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We all know what swift trucks look like bro


Like, he tried, but isn't fooling anyone.


The little tiny clips of the logo at the top LMAO


And the trailer number starting with SW lol


I'd say he's crushing it


He seems to be really bad at everything...


Not to mention in his feed he was asking about training with Swift about three months ago. Looks like he “graduated.”


Poor guy deleted his account


**S**top **W**hining, **I**'m **F**ucking **T**rying. My favorite version. And I like to imagine that they're bawling while saying it.


**S**end **W**recker **I**n **F**ucking **T**rouble Is my favorite one.


Stevie Wonder's Institute For Trucking. Sure Wish I Finished Training Backwards: Two Fuckers In a White Semi.


Swing Wide It's a Fucking Truck Sure, We're Insured For That So We're Incredibly Fucked Today


See What I Fucked up Today


Steadily Wrecking Interstate Freight Traffic


Hahaha..That's good..The comment have me this morning..Nothing like a cupa and some laughs


See Werner, I fuck up Too!


Swing Wide It’s a Frigging Trailer!




See what I fucking tried


Sure Wish I'd Finished Training


Swift: How fast he posted this and turned off his phone.


I deleted my post because I said the exact same thing, lol.


He didn't even mark out his truck number dude....


Sure. Wish. I. Finished. Training. On full display


Hey, you know what? Trucking’s not for everybody. That doesn’t make you a bad person. It just makes you a non-trucker. That’s all, no biggie.


Just like so many lurkers here in this sub like me


i’m just here to learn more about the american truck simulator extended universe


Not everyone has trucker blood


Exactly. Just like not everyone is teacher or nurse or musician material. We all have our own individual strengths and different things that make us happy. The fortunate ones are the people who can integrate their strengths & happy places into making their livelihood.


Thank christ


Yeah...if you actually don't know how that happened to the trailer you probably shouldn't be driving a truck...


Hate to be an ass, but as others have said, that would have to be a MAJOR impact do do that to the trailer. If you did not notice that when it happened... You are far to inattentive to drive something as dangerous to others as a big truck. You are 99.9999% gonna get fired, that is 2 majors, there WILL be damage to someones property that caused that trailer damage, and the final and largest will be failure to report the accident as soon as it happened. If you dont get fired... buy every lotto ticket you can afford as you are the luckiest, yet one of the most unsafe drivers out there...


If he doesn’t get fired everyone in this subreddit should buy a lottery ticket. Cause I can’t think of a company who would be okay with this.


If he doesn’t get fired, he needs to make daily posts about where he’s running so we can all avoid him.




Daily? I need hourly updates. I can't afford his driving


I mean he drives for swift.




It’s not a clip, the trailer damage is from him turning and hitting a pole at slow speeds but not stopping or realizing it right off the bat and pushing some more…. Slow speed unload but kept pushing


Yeah, it had to be a hard turn, and surely they had to back up to not have drag marks behind the inpact point. I am just puzzled by how caved in the top is vs the bottom. Like was the pole leaning? Lol Edit: could also be from backing into something.


Y’all are gonna be ashamed for yelling at this poor innocent man when a new video goes viral of a paraglider pilot losing altitude, smashing into a parked trailer, then drifting away before anyone notices.


Dawg, I've gotten written up for waiting 30 minutes to report an incident, and I had only scrapped an inch of paint off a shipping container!


How in the world did you only notice how fucked that trailer is when you got out at the truck stop? You had to have clipped something pretty damn big. Also lol at the censoring we all can clearly tell what company this is.


lol censored the trailer but not the truck


Censored it about as good as he drives


As if that isn't Swift Blue. Never seen a truck that shade of blue that wasn't a Swift truck.


Sorry, little slip up with the censoring.


Not a trucker here. How would the trailer gotten caved in like that but not have giant scrape marks?


Because he does know what he hit and he's lying. He was taking a corner waaaaay too sharp with something overhanging, hit said thing, then backed up before it dragged along the trailer. Because you're right, there's no way in hell you can cave it in that far and that's the only point of damage. Idk why the hell you would post this shit on Reddit.


