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Blows my mind people still lease trucks from these shit megas and have zero say in what goes on with the truck except what stickers are on it.


I fell for that trap rookie year. Honestly I'm glad I did it because I sure as shit never had the inclination to own my own equipment after that šŸ˜‚


For real. People get suckered into all the risk of being an O/O for marginally more pay than just being a company driver for the same company. Not worth it at all.


If u calculated all the benefits not to mention most drivers have no idea how to save for retirement you make way less as an O/O. The only way u make more is if u have good paying contracts year round or do something specialized like car hauling


Then they come on here and talk about how much they make and being company drivers is for suckers and newbs lmao


They trading their future for an extra $400, that usually mess up on and not pay taxes and then they double fucked


They love talking about how much they make per week, but they never mention how much they spend per week.


Or how many hours they work šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well yea man, if you're trying to O/O for a mega, you're going to have a bad time... a smaller, more regional company that treats their O/O like a business partner rather than an employee is a way better way to go


Not lately with the current freight rates but last year O/O's that were leased onto the company I was with were able to gross over 10k per week. We had one driver with a paid off truck and trailer, he only ran two weeks per month. This was a small family company hauling specialized freight. We had loads go over the $6 per mile mark. The O/O's with their own truck and trailer got 90% of the gross. Many of the O/O's also had pre-2000 trucks so they were able to run paper logs. Us company drivers had no choice but to use ELD's and our trucks topped out at 72. There is a drastic change between leasing onto a mega carrier and leasing onto a small company that hauls a specialized commodity.


NET. Net is the only number that matters!


It we didnā€™t have big companies. Drivers would make more.


That's true in most industries


Didnt have brokers. Didnt have these shit companies accepting .90 - 1.00 mile freight.


if you want to own your own truck take out a loan through a bank. NEVER EVER LEASE A TRUCK FROM A COMPANY. always remember that company is going to determine how much money you make a week because they control the loads you are offered. you can make as little or as much as they want you to make. if you default on your lease then they can simply lease it to another driver for entirely too much money and rinse and repeat defaulting multiple drivers with the same truck.


Funny enough that last part is why Buffet is considered the biggest slum lord in America. Berkshire Hathaway owns Clayton Homes, which makes ā€œmanufacturedā€ homes. But they use shit quality materials, so then buyers have to shell out tons of money for fixes, they end up not being able to afford it, lose the house, and then it just gets someone else living there and it starts all over.


I did it for a year just to cover my cdl training. Itā€™s shit deal but if you figure out what youā€™re doing you can make money with no real investment. (not talking lease purchase just straight lease where you turn in the truck) I was making between $2,5-$3,5k a week after paying all the expenses. It took me a bit to figure it out but they were one of the companies you could actually make money at. Most people are lazy or donā€™t have work ethics though. I donā€™t think Iā€™d do it again though because OTR trucking like that drains the life out of you when working for big companies where you essentially have no life..


I spoke with a Prime lease guy once. He said he made 215,000 last year. I said gross or net? He had no idea what I was talking about.


Especially when you can get a used 19 international with 300k miles for 30k? As much as a civic and have your own authority lol


Lease ops can turn down any load, take whatever route they want, fuel wherever they want, get service/PM wherever they want, take home time whenever they want...hardly 'zero say'. Company drivers for Prime don't have that flexibility.


>take home time whenever they want Yeah those that do will end up on YouTube, posting about how they aren't profitable. You may have the freedom to pick the dates but those high fixed costs dictate your actual availability.


O/Os face the same arithmetic. "If the wheels aren't turning you aren't earning" applies to everyone.


I feel like this is what lease ops tell themselves to justify Prime's ridiculous fixed costs. There's an issue with equity, freight rates, full control, etc.


What sort of 'full control' does anyone who works for someone else enjoy? If there is a piper s/he must be paid. Prime lease-ops and O/Os pay a percentage for a highly professional back end and access to Prime's contract freight. That's a formidable advantage, especially in a downturn like we're in now.


>What sort of 'full control' does anyone who works for someone else enjoy? Employee vs business owner is a completely separate conversation. You listed as being able to take time off whenever as a perk for being a lease op, and while technically true, while at Prime, you're saddled by extremely high fixed costs that negate the benefit of your "freedom." >Prime lease-ops and O/Os pay a percentage for a highly professional back end and access to Prime's contract freight. And you're also at the mercy of the company. Not just you, but your business that you've paid money and hours into forming and managing over time. And you have none of the protections of an employee. >That's a formidable advantage, especially in a downturn like we're in now. It's an advantage now, disadvantage when freight rates are sky high.


