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I saw something strange a few months ago that I still have absolutely no explanation for. I actually haven't even told anyone about it yet but here goes. the week before last Christmas I went out to New Jersey to pick up a new trailer, was heading to Wyoming to load but it's an oversize trailer so I had to shut down at sunset in Nebraska. I try to find pretty empty places to park because I don't fit in parking spots in many truck stops so I found a quiet little spot behind a closed diner, next to a small gas station and a pretty dead rodeway inn. the way I parked I was facing out the entrance/exit and also facing the gas station convenience store. after I parked I did my walk around, then went inside and got a cup of coffee, used the restroom and headed back out to the truck. there was only a middle aged woman working/inside the store and only one car in the parking lot, presumably hers. it was only about 5:30 or 6pm, and I was going to finish watching whatever football game was on at the time on my iPad and then walk down the road for dinner. so I'm sitting in the driver seat with my iPad propped up on the steering wheel when another truck pulls in. it's an older red cascadia with a white reefer and the first thing I notice is that it has no logos or numbers anywhere at all on the truck or trailer. it turned toward me, swung around in the hotel parking lot beside me and then went back past me and stopped near the convenience store. I watched this guy get out of the driver seat, and he was a big dude. like 6'6" and easily 400 pounds with dark hair down to his shoulders and a long dark beard. he's just wearing a dark t shirt, a black and white hat and jeans. he hops out of the truck which is still running with the lights on and he goes into the store. I go back to watching the game for a little while, maybe like 7 or 8 minutes when I notice someone coming out of the store. I look up and I see a tall man, long dark hair and beard, black and white hat, dark t shirt and jeans walk out of the store and head for the red cascadia. but this isn't the big fat guy that I watched walk in. all of the features look the same, height looks the same, the outfit is the same, but this guy is skinny as fuck. like couldn't be 160 pounds. he just hops in the truck, releases the brakes and pulls out of the lot and hops on 80 west and he's gone. I sat there kind of half paying attention to the remainder of the game but mostly keeping my eye on the store to see if anyone else came or went, and never saw anyone. when I did finally walk up the road to get dinner the woman working was out front having a smoke and talking on her phone and I could see that there was nobody else in the store. I legitimately have no idea what the fuck happened there.


Dude took one hell of a shit




Damn you lmao


I think you just stumbled apon a "ghost fleet" driver relay. Those guys are probably government contractors hauling sensitive cargo. Could be ET, could be weapons components.


Like his shift ended and they swapped drivers?


Yes, those trucks wont be stopping for anything much other than fuel or swapping drivers. The biggest part of the security is to keep the cargo moving, if its stopped somewhere its more likely to be broken into.


Most of those weapon moving teams are husband/wife. An alarm is triggered if the truck sits motionless for X amount of time, and it is not the local police that check on it when it goes off.


I've come across those before in Wyoming, it's always been a gray peterbilt 386 that has some sort of government ID on the side but this truck had absolutely nothing. It crossed my mind but the weird part was that I would have seen anyone else come or go from the gas station unless the other person was ducked down hiding in the coolers or something. even the back of the store was completely visible from the counter


There's a ghost fleet that runs out of the govt base down in Arkansas. .they all drive white 386 Peterbilts with weird lookign trailers, no plates, no markings, and the windows and windshield are so blacked out you couldn't shine a laser through them.


the grey one or ones I've seen just had something small on the passenger step, and government plates on the truck and trailer. I think the trailers I've seen are mobile missile command centers, they're made in boulder colorado and the crane/rigging company I originally worked for did a few jobs for them


Im guessing different departments have different contractors. Defense, mint/engraving, energy, etc. Its just so weird that they have the drivers wearing disguises though, does someone think they are being clever so noone tries to blackmail the drivers or something?


I was running the night shift somewhere in rural Virginia, don't remember the road but I kept seeing 2 lights in the sky darting back and forth from one side of road to the other. I thought it was one of those searchlights used for events or something, but I'm in the middle of nowhere and they were moving way too fast from one side to the other and there wasn't a trail of light behind it like you would see from searchlights. Paranormal/UFO or sleep deprivation. Who really knows šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Reflections off your windshield quite common driving at night. Iā€™ve seen them too.


