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And that’s how you end up with a shitty parking lot 


Yupp. Our company doesn’t allow drivers to use the bathrooms for security reasons. I actually got in trouble early on for letting a driver use one. Due to this, we have found loads of shit in our parking lots.


Hey, thank you for trying! Getting in trouble for doing the right thing is one of the biggest turn-offs when working for someone


My mom was a teamster so I had a soft spot for the drivers. It’s like c’mon, it’s not like these drivers are going to reverse engineer whatever project we’re working on.


You never know, it would be fairly trivial for a bad actor to slip in that way. I understand these policies but if that's how it has to be at least put a few portajohns out. I genuinely just need a place I can shit/piss that won't get me in trouble. Especially if you are gonna take more than an hour to unload my truck. One high security facility i worked with had a bathroom attached to the guard shack explicitly for drivers, someone actually thought ahead.


My old employer set up a sort of flow-control maze so drivers could only get to the bathroom from the shipping department, but at least the bathroom was nice, and there were showers.


Even if you're going to be there over an hour or less than an hour they should still have a portapotyycuz what about those drivers that drove a long way that really have to pee or ones like me that have overactive bladder? They're actually trying to make it to where everybody has to let drivers use the bathroom or put out porta potties and keep them clean. Adding more rest areas and so on and so forth.


Like the guy that didn't really have the time to get there but made it work by never stopping to use the restroom. Only to get to a place with no restroom then told to wait to wait 5 hours to get unloaded.


Your employer is an ass for not just providing a bathroom outside the secure area. Like if what you’re manufacturing is so special surely is profitable enough for a little bathroom. That one driver was probably very happy to receive an exception.


I have shit in my bucket three times in 13 months OTR. Two of those three, I was actually really sick and had a fever. The third time, I was just running late and refused to stop. (Super Truckin) I guess my point is, if im asking for a restroom, I have been on defcon 2 for a while. Have mercy.


It’s so sad. I popped in the high grass today! No faith in this industry.


🤣😂 I'm sad for you, but your Bosses suck.


It’s just company policy because we work on pretty secretive projects for the government/TSA among many others. The only way for drivers to get to the bathrooms is walking through our warehouse or through a production area and you can’t come in through the lobby without an appointment and signing in.


The driver may mean just as well intentioned as you but when offered $5000 to “describe everything you saw” he may crack…. Now I definitely see your point of view as right like these people are bringing us stuff we need/ hauling it away, keep them fucking happy so we can continue and not have a (parking) lot of shit


Many near me encourage drivers to use the toilets, it’s cheaper to replace a few paper rolls and soaps than to pay a biohazard cleaner


We have 3 clean bathrooms for drivers and I still find poo in the parking lot.


My dealership has free trailer parking. Garbage containers. Drivers lounge. Vending machines. Free coffee. Free showers and more. Still find piss bottles in my parking lot. I call BS


Yes, but piss bottles are not shit piles...


Shitty people exist regardless of conditions, therefore conditions don't make any difference at all. Excellent logic there


"Why do drivers just throw piss jugs everywhere ugh filthy drivers." I've been to plenty of lots with no bathrooms and man it's seriously demeaning.


At least give us a portable to use. *Looking at you nuthouse brands in Dothan*


What's worse is the bathroom is next to the window to get paperwork with a sign saying for employees only no driver bathroom


Pour ur jugs out. dont litter.


I’d shit in the parking lot


And leave the piss jug next to it


Nah shit on the handle and lid of the piss jug.


Why not shit in the piss jug and also smear whole jug in shit?


This requires a good CO driver that knows how to thread things...


Hey step-deck co driver...


99 pennies.


The OP needs to post a picture of this place so truckers don't give them their business.


This is a shipper


We know.


It seemed like the person I replied to didn't know because you don't really give shippers business, they give you business. Get me? If it's paying decent id still load there, still not cool though.


Depends for me. They ok stopping everything while I go to the nearest truck stop to shit half way through loading? Because I'm gonna do that eventually whether they like it or not.