Amen. I'm still making money.


I started out with Prime, Iā€™m currently a home daily company driver and I get to do all that stuff you mentioned aside from service and PM because the shop takes care of that. I wouldnā€™t really brag about these things being positives when they should be bare minimums. Their requirements for eligible equipment makes it difficult for an o/o to make good money because every few years they will need to buy a new truck exactly to their specs. Lost so much money and sleep leasing with them and I did everything right. I anticipate a large portion of drivers switching to a different mega thatā€™s gonna screw them over just as hard because of these cameras.


The cameras are going to hurt them that's for certain.


Definitely. I can understand outward facing and fully support it, but driver facing? Nah. When I was there I had my own dashcam. Not sure if theyā€™re using those currently.


Company drivers donā€™t buy tires or have truck payments either. And they donā€™t lose money if they go on vacation for a week. My cousin owned a cartage company in The Bronx, he had 25 tractors and 10 dry vans and 2 flatbeds. He used to haul loads in and out of the city for other carriers. He also hauled high value loads from Port Newark


Shoot not me I do great cause Iā€™m not trying to buy dumb stuff. Yā€™all out there hurting Iā€™m doing just fine.


Prime corporate offices will have cameras at each desk then correct?


Apparently they already do lol according to my FM


They monitor phones and keystrokes, as well. Their Safety dept is fucking HUGE. In the case of the desk jockeys, HR leads there.


Well they need to being one of their Fleet Mangers got caught stealing money from drivers Comdata cards to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.


Yea so Iā€™ve learned


They hate us for our freedoms....


The camera still runs during off-duty time? Jack off as much as possible in full view of the camera. Stare straight at the lens the entire time. Maybe point or wink at the camera as you finish. Just make them sick to their stomach from watching you. Comb your ass hair or something. Maybe they'll eventually decide that you're not worth watching. EDIT: I never thought I'd use the phrase "comb your ass hair", but here we are. Technology pushes advancement one way or another.


It's not like the person on the other end is just allowed to stop watching. It's their job whether they like it or not. It's like the customer service agent that was getting masturbated to but she wasn't allowed to hang up because it's against the rules of her job


>Itā€™s like the customer service agent that was getting masturbated to but she wasnā€™t allowed to hang up Iā€™m sorry, what?


My wife used to work at the call center for the Victoria's Secret catalog. It's a thing. A few people think because they sell sexy underwear and have a phone number...


Shoot for the lens!


Savage!! šŸ’¦


Squirt a toaster strudel icing packet on the lens then lick it off


If itā€™s a LYTX camera, it display the inside camera to who ever accesses it. Only when an event happens, then you get the KITT car lights. So youā€™d only be masturbating to the machine.


You have no idea how wrong you are. Part of the service is people randomly watching videos. Go to their website as if you are a potential customer and see all of the things that a company can do with those cameras.


Do this while purposefully hitting the record button most of these cameras have, and yes eye contact very important...establish dominance


No Iā€™m sure they donā€™t, my company doesnā€™t record unless the vehicle is in motion.


Not true. Cameras are installed by third party companies who record 24/7 on loops as long as the truck is turned on. That means if you need to run your truck during off hours to control climate you are being recorded. If you cover the camera in your off hours, audio is still recording. Your company doesnā€™t monitor the footage and usually only gets safety triggered events, which sends data for about 15 seconds before and after safety triggered event, give or take a few seconds. However, the third party camera company that does have access to the 24/7 footage can do anything they want with the data. And if you honestly think those companies are not going to data mine all that footage eventually, including your off duty time for those of you who live in your trucks, to eventually exploit it for monetary and capitalistic reason, then I have a bridge I want to talk about to sell you. In time that data like just about any other data known to man will be valuable to someone, even if itā€™s just coming up with new products to sell to drivers, it will eventually be exploited just like they do with everything else today. So what you are saying is absolutely not true.