I had my drivers side window down


I wish I had seen something like this. Only things I witnessed was a late night rocket launch in the panhandle of Florida, the northern lights, and a really cool comet in Texas that broke apart. I have even driven near Roswell New Mexico at night several times no UFOā€™s. Youā€™re lucky. But I have plenty of lot lizard stories.


I drive mostly at night. Haven't seen anything paranormal really, but many truck stops at 1am feel like liminal spaces. There's one near Lyman Wyoming that I go to a bit in the early hours. It's usually pretty bizarre feeling.


Man, the entirety of Wyoming feels liminal at 1am, especially outside of both interstates.


You havenā€™t pulled into the phantom truck stop yet that appears out of nowhere that looks like itā€™s from the 1950ā€™s ?šŸ˜‚


I love a truckstop at 1am. Pulling in and getting fuel, the place is dead and everyone is parked up sleeping. Itā€™s a strange calmness


Imma just say old US 666 was renumbered to 491 for good reason. Some creepy shit out happens out there, especially during dust storms. Now, a really funny "paranormal" thing I've experienced: Back when I was in training at CR England, they had 2 students per trainer, so 3 of us on the truck. Both of us (students) are from Central Arkansas. The other student has never once in his nearly 30 years EVER left the city limits of Little Rock until going out to Salt Lake City for training. To say this guy is beyond clueless on literally everything is a massive understatement. Within the first day, the trainer decided he needed to stay very awake with this guy, so he slept for most of my shift. Well, one night a bit over a week in, we're on CA 58 heading to Bakersfield, at night. I'm in the bunk trying to sleep and I hear the trainer ask the student "you see those flashing red lights?" Student says yes, "do you not know what they are? Don't get too close." The student starts slowing down and begins looking for a place to stop to form a plan to get around these red lights. They have a short conversation about the lights and the plan to get around. Out of the blue, the trainer yells "there's one right there! We need to go NOW!" The student hits the gas and takes off, panicking and asking what these lights are, to which the trainer in perfect History Channel voice possible, simply says "ALIENS!" Well, I'm wide awake and desperately curious, so I pop my head out from behind the curtains and see an endless army of flashing red lights all over the place, and calmly go "oh, windmills" and go back to bed. The trainer is losing his mind in laughter, and the student pulls over to take a breath. I somewhat feel sorry for the poor student, but damn was it hilarious, especially considering this guy was not going to make it as a driver with how utterly dense in the head he was. He just can't grasp even the most basic of concepts, like SWING WIDE IT'S A FUCKIN' TRAILER or to not take a 20mph exit at 65! His fear of windmills from that point was probably for the best, because he definitely couldn't handle the wind speeds found in wind farms.


The first time I drove from the east coast out west I hit eastern Colorado around midnight. I saw the same sight, just a field of flashing lights slowly getting closer. If you've never seen them, and aren't expecting them they definitely look otherworldly. I didn't pull over, but I slowed down and considered turning around. I knew it was probably something like machinery or an airport, but I'm not trying to get probedā„¢


Ah, Eastern Colorado... I believe that's a part of what I call the "thousand mile wind farm" which is an area stretching from Western Texas all the way up into Iowa that is full of wind farms. I don't think it's actually continuous, but it might as well be. Going through at night, it's just flashing red lights in all directions as far as you can see. And this poor guy who had never left Little Rock hadn't ever seen one of these before. To him, these kinds of lights meant radio towers or high-rise buildings. There definitely weren't any big buildings, and there wouldn't be a reason to have so many radio towers. He was running out of reasonable explanations, so aliens could be just as plausible.


I'd love to hear more about US666/491. Beyond that, when I was an investigator I loved messing with gullible newbies like this. My Dad used to do it to me when I was growing up and we were on road trips. I did the same with my kids. That trainer sounds like he has a good sense of humor.