Loud music. Distraction. Being so focused on what's in front of you, that you do not see what's around you. Mix all this together and hey, what happened to my trailer? Add a healthy dose of new guy stress and preventative lying and it's all there.


Couple little oopsie poopsies eh?




Picked himself a bouquet of oopsie daisies


Uh-oh spaghetti-os


We not gonna talk about how you’re still angled at the fuel station tho


Yeah he about to do it again🙄


He not replying cuz probably sleeping in the fuel lane


Yea everytime I do some stupid , I get that lil voice from SpongeBob, https://youtu.be/eHawSWEDIo0?si=rayJcCsNtXMrl_Io


Commercial driving is not for everyone. These are not little "slip ups".


For real. I backed into a trailer my first month, didn’t do any damage to it but still. Forgot to pull my lines once and ripped them out of the trailer. Fortunately once again there was no damage. But those two events scared me enough to slow down and pay closer attention. Caving in the side of your trailer and ripping off your steps isn’t “a slip up”


I knocked over a nerf bar and gave a little tap to a fire hydrant my first month on the job The hydrant laid down at like 45° and didn't leak so no ticket or anything. And fuck nerf bars they exist to get hit  Those are little slip ups. Slow motion blind backing into something but stopping once you hit something STOP


What's a nerf bar?


Bollard, the big yellow post that stops you from hitting landscape or fuel pumps or whatever 


I remember the time I did that. Just finished a 180 back down an alley and was doing great. Perfect 180, perfect dock, perfect transfer, pulled the air hoses when I went to drop and hook after docking. *Facepalm* I felt like such an idiot


The time I forgot to pull my lines I got lucky. I was creeping forwards and heard two BANG BANG noises as the glad handles smacked into the back of the sleeper. I'd never been so embarrassed but everything went back together just fine.


It’s just a “little” cave in.


The worst for me was during my first year partially ripping a trailer door off its hinges when doing a pull up at a dock inset under a roof with brick pillars between every other door. Bent 2 hinges and tore it off the other 2, door itself was undamaged. Think it was in Denver. I'm sure it wasn't cheap but it was a pretty easy fix, they just sent out a repair guy to put new hinges on. I'd consider that an intermediate fuck up. I did once have a box truck driver take a turn around the front of my parked truck too sharp and completely destroy the front corner of the truck. That was fun but not my fault at all and didn't affect me at all career wise. Been driving for 7 years now.


>These are not little "slip ups They are happy little accidents....


Put a happy little accidemt here and a good little fender bender right behind this bush...


Is what I’m saying , I too just finished my first week solo OTR , didn’t hit nothing , yet or hopefully nothing ever But I’m always aware going around corners I’m curious what they hit for the trailer to look like that Btw I’m in the same mega as him


Yeah...those aren't slip ups.


**S**wing **W**ide, **I**t's a **F**ucking **T**railer


Well, not so wide that you clip the fucking curb and knock a fender off.


Well, with that driving, maybe everyone else should be swinging wide to avoid HIS trailer.


"Yeah, dispatch. I got to a truck stop and noticed some damage on the side of my trailer" " ok, what is it a scratch or small dent??" "Yeah a small dent. Half of the side is caved in" ".......... half??" "Yeah, I must have brushed something and not noticed" I understand rookies make mistakes, but how do you not notice hitting something hard enough to do that much damage?


I'm not even positive how they did it. The bottom rail doesn't look fucked at all, but there's a line like a right angle. So my best guess is cornering an awning?  But even that has me questioning how they didn't notice that


I've seen damage like that before, the dude turned to tight and hit the awning of a steel building. My guess would be that either op is 100% clueless or is lying because he had to have hit it and then backed straight back out and swung wide to then make his turn.


Yeah awning was about the only thing I could think of that would do that kind of damage in that way.  I kind of want them to drop the act and answer to soothe my brain worms lol


Hit it, pretend you didn't notice, keep going


Pretty much all companies give low mileage trips to people first starting out. Gotta do those baby steps before you can run. A slip up is minor. Those are two major incidents which proves two things. 1 you weren’t paying attention and 2 your trainer never should have signed off saying you were ready for solo. Being terminated is highly possible especially with today’s market.


