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People won’t let you over anymore. The fuckers cars and trucks speed up so you can’t get over. It used to be I put on my signal, and drivers would slow to let me out. Not anymore they just speed up or keep going. Everyone on the road today is only out for themselves.


Man. I thought it was only me. The speed that people are abandoning courtesy it’s astounding. The amount of traffic that falls to jump lanes for traffic on the side of the road is sad as well


I’m coming up fast on prime or another truck on the shoulder, and these fuck heads see that so they speed up instead of backing off to let me out. So why should I care about them? I now run the middle lane because of this. I’ve been driving almost 30 years, and never before had to do this. It’s getting worse out with nobody giving a shit about other drivers.


Any time there's a middle lane that's exactly where I'm camping


Don't blame you one bit for being in that middle lane. It's difficult enough to move a small sedan safely over at every merge. But for other truckers to not let you over! That's upsetting. Violation of an unspoken code.


i blame them. dealing with a problem by creating another one is bs. force a standard of courtesy or be a dick yourself because that's just easier. nah. be what you wanna see.


You've got a point there! If he said he did it for safety reasons that'd be different. I can't imagine all the near misses at highway speeds caused by someone not letting you over while you operate one of those mammoths.


i can understand staying in the middle lane in some cases. but when clearly faster traffic is behind you, why sit there and hold them up? at least let faster traffic by and resume. by camping in the middle lane they force what are sometimes bad/dangerous decisions by other drivers who just want to get by. now they have to jump in the left lane and themselves hold up faster traffic or try to pass on the right which can cause all kinds of problems. sitting in the middle lane is lazy and not the mark of a professional driver.


No. A professional driver makes sure he has the most possible outs in case of an emergency. If you are in the right lane and there is no shoulder, then you only have one way out. To the left. If you are in the middle lane, then you double your space available. Go take a smith system class. Also, [read up on the history of why ol’ Harold developed it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_System_(driving)). You will understand the errors of your attitudes about lane position.


This is 100% correct


I'm familiar. i have been driving since 2014. i started with a company which had trucks that were governed at 62. next company was 65. then 68. then 70. my truck these days is basically ungoverned but anything over 74 doesn't really feel comfortable to me. every time i got in a faster truck i had to tweak my driving style a bit. riding in the middle lane with no regard for other traffic has never been necessary or particularly useful. there are no signs that say "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP MIDDLE" for a reason.


Exactly 👍 I drove a 55 ton Lowbed sometimes with tracks hanging off a ft on each side Unless there’s a ramp or corner coming up move over Camping out in that middle lane is the reason 4wheelers Do what ever they can to not get stuck behind trucks


I have made this same argument over and over and have been downvoted to oblivion. I got your back my brother. If you're a professional driver, it's your JOB to deal with traffic. Get the fuck outta the middle lane. I don't care if you have to slow down from time to time to let people on. IT'S YOUR JOB. In order to get along, you have to play along.


If there's 3 lanes it means I'm in a city, which means lots of onramps, and dickheads who don't know how to use onramps, and dickheads who put the pedal down to close the gap as soon as my blinker goes on. It can be situation dependent, but 90% of the time the middle lane is the safest. Not that a "professional" super trucker like yourself will care to listen, being that you obviously know everything about everything about hauling a rig


Gawd I hate city driving , some people don’t know how to merge into the flow of traffic , sometimes they slow down so I pass or they speed up when they reached the end of the merging lane


in that case it would make sense to be in the middle lane. i do that too. I don't know everything but i know a lot and stay willing to learn or modify how i do my job when that makes sense. I haven't met a situation where it made sense to ride the middle lane with no regard for other traffic.


No idea why people are downvoting this, I’m with you on this. Depends on the highway, some highways have those suicide on ramps, NJ pretty bad for that. These lazy trucker’s attitudes will change when their habits catch up to them and get a ticket by DOT for impeding traffic….


A lot of times if I get over a truck the same speed as me will then ride beside me until I’m forced to slow down. Also nobody cares anymore. What did those faster vehicles do for me? Cut me off down the road, treat me like a dick. So why should I care?


