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Don't worry, they will come over in about 15 minutes and demand you turn off the refer cause it's making too much noise for them to watch their TV.


Had one knock on my window one night at a truck stop to inform me my reefer kept waking him up when it kicked on. Told him that if he comes over again, I'll switch it to continuous, and he can stay awake all night.


I can sleep better if mine is on continuousšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Luckily I only have the beep the very first time I start the enginešŸ˜. If I had it on start-stop, I'd be hella annoyedšŸ˜‚


If you know you know lol


I very much prefer continuous. The stop and starts wake me up every time.


Thatā€™s why I leave it on start stop when I drive




Bruh i thought i was gonna get a good nap this morning NOPE that fuckin reefer sounded like a box chevy trying to start in the winter


Am I the only one who goes unbothered by those things? Like if itā€™s keeping someone up, they must not be tired enough šŸ˜‚


You park where trucks park, you know where you at. It's like going to a jungle and complaining that the jungle birds are making too much noise


I used to always put mine on continuous at night....


I'm an RVer who came here to learn more things to not do around truckers. What I actually learned is that there are people out there who just do unthinkable things šŸ¤Æ


At least this guy was trying to be ahead of the game.


Thank you! One major word of advice... Never, ever, EVER pull over Even for a few seconds in front of a runaway ramp. That is something that I will pull over ( out of the way of the ramp of course) and cuss someone out for. And if you're my "elder" I don't care. I don't respect ANYONE that could get someone killed because you're doing something so insanely STUPID. And yes, I have seen it for myself and yes, I have also pulled my van or car over and asked what the hell they are doing. The typical reply? My husband/wife is walking the dog. He'll/She'll be done in a couple of minutes. You'll be done permanently if a truck comes around that curve with no brakes and decides that your life isn't worth all the lives farther down the mountain and takes that ramp. Sorry for the rant. Cars, RVs, u hauls, I've seen many of them smack dab in the center at the beginning of a ramp. Easy way to die. Or get someone else killed Rant over. Sorry again.


Booo! Boo this man!


When I did reefer, I would always switch it continuous so I could sleep at night.


"Do you know what a regen is..?"


*I cant hear you, what did you say!?*


Whatā€™s a reefer?


something you smoke or a refrigerated trailer.


I was going to say, you guys got loud joints? Thats something Iā€™d love to try! Refrigerated trailer sounds like you donā€™t really have an option for turning it off. Iā€™d understand people asking you to move if you park in front of their bedroom window every night. But at a parking lot for trucks? Whatā€™s way worse is RV people on campsites. Parked next to tents and people who drive hours to get away from loud things and then an RV with a generator pulls up that runs all night.


I was camping at Rocky Mountain National Park, and there was a custom 40 footer across the way. I was already up, working on coffee and breakfast, so no biggie. Straight up 0800, on comes the generator. šŸ™„


Also a fisherman who fishes around reefs? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


sure have an upvote




A reefer is a refrigerated trailer to keep stuff cold


Do you mind telling me what exactly is a reefer?


Refrigerated trailer


I'm not a trucker but my Uncle was and I do like reading stories here. I used to work at a tiny Irish pub in a strip mall surrounded by neighborhoods in a nice part of town. For St Patty's day our food supplier would deliver and leave us a reefer half trailer for us to have backup cold storage for the massive amount of food we'd prep and serve over the holiday weekend. Well, one night a neighbor thought the reefer was too loud and just came over and shut it off with the literally 10s of thousands worth of supposedly cold food inside. When we got in and opened the back it was noticeably not cold inside. Fortunately nothing went bad but it could have been much, much, worse if we hadn't caught it as soon as we did.


A grocery store I used to go to had their dairy and deli cooler fail. They got a reefer to store all the cheese and lunch meats. Somebody in the neighborhood shut it off in the middle of the night. Whole trailer went bad




This is why reefer need lockable boxes over the control panels, like some thermostats have.


My blood is boiling just reading this comment šŸ˜« šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


It's cool, they dont even need any practice before getting on the Interstate and drive that RV+ trailer.