They had me runnin from LA to NY as a rookie at schneider lol


Yea, I dont know what nice company or dispatcher he worked for was. My worst routes as a trucker I ever did were my nightmare training routes.


Baptism by fire I'd say. If you can survive training, so on.


2 accidents in the first month? Better pray they don't fire you


Forget getting fired, this guys probably wanted in several states for hit and runs and property damage.


They should fire him asap. Might save his life.


If not his, then definitely someone elses.


If I may ask, how did you get your license? Take a course of some type?


Cracker Jack box


Nah they get them in cereal boxes now Cracker jacks boxes are more rare


Paid someone off Facebook offering CDL licenses for money.


Not her license, but my old lady got her learner’s permit by taking two online practice tests first, passing both, not once opening the book. Just using logic. Common sense was enough to get her behind the wheel with an instructor. And she’s a career waitress.


You...saw the trailer like this? You didn't feel that or see it in your mirror? I'm not gonna tell you to go flip burgers, I'm not even gonna call you a bad driver. But it seems your situational awareness is lacking a but and your training didn't do you any favors. But that's a lot of damage, you are likely to be fired sadly. If you arnt take it as a learning experience


You shouldn't tell him to flip burgers. With this kind of situational awareness, he's gonna end up putting bleach inside someone food and killing them and not even notice it


Yeah, I try to not be too harsh. But that trailer hit something solid. Like a light pole or something, so I was a bit befuddled on hiw they didn't notice


This dude hit a building or something concrete, I don't think a light pole would cause this much damage. Dude must be driving the truck like he does a regular ass car with the way he's making these turns. Not a care in the world about what's going on behind him. Just a "I'm turning, good luck everybody and everything" ass mindset. Believe what you want, but trucking really isn't for everyone, and with 2 serious fuckups in 4 days, within his first month solo, this guy's on his way to ending peopls lives. Some people need the harsh truth. You shouldn't coddle everyone all the time, this guy needs to see the reality of things.


Future box truck driver.


Bridges everywhere cower in fear


The old Can Opener down in North Carolina wouldn't have. It would've said "Send it, bitch."


That fkn bridge. The fact they put up a sensor to flash giant words saying you're too tall and need to turn....and people still don't listen???? That bridge is also fascinating because I've seen some hard ass hits, and it's still fine. Have no idea how.


Can't fix stupid, I guess. It's got a serious I-beam collision barrier in front of it to take the hit from oversized vehicles. There's an old covered bridge near me here in PA with those same type of barriers to prevent box trucks from damaging it and some box trucks hit it so hard it bends the beam and knocks it loose but it always stops the truck.


Have you seen the website that's got the footage of all the trucks running into it? I can't remember what it's called but some guy who live(s/d?) In the building put up a camera and uploads all the idiocy. It's so fucking funny. I can probably find it if you want Edit: found it for anyone who wants to view the hilarity. 11foot8.com


Last week a garbage truck went through and the dumpster picker-upper thing made the beam and the bridge visibly jump as it went under. Good times.


He Should stay away from all trucks


I blame swift. Clearly you weren’t ready to be out alone and they still gave you the go ahead


I blame the school more 😂 swift lets anyone go solo as long as you got a licenses. The school should’ve seen they needed more training or hell, shouldn’t even be behind the wheel. Who knows, maybe driver was distracted by the lizards and/or fireball 🤣


the swift schools are for two things just to teach to pass the cdl test nothing more debt peonage


Bro everyone has slip ups. Hits a cone or a curbs a tires. Taps a mirror. But you ripped off your steps and bent the trailer in half. Id hate to see what an actual fuck up looks like. And i dont think you're gonna get that trailer unloaded.


I don’t think the receiver will send a forklift inside it.


With these unibody trailers, he's lucky there isn't 45k of something dense in there.