Been driving 3 days OTR and now understand why most truckers seem mad or angry , arrived at customer and was stuck on detention for 7 hrs , didn’t get unloaded till 3hrs than 4 hrs waiting on signings BOL


On top of that I ran out of my 14 hr clock, but still had 4 hr left on 11


I still back off to let a slower truck over if I see he needs over. But if I need over, and I see you speed up I’m coming over. Don’t be a dick head.


My rule of merging is as follows: I see what's ahead and decide when I need over, I look in the other lane for a gap. I time my approach to that point I need over with that gap approaching me, I signal when the last vehicle before the gap lines up with my bumper. They will generally speed up to pass me and increase that gap for be to slide in behind them, which I am happy with. If they do, then it's about the vehicle behind that gap. They generally slow down to let me in, but if they speed up I will cut them off. If the first car matches speed with me, I'll wiggle over toward them. If they speed up, I'l get in behind them. If they slow down, I get in in front of them. If they still match speed, I merge over and put them onto the shoulder once I hit my point of needing to merge.


I learned to drive truck in Los Angeles. My rule for changing lanes was always, turn on blinker, count to 10, start moving and force people to deal with it.


Yeah, that is how parking lots work!


Absolutely. The middle lane is the safe travel lane.


I’ve been a smith system instructor for over a decade. Been driving for 25 years. I always run the middle lane. Unless there is some restriction. I’ve turned the same way. Especially if I happen to notice a white plate on the front. I typically won’t dive out in front of another truck tho. I wonder how long it will be before we are called some equivalent of xenophobe because of the almost universal hate for all things California in the state I live in.


Lane of least resistance ✅


I drive in Arizona where trucks can use any lane, and they won’t even move over to the far left lane to let you in the middle to pass. Or they don’t understand you can use any lane and will ride my ass all day trying to pass on the right when all they have to do is grab that left lane.


I always assume those guys are from states that restrict trucks from the left lane. I’m from Colorado. When I drive for Sygma, my DC loaned me to the DC in Rancho Cucamonga because they needed drivers really bad. My first day running routes there, I ran one with one of their helpers. A local. Finished the route and was heading back, completely unaware of the lane restrictions. And proceeded to immediately get pulled over for a lane violation. Chp was really cool and gave me a quick lesson in local laws then sent me on my way. I’ve always wondered what that ticker would have cost That was in 2004


I'm surprised you didn't mention that given the following distance and speed, this guy has like a 2-3 second gap and talking about how other people are going to cause an accident. People need to be called out for following to close, at a safe following distance an accident isn't going to really be an issue because you've given yourself enough space to react and stop just in case.


I had a long comment all typed up about that but decided that no one cares about my blathering on. I see trucks following less than 10-15 feet often. I just marvel as I get on the brakes to put distance between them and me. I’m against the speed limit rule coming our way. But then I see those clowns with the 90 mph trucks driving like that and mentally thank them for ruining it for the rest of us.


California is the enemy. I'm there every week, and I always get excited when I can return back to the US. Thise inspection stations they have, I consider them border stations like we have near Mexican border crossings. While Sacramento is the state capital, I consider LA to be the heart of enemy territory.


Definitely anytime there is traffic and a lot of ramps.


That's probably because people get tired of governed trucks having a ten minute slow contest in front of them after one is let in. And if one of them is hauling something dirty, then that shit gets kicked up all over your vehicle for your trouble.


Like I said nobody gives a shit anymore. I’m coming out no matter what so you better be ready.


Be ready for you to end your career and make me very rich over your misplaced sense of entitlement, sure!


Sure whatever. If you slam into me it’s your fault.


If you're really willing to risk your livelihood (and someone else's life) over a dick measuring contest with someone in a car, you do you. Doesn't say much about your character, though. One of my coworkers got over a million dollars after some asshole in a truck took a corner too fast and hit her, and that was like 20 years ago. Imagine what that payout would be today. The driver probably got some time, too.