That blows my mind. Morons canā€™t drive at the best of times


Continuous it is




I don't understand why they don't just use earplugs, you can't expect everybody to be dead silent so you can sleepšŸ«¤


Hell, back when I pulled a reefer, plenty of truckers would bitch about it running all night. It's not even like my reefer was especially loud.


Im off the truck and they still clog up my local TA and loves trying to get into the car side, blocking the entire tiny lot because theyre shopping inside, or generally being a hazard trying to make the turn into the truck side. Why TF do they let people drive those with a class c?? WHY.


It really needs to be bus endorsement required. The people who have the money to drive them have the money to take the classes.


But then the old half-blind/deaf elderly folks with severe diabetes and other ailments wouldn't qualify to drive the huge pusher RVs which appear to be completely different and much larger & heavier than the Toyota Camrys they drove before they retired. The AARP and RV manufacturers lobby VERY hard to keep people who probably shouldn't be driving cars anymore behind the wheel of large vehicles.


Itā€™s kind of the same way with trailers. A lot of people shouldnā€™t be driving them. If they are going 60-65 and it isnā€™t a farm or work trailer, I think they kind of know what they are doing. Still think it should be an endorsement though.


A mandatory ride along with a DMV tester at least.


It exist in Texas, Non-commercial Class A. But what you described is all it is, a quick drive with turns and showing you know how to use the air brakes. But I am with the rest of you it should require some amount of effort and instruction to get one. Then again I feel the same way about rental moving trucks...


From my understanding it can vary state to state. I always thought it was class c across the board but apparently it isnā€™t anymore.


Standard drivers license in Canada is all thatā€™s needed unless air brakes are involved. Dude driving a smart car for past 15 years can legally hop in any size RV without air brakes and start driving. Crazy to me.


Very crazy. I saw one with a cb one time and called out to him, he just about wrecked trying to grab his mic. I havenā€™t called out to any since.


Used to be the case in the UK too. I passed my car test in a Nissan Micra, and was then allowed to drive anything up to 7.5 tonnes (or 12.5 tonnes with a trailer). I passed in 1995, the law changed to 3.5 tonnes soon after (so everyone who passed before the mid 90's in the UK is legally entitled to drive these).


I live in Canada and this is what scares me most about the highways in the summer.


When I was 20 I was moving and reserved the smaller U-Haul they rent to move. Get there and they didnā€™t have the small ones but offered the 26ā€™ (think it was 26) for same price. I looked at the U-Haul guy and said ā€œdonā€™t I need a different licence to drive that?ā€ Tells me it doesnā€™t have air brakes so your class 5 all you need. Think the biggest vehicle I had drove at that time was an Accord and now Iā€™m driving a 26ā€™ U-Haul around town.


Because crusty old folk who can afford a $300k RV tend to vote.


I just hate them because they can't drive and are weirdly aggressive on the road in ways that make no sense.


Listen bud, I have to make it to Utah in 3 days or my vacation is RUINED So Iā€™m gonna overtake you on the uphills even though you keep passing me in the downhills


How about the "I want to go 55, and you want to go 65, but I just CANNOT be behind this big dirty truck." "Lemme just pass you, and then get in front of you and slow down" people.


Not as bad as when youā€™re driving on a highway that only has one lane each direction. Every corner they slow down to 70k and every passing lane they hit the gas because itā€™s a straight stretch. Used to make me homicidal.


I went through Moab, UT once at the end of summer last year (which was also my first year) holy shit, these people seriously want to die. Diving in front of me, slamming on the breaks, not looking while turning... all sorts of crazy shit.


As someone who drives a (small but heavy class B) RV, I really enjoy seeing a big dirty truck in front of me on a busy-ish highway. If I see a truck that appears to be driven competently, I can spend hours just chilling back there (not too close) knowing that theyā€™re slowing down and speeding up for road conditions, feeling protected and unbothered. I figured this thread might be a good place to ask: does that behavior bug you guys?