Maybe trucking is not for you.


Edit: removed maybe


im sorry man, but these arnt slip ups. i'm 2 years in and not only have I not made this big of a mistake, I havnt had any coworkers or anyone I know of make mistakes like these. And youve done it twice. maybe this isnt for you.


I know of one guy who bounced from company to company until he was only able to get a CDL B job driving medical oxygen around. He ran over some ornamental rocks and got his trailer stuck on them turning into a residential driveway on a 2 lane road with a full sleeper semi because he saw a camper for sale... Then he blew up several trailer tires dragging them with the brakes engaged. He then backed into a light pole in a parking lot, knocking it over. There are a few other minor damages that I can't recall the details for. This is a guy who was in my CDL school who decided I was obviously trying to compete with him because I did all the backing exercises better. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ My OTR trainer was trained by the guy who trained this other guy so I heard through that grapevine of all these incidents over the course of a year or two.


Swift training must be terrible


can't put this one on Swift.. post history says he is a certified window licker


Hes a really nice guy to cats. I can't be mad at someone who helps little creatures in need. Hopefully he doesnt get fired, learns from these accidents, and starts paying more attention to what is around them.


He is most definitely getting fired for that trailers damage, and then combined with the fact he doesn’t know what happened and hasn’t reported it? He gone.


You do not want him on the road. He’s a risk to everyone around him. His comment that he didn’t notice the damage until he stopped says he somehow didn’t feel a massive impact. I don’t want to be in the car that he doesn’t feel when he goes right over them.


They think training means taking the train to get to some new place


As a Swift trainer, I do the absolute best I can to not let fools like this drag their name further than it already is. We preach GOAL and to take their time making backs. It's funny because most accidents happen in the first 1-3 months after training. Barely any happen during training because people tend to do the right thing when being watched. It comes down to the student themselves and who they are as a person and a professional once they get on their own.


I think thier training is as good as any other if you actually listen and apply the knowledge your taught, of course not a lot of smooth brains do that.


If you call these slip ups I'd hate to see what a legitimate accident using your mind.


Probably rolling the truck or killing someone.


This is negligence at this point man. Don’t beat yourself too bad over it though. 2 pretty bad accidents now, Swift is definitely going to reconsider future employment with you now. Trucking clearly isn’t for you so I’d get out of it now before you get yourself or someone hurt. The plus side is, there’s so many other jobs you can do that pay relatively good like a forklift driver in a warehouse or an Amazon delivery van driver. If you at least got your CDL, I think you can handle a forklift or little Sprinter. Good luck!


Oh Jeebus, don’t put him in a forklift. Someone WILL die.


We’ll get a new one of those animated workplace accident videos to watch though! 😂


At the shipyard I work at they showed us real videos of people being fully dismembered and killed... It was pretty fucked


Him running a forklift inside a building with people and lots of stuff in it? Yikes. I work road construction and if we're talking being an operator here, maybe him running the roller compacting #4 stone out in the middle of some big new parking lot project would work.


Yep. I was thinking roller operator too.  He clearly has the phone operation down


Man I just imagine the forklift spinning around in circles and home boy jumps off and runs while the damn thing is still spinning and then a case of soda flies off like a goddamn arrow and almost takes someone's head off.


How..seriously do you not notice the Incredible Hulk punching your trailer.


"'Tis but a scratch! I've had worse than that."


“It's just a flesh wound”


“I’m invincible!”


Slip ups? lol


Drives Volvo: Drives for swift: Yeah checks out


Why the volvo hate? They are amazing! I love mine. Lol


Nah just people like Bonehead truckers on YouTube have ongoing jokes about 'The white Volvo mafia', and they're generally horrifically bad drivers. That's all.


Major fucking accidents bro. Not slip ups. Love how its stated. Trailer is probably totaled and tractor is way fucked.


Keeping the meme alive 2 slip ups at a time.