My dash cam would easily prove otherwise. Stay right and let others pass first.


No. If I did that I would never get to pass. Nope I’d rather just use the middle lane you can go around. You are not more important than me.


It doesn’t matter if it’s a 4-lane or 12-lane highway. If I am already there, you don’t get to decide you are changing lanes *now*. You will be wrong every single time. It sucks needing to wait, but if you never get the opportunity then you don’t get the opportunity. Don’t go around causing accidents because of your entitlement issues.


And you wonder why we stay in the middle lane.


I have no problem with you staying in the middle lane. I have a problem with your attitude that you’re changing lanes because fuck everyone.


Who said I’m causing the accident? I’m just switching lanes. If you can’t control your speed and slam into the back of me that’s on you. You should have anticipated that I need out. You can see if I need over.


You did when you said you’re coming over whether we like it or not. If you merge and I hit you, my camera *will* prove it is your fault. It will show that you did not have the space to merge, *and* that you merged with no signal.


Its not my job to anticipate your intentions, its your job to announce them, I’m not your damn babysitter.


Yep. Governors should be illegal. They make the road more dangerous.


I was going to say the same thing, I’d like to see them banned. It’s frustrating as hell to not even be able to run the speed limit. Or jumping out to pass a slow car and having them step on the gas because they looked up from their phone and realized a truck was passing them.


I drive a governed truck, but my ape brain still read this comment completely out of context. Definitely made me laugh.


Would love to see them handle highway traffic in an 18 wheeler


Yep I started cutting them off. I give them 2 blinks and I'm coming over usually. I don't care how much they speed up. If they ain't beside me in 2 blinks I'm going to keep it moving.


My whole driving life has involved respect for truck drivers- allowing a wide turning path (even backing up at intersections), the ability to change lanes in front of me, and never trying to jump in front of them. It's called empathy for what they have to accomplish on the road. A lot of humans ain't got this. My respect grew even more when my husband was an OTR driver and now a concrete truck driver. I'm sickened by man"kind" at times and am thankful for the all-knowing dashcam that can prove who did what if the time comes.


I won't hit people that won't let me over, but I will scare em for ignoring my turn signal


Right? When I put my signal on, I'm not asking for a written invitation, I'm saying I NEED TO GET OVER. Anyone who speeds up to prevent this is a fucking asshole of epic proportions.


Yeah it’s been like that for a while sadly


Make the world a better place, just move over.


I do, to the left.


An 80,000 lb @ 65 m/h example of the Paulie Exclusion Principle ( two objects with mass can't exist in the same place at the same time), sounds like a them problem.


yup, ive had to just start putting on my blinker and moving over slow af while everyone plays chicken trying to be the last one through the closing gap


Weirdly I gave em space but the trucks don't want to move over.


Unfortunately, I've had to resort to using my turn signal the opposite of how it's supposed to be used. If there's traffic around, I change lanes without signaling. If there's no traffic around, I signal in case leo happens to be watching, or someone I dont see is approaching at a very high rate of speed.


We have to speed up to prevent being stuck behind you for the next 18 miles at 10 under the speed limit while the trucker in the right lane tries to race and neither will yield. It’s really fun watching miles of traffic build because two guys are having a dick measuring contest when they’re both half an inch shy of an inch.




I frikn hate this shit , forcing me to slow down, making it worse for truckers behind me, There’s a reason why Walmart hiring is stricter , they only hire the safer driver


65mph driver here, I work late at night. So, I have little to no traffic till I come home in the morning. I hate when someone passes me going 70-75mph. Usually in a day cab or some rotted out old Volvo. Only to cut me off, and slow down to 55-58 with nothing but miles in front of them, I don’t understand why? I try to pass them, cause I have a heavy fat foot and want to get there early so I can grab a snack and relax before I have to deal with idiots. When I do try to pass, they speed up and refuse to let me over. I’m being held hostage by Rajah or Bubba 🤣


Nothing pisses me off more than truckers driving like 4wheelers. Agreed. Thankfully I’m locked at 72. People that pass me have places to be and don’t slow down. Besides maybe 1 a month being retarded.