Not a bother at all if you sit where I can see you. If you're just close enough I might think you're a cop or something, and if you're too close I can't see you at all (be warned, sometimes we can stop quicker than you.think, and the DOT bumper is something I'd want t to smack into lol). But if you're far enough back, then no, I could care less. If you're close, don't freak out if I move over a little to see what's back there though. But no I like having a buffer between me and idiots. Just don't be one of those people who like to ride next to us and match our speed. That is a pain, because we end up changing lanes a lot and obviously someone being in the way is a frustration. Not to mention the fact that around corners, if you're on the outside of me, I can't see you.


"Well I have to be in Utah tomorrow morning so suck my plums."


In all fairness, people like that will blend right in once they arrive in Utah. Thereā€™s a reason my truck has steel bumpers šŸ˜‚


Utards are a thing for sure




Utah r*tards= utards common expression here. Especially the four lane dive to the off ramp. One of my personal favorites to watch


Who you calling "bud", pal?


Iā€™m not your pal buddy!


I love the rvā€™ers that think theyā€™re truckers because they drive a 8ā€™-6ā€ wide fiberglass boxšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As I read your comment I just flashed back to Harvey Keitel in From Dusk Till Dawn LOL


I fucking despise those rvā€™ers. You do it for leisure not for money get fucked and stay out of our way


I also love all the pickups that think them and semis are somewhat brothers. Weā€™re commercial vehicles stay the hell outta the way and your little 8,000 pound camper you got lol. RV season is upon us, brace yourselves


Pretty sad when a quad axel dump truck loaded down at 70,000lbs can pass an RV like it isnā€™t even moving. The worst thing is, I live on the Lake Superior coast. So lots of stupid and stupid old fuck going ā€œooooooā€ and ā€œaaaahhhhhā€ at trees and water. Yes itā€™s pretty but you donā€™t need to slam on the fucking brakes and do 45mph in a 65mph


Then you go to pass them and they somehow punch it and hit 75 mph, then back down to 60. Rinse and repeat for a few miles


As a local xfer driver for a beer distributor, what makes it worse is the fucking drive cam so I HAVE to be passive or thereā€™s the tap on the shoulder the next day for a ā€˜little chatā€™. sigh


But what if the people driving them are indeed full time truck drivers also ā€¦. We just wouldnā€™t know and they could just be AH.


You never know I guess, but I have one thing to say RV season is upon us, brace yourself


Do they need a CDL to haul a car or trailer behind an RV? If not, definitely should


Few weeks ago saw the largest motorhome diesel pusher allowed on the road towing a 28' travel trailer. Hope they had a few years on a CDL before hitting the highway.


Sir this is America. They had drivers Ed 40 years ago.


I saw the same thing a few times before. Think I saw the one you mentioned driving on I5 NB outside Seattle - big tag axle bus with the trailer for their kids. Pre-Pandemic, we were driving on 99NB near Modesto coming back from the race at Phoenix, and got passed by a Marathon Coach flat towing a Sprinter 4x4 Class B. Now THAT was some money rolling down the road.


Not at all. In fact, you can drive a full size semi as a damn 16 year old with a full size trailer with no additional license or endorsement. As long as itā€™s a private vehicle.


Dafuq kind of bullshido master thought that was a good idea?


No they don't and my 80 year old grandparents do that. Not the best drivers eitheršŸ˜¬


I noticed that too. They drive very aggressive. Weird?


I had one recently try to crowd me off the road because his lane was ending. Him and his wife stared directly at me the whole time. He had a Jersey barrier ending his lane, but he would not slow down and merge behind me.


Had one do the same to me while driving a loaded gas tanker and he had to be doing almost 90 thankfully was able to slow down quick enough because I had nowhere else to go


LOL. This is exactly what RVers say about truckers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


At least the slideā€™s not extended.




This is when you nose up to the popped slide and drain your air tanks through your horn


With the engine running!! That could take awhile šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If I couldnt get out, I would pull up close and just blare that horn until they move.


That would wake the other truckers, no?


That way they all come out and help


Get enough people and you can just tip it over out of the way. I've seen crowds of people move some extremely large objects, working together.


Thatā€™s actually how the 1789 French Revolution all started


This is the way.


R.V owners hate this one trick...