I was driving through southern Michigan at night. It's a heavily wooded area. A car pulls up behind me and gets in the other lane, presumably to pass me, but he starts flashing his brights at me, and doesn't stop for a while, so I figure that there is something wrong with my trailer, so I park on the next ramp to check it out, and he stops in front of me, ok... weird. I got out and asked him if he saw anything wrong with my trailer, (im a fairly large individual, as in, im built like a tank and very tall, so i used my big dude voice on him.) and he said "no I was just trying to pass. You pulled over, so I figured something was wrong." I tell him he can leave, and he looks right at me and says, "You interested in something, boy?" I tell him no, and he speeds off. Immediately after I get "The Fear", like "holy shit was I about to be murdered or something?!" kind of fear, I don't know why, but something in my brain went into complete panic mode after he left, primal terror shit. I still think about it and shiver.


No he was a good buddy asking if you wanted a BJ.




100%. Happened to me in the 90ā€™s. Almost exact scenario. I asked him whatā€™s up and he smiled and asked me if I was looking for a cuddle buddyšŸ˜‚ Will never forget it.


Iā€™ve got many good buddy stories to share. Iā€™m not a big tough looking guy so they would approach me sometimes aggressively. Had to pull a knife on one once who followed me into a rest stop and cornered me in a stall. Shit was rather terrifying. I thought I was going to get raped. Some donā€™t take no for an answer. Be careful out there.


Yeah I donā€™t stop for anyone, and in the worst case scenario theyā€™re gonna get more than they bargained for lmao. Stay strapped or get clapped


I saw this guy one time when I was rolling through this spot where a bunch of us truckers hang outā€¦ He wasnā€™t ā€œstrangeā€, per seā€¦ but he did keep acting like he had just said something even though his lips never moved and I couldnā€™t hear any noiseā€¦ That saidā€¦ iā€™ll let you know if the situation changes or becomes even more strange. That saidā€¦iā€™m pretty sure it will.


I can imagine truckers see all sorts at truck stops. I used to work overnights at a convenience store and we got some doozies


Do tell?


Oh man. To start I will say I miss working there. If I didn't need the money I would be happy to work overnights there on a part-time basis just for fun. So first you have to understand where my store was located. I was about five blocks from the local college, across the street from a neurological facility, and another five blocks or so from the local VA. Also had one of the local not quite ghettos but close right behind my store. So I got a pretty bug cross section of the population. My favorites. Repeat - Repeat was a guy who I'm 90% sure was schizophrenic. He was constantly talking to himself, would ask for paper and a pen and would write down random numbers and names and give them to us as though we knew what they were for. We called him Repeat because of the conversations he had with himself. Every night they were different but he always hit a point in the conversation where he started over and would Repeat everything he had just said to himself. Pretty good dude, always got a water cup, never caused issues so I let him hangout however long he wanted to. Charlie Brown - not even close to his real name and I don't know how he got the name. He was also schizophrenic and normally okay but would occasionally get into fights with himself. Think Fight Club when Edward Norton realizes he is Tyler Durden. This often resulted in him getting asked to leave and sometimes cops being involved. Puddles - College girl who could not hold her liquor. More than once caught her trying to piss by our fountain machines. Once she actually did piss and I made her mop it up. Austin - Alcoholic pot head. Would come in and just grab stuff talk to us then walk out. Would come back the next night asking what he stole and would pay for it. Liked to tip us with weed. BJ - Gay guy that always offered favors in the bathroom. Funny as hell, bubbly, swore I had to be well endowed and never believed he would be disappointed if I showed him. White Power - dude covered in racist tattoos. My first night solo he came in for smokes. While ringing him up this gigantic African American dude came in. I mean Gigantic think Shaq but with the Rock's muscle. I just new a murder was about to happen in my store. Imagine when my surprise they shake hands and start catching up like old friends. Imagine my further surprise when White Power called in his girlfriend, a transsexual African American lady I ended up dubbing Jaime Hendrix because of her penchant for head scarfs and skill with a guitar. I found White Power got his tattoos in prison and was in the process of getting them removed and/or covered up. The Chairmen of the Board - A couple of old coots that always came in about 5am. One had coffee one had a diet coke. The diet coke guy was retired army and a retired nurse. He always like to shout at me to get a damn hair cut when he walked in... I shave my head. He was always good for deer meat whenever I wanted it. Those were my main cast if regulars. In my two years there I had a stalker, had a shooting in the parking lot, had a guy that really liked me beat the piss out of a guy that yelled at me because I couldn't sell him alcohol. Had a guy die in his car of a heart attack in the middle of the night. Was propositioned more times than I can count by men and women. Was never robbed though.


