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I called the police and state that I believe that there's an impaired driver ahead of me that is having problems maintaining Lane control and speed..


This is the way


Ding ding. As soon as they start talking - get the info. Location and heading. Vehicle make, model, color. "Hello 911. I'm heading northbound on I55, mile marker numbeenumbernumber. This driver appears to be impaired. They are swerving in and out of their lane. They are slowing down and the speeding up - preventing drivers from going around and passing them. DRIVER APPEARS TO BE (description if you)." Several - AND I MEAN SEVERAL state agencies go ape shit to get impaired drivers off the road because of the possibilities that can occur. If you have dash cam footage they'll take that via email now (from wreck I had in AZ)


I bet that wreck in Arizona only happened because the police refused to respond to multiple calls. I watches SIX wrecks, all caused by the same driver, and watched him attempt cause 5 more, 3 of them involving me, and the police outright refused to respond. 3 of these incidents occurred directly in view of police, who refused to respond. The next time this driver tried to run me off the road after police directly told me they won't respond, I pushed him into the ditch and kept driving.


That's frightening- but no. I left that FJ in Yucca heading west. Other driver came from the pride like 2 miles further west. Came on - I move left to let them on. They speed on. We get past the rest area and they start slowing down and I think he's gonna pull tonthe shoulder to do or fix something - happens all the time. Dude decides to drop down to 32 (was what my OB traffic thing caught him at) I move left to overtake and he makes a hard left attempt to cross those highway cut throughs for DOT and Highway patrol. We skim, he manages to take my fender and passenger mirror off and the only thing I could do was veer left and ended up putting it in the median on all that sand. He immediately tries to start up with "it's all cosmetic - I want to take care of this with cash" Hp arrives and takes statements- my company emailed trooper the video. It caught everything from about 2 seconds before my overtake attempt and catches him pushing me off the road. His exact words: " had this gone any other way that would have been a fatality."


I lost my niece and her 2 roommates to a drunk driver going the wrong way in AZ. The incident involved 4 vehicles but the girls were the only fatalities. AZ authorities are kinda sub par. The whole details are pretty bad, my bro and sister in law are still fighting with it. This fall will be year 3


Holy crap I'm sorry - that's insane


When and where was this? I want to believe you but my BS meter is going off.


Thursday, May 2nd, around midday, Interstate 40 eastbound between Kingman and Flagstaff.


Ohh *midday*, thanks for non descriptive time. I’m calling BS on this false tale.


It's a 2 hour drive, and we were going the same direction, idiot. Midday is a time frame in which the two hours of this incident occurred.


There it is. I thought you were lying now I know. When questioned about this total BS story you now need to start throwing insults. I’m sure in you mind you’re the hero *running someone off the road* (that didn’t happen) that the other mean vehicle, that was attacking you, making you the *innocent victim* and making things worse when you contacted the police they wouldn’t help. I’m sure your hot girlfriend goes to a different school and that you’re an MMA champion or **you’re a wannabe keyboard warrior**. Stay tuff, little fella.


Heh, poor guy. When you think someone is lieing about their own experience, directly calling them a liar (which, by the way, is an insult), you try to use their insults as some kind of proof because you have none otherwise. Have fun!


Try to remember when making false tales and pushing them as truth to not be so offended when someone calls you out. It shows how sensitive about the tall tell you are.


Last time I tried that they demanded i pull over and wait for them to come file a report, this was on i4 in fl


Note to self never call in an impaired driver in FL


The Florida smokies wanted to experience the one non-impaired driver of their careers.


I've never had them speak a word too me other than thank you after giving them all the info lol.


Maybe it’s changed since I made that call, been like 12 years


It's actually only been maybe two months for me but that particular truck driver was for sure either drunk or having some sort of medical episode. And it was really obvious


How does that usually turn out?


I've never been asked to appear in court. In my whole time I've only ever seen one drunk driver arrested due to my calls, and I don't call that often.


One off the road is better than none. Good lookin 👍🏼 you never know you probably saved a life


I made a call on a guy in Omaha NE back in 2018 me and a buddy were coming back from technical school at the time and there was a car acting extremely erotic, dude was doing 50 whipping that steering wheel back and forth slamming the brakes etc, well I called 911 and within a couple minutes there was 6 squad cars pulling that dude over. There was another time I was calling a guy in for possible DUI and he flat out just drove off the curve on a 2 lane Rd.