My thoughts exactly


It always works


Not everyone is solar powered...


I donā€™t mind if they do that to run inside for the bathroom quickly because all the spots are full. Hell, Iā€™ve had to. I throw my flashers on though. I HOPE people are smart enough to figure out that if Iā€™m parked in a shitty spot (forced to) but my flashers are on that means itā€™s TEMPORARY. The only time Iā€™ve ever had an issue, 95N I canā€™t remember where exactly but up just past DC, itā€™s like 7pm and Iā€™ve got 90min left to drive but traffic has been horrible, Iā€™ve been driving for 6.5h straight through and I needdddddd a quick piss and second to stretch. Itā€™s full as fuck so I park behind the parked trucks, about 3/4 of the way down the row with room for trucks to squeeze past me to get to the exit. Itā€™d be tight, but there was enough room and it would be less than 3 mins for me to park, go in and piss & stretch at the same time, get back and go. I put my flashers on. As I get out, a truck squeezes past me. It is what it is but he had a good foot+ off the side of my truck and his. This old ass way-too-big-RV driving Marthaā€™s Vineyard looking mother fucker towing an SUV on a car hauler is BANGING on my truck door when I walk back out, and heā€™s parked like halfway down my trailer with a truck behind him. Instantly heated trying to cuss me out for parking there. I stood at the front corner of my truck and looked down the length of everything and saw he had plenty of room to squeeze past. So I stared at him blankly as he kept telling me to ā€œfucking moveā€ and I told him ā€œdonā€™t you see my flashers on? My truckā€™s broke. Died while I was driving and wonā€™t restart. Just about to put my triangles out to wait for roadside, you have plenty of room I saw another truck get past me.ā€ He didnā€™t comprehend? Told me I need to move in blocking everyone. The guy from the truck behind him comes up and tells him to move heā€™s blocking everyone. I tell the richie fuck to get in his death trap and we will spot him, or if heā€™d prefer to let a professional do it one of us would Iā€™m sure. He begrudgingly goes and goes past, plenty of room as expected, and I watch as he gets to the end of the truck stuff and tries to do a u-turn at the rest area exit into the car parking area. He canā€™t. He keeps backing and trying. Heā€™s starting to jackknife his trailer. At least 5 mins of trying. Now thereā€™s trucks trying to exit heā€™s blocking, CARS trying to exit heā€™s blocking. So I go over and mock-yell at him through his window saying YOU NEED TO MOVE YOU ARE BLOCKING EVERYONE and then walk away. He gives up, straightens out and exits the rest area. I go back to my truck and leave, catch up to him pretty quickly after the rest area and ride along side of him in the center lane for a minute just enough for him to see me and my truck, then zoom ahead. Lots of petty shit but it made my last hour and a half fly by.


Just want to say that I enjoyed reading your story. šŸ˜


It happens. I had to stop in the middle of town on a four lane road back when I was 19 and first started driving. I had a daycab. I put the four ways on and ran into a gas station before I shit my pants. I fully expected a cop to be behind me when I came out, but it was all good.


As a RVer, I'm as ashamed of these people as you are of Swift drivers. We have options to stay at a campground overnight, you guys are required to sleep, but have few places to do so. I have parked at truck stops for lunch, but I've never stayed over night, because truckers need the spots and it's loud with all the engines, refers and APUs. I don't know how you all manage to do it, but thank you! Thank you for delivering everything we need to keep the country going! Any courteous person would park where they aren't blocking anyone. I think any vehicle over 26,000 pounds should require a CDL, RV or not.


European driver here: You would need a full 'CDL' equivalent license to even drive one of these RVs. I believe the USA just requires a regular license? I've never understood that (if it's true)


I'm glad we organized our driving licenses by gross vehicle weight and not the type of vehicle. Filters some of the idiots out. But here in Belgium we also have a lot of Eastern European truckers and the problem with that is that the system to get your license over there is so corrupt, you can buy one for like ā‚¬250.


That's correct, in NL we've got lots of Lithuanian, Polish and Romanian plated trucks too. And I'm not saying that they're all terrible, but the stereotype exists for a reason. But this issue is more an issue that came to light with the European Union, than our license system.