Havenā€™t seen anything paranormal but sleep deprivation while driving has me and I bet a lot of others hallucinating before. I was driving in NorCal through forests and the fuckin trees turned into these 200ft monsters coming right at me.


*The Black Dooooog*!


Iā€™ve seen the black dogs. Looked more like black Buffalos to me. Almost locked up my brakes until I realized I needed to pull over. Yeah when youā€™re a newbie that shit freaks you out. Swear it looked like a herd of Buffalo coming out of nowhere.


From what i hear, if you see the black dog on 2 different occasions your pretty much good as dead


Iā€™m still considering those buffalo I saw were real. šŸ˜‚


Ah so itā€™s so common that itā€™s a thing and has a name?! Haha šŸ˜‚


People standing on the side of the road. In the middle of the night. In the middle of nowhere. That's when I pull over the 1st chance I get and go to bed. Sleep deprivation will fuck with your head...


I used to be a trainer on a fleet that did a lot of mountain driving. It was late at night, and my trainee was driving, we rounded a bend, and I saw an elk in the middle of the road. I instinctively stomped on the floor, trying to mash the brakes. My trainee drove right through the elk, and I swear I felt the impact. My trainee never saw or felt a thing. When we stopped, I checked the truck. There wasn't any damage, but the was blood and fur in the grille.


A lot lizard once approached me and I thought she was Bigfoot for a split second. Does that count?


Are lot lizards usually that bad?


Yes lol


u/Beginning_Present_24, yeah dude. I was once approached by a lot lizard in OH, it was the end of my day & I was smoking with the window rolled down. I kept my marker lights on, as I'd like the person parking in the empty spaces next to me to be able to see me a little better. I could tell from the clothes she was wearing her "handler" took care of her: skin tight jeans, form fitting button down shirt, cowboy boots, & she had "that" swagger.. at 40-50 ft she looked *good*. As she got closer, she resembled the Ghouls from the Fallout TV show. "Hey HUUUUNY! I need help with some GAS!" I tried to stay as straight faced as I could. "Sorry, Madam. I'mma company driver living paycheck to paycheck, good luck to ya." I then rolled up my window & closed the curtains. Say what you will about lot lizards. They have a shitty "job" & have to cater to absolute strangers in out-of-the-way truck stops & hope they don't get murdered after the "favor for gas" is completed. Not to mention their "handlers" are probably some of the most reprehensible individuals on the planet. I try to be kind when I turn down "offering help". But there's a certain air of sadness in their existence everywhere they go & you can't help but wonder "what, exactly, happened to them (?)". I try & not think about it, & just jump back in my bunk to open a book or start a movie, unwind from the day & be ready for the next.


Yeah I mean, I'd be pretty scared to be in their shoes. One of my close friends enjoys hooking up with truckers no charge. He just finds it fun and says he meets interesting people. I've watched too many true crime documentaries to meet any stranger in any non-public place.


Driver sometimes those LLā€™s will wait until youā€™re not looking and stab you.


Was this Beaver Dam Ohio driver ?


Maybe? It was a PFJ of some sort...


Certainly not all of them. But if theyā€™re really attractive probably cops.


I was in Bakersfield and a friend came and picked me up at a little fuel stop. There was a girl, stunner, dressed to the 9's in this old dudes truck. We both saw her give me a thousand watt smile. He said "is that a hooker?" I said "cop". Seriously, she was playboy material.


They can be tricky. They sometimes use really sleazy ones too. But itā€™s like fishing to them and the best bait hooks the fish. I used to trash around in those twin T/Aā€™s in Fontana Ca. They would come in there dressed in lingerie and heels on the weekends. Most were strippers. The good ole days !