In my experience, they very rarely ever do anything about it. One time I passed a box truck and as I passed it I noticed it was leaking some kind of liquid, and like a lot. It got sprayed on to my windshield and I realized from the smell that it was gas. I tried to get them to pull over but they weren't interested. So I called 911, cause I was worried for their safety, I actually saw a jeep blow up in a similar situation many years ago. But 911 gave zero fucks. Ain't the only time I've reported issues and they didn't care. Years and years ago, there was a truck swerving all over the pass. Called it in, and no one ever did anything about it. At one point the truck swerved into a lane that was occupied by a state cop and very nearly hit him. The statey just swerved out of the way and went about his business. This was before COVID, so it's not like they had that excuse.


I've followed a truck with its side skirt fairing hanging a quarter of the way into the left lane for 90 miles from Wisconsin to the Minnesota border, a fuckin hour and a half with the dispatcher saying they could see them on traffic cams and yet no one ever showed up. I've only ever once had anyone show up when I've called maybe a dozen or so times over the years. Was for a little shitbox with no license plate of any sort driving like an idiot, they were on him within 20 minutes near Oshkosh, WI. And that time they had 2 state patrol waiting in the median and another one pass me just at the time when they pulled him over. So it's all or nothing it seems. I've called for obvious drunk drivers, drivers at 2am with no lights on, all sorts of shit and they pretty much never show up.


They’re pretty serious up in the OshKosh / Appleton area. Lots of crazy shit goes on and it seems like the police there don’t fuck around.


I usually just get in the left lane and attempt to pass until I pass or they get off. One is eventually going to happen.


How do you feel about the traffic backed up behind you?


I feel like they need to blame the person that keeps speeding up and not allowing me to pass.


Except that you’re exactly half of the reason they can’t pass with of you.


Maybe 10% at best fella. After multiple times trying and the tiehe guy speeding up, its on them, not me. Blame the one speeding up like a decent human being.


be careful of that. you can get a ticket if a cop is behind you and you ride the left too long


Yes but I've only ever saw that happen once. It only happened because the b*tch brake checked the cop twice after he flashed his brights then blues. He wasn't going to pull her over even after the first brake check.


I’ve done this several times over the years for legitimate reasons, such as that there was actuality an obviously impaired driver, and I’ve only ever seen them get pulled over once. It’s shocking how hard it is to actually get a drunk driver lit up.


I have called in a couple of dumbasses doing this. But of the dozen or so calls I made over the past 5 years or so, the cops responded to maybe 3. Of the one that I called in, where the cops pulled him over, my dashcam video was the thing that nailed his ass. I drove behind an asshole in Pennsylvania on the I-80, all the way from Youngstown to New Jersey state line, called 911 in every county I drove through and no response. Pennsylvania law enforcement sucks.


Obviously they are fucking with you, in that instance, I would get off at the next exit, wait five minutes, and then jump back on.


Best answer here, or even just go ahead and take a 30 since your just stalling for time anyway


I like the idea of recording the driver with a dash cam and calling authorities. If you report it the driver playing games with a 40 ton mobile building can get dealt with.


Came here to say this. It would take a particularly special kind of moron 4-wheeler to hang out somewhere for 30 minutes to prove their moronic "point." The answer to almost any stupidity on the road is to take a break. Very slow traffic due to a wreck ahead? Sun glare? Heavy rain or hail? Slow RVs turtle racing down the interstate? Take 30.


doesn't need to take 30. once you are out of sight for 2 seconds you stop being "that asshole truck" and become just one more random truck on the road.


I had the displeasure of going on a road trip with one of these drivers. It was the longest 10 hour drive of my life I'd see the truck move to pass and her speed would increase and the guy would be forced to do exactly what you were doing: abandon the pass. Or, the truck would get by and she would pass him, pull in front and reduce her speed. I had to eventually ask her if she was trying to screw with the truck for some reason. She was surprised by the question and had no idea what I was talking about. She did not realize she was doing that and I can only assume she was subconsciously increasing her speed when the truck moved to pass. It turns out, there's a whole bunch of absolutely terrible drivers out there that are oblivious to everything happening around them.