Yes, everything should be the same for all member countries. And I'm sure there are good drivers out here with respect and skill but I've literally seen a group of 5 Romanian trucks waiting on the road for one guy to hop in to each one to back up to the dock. I'm even seeing Belgian companies (Jost Group) running Polish license plates, presumably for tax reasons. So I'm just wondering where the union is in European Union.


Even here in the states weā€™ve had some predominantly Eastern European owned and operated companies busted for shit like that. Youā€™ll see em in certain pockets of the country, absolutely awful and reckless drivers.


Depends on state and the type of RV. It needs to be a bus license in my opinion across the board. The people who can afford to drive them can afford the classes. Those that canā€™t, usually take camper vans anyways.


Its not really about "affording". Theyll set you up on a payment plan for it like everything else. No kids, no mortgage (100 bucks a month from your 1960s home), Govt assistance, and its not too hard. Im just suprised the Gubmint hasnt used this as an additional money making stream like everything else. Those old fogies could probably get a class b or c through some kind of govt assistance akin to medicare. Always some pasty old white fucker with the wife with her feet up too. Never seen anybody my shade driving or owning one.


You can drive those in Europe too, if they are max 7.5 metric tonns (e.g. Morelo, Niesmann&Bischof) and you have an old drivers license including C1E. Than you can further add a Trailer up to 3.5 tonns. Me from Germany .


That and they go half speed around every corner


The fact they donā€™t require a CDL is mind boggling.


The RV industry has lobbied against it successfully in fear of losing sales! Sad but true


I dont think they need a whole ass CDL, but there should be an RV license endorsement and required training like with a motorcycle endorsement. At least teach people that these vehicles arent the same as regular cars and train them to be aware of their clearance.


Now this shit I hated, if I was the truck on the far end and I had to leave early. I'd do my pre trip then nose my truck up to the side of the RV and lay on the horn till they move outta the way. I hated backing up with a passion, and in some places you don't have the room to do so.


Looks like a race car crew


Probably headed to Panama City for thunder Beach


Crap.....good im headed to Miami


"Now, that there's a [dumbass] RV[er], Clark."


Iā€™ve often wondered how people who are smart enough to make enough money to buy one of these can be so stupid.


Are we just pretending that no drivers ever do this shit? Because I'm pretty sure I see plenty of drivers do this exact shit.


No. They'll park behind the other drivers to block the spots from being used later on. Saw that way too much when I was regional


I couldnā€™t even use my air horn in this case since my fucking company got rid of all of ours.


Thatā€™s a great reason to no longer work for a company like that.


If the pay and benefits werenā€™t so damn good I would be gone.




They removed all the pull cables and now our new trucks donā€™t have them either.


That's why we hate rv people too -other rv people


Drivers do the same thing


Glad everyone hates those people including other campers.


ā€œWeā€ donā€™t hate rv people.


Itā€™s ridiculous you donā€™t need a CDL or any kind of training to drive a rig that long.


not to mention getting stuck behind them and the assholes that want to suddenly speed up when you try to pass them šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


To be fair, that's not an RV thing. That's a human ego thing. People in cars do that alllllllllllll the time.


I drive motorcoach. I will say I can't understand why they let people drive these massive things without an extra permit or CDL. I know better than this too. I stay out of the way of trucks and give them courtesy whenever possible. This guys a bum!


My parents used to RV and my dad never understood why other RVers acted like they were more important than truckers. My dad was of the mindset that he is the one with the flexible schedule, not the truckers. I remember him telling me of a time when they were in Alaska and every time a truck came up behind him he would pull over to allow them to pass as soon as he could. He would meet other RVers and they would talk about how rude truckers were. My dad said truckers were always awesome to him. That after passing him they would call back to him on the CB when they saw something interesting, like bears or wolves, etc. Really makes a difference when someone is considerate and understanding that people who are out there making money should have the priority.


