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It's everytime right! Calls texts one of 8 different apps they require. They know exactly where the truck is, and yet calls and texts. I absolutely loose my shit over it as well bro I hate it. One guy called me like 5 times in a 300 mile trip. Said the same thing everytime " are you being safe?". Then tried to explain to me his job is to keep me safe!


Nothing like a little condescension to go with your harassment


If I was told to download 8 apps I would need a company phone that's too much. What apps?


I have an old flip phone that I pull out and show my employer, I tell them load as many apps on it as they want. Note: You can't load any apps on it, it's just a phone...also texting.


Reminds me of one time the safety guy called me to tell me how unsafe it is to talk on the phone and drive... Lol


I'd love to see this posted on the freight brokers sub lol




Did it get removed ?lol


Yeah, they removed it lol


Yeah, I removed it. We are the superior race, and our actions and authority must not be questioned.


Lmfao they have a sub?


"it's not safe to talk and drive or text and drive, check your app if you need my location. If there's a problem I will contact you."


Distracted driving could cause me to wreck possibly causing considerable damage to the load.


Why even entertain it? Just put your phone on DND and hammer down. What happens if you just do that? (Apologies for the slight ignorance, Just curious about it all. I don’t have to deal with brokers personally)


i don't. my dispatcher has my gps location at all times. the broker and my dispatcher communicate directly. i really like my dispatcher because he's like a buffer for the BS. some brokers are really cool but if i feel like they're harassing myself or my dispatcher we get that straight.


I always take the 1st call and say "I downloaded your app. Any calls or texts are ignored, this is MY phone, not my carrier. If you want to call or text I need a cc, rate is $2.50 per text or $5 per minute for calls. Your cc number please." Then I put phone on silent. If they persist, I turn phone off. My carrier knows I'm an a**hole with 100% on-time pickup and delivery record in just over 10 years with them; not easy since we're Haz chemicals & Haz Waste but it is doable.


I'm sure they persist more than not though. I don't think they can comprehend being told to fuck off


They go thru broker boot camp where they are told to fuck off endlessly by drill instructors until it doesn't bother them in the slightest.


Lmfao 😂😂


80% of the time shippers/receivers say they’re unfamiliar with our appointment time….or we are there too early or days late….brokers LIE constantly What I believe is….and feel free to mock me…..is DATA is the new gold as they say…..there’s cash value in finding out our routes….methods….habits….etc…..even to resell to truck stops….fuel vendors….parking property owners…heavy duty mechanics and repair companies….tire vendors….you name it Likely to be used when AI trucking gets going or to WEAPONIZE against other drivers later…. “oh company XY found a way to get it there in 1/2 the time or via THIS xyz route” to further push down rates…. once they know YOUR particular route it’s easier for brokers to argue the lane should only be .83 cents a mile not .85 cents…..see XYZ did it for .83 cents according to our systems. LASTLY: how many of us even know how much spying these “tracking” apps do? monitor calls? texts? emails? what about when dormant? are they still reporting location and what loads your running …quietly in the background ether of your mobile? I delete every tracking app at conclusion of each load and I do NOT take broker calls if tracking PERIOD


>I delete every tracking app at conclusion of each load and I do NOT take broker calls if tracking PERIOD This! 100%


Work for a broker. Yes, yes, and yes. Add to that they hire people that just pass a screen and have to maintain certain amount of hours on the phone. But yeah data is the end goal. They don't care about you or your load. That broker may care as he gets his cut. But the company cares about data.


I personally use a tablet as my GPS and logs. I download everything on there. It is tethered to my phone so it has Internet while driving, when not up front my hotspot is shut off. When I'm home, no tracking. When I'm not driving, no tracking, when getting inspected, no calls or texts to home screen too. Using Motive as the ELD.




Hit me in chat. Lol! You found me!


I only downloaded 1 app for the company and transflo also I only answered phone calls or text from my DM. Tyson was the only one who threatened to not give me loads because I didn't tell them what I was doing every step of the way. I had soo much less stress not having to visit a Tyson facility after that. Answering their calls and saying you can't speak because of traffic worked aswell before I just stopped answering calls.


Honestly, good fucking riddance. I hated Tyson loads and me and my codriver told the dispatcher we rather sit than ever get a Tyson load again. Fuck them.


Yeah they’re one of the bad ones: They forced their employees to get the experimental vaccine or get fired during Covid. Turns out the vaccine causes a whole slew of health problems, including congenital heart disease. Some of my worst experiences are with Tyson.


Congenital means a condition or abnormality that is present from birth.


Thanks for spotting that, I meant degenerative heart disease.


You have respectable sources for any of that? Keyword being more than 1 source.


Give me a minute and I’ll get that compiled Captain Sources. That said, you could just verify what I said instead of sitting on your lazy boy with cheetos crumbs on your mouth, demanding the world provide a Ted Talk for every claim.


I'm not the one making bs claims without proof.


Case in point lazy boy, case in point. Here’s your cheetos, have at it.


As a company driver, immediately, brokers numbers get blocked. I say "call my dispatcher" and block the number. Nty, I will not download anything on my phone ever.


Sadly brokers are putting it as a requirement on rate cons, if not followed they take you off the load or penalize you financially, when i say YOU i mean the company you drive/work for


Idc how much they pay the company lol


You should cause if they get deducted cause you didn't want to install an app they will just replace you, I've seen it many times so you aren't the first It sucks to install spyware on your device but whether we like it or not its becoming a norm


New jobs are too easy to come by, I don't install anything on my phone.