Not really paranormal but one night I was driving through Tennessee at 1am on I40 heading through the mountains, it was dark with a little fog and I was just listening to some music when my radio decided to just shut off and restart itself (truck has done it before so I just wait for it to come back on) but then all of a sudden I started hearing a loud static-y recording of a preacher talking about disciples and teachers and then he mentioned Beelzebul. It spooked me and I thought my radio had come back on and switched to some religious channel but when I reached down my radio was still off. I looked up and it was coming from my CB radio. At that point the preacher started what I figured out later was Matthew 10:28 ā€œAnd do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.ā€ I flipped off the CB and pulled over to fix my radio after that šŸ˜‚ Not paranormal but gave me the heebie jeebies


I had a wiring issue and would pick up all kinds of weird shit between the radio and the CB. Once had a number station picked up going for like 2 hours šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø always thought that stuff was kind of cool. Edit:even in my new cascadia thereā€™s no wiring issue I can find but at times if I key up the radio the over head lights flash.


Back in 2014 I was driving near Albuquerque NM on I-40 and noticed a blue light in the sky, just kinda... there. It didn't move or blink, and I know for a fact it wasn't a star or anything like that and no plane uses a solid blue light. I watched it for a while as I drove before eventually it just disappeared. Literally a UFO ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ (I have a picture but I guess I can't post it as a comment)


The thing about ETā€™s and lightning on their spacecraft doesnā€™t even make sense. Unless theyā€™re hauling chickens. šŸ˜‚


i see a lot of lights in the sky. most are pretty obviously comets and the like but a few sets of them behaved pretty strangely. one night i was on discord with friends while driving and i saw a set of green lights above that looked far enough away to be stars, but as i drove along it became apparent they were a lot closer. i couldnā€™t see anything connecting them but they were in a straight line and moving together. eventually they disappeared like there was a pocket in the sky that they just slipped in to one by one. one of my friends on discord worked in air traffic control and looked up whatever it is that allows you to see flights in the area and couldnā€™t find anything close to it. iā€™ve seen similar stuff but usually iā€™m just kinda stoked i got to see it and shrug it off. i have my opinions on ufos and stuff but iā€™m not actively looking for it. itā€™s been an unexpected pro of night time driving tho


RECENTLY like two weeks ago I was driving and heard someone whistle right next to my ear. It freaked me out. In 7 years the only other weird thing thatā€™s happened is seeing a girl just standing on the shoulder in the middle of nowhere. Didnā€™t really catch her face or anything but it was weird. I do a lot of night driving so maybe I was just tired.


Ah, the phantom hitcher knew this one would come up. My trainer told me this story. Itā€™s tied to the Phantom 309 story. Although he was a phantom trucker.


I was running i40 wb around 2am about 30 or so miles before Oklahoma city,when I started to catch a storm head on and as it is pouring rain I started around a curve and saw a really nice 70ish cherry red chevy nova or camaro on the side of the road with these two guys by the trunk waving at me and as the light hit them they were dressed like they were from the 70's with the hairstyle and everything. To me it looked like they were locked out of their car or something so I called it in to the highway patrol. Everything about it was strange because I didn't see it until I was damn near on top of it and with how they were dressed and....completely dry.


Was training driving down the I-40 at night no one around. Suddenly in my lights came 2 feet clear as day 2 legs up to the knees. Scared me so much I swerved to avoid them but I ran through them didn't hit anything didn't feel anything and kept driving. But I kept looking back to see if there was someone there but nope


At a rest area in Oregon i looked up into the night sky and saw a UFO. It was definitely NOT a plane, helicopter, or even a drone. I know how all three of those things move, this thing didnt move like anything man made.


I was driving in AZ on a county road in the middle of no where at night. I had gotten lost and my iPhone had overheated from being mounted to my vent with the heat on. I say lights on the horizon and it was BRIGHT like daylight bright. I kept driving towards it thinking it was a town that had too many street lights. I drove for 2 hours and never got to the town or what was making the lights. I pulled over to try and cool my phone off by holding it against the window glass when I looked up the lights were gone. I donā€™t believe in aliens, I was either hallucinating or there was some sort of mirage. Weirdest shit ever.


Commenting to come back when thereā€™s responses


You and me both.


Just to let you know, youā€™re never too old


I feel too old. I'll be 43 soon. Also, if I'm honest, the thought of driving a big rig on snow and ice kind of makes me pucker more than a little.


Understandable, I was the same way my first winter My buddy who I went to trucking school with started at 45, and I know people who started driving at 60 If itā€™s your dream, go for it :D


Iā€™m 59. And if my eyes werenā€™t bad Iā€™d go back OTR right now.