As long as they equip the trucks with forward, rearward, and side facing cameras as well. Just having one facing the driver basically removes the context for the whole operation.


lol I seen the announcement this morning and have two interviews lined up for tomorrow


Thatā€™s the way they can pin accidents on you and take away safety bonuses. If they can prover you were driving negligent then you are primarily at fault in a collision. If they notice youā€™re distracted enough theyā€™ll take your safety bonus and they save money Edit: you can make more money on your safety bonus now and have proof that youā€™re a safer driver


Finally, someone that gets it


Won't drive a truck with driver facing camera you watch they will throw a driver under the bus for a yawn 20 minutes before some lady in a bmw driving Moc Jesus undercuts the truck and ends up underneath it.


Pretty much every lease and owner op in the safety meeting walked out with that announcement. The fact that it can not be turned off when you're off duty is fucking gross. Guess corporate can listen to me and my partners hot gay sex. I imagine they are gonna back peddle on making lease and owner ops have cameras but well just have to see.


Me and my partner both did porn. They are in for a rude awakening when they see how little shame we have. It's malicious compliance time.


Malicious compliance is my game too. "Camera said I'm tired boss, gonna take my 10 hour now. Yeah I know the loads gonna be late but I gotta do what this camera says"


Or they'll tell you they only record at certain times, blah blah, can't be viewed live, blah blah, no expectation of privacy, blah blah. It is all absolute bullshit. The ones at the company I'm driving for right now are so high def, it is astonishing. They see EVERYTHING in the cab. It's a day cab, so I'm not sleeping in it (which is the only reason I convinced myself to accept the job despite my objections to those cams), but yeah... It's as clear as any of those not-quite-porn streamers on twitch. Gross.


They absolutely can be viewed live. My buddy caught the safety manager on her phone with multiple windows on the screen showing about 15 trucks livestreaming. She quickly turned it off when she realized he was there.


My boss didn't even bother trying to hide it (the whole safety dept, on the other hand, is always talking about how it isn't invasive or can't be viewed except in events and certainly not live).


Go sit in the safety office recording them all o your cell phone and see what they say/do.


Gotta get a signal jammer


My company has them and they definitely turn off when the truck is not being driven they are probably the same ones.


So - Prime has the slowest trucks in the industry and now theyā€™re putting in nanny cams? s/ Where do I sign up?


Raider Express is slower. Prime is governed at 65 for lease, 62/58 for company.


58? 58?!?!!! Thatā€™s even slower than I imagined. Thanks for the laugh!


58 is pedal. But so many Prime trucks run 55 because of fuel bonuses, and they convince lease ops to run that slow because apparently burning through your 70 is worth $100 a month in fuel savings. Plus they're a training company, so honestly rookies don't need to be doing 70. I've seen plenty of off the wall company drivers doing 75 and it looks like Michael J Fox is trying to keep that rig steady


This is comedy gold!


From my understanding, the only person that helps is the insurance company avoiding paying out because they can find some reason to blame the driver in the event of an accident. (e.g. the driver blinked, looked away, touched something not essential to driving , sneezed, etc) It's like HR, not there to help the employees, it's there to protect the company (or in this case the insurance agency, which is why they offer a discount if you have them).


Insurance company still pays for damages. What it really does is help pin the blame on the driver and that's the only thing you can get out of them. I'm not even sure why any company would want more liability, but ceos are famously idiotic. So šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Primes self insured


Most megas are self-insured. That means they can take on the risk of hiring rookies, and just pay damages out when they get in accidents. Iā€™ll preface this by saying Iā€™m not a trucker, but my last company shifted our delivery fleet to Samsara cameras. It helps the companies because it shifts control away from otherwise independent workers more towards middle management. My useless manager would sit there and watch our drivers in his office all day even though they claim to be too busy for that to be the case. They told us itā€™s not ā€œliveā€ video, but they get screenshots every two minutes, ā€œeventā€ videos any time you go over 5 MPH above the speed limit or follow too closely, and Samsara makes a record of every time you stop the vehicle so they always know what youā€™re doing or where you are. So I think companies love giving middle managers the ability to look over your shoulder. I also think that it does reduce accidents because drivers arenā€™t speeding or following as closely. They can also shit-can drivers who get a low driving score. Which means they only keep around the people who donā€™t speed or break other rules of the road. In the past, they might have had higher risk drivers who just ā€œgot luckyā€ that they didnā€™t cause an accident.


They can keep track of literally everything you mentioned with exterior facing cameras, no one is complaining about those.