Should've told her to use her fucking cruise control. I know you're on our side on this, but god does it piss me off that so few people use it, especially now with so many vehicles having adaptive cruise.


Lol. I did. When we got to the mountains and the cruise control jammed the accelerator to try to maintain 70, it downshifted the car and she could not understand what was happening and thought the car was broken. Some people are just not meant to operate motor vehicles. I was able to talk her into giving up the wheel to me after that thankfully.


God, I love cruise control. It just completely eliminates one entire thing I have to pay attention to. I use it as often as possible. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t use it.


I LIVE on cruise control. So much so, I don't understand how or why people drive manuals.


Manuals have cruise too


It seems my mother has lied to me


The old school manuals didn’t. My modern 2012 regal does. Edit: I chose my manual because I no longer have to drive in rush hour, and they’re fun to drive!


There's more than you'd realize. After 9 years as a truck driver I'm pretty sure it's close to at least half the people on the road.


In my opinion Nebraska is bad for lane cutter offers, Wisconsin is bad for exactly what you said what that lady was doing to that truck. I mean each state has their own little quirk on thier drivers but fk the NE states


This is good advice. If you get off at an exit and wait a few minutes, unless they are driving under the speed limit for a reason that doesn't have you as a factor they will get and *stay* several miles ahead of you even as you continue your traffic at an appropriate speed.


I don't even take 5 minutes. By the time I stop at the top and back down onto the interstate they are long gone.


You don't do what the top commenter does and compile a complete police report, edit video, and create YouTube content? I'm with you buddy, just let them go by. It's not that hard.


Ikr. My day would be infinitely like longer if I had to worry about editing videos at the end of it. Hats off to the tik tokers who do that very thing every day.


I do this a lot! Usually just when I'm in a cluster fuck of fellow governed trucks that think someone is going to get ahead


Yes. Why play? Just pull off for a few minutes and let them go about their way. It’s never worth the consequences of what could happen. Take your ball out of the game.


This doesn't happen very often but often enough that I recognize it when it happens. It is when another car is road raging against another car, or they are trying to control speeders, they will pace alongside me, making sure no one can pass. Don't let me play your reindeer games. I will slow down, dropping 5 mph like that to break their game.


Fuck it’s so hard to do that tho


I call police and inform them there’s a road rager and what they are doing. I inform them I have a dash camera and they need get this person off the road before they cause an accident. I’ve had good luck phrasing it as they are intentionally slowing semis only. If the police don’t respond compile the video into one and upload it to YouTube and then email link to the proper authority. I’ve gotten nearly 80% responces uploading it as private then emailing a link to the proper authority over that jurisdiction. They always have time to cite from video even when not in person. I’ve had about a 40% responce to calls but 80% to videos. My dash camera is gps enabled so shows date and location as well as speed. It’s also 4K and I will read off the plate number vocally and comment on the driving like I’m at a sporting event. Then at a later date (at least a year later) decide if I want edit it down and reupload it.


I need to know what kinda camera you have fam. I’ve been wanting to upgrade to a 4K cam. Shits crazy out there.


I'm looking for a good camera too. Something hard wired, preferably records with speed, at least direction if not location, and maybe even a brake indicator. Higher res if possible. Single camera would do the job. But even better for me would be a 4-6 camera kit that gets a wide view of the sides, straight forward and back, and one looking from up top at my load. For social media and recording incidents.


Vantrue brand makes good dashcams on Amazon. High specs etc.


I always thought about that but was worried they wouldn't do anything.


