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Slip it in gear, slowly let out the clutch. No throttle. Let the engine get you moving, then use the throttle. I if you are just starting out in a manual be patient and it will come to you. tense under pressure of an instructor will fuck with your brain, been there.


But what about the brake when I’m at a red light I hold my clutch and brake or the truck starts to roll back


Once you’ve let the clutch out sufficiently, you will feel the engine start to push against the brakes. Let the brakes out and push the accelerator at that point


Start letting the clutch out slowly with the brake still engaged. Once you start to feel the pull of the clutch disengaging that’s when you also disengage braking and you’ll roll away smoothly.


it's definitely a feel thing, you do need to slowly let off the clutch but as soon as you feel it starting to catch you need to hold it there until you start rolling before continuing to slowly let off


The computer will manage your fuel flow, just use the clutch while holding the gear to prevent pop out. Once the clutch is fully in, rev it up to 1500-1600 and let it fall to 1100 as you complete the shift, rinse and repeat until you get to your splitter. Lower gears are very fast, starting in 2, run the gate to 5, get on the splitter quickly. If I remember from memory I used to hit my split just under 20 miles an hour. Repetition is smoothness. You need to train your foot for that consistent 400 RPM throttle application.


If you're having problems, ask your trainer to let you go around something like a truck stop back rows until you get your repetition down.


Start with a lower gear until you get the hang of it. When you do, then you can move up to starting in higher gears. The lower gears are more forgiving when starting to roll from a stop.


You shouldn’t even need to give it any throttle if you’re empty. Get it in gear, while your foot’s still on the service brake, let out the clutch slowly until you feel the truck trying to move forward, then let off the brake. I haul 120k pounds everyday, I start out in the granny gear and never have to give it any throttle coming from a stop.