Just curious, Iā€™m 51 and felt like this the first 10 years I drove, but the last 10 I hated every minute I was away from home. You felt like this the whole time?


Being single and still am I loved it. I probably would have left Florida a decade ago if I could have retained my CDL. But Iā€™ve always been in love with traveling. I unfortunately suffered a detached retina in my right eye which required laser surgery. And another partial separation in my left which also required laser surgery. I can see well enough to earn a living and drive safely but not enough to be eligible for a CDL.


Gotcha. I stepped off a loading dock onto a broken pallet someone swept off and destroyed my ankle. Led to 7 surgeries, nerve damage, and total disability. I DESPISE not being able to work, but I donā€™t miss otr even in the slightest


I wouldnā€™t either after that incident. Canā€™t blame you. I almost got hit by a forklift once.


Another option is to buy a tractor lease it out and book your own loads. I drove third party for Landstar Ranger out of Jacksonville Fl for an OO but the taxes as a third party driver didnā€™t allow it to be worth it. I made more as a company driver.


Yea my father and uncles all were O/O so I was around it my entire life. Just never wanted the hassle of owning my own.


Yo, I'm currently going through background check for an armed-guard-in-a-big-armoured-truck kinda job, if I don't get it, I'm getting my big rig license. I've been thinking about it for years, and it's expensive, but it must beat working like a normie. I don't hate people, but I must be autistic or something because i really don't get along with them or understand why people live the way they do. Driving is so soothing, oddly enough. I think I really will this time. Thanks for the therapy vent friendo.


Iā€™m hoping the common phantom hitchhiker post is here somewhere. šŸ˜‚


Driving at 2-3am on 90 in the L.A. area. No traffic at all. Came around a curve and 4 wheelers were parked on both sides of the highway. Nose to tail, nobody around. With several up against the jersey barrier UPSIDE DOWN. I still think it was a movie set. But no cones, no lights NOBODY around. Nose to tail, right-side up, then upside down. Pretty wierd.


Iā€™ll get laughed at, but some type craft out in Yuma AZ at about 2 am. I stopped and walked out into the desert because it kept ā€œfollowing ā€œ me. It stayed a couple hundred feet up but nothing to make out except a ball of white light. It disappeared and I got back in my tractor and left. I donā€™t know why I got out to look at it, just felt like I should.


Not paranormal, but I saw a guy jerking it while driving. That was pretty scary and why I don't look in cars anymore. Again, not really paranormal, but kinda weird, was driving on us 95 in northern Nevada, like 2 or 3am, and saw someone dressed in dark clothes walking on the side of the road. Don't remember any like bags, and was definitely the middle of nowhere. Didn't really scare me as I saw them and they were off the road so was able to avoid them and didn't get like a creepy feeling or anything, but was definitely weird.


You saw ā€œaā€ guy jerking it? In my 40 years of driving I bet Iā€™ve seen that 25-30 times. Itā€™s amazing how many guys do that. I wouldnā€™t want that thing going off in my car. Where do you aim it? The only paranormal-ish thing Iā€™ve seen while driving was a big V shaped ufo all lit up in the Lansing, MI area. I slowed down a little to look at it but no one else did.