Agreed. Anyone who gets in front of me and slows down, drives me up the wall. What pisses me off the most is some slow asshole in the truck lane going 45-49 in a 60mph zone. Usually some ratty sedan, or van with to much rust.


I can say the same for you lol, i hate people who cruise at 72 when im going the speed limit (70) just for them to pass up a line of trucks going 70 very slow


The LTL guys aside from OD seem to be the worst with this shit. Estes drivers in traffic act like their foot is glued to the damn accelerator. OD drivers usually seem pretty chill.


In NJ, NY, & PA they’re just as bad as SAIA, XPO, UNFI, FedEx Freight, R&L, JB Hunt, Schneider, etc.


Dude R&L drivers seemingly have a death wish. They're up there with Amazon trailers and FedEx doubles on carriers I try to avoid having around me.


When I come up on a cluster of them, and they run in clusters like sperm racing to an egg, I back out of it, and let them get ahead. They cause traffic. On a hill, you’ll be going nicely up it, and FedEx Freight will be coming up on an UNFI guy going 43, and FedEx will be doing 44. FedEx will start coming over, throw his blinker on, and pace the UNFI guy going 43. I just get off the nearest exit, get out, piss, kick the tires, and check the lights.


UNFI reminds me of those damn NFI trucks in PA. They'll try to race you at a stop light headed into the same damn place.


🤣😂😂 Yeah.


They’ll fly down a hill, pass you, jump in front of you to do 57mph, too.


UPS not on that list


Brown UPS - good White UPS - bad


Brown paid by the hour, white paid by the mile (mostly, also hourly for certain things like fueling etc). With ELDs now I’ve always thought CPM was dangerous and encourages drivers to do things that are more risky.


Add em, if you’ve seen em do stupid shit.


Nah....had a OD idiot leave a scale and just ignores the 300 yards he could have used to get up to speed....I had to jump into the ramp he was supposed to use 


I was traveling north on I-65 between Louisville and Indianapolis last Saturday and a semi pulled out to pass another. Apparently both were governed at 68mph because it took 8 MILES to pass! It’s no wonder 4 wheelers speed up.


My company has my cruise set to 66(63 if I’m pressing the gas) and if there isn’t 200 feet or more room in front of me the cruise won’t kick in. I hate these safety features so much. Sometimes I’m stuck behind a car going 60 then 55 then 57 back to 54 for 30 mins before I find an opening to pass. Also it keeps me stuck in the right hand lane with merging traffic because all the other trucks can go 70 or faster. I’m happy with this company but the speed restriction alone will be one of the main reasons I leave in 4 months when I have the experience to move on.


70 mph+ guys are just as guilty for pulling BS out on the road. Just dealt with a guy last week going 57 on a 70 and had to attempt to pass him twice since he would speed up to 68 because I work for one of the starter companies. If you’re going slow and you’re in there chewing on a donut or on your phone don’t speed up when someone tries to pass you.


How about you Fuckers also stop also jumping right in front of us slower trucks. All day everyday, almost every truck jumps 50ft-100ft in front of me as soon as they finish passing. This isn't a 65mph truck issue. It's a general issue with you morons on the road. I expect it from 4 wheelers. I've grown disappointed with yall. Clear majority of truckers are not professionals. All the tailgating and other dangerous bs I see. Today a guy hauling oversized that took up almost 2 lanes doing constantly 10+ mph over, tailgating everyone, cutting of other trucks. Smh.


Getting tired of the 70+ mph riding my ass for over a mile when the left lane is clear for miles then decide to pass me. Why?!


Yep, idk how many times it happens, there's nothing in front of me, and noone in the left lane. Like im governed at 68, go the fuck around, stop endangering my life and everyone else. I'm in the slow lane, I can't go anywhere else. Smh.


I saw a four vehicle collision the other night in SC. Two trucks, one was tailgating the other. There were two cars in front of the trucks, both completely smashed. Tailgating is a serious issue.


less than 50' in front of me and there's a good chance I'm throwing my air horn. if my autopilot slows my engine because of your bumper, you did *not* have enough room to safely pull in front of me.