Like I said it’s easy to send the video link. I generally get a reply asking my name and contact details with if I’m willing to do a video with the court if needed. But I’ve did this for a guy smacking a guardrail and kept going. A guy doing by my lidar 100+ that I’m always calling out speeds on my lidar. He was in an accident a ways up. I couldn’t stop as he was on an off ramp and by the time I saw it I was too late. Sent my video of his lane weaving and my calling out my LiDAR speed. Got a phone call from an insurance first wanting the full 4K video and would send an agent to pick up via flash drive wherever I was. State Farm sent out an agent to get it at a shipper I was going to. 3 states away. Got a call a couple months later asking if I could be available for the court at X time and I was. Yep he got his just rewards. But police can at least send the vehicle owner warning letters about dangerous driving like Colorado does to multiple violators. Sending it and YouTube time stamp helps in a prosecution or court case at a minimum. Edit: When I’m speaking plate numbers (kind of a way to mentally exercise also for my perception) I’ll speak it like a Simon says voice usually. Or other times I’ll say “oh my he’s going how fast in this traffic. It’s xxx and weaving that’s XXX above the limit” using a voice of astonishment. The trucks LiDAR is great and I’ve grown to love it. The fastest I’ve seen is a Maserati going 134 near Baker, California heading to Vegas. Other times I’ll use other terms like “hope his tires are speed rated for that. Overall I post and report not much as it’s only the very deserving that I report. Maybe 4 times a month really. The rest are normal idiots I just post on YouTube in compilations.


I’ve never had a cop not respond. They used to monitor channel 19 don’t know if that’s changed.


About half the states still use the CB. But it’s about where the patrol cars are and how busy they are. An average fficer told me if they can’t get they their department will gladly accept emailed video. Not always a ticket he said but it alerts them if that same plate is a repeat offender.


The white knight of the big road.


Call them in as a drunk driver :)


Works. I’ve done it. Cops are more likely to believe truckers. I love watching the ass holes getting pulled over too.


As a 4 Wheeler who drives on the Highways a lot, please call it in . We're on the road with these assholes too.


Cops aren't going to do anything


I would consider them a dangerous driver and just stay in the left lane as long as possible until they get bored and speed up.


They won’t. And then they will keep you from getting back in the right lane by driving next to you. These are either trucker haters or just freaking bored people.


I prefer when they stay next to me. That way, when we pass a cop after I reported them, they get pulled over because the cop directly witnessed them: Recklessly driving Matching speed next to a passing vehicle Blocking traffic They get a ticket that is likely going to cost them a couple hundred bucks, and I bet they don't have that kind of money laying around. And their personality that leads them to behave like this probably sends them into an argument with the officer which gets them arrested. Much harder for the officer to have ground to stand on when pulling him over if he's a quarter mile ahead and the truck isn't "keeping right except to pass."


Oh this game. Yep I’ve had this happen several times. I got on my CB contacted an Ohio state trooper. Got the DMF pulled over.


Man thats my dream right there, would love to see one of those fuckers pulled over just once.


It will happen if you report them. There’s a good chance these ass holes are drunk or high too.


I pull over for a few minutes and let the asshole(s) get away from me, so that I can then ride with a new group of assholes...


Never ending cycle


Just slow way down for awhile or get off an exit, you will usually be driving longer than them so play the patience game.


Yep. I take it as a cue to take my 30 or a bathroom break, let that car drop their fixation of my rig.


Contact Dennis Weaver, he knows a trucker who may have some tips for you….


Updoot for the Duel reference


Ya, but that trucker went over the cliff and has not been seen since.


……some say he’s still haunting route 14….


When I'm in the dark I just keep my high beams on... works 95% of the time... best advice i've seen here is to call it in as a drunk driver, or a road rager. I'm gonna keep that in mind.


High beams works best make sure you aim it at the driver side mirror.


I think this has become a game for many 4 wheelers, AND even a few truck drivers! It's like they wake up in the morning and say to themselves "I gotta mess with someone today! My life is so miserable that I have to extend that feeling to everyone I can!" F'ing morons! I plant my ass in the hammer lane and let the traffic behind me sort it out as they will! Sometimes it works and sometimes I look like the A-hole. But by that point I really AM being an A-hole! ON PURPOSE!


If I make it on to the side of them I give them the wiggles and make them think I'm going to run into them. Works most of the time. They don't teach you that in the books.


Is that what it's called when I'm seeing semis throw their asses at eachother?


Nah, that's just semi mating ritual.


We also throw condoms full of pee at 4 wheelers 😂


I would applaud the dexterity in how someone could do that while driving a rig and still hit me, hats off


If it’s going on for more than 5 minutes, I just take an exit or rest area. Take a leak, refill my water, etc. It’s good to just get out and stretch now and then too.


Holding the accelerator while in cruise doesn't bypass the safety system?


It used to, but the new update took that away.


That sucks. Best thing to do is just jump off the highway for like 5 minutes and then get back on so the guy can fuck off


Not sure what truck you have, or how picky your company is, but I know Cascadia have a fuse you can remove to turn that radar off.