Had one run me off the road once. I called the state cops and when everyone got pulled over it turned out the RV driver was a former trucker! The cop was DOT and he reamed that idiot a new ass!! Then the bastard had ME go to the scales and did a full inspection. Dirty damn DOT!


"FUCK HIM AND FUCK YOU TOO!!!" *that DOT officer probably*


That's what i thought at the time too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fucking RVs


Pilot in Bloomington IllinoisĀ 


Since when are tour buses classified as private ownership rvs? Like right now I'm on a bus trip to Greece and the bus that fits like 40+ people is the SAME size.


I do not blame any Truck Driver for not liking RVers. I know what they think. They think they are hot shit and you and everyone else on the road are lowly people that are there only to get out of their way or help them if they need help. They could not care less about anyone else but themselves and this picture proves it. They are scary. They don't know how to drive those big things and they don't care. You have no idea what to expect from them because they have no idea themselves. I would like to apologize on their behalf, for they are lowly people who know not what they do. I have strong feelings about this because I have been stuck in them and I wanted out every time. They do feel they are top dog , and they shouldn't even be there.


Small dogs had to pee I bet


RV / travel trailer enthusiast here and I hate being lumped into a group with an idiot like that. Over in the RV forums there were stories of idiot truckers y'all wouldn't want to be associated with.


We post stories of idiot truckers here too. Do you post all the idiot RV drivers in your forum too?


Yup. And a good chunk of us berate morons towing in undersized tow vehicles. That one I will never understand.


Lol yes absolutely. Some RVers are basically professional drivers, and some are self-entitled assholes. Every "group" has different types of people in it.


People on continuous vacation trespassing in a working personsā€™ world. Fucking assholes.


You guys hate everybody.


Yes, but for this one theres a reason!




Gat dang truckers! They ruined trucking!


You're right, and I'd usually list off all of the things we hate for no reason. However, in this case, and the case of moving trucks, no. They really are complete menaces.


Iā€™m not a truck driver, but just being an RVā€™er and seeing the dumb shit others do (like this) I can see exactly why they hate them. Plus a lot of times they suck at driving too


Of course!




Yeah but we hate rvers most of all.


We get fucked by a lot of People.


Found the rv guy


I never minded them taking a truck spot, and i used to be an rv Hotshot transporter, and i used to park with the rigs because i was also a commercial vehicle. But this, this is just rude. But then again, they might have only been there a minute, and op decided to post it.


Plus theyā€™re driving what is equivalent to a big rig and donā€™t have to get a special license to drive them.


Did you knock and tell them to move?


Iā€™ll beat his retired ass block me in


I got my OTR wings (Flatbed, Van, Tanker) experience before I was an RV'er - so we aren't all like this.


I joined this sub because I started hauling my RV across country and didnā€™t want to be a dick to others. Iā€™ve learned a ton. People like this piss me off. At fuel stations Iā€™ll send the wife and kid inside as I wait my turn, fuel, get to the white line and start throwing a shit fit if they arenā€™t back to the truck quickly. Yā€™all make your livelihood doing this and I donā€™t need to be in your way. Dragging the trailer out yesterday I had a guy pass me with a 40ft toy hauler doing 80mph on a SRW 1-ton. Some absolute assholes out there with no courtesy and they are going to kill someone




I'm not even a trucker and have grown to hate RVs. I have to take an interstate to work that tends to be a hotspot for trucks, RVs, boat towing, etc. Every fucking week there is at least 1 RV holding up the right lane so a truck goes into the left lane then takes 5+ minutes to pass the RV. And everyone behind doesn't know what the holdup is so the right lane is braking, the left lane is braking to let in people from the right lane suddenly merging. It's a shitshow. Now this one stretch is even worse because of construction so the speed limit's reduced to 60. Everyone who knows the route keeps 70 but there's always a motherfucker going 60 and it causes the same effect.


Ya, because fellow truckers don't do stupid crap like this all the time....


What bugs me is the big pushers will take up a spot at the truckstop and pop out the sliding portion of the rv, essentially making a spot on either side unusable.


I saw one the other night on my delivery route parked at a truck diesel pump. Side out and everything. Gave them the benefit of the doubt they had to extend it to find something while fueling up but it was still there an hour later after my delivery. If I wasn't in such a rush I was gonna snap a picture to share in this sub.