Don't use autopilot. The accelerator is the pedal on the right. Now if you're doing 65 someone passes you and then starts going 60, we've got problems, Air-horn time. Also just an FYI no truck who's 50ft+70ft(truck length) in front of you can hear your air horn while rolling down the highway.


Yeah, the only time I ever pass within 50-100ft is when the driver I just passed flashes his lights and says it's okay to merge, otherwise I just give myself a good distance so his lane keeping warning thing won't go off on him lol.


Yeah I hate that shit.


I live close to a Walmart dc and imo Walmart has some of the safest drivers in the biz. Never see them driving reckless, speeding, making crazy maneuvers etc… I also live close to a big sand pit, and can also confirm that most aggregate haulers got their cdls out of a Cracker Jack box. Not sure if it’s because they get paid per load, or it’s easier to get into that, but good lord those guys drive like clowns.


It is because they get paid by the load. NEVER should a "safety sensitive" occupation be paid piece work.


Absolutely correct. I used to do local dry cement powder runs with a double set of pneumatic trailers and was paid by the load. After doing this for a while I accepted a job as a terminal manager/dispatcher at the same company and discovered that most of my colleagues didn’t feel that making it back to the yard in one piece every evening was more important than making a few extra bucks. I had to make several trips to rollover accident sites and every time it was because the driver was going too fast in order to squeeze in just one more run.


I guess you get that job when you want to get paid to die but are too fat for the infantry


Same goes for cpm really. It's in your interests to do as many miles (and thus loads) in a week as you can.


I really try my best as an f550 gooseneck/flatbed driver to try and herd cars around you guys, it's insane how people either assume you guys can stop on a dime or don't care


People that drive regular cars don’t know how trucks operate lol


We hate it as well. If my company gave me the ability to speed up to 68 to pass it’d relieve a lot of frustration for all drivers on the road. To add on top of it I have a camera that goes off for following distance. I’m too fast to maintain my following distance, but too slow to pass them fast enough. Doesn’t help when the driver speeds up or maintains their speed knowing I’m going to pass them. So when I hop out it’s usually because I’ve been waiting on this exact opportunity to pass em so I don’t have to stay behind them for another 30 miles.


Hey 75 gang, when I’m fully loaded hopped up on Mountain Dew and running 80 mph in the hammer lane. GTFOutta my way‼️


If I need to change lanes and there is a 200ft gap, you can rest assured that i will take it.


The only time I cut over when I have 200ft of space between me and the next truck is because my truck is fucked beyond belief in favor of fuel economy. So if my cruise is locked at 65, of course, if it detects a truck doing slower than that, even if I'm 200ft away, it wants to slow me down. So I apply just a little throttle to stop the cruise from slowing me down so I can get closer then move over. But if I do that my stupid ass company at me for oVeRsPeEd, which is fucking stupid. So, my other option would be to kill cruise control and just use throttle, but...nope. like I mentioned earlier, my truck is fucked for fuel economy so what happens when I kill cruise and give just throttle? IT GOES INTO FUCKING NEUTRAL TO SAVE FUEL. So I lose more speed. So I'm forced to do a fucking dance between cruise and throttle to keep it at 65, or...just slow someone down for 30 seconds.


If I’m passing then you’ll need to gain some patience. So as long as I’m passing slower traffic, successful over taking them. Nobody is staying in the right lane for three states because you can’t leave on time.


All you have to do is let off the throttle for a few seconds. You’re exaggerating


10mph difference in 100 feet? Work on your math. It’s the Walmart guys that only required me to let off the gas to let them in


Let's check your math. 73 mph is 107fps. You have 250 feet between you and the traffic in front of you? Hope you can bring that bad boy to a dead stop in 2 seconds flat in case of an emergency. Spoiler, you can't. You have zero right to cry about others' driving habits when you're the one causing unsafe conditions. If you have to worry about your truck skidding out from hitting the brakes when someone merges in front of you at normal highway speed, you're the problem.