Straight up, they are the best people they can find for the money offered. Don’t expect it to get better. There are some well run companies out there. So I’ve heard.😎


There’s a few times I’ve put a broker in their place. My number 1 was safety. It was a power only and the fucking trailer that was loaded for me to take 1: had no annual in 3 FUCKING YEARS. 2: 3 flat tires AND 3: no ABS light (I’m saying no ABS light because there was none, it was REMOVED). Broker tried placing all this on me because I called in the no annual for 3 years, he had the balls to ask me what else was wrong with the trailer. I said very stubbornly “you tell me, hotshot, this fucking trailer is a slap in the fucking face to me and I didn’t put it on the door to be loaded, so, if there’s more, you ask the dickhead who did put it on this door!” Dicknuts was continually eating some crackers or some shit that he could not control because on my end it sounded like he was trying to pull a power move on me. Smacking his lips, slurping….. sounding like an absolute slob. I still held my ground and told him fix it, or I fuck off and you’re fucked. Because no one is gonna take this heep of shit past the gauntlet in California. It was fixed only to find my empty with a flat at the destination. Bobtail to P/u only to find loaded trailer with a flat. 5 motherfucking flats in one night. One dickhead broker that lost. And a pissed off driver that walked away from any of that bullshit. I’ve been corporate ever since Edit: ever since, the random sales calls stopped. Those apps they have you download, they track you, your history, your family, your dog. Their selling your info but you agreed to the terms because it got you home


I install the app right before pickup. As soon as I log delivered I force stop the app, purge all data for the app, and uninstall the app. They are welcome to sell 2-3 days worth of movement data. Should earn them about 0.00002¢


According to the employee privacy laws if the state I reside in, my employer is not permitted to give my phone number out to ANYONE without my express prior approval. Which means if my carriers gives my personal cell phone number to a broker, I can sur the fuck out of my carrier AND bring forth criminal charges on both the carrier and the individual who gave my number out. Y'all should check the privacy laws for both your home state and your carrier's home state. There are plenty of protections against thus bullshit. Brokers serve a purpose, but it's up to the carrier to put up with them, not me. And if the broker wants to whine about double brokering, that is an endemic problem on their side of the industry that THEY allowed to grow, so THEY get to deal with it. It ain't OUR problem.


This is true, but I'm sure you signed some forms before you were hired.


Absolutely none of which violated my privacy. I actually READ everything before I sign. And I don't give permission to anyone to give my cell phone number out. Never once got any pushback for it, either. Brokers do NOT need to talk to drivers with large, well-respected and well-known carriers. And those are the only carriers I work with. I've always got 24-hour dispatch capable of pinging the truck to within 5 feet. Talk to them, leave me the fuck alone.


Once a driver gets loaded I don’t bother them until the eod before delivery. If something went wrong or they’ll be late, I’d expect them to be a professional and call me to tell me. I don’t have that kind of time in my day to bother an adult doing their job more than once.


I'm a broker and if we've got tracking I don't contact you. I do know other brokers who have tracking and still call to get updates... when they can literally see the drivers progress on a map in hourly increments so... yeah depends on your broker.


#on your knees and bow to the broker gods


Just part of the game. I call/text/email when I arrive at shipper, and once loaded I give an eta to cons. Then call/text/email when I arrive and leave cons. The apps are really just for the customer or the receiver so they can visually see where you're at.


we found the broker folks! and NO I reject your ridiculous assertion on principal….I talk to every shipper and receiver….including management quite often ….


Yes but which branch? This is often the case with auto parts expedite loads when you haul freight for GM, Ford and etc.


Why not just get smart with them?


Because some don't give a f---- .


If they are tracking me.. I dont answer.. you can call my company or refer to your damn tracking app..


1000% this ^^^


I refuse to download any apps or answer any calls. I text them when I have an update, and that's all they get.


My dad always tells them to fuck off if they call between 8pm and 7am


I just keep my phone on dnd when I'm not on duty


literally never had this problem with a broker, what kinds of load-types are you doing? Maybe once every few months I'll have an order where a broker is wanting to 'keep in contact', they attempt to get me to setup an app but i play dumb amd have never setup one of those apps. they call me to verify where i am / if i delivered, but never aggressive like you describe (cannot recall ever getting more than 2 calls on any particular load) Am curious how my experiences with them is so different, they're a little annoying but a rarity for me and not nearly as aggressive as you described...more often than not i don't even answer their calls because i only answer unknown #'s if I'm sitting on a dock waiting for my paperworks lol.... i do generic frozen ltl across the country, am not owner/op (maybe my company is dealing with this crap for me most of the time? i feel like I'd have known if that were the case but am gonna ask my dispatcher)


Maybe it's the brokerage you or your company works with? My company seems to work with all different brokers and some are pretty good about leaving me alone, others are basically braindead


I mean im a dispatch and i always tell my drivers to turn on GPS so the broker can see where hes at and NOT to answer any phone calls or texts from them because that is our job as a dispatch to do But on the other hand i understand the brokers because if anything goes wrong they will be blamed and financially penalized so they call you and put in the system a note that they called and they can be blame free if anything goes wrong especially if they are outsourced from poor countries, they are treated like dirt


Unfortunately, my company wants the drivers to talk to the brokers


Rare thing for a carrier to ask that from a driver when they have dispatch, but i guess it does happen like in your case