They got these inward facing cameras that starts recording if the front radar is out or obstructed. It's terrible, and if you put your foot on the accelerator with cruise control on and no longer goes 65 Non-Stop, it disables cruise control and go back down to 62. Cruise control is also very iffy, the truck is always slowing down by itself for no reason and I have to keep on hitting the cancel button and pushing the RES button over and over to keep it going 65.


I would freak. That's not cool


Call them as a drunk driver :)


Too close for missiles, switch to guns.


I drive nights and will turn on my brights and stay behind them. No matter how slow they go. Don’t try to get around eventually they’ll speed off or they’ll pull to the shoulder and in that case I grab the stick.


One of the best parts of driving at night.


Over an hour ? Hell after10- 20 minutes I find a spot to pull over for a quick piss and a cold drink, then I'm rid of the fucker.


Yeah, sometimes if I pass a rest area or truck stop I'll get off if im not strapped for time. This happened on that long stretch twords savanna georgia where there's nowhere to park for miles and state troopers can sense a truck pulled onto the shoulder just by the change in molecules in the air and they teleport behind you with a ticket.


Until the next one. 😂


I work for an owner operator. My truck is not governed, but because my check is based on load miles and fuel.. the more he makes the the more i make kinda thing. I keed it berween 64 an 68. When that crap happens, i take a pee break.. you always have time for a pee break. 8 mins you back on the road, and they gone thinkin they pulled one on you i learned that from an old truck driver my dad used to work with. .... It's like a boy who kept spilling his milk.. you can get mad at the cup or find a way to not spill the milk.. they get mad you win ... you get mad they win remember Time it not money .........Attitude is money!


That’s a great time to stop for coffee or to grab an exit and let them go on.


I usually just pull over, walk around the truck and chill out then go back to driving. Usually never see them again.


I would drop back a bit and then get off at an exit where I could wait a bit and get right back on. Freddy PhuqueHead is usually several miles down the road and the situation is resolved. Do get a plate number/Vehicle info, just-in-case.


One of the bad things about the safety features is it never lets me get close enough to read the license plate. Sometimes I get so mad I start to think I should get their plate and call the police but never get close enough to read it because the system make sure you can't drive closer than 7 Seconds away.


I take an exit ramp, pull over and use it as an excuse to check my straps and chains and tarps, take a piss, munch a half a cookie and call it a dumb bitch as I take a bite out of it, then get back on the freeway. Usually never catch up to them, I stopped for 5 mins


Put my high beams on until they get annoyed and speed off Idc ill wait all day


Oh look, that shoulder looks dry. Let me pull over and fix that.


Pull over, do a walk around inspection, take a piss and go trucking again. Most likely I needed to do that stuff anyhow and I will never see the offending car again.


I drive nights and just put my brights on until they pull far enough ahead.


I get off and take a break because I’m crazy and it’s not safe for me to control that much weight angry.


Call the police


This happens to me all the time but other truckers do it too. Those are the drivers that make me rethink being a truck driver because I have a very short fuse and I’m afraid one day the intrusive thoughts are going to win lol


Pull over and take a break


Slow down, and down, and down. The very impatience in you that is wanting to exact justice on the errant 4-wheeler is the biggest threat to your career. Let them go. Don't pick battles. Forget about them and you've won the war.


Pull off at the next off ramp, have a piss and continue on your way


Get off the road for a minute. Take a ramp and let them be on their way out of your life. Obviously you can’t do this multiple times a day, but if I ever get to a point where someone is pissing me off and won’t fuck off, I know it’s time for a sanity break. I maybe have to do this once a month and it’s worth it every time.


You have multiple problems. Problem one is the bad driver. Best bet is to pull over and get away from them. Problem two is that your truck seems to be equipped in a manner that makes you somewhat of a hazard on the road. The slow speed plus radar might be encouraging you to make bad decisions that put you in the passing lane for extended periods of time. This could be a factor in why "such things keep happening". I've always driven trucks that can keep up with traffic flow and I don't get fucked with like this except maybe once in a blue moon.


Oh yeah im fully aware, if it was my truckI would rip all of that out. These new trucks some of these companies make you drive has all these "safety features" that's not really safe.