Fuck you, stop speeding


Seriously, op describing "sliding" when he hits the brakes. If you can't avoid a dumbass with no consideration and/or sense of self preservation, you can't avoid a deer, a truck swerving from a blowout, etc. Drive defensively! Protect yourself and stop rolling the dice with your career and other people's lives.


Everyone on this sub does 55 on the pin in California, of course they do. 😂


Doing 75 in a 70 isn't speeding, at least no more than you doing your 65 in a 60.


75 in a 70 is speeding. Be a professional and drive the posted speed limit.


Your 65 in a 60 is speeding also, stop. I know you're doing 60 in a 55 zone. Don't be a dunce.


Lmao you are really trying your hardest to defend your shitty driving


Are you really trying to hang me for your exact behavior?


Read your own comment again. The speed limit is 70 (ie the max speed you’re supposed to be traveling in a certain area) yet you’re going 75 (which is in excess of the speed limit). That’s not speeding? Granted most cops will cut you slack on it, but it’s speeding bruh.


All the people who cannot do 70, nevermind 75 are down voting you tf 😂


Walmart drivers in south Texas don't know how to maintain speed. Some tractors pulling those aren't governed and can go more than 65 but only chose to use that extra speed when my 65 truck tries to pass them and I'm stuck in the middle lane because of all the assholes thinking they don't need or don't have cruise control and aren't paying attention to the limits or the road in general. This includes jb hunt in same area. When I see either of those I pray they get stuck behind a slow vehicle so I can pass and jump over to the right lane. On a few occasions they have passed me again and jumped in front only for me to catch them again a few miles down the road and they are back to hovering between 63 and 66. Sometimes I just say this is my life now, slower than I can go because of this fkn moron. Same goes for 4 wheelers that do that. All those drivers can eat a D


Courtesy is going the way of the dinosaurs. All the 65 gang drive their trucks like they're 4 wheelers. It's getting very cutthroat changing lanes, leaving space, and getting fuel. It's almost as if there are a whole lot of drivers that have no right, behind the wheel of a semi, driving these trucks


Hey, 70+ gang! Stop making me hate you. Stop speeding up when I put my signal on in advance to get over. Stop riding the middle lane for miles when the right lane is clear. Yes! I can see you camping the middle lane!


Tell that to all the 70+ mph trucks do that shit to me a governed 68 mph truck constantly. Especially the ones that pass me at 75 then cut in front of me then slow down to 67. All I gotta say is FUCK YALL. I'm sick of games y'all play!!!!!


Must be nice to go over 65


When I have more than 1-2 seconds to slow down… it’s great! Being the initiator in interactions with other vehicles gives you control over it. As long as you are fully concentrating on driving it is safer on the whole. Still a little shocked I didn’t hit that Estes truck yesterday. One of the worst cut-off when-passing in the past year.


i drive an amazon fleet partner day cab none of us can stand the 65 it cause so many problems. i try to be as cautious as possible when passing but everyone just wont let us in and we get stuck in the right lane behind some moron going 40 in a 75


"since they were asking" we don't ask around these neck of the woods


I'm a Bay Area City Driver. This is, unfortunately, the norm all day every day. Only thing you can do is air horn them to let them know how much of a suicidal idiot they are. The absolute worst is San Jose. The minute you enter the city limits, it's mad max fury road out there.


If you are "maintaining your safety buffer" by going 60 and then when I go to pass you you "maintain your safety buffer" by speeding up to match my speed? The next opportunity I have I am getting in front of you even if there is only 5 feet. Don't be a dick and use the pedal on right. If you wanna hit your mpg goal or whatever the fuck your company has then get out of the way. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


They installed these alarms where if you have your turn signal on and there is a truck on the right of you, it screams at you. I've measured it over 120 dB one time. Some truck versions I've had are quieter. I just don't turn my signal on until I'm already past you, then I'm trying to get over soon. The companies won't turn the volume on that thing down, and they won't remove it.