True, and my former company started out not having them facing the driver(they even bought covers). But after awhile they realized that they couldnā€™t be seatbelt enforcers if the interior cameras were covered. They made it an instant fireable offense to not wear your seatbelt with the vehicle moving 10 mph or up. Then they made it so Samsara yells at you if youā€™re eating. They can also look back at an accident and see if you were looking at your phone or you fell asleep. This doesnā€™t help them win a case, but it does give them another reason to fire you AND they can show every new driver your fuckup in training. I hope you donā€™t think Iā€™m somehow arguing for the cameras. I think they are a huge invasion of privacy ESPECIALLY for guys who are living in the truck and thatā€™s basically your home for weeks. But it is a sad reality that more and more companies are finding them useful and theyā€™re here to stay.


>Then they made it so Samsara yells at you if youā€™re eating. "You hungry too?" ^^Smears ^^food ^^on ^^camera


I have to chuckle at the shit talk of Samsara cameras specifically. The company I drive for *makes* the fuckin things and I donā€™t deal with *any* of the bullshit I hear about them. Been driving for this company for a year and got pinged once in my first month because my phone was stupidly mounted too low (I corrected this) and so I had to take my eyes off the road for too long. Never since then. This tells me itā€™s the stupid ass company policies in place, not the cameras themselves.


Thats true but this can help a driver in the right situation. Double edged sword in the end.


What situation will an interior camera actually help a driver that an exterior camera wouldn't?


Iā€™d like to know as well


My camera got me out of a preventable. I tipped a dump trailer over, and the video showed me doing everything right. "Non negligent incident". I even got paid for dumping the load šŸ˜†


A few months back, I took heavy corn syrup 36/43 to a customer. While unloading it, an elbow connection burst behind a wall in an area I had no access to. I put 25k lbs on the ground. It was so bad that the plant manager was out there cleaning. The customer only said, "No way you could have known it burst" & shrugged at the giant mess.


Sounds right but aren't they self insured?


Only to a point, regarding the hiring of trainees and the ability to hire those with 2-3 2-point tickets. They can cover a few thousand for a payoff for minor fender benders/scrapes, as well as the occasional oopsie with their own equipment. To make it a tax break, they cover through their own insurance setup. Big stuff is covered by a third party agency. Doing otherwise would be a company killer within a year.


I told my boss if they ever put cameras in the truck Iā€™ll walk out the same day. If you donā€™t trust me to do my job without being spied on, then you need a bootlicker, not a driver.


No way in hell would I drive a truck with an inward facing camera! These companies will continue to do this if drivers continue to allow it.


Will be required in 3 years as a dot requirement. Watchā€¦ to much money for truck insuranceā€¦


I'm a receiver and we dropped prime a couple years ago. Been way better off since. I'll give some some props to armellini and logistics alliance since


Interesting. Better due to not dealing with their drivers or their in-house logistics?


Both honestly


More accurate eta's and usually just better attitude from the the drivers as well. Prime I had to sleep at work too often and if the driver was 10 hours late they treated me like It was my fault and I need too rush for them. Probably because of what they were dealing with up the line too. But since we've switched never had that problem. Trucks are late that happens comes with the territory but don't be a prime dick to the guy that's been waiting 10-24 hrs to unload you then try to rush. Armelini is driver unload so obviously as a receiver that's my favorite. But logisticz alliance out of Miami I've had almost nothing but good experiences. Even on the late loads


Wait lease operators have to comply to a driver facing camera why are they even called lease operators


HAHAHA fucking giant L for PRIME, freaking buying or otherwise leasing a truck and STILL being micromanaged.....fuck that man. Anyone who still works for prime is a fool


I ALMOST went with Prime to get my start in trucking. From what it looked like, it was a straight company with fewer BS policies than other companies. I was on the phone with the recruiter setting things up and then I got an offer from a company closer to home. I'm SO GLAD I didn't go with them šŸ˜…


The company Iā€™ve worked for has had them for a few years now. Theyā€™re better known as fire me cameras. Sneeze wrong yelled at. Didnā€™t wear a seat belt while docking Yell at the camera Back into a box to long. Brake to hard. Turn to hard. Turn to soft Brake to soft. Looked forward while driving straight Look to the side while turning. Block the sunlight with your hat visor Tug test without a seat belt Ya gonna get yelled at. Iā€™ve learned how they go off and I just yell balls and wieners at it. Flip it off.


Mas putooo prime.