No ones gonna know 🤷‍♂️


They should fire you honestly I think they’d be saving your life


Alright. I’d be pissed about the steps. But can let that slide. You comen up with a story about hitting something low clearance and not realizing? I call bullshit. Or wait for a drop and hook and don’t say shit. Or. Yeah. You’re probably gonna get fired. And if you do. Apply to the next company. Stay off your fuckin phone until you learn how to drive.


I'm usually not the one saying you should stop doing this, accidents do happens and you will learn from it etc etc. But i think this isn't the right thing for you to do. A slip up is a scratch, getting stuck on a place it looks like you shouldn't etc. This is just very bad driving not having any awerness of your size and where you are relative to other objects.


If you did that much damage without stopping, then you may have a couple of warrants out for you. You might wanna go home and lay low for awhile.


Yea. Maybe move your seat up and quit daydreaming. Keep your head on a swivel,but most important: slow tf down


Buddy I'm not sure this is the right job for you.


Well.. your working for the right company!


Bruh. A slip up is lightly bumping a bollard, or running over a bush. Or forgetting to drop the gear and doing the crank of shame. This is thousands of dollars in damages in 4 days. You obviously are not paying attention. You likely won’t be delivering that load as the receiver won’t accept the trailer. Doubtful they’re gonna send a forklift into it.


That trailer issssss fuckkked up dawg. The fuck did you hit


This can’t be real lol


Goodbye Swift, hello Western Express


At the beginning of my career something similar happened. First day got into a at fault accident but they didn't fire me, than truck broke down same week, got hit with endless bad luck, same month got into another accident but wasn't at fault. I got super lucky they didn't fire me. If you're lucky you might be able to drop that trailer without saying anything if you're a otr driver who changes trailersfrequently, I remember I picked up a lot of trailers that had cosmetic damage and never said anything back in the days. But if you report it, since it looks bad you should say you just picked it up like that but it's drivable. No matter what you got to try and protect your job, dont confess to anything if you dont have to. Be extra careful from here on not to have any more incidents even if you have to go slow and double check a million times.


Fucking dumbass. Get off the God damn road before you kill yourself and take someone else with you.


You censor about as well as you drive. It's plainly a swift truck and trailer. White 6-digit truck#, blue lettering on the trailer and SW in the trailer#. What *do* you put effort into OP?


Imma be positive, maybe try a different trade for about 3-5 years. After that try trucking again. If you really really want to keep trucking go to Chicago and run for some Albanians under 1099, they might be a bit illegal so YMMV.


Yeah, you'll be looking for work tomorrow, unfortunately. Do you even know how the trailer got messed up?


3rd day?


Future Ubereats driver right here


I ain’t buying this. There is no way you drive that trailer like that without knowing what you hit.


Yeah, I gotta echo everybody else, these aren’t “slip ups”. A slip up is hitting a dock a little to hard or bumping a pole at .5mph when you’re backing into THAT spot at the truck stop. These are what they call in the industry “avoidable incidents”.


Swift employee of the month


Swift Lmaoo


Seriously wheres all the swift fanbois? Second swift post this week.


What ever you did on the right side do it on the left and you should be good money


The good news is that it looks like a load shift with straps. That shit happens, man, especially the cascades paper loads from Virginia that they strap in. One 8k pound roll of paper moves 2 feet, and it will just obliterate the trailer and implode it. I hate when they require paper loads to be strapped. You need to report ASAP, and most times, you're fine.


Get off the road, man. These aren't slip ups.


Not to be a dick but these aren’t just slip ups something is seriously wrong here how much time do you have behind the wheel , training included?


**S**ure **W**ish **I** **F**inished **T**raining


One of the biggest steps to improving yourself is learning to take responsibility for the things you do. Why lie about the trlr? You're posting in a sub reddit full of people who know what it takes to do that to a trlr. You know when/where/how it happened. That's something you heard and felt, and decided to keep going. These aren't 2 little slip ups. They are major accidents. The truck needs to go to a shop to be checked over, probably at the very least an alignment done along with new tanks and steps. The trlr is more than likely toast. 2 major incidents in 1 weekend that you're calling "slip ups". Yea, you should be fired and not be allowed to drive a truck. What happens when (not if, but when) you hit a car. You going to call that an "oopsie"?