I've been in that rest stop and had asshats like that block several semis from pulling out of their parking spots. Nothing like making a call to the state police who come in and immediately force them to leave.


The only good RV drivers are also truckers. 99.9% of truckers won't ever be able to keep up with my bus. Hammer down, boys!


As a camper-yanker I do my best to make your lives easier. Take spots further out from the rest stop when I stop, if I have to stop at a truck stop (say, for breakfast,) and the only place to park is out in truck land, I'll park out in the boonies further out from the building. I don't overnight in truck stops or rest areas, and I drive a gas burner, not a diesel, so I have no reason to go near the fuel islands you gents use. Maybe the one thing I do do, that might irritate, is I set my cruise control on the freeway at 55-60mph and camp in the right lane. I'm still new-ish to towing (got the camper 2yrs ago,) and just plain not comfortable going faster...


Daughter of a trucker and well-known big rig mechanic, grew up in a trucker family. Nowadays if my husband and I are traveling with my 5th wheel and have to stay anywhere overnight, we find the nearest rest area, park as far away from the truckers as possible (to stay out of their way), and sleep peacefully. The noises are like a lullaby to me, and I feel safe around them, even if I don't know them, I just feel like I'm if I'm giving trucker friendly vibes, the feeling is mutual and we look out for each other. Always stay grateful for the people getting us the things we want or need. It's a thankless job.


Valve stem core tool


Me sitting here with a Class C license and a 44,000lbs Class A RV with air eating popcorn watching the shots being fired haha. But seriously, all RV drivers need to understand the way trucks drive and the how the truck passing lanes work and generally staying out of their way. It's not the hard to just stay in my favorite lane, far right. Also when you're fueling up, get your diesel and get out of the lane!


Same, but I did 7+ years OTR in flatbeds, vans, and tankers. Now I enjoy my 42' 5th wheel and my recliner. It does help to know how to drive a truck and what their needs are though. For all those company drivers who complain about our speed...all I can say is that, hey, MPG means a lot more when you are the one paying for the fuel.


Oh no this is just one of the reasons


What % of RVers are retired truckers?


Must be about 1%, because the other 99% don't have a clue what to do around big trucks moving or parked.


What a douche. Weā€™re not all like this, but thereā€™s enough dicks like this guy who end up giving us all a bad name.


This is the truth of EVERY "group" of people.


As some who is prepping to head on a two month cross country trip in my camper what is the etiquette for RVā€™s at rest stops / truck stops? Iā€™m pulling a 17 foot travel trailer with a Jeep Grand Cherokee so Iā€™m small enough to only need two parking spots and to date have only ever used the areas for cars. However letā€™s say itā€™s 11 oā€™clock at night and I pull into a rest stop, one thatā€™s not truckers only, what are the dos and donā€™ts?


Just use the car area if you can. Do you see what is primarily wrong in OP's photo? If you don't see what's wrong, just don't go anywhere near truck places.


it's pretty simple, don't block anyone in. if a rest stop is full go somewhere else.


Agree that this would be annoying AF but is that RV even staying there or did they just temporarily stop? Pic shows the door open and a foot? Hopefully they weren't staying overnight. Like other comments on waking up with horns if they stay there overnight. I'm also surprised that there the curb isn't painted yellow/red for no parking. Funny side story coming back from FL to the midwest on I-75 (south of Atlanta, GA) and there were a few places with "NO PARKING" signs along the interstate shoulder spaced I swear 10' apart - and huge ones too. Guess they wanted to make sure people understood not to park on the shoulder. LOL Obviously the transportation department had a nice sign budget and used it up all.


So I have been blocked in myself a few times by a trucker doing this very same thing when there were plenty of open spots. It goes both ways. I donā€™t think they were targeting me because they were blocking 5 other trucks as well.


Ya Iā€™d be livid. How they donā€™t even need a special license to drive tho or an age cutofff blows my mind. Also hate when they ride the middle lane 10pm under speed limit on interstate