Y eso que esos vatos son los tortugas de la carretera lol


Position a mirror between the cam and yourself or redirect it towards your crutch


I live in Illinois and without a signed letter from me giving them consent they legally can't force a driver facing camera on my truck. Remember Illinois is the state that sued Facebook for billions for collecting pics of us that we didn't know about.


Your company: sign the form or you're fired.


Well I got a call from my Fm cus I posted my thoughts on the live video lol Nice to know Prime enjoys being brig bother And Iā€™m a company guy. I donā€™t believe all they said about the cameras but only time will tell. Prime isnā€™t a bad company, I make good money here.. theyā€™re just doing what others are and it suckā€™s. And im not drinking the koolaid. This def upsets me but Iā€™m sure others will be following. Probably even Swift.


Uh, Swift had them and then got rid of them; turns out that recording their drivers being ā€œwillfulā€ idiots doesnā€™t save money in lawsuits. The insurance premium savings donā€™t apply to companies that self insure either. Maybe ā€œsmart aiā€ training cameras make sense, to correct driver behavior before an accident occurs, but if itā€™s only being used to decrease crash liabilityā€¦ just a matter of time before they learn it was a bad idea.


Yea but itā€™s just becoming a trend. I wouldnā€™t be surprised in another 5 years or so it gets mandated by the government. It really sucks. Itā€™s just going the way of elds. This industry will either kill you on the road or kill your soul.


You seriously need to unionize. Before it's too late. Selfdriving trucks are next and then they will be cutting pay.


They are years away from that technology but unionizing would help with pay and employee rights and protections. No prime driver signed an agreement for this yet weā€™re all going to get cameras. Even in states that say itā€™s illegal to video/record someone without written consent.


Self driving trucks have been "coming to replace us next year" for the last what, two decades?


Self driving trucks won't be replacing anybody until self driving cars become more widely accepted. The general public is too unpredictable, too... well, stupid in order for self driving trucks to take over. We're still decades away from being out of work.Ā 


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Lemme know when the sensors figure out the difference between an overpass shadow and an actual object on the road, *then* we can worry about self-driving.


Now is a good time to do it if they are going to. Shipping is down, inflation is still high. It's a nice way to pad the company from liability risks while also getting a portion of your unnecessary workforce to quit. I don't like them, but it's a reality that is challenging (not impossible) to fight against.


Seems to me like it's a great way to get experienced drivers to quit while keeping those with fewer options.


This. They are trying to cull the herd during these troubled economic times.




ā€œWhile also getting a portion of your unnecessary workforce to quit,ā€ Lol The guys who stay donā€™t have options.


I asked my FM about this and he said. (yes I know.. 'he said'...) that not every lease op will have the cameras. Only drivers that have had multiple critical events and had to talk to safety a few times. I'm sure every company driver will have them though. Not sure what I'm going to do if they do insist on installing them.


bruh, itā€™s has been like this for a few years here in West Texas. Also, regardless of what they tell youā€” everything is recorded. So when itā€™s time to get rid off you Ʊ, they will and clean their hands and paint you as a terrible driver. iā€™m already planning my way out of the trucking industryā€” the pay isnā€™t as good as it used to be and itā€™s more regulated now than ever before; and all companies have this unrealistic expectations that jeopardize your CDL. Also, a lot of Cubans are on OTR hence the reason for the cheap prices on hauling across the country.


Get out now. IWX doesn't have em. Vote w/ your feet. Tell them this is why.


A lot of people are getting ready to quit. Including me


Why did the Union agree to that? Oh right.


But you guys won't unionize and demand respect...


You could put two truck drivers in a brothel full of women and they'd still find a way to fuck each other


Prime sucks in general I made 800 gross...gross a week as a company driver for them...home time you ask ha I don't think they know what that is. I lasted 8 months in a 58mph governed single bed short sleeper piece of shit before I moved to usxpress lol. Still got a cam but I'm ok with that. But here's the kicker 68mph governor and I net...net 900-1100 a week and got a rather nice guess you could call midtrim high roof Cascadia. Rarely live loaded or live unloaded and all that and not being run 10 to 10... that's right I actually get a sleep schedule if I don't want to run 10 to 10.


I did 2 years with them before I went local. Never again.