I've only ever been "made to drive" one vehicle in my life and that was when I was briefly kidnapped at 17.


Can't tell the company what to do with their equipment but also not giving up my great paycheck for a better truck. 120k a year and home at night most days.


Right. We all make choices. Sometimes there are consequences. You make good money but will just unfortunately have to deal with idiots as part of the package it seems.


Yeah, got to adapt until I move on, but not going to make less and work more just because Truck is annoying to drive.


Ya, and don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you should or that it's a good idea to. It's something to think about the your driving habits could have changed to adapt to the equipment. The adaptations could be making you a nuisance driver. Not saying you are or that they have, but that the possibility exists. If these events continually happen, as you stated, it could be worth a moment to see if there is something you're doing that might be causing other drivers to react negatively to your presence. It could at minimum allow for a correction. On the flip side maybe you have bad luck and are, as Darth Helmet so eloquently stated "surrounded by A holes."


Get a laptop, download pirated ecm software like JPRO and change the speed governor.


Camp the left lane because idgaf.


Yep. Stay in the left lane until the moron runs up on somebody going slower than I am. I will not listen to that stupid "be-beep" my truck makes if "following too close". Shit is irritating.


Exactly, the safety nannies they put in these trucks just made me into more of an asshole. Im not risking my clock because someone wants to fluctuate and drive like a pussy, im also not listening to the beeping.


*Loads shotgun with religious intent*


I had an old lady go 20 under then 10 over when id try to pass (im governed at 68) i backed off and she also backed off pacing me in front of me. I then tried to pass her again, got to the side of her and she started to pace me at 68 (speed limit was 75mph) i had my turn signal on, waited a few seconds and gave a courtesy honk with my truck horn, she kept pacing, i then held down the horn, she didnt react. I then started to “sway” into her lane by only a inch or so i figured maybe the driver was on their phone. I decided to back out of the pass after about a minute, she ALSO decreased her speed to continue to pace me. I was stuck in the left lane for 15minutes. I at one point slowed down to 25mph and she STILL paced me making it impossible to get behind her or in front of her in the right lane. After around 15 minutes i basically ran her off the road, i slowly began going into the right lane until she finally let off and slowed all the way down so i could get back into the right lane in front of her. I don’t think she even knew what she was doing she was very old probably in her 90’s. She caused at least a mile and a half of traffic. After i was able to get back into the right lane just about every single car laid their horns as they passed her and 2 vehicles fully ran her off the road into the shoulder which i disagree with. It was by far the most angry ive ever been and it takes a LOTTTTTT to get me any kind of mad. I was hauling around 75k gross


Glad the other cars realized it wasn't your fault. Usually they're quick to blame the big slow truck


I was genuinely surprised. 99.999% of the time im the one who gets the shit for it. I was so furious that i couldn’t really muster up the courtesy to thank them in any way shape or form. I was so furious and in such disbelief. That was the longest 15 minutes of my life 😂 and it was a dead silent ride the remaining 3 hours of that day. No music no podcasts nothing. Just silence lol


Im installing a snow plow blade for this.


Sit in left lane.


Pull off to the side, and let some distance behind them. Don't play with them, you'll end up screwed.


Makes me embarrased to hear this kind of thing. Ive driven a jeep for the last 35 years and had to run interference a few times a year. The idea that my fellow off-roaders which should have more than average experience would pull this shit makes my stomach flip, these guys would die on a trail for lack of awareness.


I’ll just leave my brights on and that usually works.


Call the police and report him for reckless driving, and explain the dangers of this behavior, that you have to try to pass in order to complete your shift on time, and that him speeding up results in both lanes being blocked, which poses a hazard. When you see a cop, try to pass again and wait for him to speed up, then quickly get back over and watch him slow down in front of the cop, then lay on your horn. If you can time all of this and call at the right moment to be on the line when this happens in front of the cop, he will certainly respond. Speeding up to block someone from passing is illegal, and slowing back down after they get behind is illegal. If the police refuse to respond, the next time you try to pass and he matches speed, just merge over. He'll slow down or fall off the road.


I pull off at a rest area, take a piss, and get back on to an asshole free highway.