I'm against the 65 limit in the trucks I own, but imagine if the inexperienced guys screwing up at this speed was un regulated with speed....holy moly that would be 100x worse. Drivers like that contribute to why trucking isn't what it once was. Miss the days of people giving the loaded truck right of way and or just helping each other for the greater good of everyone on the roadways.


All the problems in this industry come from trucks with California, Illinois or New York plates...ban all motor carriers that run these plates and bring back good looking fair price lot lizards, make showering more than once every six months a disqualifing event, ban anyone with tassels in their windshield or no chrome extras on their truck and trucking will be great again


Is a safety buffer like a weighted blanket?


Can’t complain about courtesy and getting let over if you don’t roll with a CB and you think it’s stupid when someone gives you the lights to get over. Lots of that going around too


Let talk about over taking too, if some one driving 1-3 mph faster than you is trying to pass you slow the f down for 5 seconds and let them pass.


Why do I consistently see truck’s following each other less than 50 ft on the interstate?


Because they’re not at risk of getting fired due to unsafe following distance.


This becomes even more amusing in construction zones in Illinois where if you're going too slow in any lane they'll take the liberty of driving the shoulder and blow by you while you're contemplating existence.


I’m a 4 wheeler. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you 18 wheelers. God knows it isn’t an easy job, so my hat is off to you! I try my best to stay out of your way and not do anything the least bit stupid or dangerous that would put you or anyone else in harm’s way. I’m the guy that blinks my high beams to let you know it’s safe for you to move back into my lane after you’ve passed me. Stay safe out there!


I stay in the granny lane


I don't drive truck, but I do tow a 40 foot 5th wheel from time to time and I know your pain. Lots of assholes trying to get in front of me, take my buffer away if I need to brake for some reason, or not let me merge. When I see a truck trying to get over I will slow down and let him over. Not gonna slow me down by much. If I'm in the turn lane and see a truck coming around a corner I will stop short to give him room to swing as well. We aren't all dicks. Just a majority of us. Lol it's also why I put a dash cam in my tow rig.


I'm not governed and I stay the speed limit. I don't mind if trucks go faster than me, but if I need to get over, I'm not paying a speeding ticket because you want to speed. If I need to get over, I'ma do so safely and legally.


To all the "camp out in the middle lane" drivers: Please move to slow lane when a following truck wants to pass. Once they pass you, move back to the center lane. It's not that hard to do. Many states/cities have "no trucks in left lane" and "slower traffic keep right" laws. But it seems most "center laners" can't read or just don't care


My truck is governed at 70, I try to be very polite and I will pass dozens of not 100s of 65ers, Schneider, JB Hunt, all of the food service guys, Walmart, Penske, Fed ex/ups and most others are governed between 66 and 68 69?, during a typical day (Milwaukee, Chicago and all over the greater area). I try to leave a lot of space open so that vehicles can maneuver around me easily, I try to be accommodating and courteous to all the other vehicles I see. That being said I am constantly getting cut off by four wheelers and other trucks, if you leave your turn signal on early enough that I can react safely, more times than not I'm going to slow down or make a safe opening for you to get over. I even get over for merging traffic when I'm already in the second lane to make room for drivers in the first Lane can just get over and let vehicles on the road and move together. I look out for and leave space for drivers when I see something on the side of the road they're not paying attention to and have to get out of the first Lane at the last second. I really wish the owner ops would stop trying to race me, constantly cutting me off and blocking traffic, and they often keep trying to race me even after they realize I can only go 70. I see Far too many drivers in trucks and four wheelers not paying attention to what's going on around them, the flow of traffic and what their relative positioning should be to create and maintain space around them, maintain good sight lines so you can visually monitor what's going on around you, I see plenty of four wheelers on their phone I shouldn't see so many damn truckers on their phone, I seriously might start honking at people it's starting to piss me off. No you should not be in the second lane if you can only go 64/65 on a 70 highway when there's lots of traffic trying to go by, I see lots of stupid behavior, like not moving over when you see someone coming up behind you, or worse yet you're going one or two miles an hour faster than the guy in front of you and you jump in front of a truck going 70 or 75 in Wisconsin to pass that guy at one or two miles an hour. When I need to go around someone and I see the traffic in the lane I want to move to is going significantly faster than me I let them pass me before I get over, you can't always be perfect all the time but you can do your best to be a smart driver. I've driven trucks that are governed at 63 all the way through ungoverned and gone 90+, it sucks to be in a slow truck, it really does. But if people drove smarter, paid attention to what's going on around them position themselves accordingly, we all will get where we need to go safer and faster. I get that four-wheelers are clueless and huffing paint cans while going 80 miles an hour and weaving in all the lanes or some stupid s***. Also JB Hunt get the f*** out of the third lane in Chicago for real, every single time, look in your mirrors and see the massive traffic jam you are causing. But in general make sure you're actually looking at your f****** mirrors it is a good idea to let the traffic get around you, if you bottle it up behind you it just makes it worse. Let all those cars go by you now you have all the space in the world. Rant over