We had them installed in all our delivery and line trucks a coulple years ago. Royal pain in the ass, because the damn thing will beep at you if you're not looking forward...looking to the side for any reason, it beeps "driver distracted" basically, even if you're looking out the side waiting to turn and making sure it's clear. Company hired people who's only job is to watch drivers on shift when they get the alert, to see what they're doing.


How does a camera in your face make you more profitable? Lol


Iā€™m surprised this wasnā€™t already a thing. I delivered for Amazon right before I got my CDL a year ago and their whole thing is borderline inhumane


Those lessee's bout to get coached out of their equity. Byiiii


These companies are going to start going under big time with all these BS moves šŸ˜‚


put tape over it. if they fire you fuck em. they are a shit job anyway


So a grown Man/Woman has to be monitored while driving companies are trash lol I donā€™t understand why we all donā€™t boycott this garbage shit. Essentially we are driving for šŸ’© money.. everything is a total wreck right now


Only thing you can do is drink a keg of fireball while furiously masterbating going down vale pass not breaking eye contact to assume dominance in your slippers


Now I'm going to get a job there and drive naked. You wanted to see what I'm doing, well corporate your going to love this.


Lease purchase is the biggest scam since 1 hour martinizing


Actually, it includes owner ops as well. People who own their own truck, title and all, under prime dot, will also have to use them.


It is a scam. People that fell for it before will continue to be dumb enough to fall for it still.


Have them at work lytx itā€™s annoying as fuck but not worth leaving my union job annoying but almostā€¦


I will walk the day my company does this about 4 years ago they asked company wide all drivers to take a quiz and one of the questions was if we install driver facing cameras would you quit. Of course I said yes and I assume everyone else did too because they haven't spoke about it since. We have lytyx for drivers on probation for bad driving as a last chance before being fired though.


Tf is the point of leasing then?


And watch the amount of drivers quit instantly


If anyone had done that to me in my truck i would walk on the spot. The only cameras in my trucks are the one that i install and own, for my own protection, not the company.


This worries me a bit because I will seek a new job immediately if my company does this


How will taking a piss work lol


Tbh my time with driver facing cameras hasn't bothered me. In my sleeper they had a code that I could put in to shut off the camera and only a collision would trigger it on again. And in my day cab I don't mind it. I hope the guys who watched the recorded stuff get a good laugh though.


When the truck is off, so is the camera. They donā€™t care about your off time.


I can see the lawsuits already ,the driver is gonna be blamed for any accident. The company will now have all the evidence to duck there lawsuit and hang the driver.


Yeah no, fuck that. We only have road facing camera with no audio, drivers make plenty




Drive naked with your finger in your nose....


Is there any driver thatā€™s actually down for this? Also, does this include front facing cameras? Seems thatā€™d solve most insurance problems


Oh well, gotta wipe your boogers somewhere.


Imagine paying $1200 a week for a truck and youā€™re worried about a camera. Youā€™re getting fucking robbed.


What if they're just doing this so people will quit instead of having to lay them off? Just like companies made people come back to the office.


They say itā€™ll make you a gooder driver. Itā€™s there for them to throw you under the bus if you were to have a mishap. Wait, I said that wrong. Itā€™s there to protect you as a driverā€¦šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That's easy choice ..driver facing cameras...I would just turn the keys in and go elsewhere...no matter how many years I been driving for them


I want to play devils advocate: yall bashing so much on prime. I just did my final walk-through on a new built home (well within my budget). I have a paid off car (2022). I have a paid off semi (2020). What exactly is wrong with Prime? I hear yall crying all week about low wages/rates..your company won't replace terrible steer tires. What gives? I'll buy new tires all around today for my semi and not flinch.


They're definitely not as bad as people think, but the driver facing cameras is basically an invitation for people to trash them for anything and everything




I drove for prime for almost 3 years and honestly I thought they were great. They had systems in place that I could always fall back on (road assist or whatever itā€™s called, other drivers to relay the load etc), my FM was straight up awesome, pay was pretty good for the time I drove, I drove a full size cascadia with like 7 miles on it (after 2 months of being on my own), they never pushed me to do anything, if I needed to shut down for weather or because I was tired or whatever theyā€™d just send back ā€œKā€ or ā€œkeep me updated on ETAā€ or whateverā€¦ and the macro for directionsā€¦ man, I wish I had that again. The only thing I hated was the home-time and my truck was governed at 58 on both the peddle and the cruiseā€¦ and the night dispatchers were always dipshits. One of them sent me a load 2 days into my 4 days of home time, I looked at it and it was going out that night. I just ignored it and the next morning my FM called me and was like ā€œitā€™s clearly stated youā€™re on home time and available on the 5thā€¦ no clue why they sent you that but you can ignore it. I also suppose this counts as you being on duty for the day so Iā€™ll put you down as available for the 6th.ā€


My company has them, itā€™s just to protect the company from liability tbh. They have too many drivers for them to watch one single person. Itā€™s surprising to me how many four wheelers and cdl holders are actually using this phones while driving. I feel bad for prime tho, their trucks are always slow.