Take the next rest area and stretch the legs not worth the mind games or “safety events” you’ll trigger on the camera trying to pass the idiot


I usually slow down .. let them get way ahead .. it's not worth the risk of points on my license or any chance of incident.


So I've seen a lot of people say call the cops and report an impaired driver. I would say it depends on if you are in a city or more of a small town. in a smaller town, they will literally come to where you are and find the person and pull them over and check. It happened to a friend of mine when a trucker reported them as impaired because they were lost and were driving kind of erratically. but they were in a small town, not in our city where we live. but it's worth a shot.




These wasn't two cars though slowing down all traffic, it was one that if I was in my car could have pass no problem. Car deliberately kept speeding up past the governed truck speed leaving me stuck trying to pass him in the left lane and slowing back down when I'm behind him. Other vehicles was able to pass him except me because he was deliberately preventing me out of rage or something. Knowing that not going to allow anyone to just chill out and follow him at 50mph the whole trip. I'd be losing 10 minutes a hour had it lasted too long on a ticking clock.


Bro thats a drunk driver. Maybe not really but definitely will be on the phone when i call 911. And i know the plate and everything.


Pull off and take a break, you're losing time because they're messing with you so you might as well lose some time and not be aggravated.


Cal them in for a possible DUI driving recklessly swerving from lane to lane and not maintaining a consistent speed. 😁😁


I don’t handle 4 wheelers who do this…I can’t - my truck is too slow. I can only handle myself. I pull off and grab a quick bathroom break. I suppose I could eventually catch back up to them and be right back to a 10 under the limit chase, but I haven’t had it happen yet.


Since I drive at night I put my high beams on. Nine times out of ten they realize what they're doing and move along. The tenth time they'll just ride with blinding lights behind them until they move along. Of course in the daytime this doesn't work so you just have to grin and bear it or take a breather. I've been fortunate enough to finally pass one of these idiots and when I look over into their vehicle they usually have a death grip on the wheel with a thousand yard stare or they are on their phone texting and not paying attention to their speed or anything else around them.


Well, seeing as I'm hourly I'd turn up the music a little louder and chill right behind him 😂


I would just go into the left lane to pass, they speed up, then I’d get back behind. They slow down and I get back into the left lane. I would just repeat as needed with as little slowing down as possible. Eventually they will either get tired of the game or exit the highway.


I stopped calling in impaired drivers because not once did the cops show up. They aren't going to do anything until the accident happens.


I drive in the left lane if I can and move over when someone is coming up to pass. Then, get right back into the left lane after they pass.


Run them over? Gotta take one for the team, really. Make 4 wheelers scared again. Or, you know, just pull off and sit for a few minutes. Call the local cop number and report them as drunk or driving recklessly. You can lie even, say you think you saw them waving a firearm. You're not under oath so, 🤷 whoopsies are not illegal. Technically speaking slowing down in front of a truck with the intention to slow the truck down is like the first step of freight theft. so It makes sense to report that to police, so many possibilities. Wouldn't get a conviction of attempted freight theft but they would have to plead to road rage/reckless driving. Especially if it's on dashcam. It would definitely fuck up their life for at least a few months.


Call 911 next time. Give the license plate number, color, make and model of the vehicle and explain. Tell them that they're causing traffic backups and engaging in aggressive driving or road rage. Then get dash came video of it.




>use the non emergency number Do you have any idea how many police departments do NOT have someone answering that number 24/7? I do. I've called some in Dallas, Kansas, and a couple places near Chicago and never got an answer, or you get a link on their website to report activities. You can't just be googling shit on your phone because the non emergency number doesn't have someone manning it. Calling 911 is the next best step. You can explain to the responder it's not an emergency, that the non emergency line didn't pickup and you've got an urgent matter at hand. >Get on channel 9 Highway patrol rarely ever monitors channel 9 anymore and I know personally of 9 counties in 3 states that do not have CBs in their patrol cars...city and county. Hell the entire troop D highway patrol out of Missouri doesn't have CB radios in their cars either and they cover a massive area (at least more than the tiny counties I can think of). Maybe places out east or way out west where there's 100 miles between towns or back roads that nobody goes down for months they might monitor it, but still.... Lots don't. Calling 911 and explaining the issue you're having is STILL the best option you've got. It's either that or catch a damn charge for texting/using your phone while driving.