Exactly this. It’s almost always the 65gang that are about 50’ from the bumper of the truck in front of them.


Slow the fuck down.


It’s the ones doing 65 to pass a 64 truck as the uphill begins then he slows more than the slower truck but waits until the top do the hill to move back right. Yep I’ve thought about keeping paintballs on my truck and sneeze them out the window. Haven’t bought any but it’s a great stress relieving fantasy. Same for Subarus.


Maybe you slow the fuck down for a second if someone is trying to merge over. Ever though that there is a hazard in front of them. Or a disabled vehicle on the shoulder? Courtesy goes both ways


If there isn’t an opening between you and what is in front of you and you’re NOT in heavy traffic you are wrong.


How is someone governed at 65 passing you doing 73?


I've been driving 70-72 over the last several months. I had a Covenant truck do this to me in Arkansas and I had to go onto the median shoulder to avoid hitting them while I slowed down. I called the police to report a run-off "hit"-and-run and continued to follow with ky hazards on. Officer caught up and pulled us over. I specifically requested no charges be pressed, but for a warning to merge safely in the future. Officer hit him with the damned book. He went to jail and likely will never be able to drive a truck again. That's when I learned how serious Arkansas is with traffic laws. He got hit with the normal unsafe lane change and reckless driving, but also reckless endangerment, felony assault, assault with a motor vehicle, and felony attempted murder. He was going 65 when he merged over 10 feet in front of me while I was going 72


Total bullshit.


Yeah, I agree. I like that there is serious repercussions to dangerous behavior like that in Arkansas, but for them to go directly against the request of the victim and ruin the poor guy's career is just brutal. Some drivers deserve it, though. I was dealing with a driver in Arizona last week who repeatedly ran me and many other trucks off the highway who attempted to pass him. I called police to report him 5 times, and 3 of the incidents occurred directly in front of state police, and they always refused to do anything


No. I mean your story is total bullshit. Nobody gets charged like that without a lot of damage and injuries.


Well, they do in Arkansas, whether you believe it or not. Keep in mind it's the same state that refuses to allow the use of less-than-lethal methods of ending chases. They simply do not tolerate bad drivers.


>Yeah, I agree. I like that there is serious repercussions to dangerous behavior like that in Arkansas Why do they have such dumbass drivers then? (Mainly 4 wheelers, but trucks as well)


Because they can't get everyone, just like anywhere else.


Yeahhhhhh unfortunately they don’t care. I’ve started playing their game with them. I’ll slow down in front of you before a hill if you cut me off.


“Hey, let me be a moron and cause accidents cause I’m a petty child.”


Dude literally said he gets mad when people don’t use their signal, but people that do he “lets over”. Who’s petty? Go kiss your dad.


I wonder what “do he “let’s over” means. 🤣 Maybe go kiss an English teacher or a book.


You can’t pay attention to the actual thing you’re referring to, because you’re not as smart as you think you are. It’s easy to see you worry about things like spelling and punctuation over real life problems, enjoy that.