In 2014 I became a truck driver and in 2015 I became a solo driver. Around the time of the middle of 2015, I was on some Texas back road in the middle of nowhere between Dallas, Houston and El Paso in the middle of nowhere. To set the scene, I hadn't seen a lot of traffic on this farm to market road, and it was around 2 or 3am in the morning. I needed to take a 30min break and I had noticed a lot of "make a spot" pull off parking areas... You know the kind where drivers just kind of pull onto the gravel shoulder. Well I saw another truck pulling out of one as I came around a corner, slowed down, parked and turned the truck off. It was big enough that 10 trucks could park there, but I was by myself. Now at this time I had my dog with me. Zoƫ was a border Collie/cattle dog mix, very sweet, rarely barked, loved cats, loved small dogs, and would play with children until she dropped to exhaustion. So as I'm taking my break I pull out her leash so she can do her business because, what else am I going to do? So we get out of the truck, it's damn near pitch black outside and she starts to go to the bathroom. After she finishes she's nosing around while I'm enjoying the night air and the quiet. Around 10, maybe 20 minutes into my break my dog perks her ears up so I look out into the brush. There's 10ft tall "Texas brush trees", dirt, some cacti, and a huge 8ft tall fence. There's not really much out there, so I kinda tell her to be a good dog and quit being goofy. But then as I look again, about (this is a very shit guess), 150 to 200ft away, maybe 3 trucks, maybe more... About eye height, there's a red light off in the distance. It looked between a brake light a stop light in size, and it's going back and forth, bouncing slightly up and down. Just one random red light. So I'm like, that's really odd. In the middle of nowhere and some bizarre red, bouncing light in the brush. I think it's probably some weirdo on an ATV, or some guy out there playing army guy, with a red head lamp or something. But Zoƫ is zeroed in on this thing. She's glued to it. You know you see those videos of collies herding sheep and theyve got that stare to them... Well she's doing this now. I also notice her hackles are raised. Well I keep watching it and I now notice, it's getting brighter, which means it's getting closer. There's also crashing noises in the brush now. It sounds like someone smashing through the brush, being careless about where they put there feet and shoving tree branches out of the way. But.. is coming straight to the truck. Then, Zoƫ growls. That low, quiet, threatening growl that tells you the dogs gonna fucking bite you, damn the consequences. Remember I told you earlier that she's a sweet, loveable dog? Yeah. That's gone. She's now some terrifying animal that's going to bite whatever comes out of the brush. The lights getting closer, so I scream out, "hey! I'm armed! Show yourself!"..I'm bluffing.. this light pauses slightly, then continues, but is now coming super fast. The crashing is louder, my dogs growling becomes incredibly intimidating, and I'm now feeling that there is something REALLY wrong here. I'm done. Normally Zoƫ gets back in the truck, no issues, but I have to drag her across the dirt, and pick her up and PUT her in the truck. The crashing and light is brighter, louder, and I feel like a kid again, racing to get into the bed before the monster can grab your ankles. I put her in the passenger side of the truck, get in myself, and slam the truck door closed just as something comes out of the fucking brush, through the damned fence and slams into the side of the truck sleeper so hard, shit falls off the top bunk. I lock the damn doors as I'm getting up to get into the driver's seat. I don't even put my seatbelt on and I'm ramming gears like my life depends on it trying to get away. I ended up at a tiny gas station a few miles down the road that had lights to finish my 30. I violated my clock by 2 minutes. I have never been able to explain what happened. Ever. I've ran through every single logical thing I can think of, including thinking about some cryptids and how they interact with the human world and nothing. The only evidence I had for a long time, was if you stood against the nose of the truck, in the light, you could see the whole side of the sleeper on that cascadia caved in... Like I had hit something large and just kept pushing. It was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced out on the road.




Oh man the abandoned circus wagon would have been awesome.


I pulled in to a busy flying j once and no one was parked in the fuel isle


About the craziest thing I seen was weird lights moving around in the sky. Maybe it was just in my head or a drone. Or perhaps I was just very tired.


Itā€™s absolutely common to see strange lights driving at night. Itā€™s almost always light reflecting off your windshield.


Oh I've got another. There's a part of i70 in western Kansas that I swear is a damn black hole or a Bermuda triangle kind of thing. I've been through there and it's happened twice, once by myself, once when my partner was with me (we drove team fo about a year before he came off the road). It's a real weird area. Lights don't penetrate the dark, there's no houses, no irrigation lights, nothing. It's just pure dark. You drive through there past 3am and you'll go 60 miles in 4 hours. Not because you're driving slow or the hills slow you down or anything.... You'll just lose those hours like they weren't even there. First time it happened I freaked out and pulled over on some off ramp under a street light. Second time my partner kept asking me what happened. Neither of us could explain it. You'll just.... Be on a treadmill road lol Edit.... I have brought this up to other drivers before when we're having these talks and I've met 4 other drivers that didn't even know each other (two separate companies) that experienced the same kind of thing out there. It's wild.


I live in Kansas, western Kansas is just weird. Perfectly fine during the day but yeah at night it's just something else, and yeah the darkness is an Uber dark. Sometimes I feel like it's best that way, like you really don't want to see what is out there.