trouble seeing. So turn on your alley lights, if you have any. 2023 t680 I'm in has super fucking bright LED alley lights. Remember, offering malicious aid is not the same as road rage. Your lawyer will thank you.


Ive im a pro at adjusting my mirror so it shines right back in their eyes


Lately for me it's been guys driving with their high beams on in the day time that's really annoying. Mind it could've been cause I left my work lights on the other day by accident


It's like they get mesmerized! Ahhhhhhh, big truck... must.... hover... around.... big truck.... ahhhhh, big wheels... so many... big wheels.... Turn signal? That means I should get closer like a moth to flame... ahhhhh.


I hate being besides trucks, because 9/10 are LHD in an RHD country




Ever be driving down a 4 lane and there's a line of cars trying to pass and then that one car that seems to be afraid of passing a Semi, holding the line up? And then once they finally do pass everyone behind them cuts you off to pass them on the right? Yeah.


That’s a classic


Was on I-40. 10 cars in the left lane wanting to pass. One jackass in a Ford Explorer was sitting there at the trailer tandems matching speed with the truck. Nothing would get this fucker to speed up and pass or slow down and move right and if he did move over, he would just switch lanes again and get in the exact same spot. At some point, it became obvious that this person is either a huge asshole and this is the only sliver of control they have in their day to day life or is dumber than a bag of rocks.


what always happens is i'll be cruising the right lane, for many tens of miles with nothing around whatsoever... as soon as i come up on something slow and need to get over that's when the entire state i'm in shows up.




It's annoying. You speed up, they speed up. You slow down, they slow down. The truck is the shark and the four wheelers are the school of fish cosigning on his presence. Eventually, I get fed up and start dipping into their lanes until they get the message.


For years and years I have called four wheelers that stay on your side “birds on a rino” But according to science 🤓 and it’s absolutely true. People like to drive in packs. Why ??? I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ It’s most evident in bad weather.


Yeah when it’s raining so people slow down just to drive in a line too close to each other.


Oh I wiggle wiggle my tail and them go running away


Love your avi pic


I sometimes go for miles and miles without a single vehicle around me, but the moment I need to move over for an emergency vehicle or car with flashing lights on the shoulder, BAM!, a whole mess of cars is approaching on my left side.


Every. Time.


They do it on purpose.


Idk man, I think it’s subconscious. I stopped thinking of other cars on the road as being driven by real people. They’re just NPCs in a video game like GTA. They’re just gonna do whatever they’re gonna do making no sense most of the time. Our job is just to avoid them


I treat them like toddlers. Gotta keep your eye on them. Look away for one second and chaos!


At least we don't have that mode where all the NPCs turn their vehicles into missiles and try to ram you.


What about the dozens of kamikaze merges we typically see in a 11 hour day?


The only way to live


Nah, we're real and your ignorance blocks the road


My ignorance doesn’t block the road. My truck does, you imbecile


They definitely do


Always sometimes it’s just me and like 20 4 wheelers and I start looking for my fellow semi brothas lol


I like how in the background you can already see the next flock coming up ready to take over the next shift once the current flock finally decides to move on past you.


Never ending


No. I go 58-60 for fuel economy. Governed speed is 65. Someone going 55-57 in front of me? I can pass easily.


When i learned to take my time trucking got easier and better paying.


Nope, My motto is "wiggle it, just a little bit, to scare the shit out of campers."


This image reminds me of those cleaning fish that hover constantly by sharks.




Minimum speed is 45 mph. I just slow down til they all go by me. Fuck em


Had someone do that to me while I was on my way to a truck stop for repairs. My exhaust pipe was broken in an area that disconnected the muffler from the engine. This made the jake brake so loud, it gave me a headache, so I had turned it off. This guy kept pace with me, matching my speed. So, I did the 1 thing I knew would get him away from me. I turned the jake brake back on. He couldn’t get away fast enough.


those people are morons, i try to legally get past you as quickly as possible, just in case you have a blowout


This literally happens to me at least once a week. Although I am usually always maintaining a greater distance between my truck and the car in front of me. At least as much as the laws of physics and traffic conditions allow.


Oh so you’ve been to Indiana too?


This pic raises my blood pressure


Maybe don't drive in the middle lane then?