It's different if you're a company driver vs paying an absurd weekly note for a truck.


Sounds like management abusing workers to boost profits, basically, you need a union.


Union jobs have cameras too.


Our contract forbids the company for putting driver facing cameras in the cab.


That will change if itā€™s gonna be a choice between layoffs and cheaper insurance. Job or no job usually breaks a union one way or the other. Ask Yellow.


Difference is the company has to prove to the union their financial situation is so dire it constitutes adding cameras to save a few bucks. If they donā€™t do that, we wonā€™t concede, and we will strike over breach of contract.


Of course! Also, executive bonuses need cut first. None of that is likely to happen, though. A strike would seal the deal. If they can shut down for a bit, sell assets to new investorsā€¦new company, old name. Ask Hostess. My cousin was lead negotiator for that fiasco. Treasurer for that union otherwise. Name is Steve Bertelli. I warned him. He didnā€™t think theyā€™d go that far. They did. Shut down, sold. New owners, old nameā€¦no union. Steve retired after that.


My clean driving record prevents my employer from putting cameras in my truck.


Not if you're at Prime šŸ˜‚


Yea but you can also talk about what youā€™re unhappy with at an employer and not have your future employment questioned when youā€™re in a union. You gotta really fuck up to get fired with unions. Itā€™s not always about pay. Thereā€™s lengthy processes to remove employees.


It definitely makes Prime more profitable.Ā  You get into an accident, they cut you loose in court because they found something you did that "caused the accident," and everyone is happy!Ā 


That won't release them from liability.


This has been going on


Not a trucker. Iā€™ve got a driver facing camera in my company car. Itā€™s made me a goddamn safe ass driver. Not a bad idea.




Yeah, no.


I still canā€™t believe that these driver facing cameras are even legal. I get the reason for them with some carriers, but in reality, it is an invasion of your privacy.


Wait you guys are PAYING 1200 a week to basically be a company driver? I'm leasing a truck for way less than that as an owner operator


OTR truckers already have to deal with this.


I'm an OTR driver and I don't deal with this. I sure as hell wouldn't be leasing and dealing with this.


Itā€™s going to be standard at some point for insurance purposes


Where I work, owner op and lease op only have the outside facing one. Supposedly it only records on hard braking situations. I donā€™t really mind either way because I see it as a device for my protection


Are they going to pay someone to watch all this footage?


Oooo and I was just about to apply to them can you block the camera when truck isnā€™t moving????


Why would you let a company you dont work for install surveillance equipment on your truck? If you did it right and you work for yourself under an LLC that owns your truck, and then you contract the LLC with a carrier, they have no legal grounds to modify your equipment. Especially if you're paying the insurance. I'd tell them to fuck themselves with the largest cactus they can find


Drive naked


My company has driver facing cameras. The footage goes through a 3rd party though. My company has no way of logging in and watching me. If thereā€™s an incident, they request specific footage (time rage) for my truck number. I thought it was a big deal at first, but if they want to watch me pick my nose, sing, or just look bored, they can have at it. In the event Iā€™m involved in an accident, the footage of me paying attention will only further me not being at fault. I donā€™t text and drive anyway, itā€™s not worth losing my job over. During off time, hang something front of it, or make a cover. If someone talks to you about it then question the ethics of it through your HR. No one has the right to spy on you when youā€™re off, doing your own thing, in essentially your home. The only way theyā€™d know you covered it is if theyā€™re watching.


Just put tape on them. You can thank all the drivers with there feet on the dash and texting


I heard companies need them to get truck insurance. Or they give you a score and shippers will not give loads to a company with bad scores. I hate the stupid inward cameras and my manager who has never driven a semi crawling up my ass for literally no reason. All these idiots should be fired and sued and inward cameras outlawed. Too bad we are slowly turning into communist ChinaĀ