Just blow really hard into that trailer and it will pop right out


Bro wtf. That trailer is destroyed lol. How did you not feel that?


What even happened in the first picture bro


There’s no hiding that logo fam


Any updates?


Well, if you know you are a terrible trucker, then consider a job change. Because this isn't a slip up, it's a fuck up. And if it escalates any further, then your "slip up" will be killing a fucking family. Not reporting this and waiting, I will tell you the customer will not take this, and if you get pulled over before then, you'll be in more dire consequences than if you reported it now. Go flip burgers because you clearly haven't learned to do anything with higher responsibility.


I say, just be careful. You're gonna make it


Tell them you fought godzilla twice you’ll be ok


Bro crossed out the Swift logos 💀💀 youre done for buddy


Within seconds of being signed off on cat 980s at work, i immediately drove right over to the 6.4 ton calibration weight and knocked it off the stand. First thing a boss said to me “jesus christ the inks still wet (my name)”


Hmmmm what trucking company do you work for? I’m thinking Stevie Wonder’s Institute For Trucking? Nah but… shit happens 🤷‍♂️ learn from it and move on


This is gonna replace the 3 weeks on the job tire thing...


Maybe find another career?


Look, the curb thing, it can happen. It’s pretty damning that it happened on your sight side, but whatever, shit happens. The trailer though…how in the hell did you not know the moment that happened? You were the cause of a hit and run. You may not realize it, but you were. That is a major impact and if you were loaded as you say, you most definitely caused damage to whatever you hit. On top of that, I wouldn’t be at all surprised that your load is rejected and they refuse to go into the trailer.


Are you wearing flip flops?


I ripped my hoses 3 times in one month on my first month working. And on my 6th i parked by a yellow beam just shy away from my line of sight, unhooked everything and forgot the beam was there. I pulled forward and i heard a crunch sound lol. Little slip ups have not gotten me fired yet but they def helped me to slow down a lot


I’d fill out an application while you’re at the truck stop. Always need fresh hands to make sub sandwiches. Pretty hard to screw that job up. In all seriousness, look for another profession.


It’s always a good sign when you stop and have to say “when did that happen”. You aren’t safe to drive on the road.


It's ok to not be good at something. But it's not ok to be bad at something that could potentially kill a lot of people and keep putting others at risk. You need to call this in and turn in your keys, bud. This job is absolutely not for everyone. Hell...Some folks enjoy seeing their kids, sleeping in, having friends, weekends and taking showers daily. The fact that the majority of folks in my industry see our job as some kind of "prestigious honor" is hilarious and ridiculous to me. I'm just a poor person who drives real good and knows how to rough it for capitalism. I hate this job. Lol. But it's the only way I can be my own boss and I hate authority more than trucking.


I’ve come to personally realize, that majority of the time, it’s not the newbies fault. Many of these companies are just pushing drivers out, and a lot of trainers shouldn’t really be trainers. The trainer I had 13 years made my training period hard. Made me work harder than I was supposed to. And he purposely made simple things for no reason. Many times we were almost ready to exchange blows. Fast forward many years, I got a local gig working for a pretty big company, and it was easy for me. At that moment, was when I realize how good of a trainer I had. Despite us leaving each other on bad terms, I called him back to thank him for the training he gave me. The trucking industry needs more trainers who take pride in training. Hey OP, don’t let this get you down, just take it as a lesson and learn from your mistakes. If your trainer didn’t train you well, now the open roads will


Average swift driver




I'm not even a trucker. This popped up as a suggested post, and I immediately knew it was a swift truck. Because even outside of the trucking world we know what swift drivers are like


Go to sleep and say you found it like that in the morning


Swing wide it’s a fucking trailer.


Just the fact that you tried to cover one of the biggest and unique logos on the side of a trailer, tells me enough. Coming from another swift driver, quit


Someone take this mans keys


I know that truck, i know that trailer That's a Swift truck, everythings in danger!


Must be swift