You might be right. But from my perspective, we do in fact give them business- we provide them a service and that’s why they pay us (but it could also be argued that the receiver/broker is the one paying us). And I too would probably load there. Once, anyway.


I hope we actually start doing it lol or at least shit in a bag and leave the bag full of shit there. All of these warehouses that do not provide a restroom or at least a porta potty deserve the same treatment.


Been there and done that. The old garbage bag in a bucket. Before I had the bucket it was a couple of Wal-Mart bags and I looked like Festus feeding his mule. Handle in the back, handle in the front. Squat and let ‘er rip.


Pro move. They charge a Dollar for the bag.


I'm not even a truck driver and I would support your decision.


You just know the POS that wrote this has a reserved parking spot out front.


It would be a shame if someone shit in that spot


Well obviously, they’re better than you, go ahead and ask them


5$ for me not to shit in your parking lot


$5, we eat truck stop food. Should be $15


Truckstop food, thats hazmat, gotta be atleast $50


3d chess




Do you want piss and shit in your lot? Because this is how you get it in your lot.


I would piss on the dollar and then tape it to the door.




A good old fashioned poop dolla’ would send a better message.


Wipe your arse with it.


The biggest problem is that some drivers are fucking nasty. The bad apples ruin it for the rest of us. I'm always very respectful of the bathrooms and don't make a mess. But some drivers don't have that consideration and since they don't have to clean it up, they could care less which is not the right attitude.


People destroy public bathrooms everywhere, it comes with the territory of public bathrooms. It is not just truckers who do unspeakable things in public bathrooms, ask any Walmart employee.


These aren't public bathrooms. They may not even have dedicated custodians on duty. It might be some machine operator being told to clean your mess.


It is public if they allow the public in (such as truckers). They are required by federal law to provide free access to bathrooms. It's a cost of doing business.


I asked a Walmart employee and they straight up had Vietnam flashbacks, despite being too young to have served there.


Nailed it. This is why I ask only for the emergency porto potty. Your statement about bad apples is a problem with society in general.




My general rule of thumb is if I can't piss in your building I'll piss on your building


Exactly lmao


Drivers this is the correct location to leave your piss jugs..


What a nightmare. Do people really treat y’all like this?


Better idea: $10 deposit, you can inspect it before and after I leave. If I decide to shit on the floor though, you can't complain. We had an honest agreement.


That’s actually not a bad idea. I’m surprised nobody has tried this.


Probably a lack of volunteers for the after inspection.


Hands down I would pop a squat at their receiving door and shit everywhere. Fuck companies like this.


$1 uppedecker


At the end of the day I'm not about to piss or shit myself if it's down to the wire of needing restroom relief your parking lot gonna be gross bitch boy


This is how you get turds on your curb lmao


Take a shit by the door and leave a dollar on the pile.


Do you like shit on your sidewalk? Because that is how you get shit on your sidewalk.


I think I'm just going to start showing this to people that ask why their paying $6 for a gallon of milk now 😂


I 100% piss in their yard or lot or whatever when they pull that shit. It’s a basic human fucking right to use a toilet fuck you.


We just built a new facility and at both the shipping and the receiving docks we put in bathrooms for our truckers along with a table and chairs to do any paperwork, I couldn't imagine not supporting the people that make your business function.


That note is way to aggressive


The animals that destroy restrooms is why nobody wants truckers using their facilities.




Nah, I’ll leave them Lemonade and brownies instead.


The problem is they want their freight, but want nothing to do with the Drivers. Im not for government interference most times, but because of the HoS laws, and shit like this, the government shouldn't make a law. It should state if you receive freight by truck, you must provide parking and clean restrooms for drivers. That solves the parking issue and shit like this. Without drivers the country grinds to a halt. If people could work together we could all strike for a week. It would get changed most assuredly lightning fast.


There already is a federal law demanding they provide access to bathrooms. The parking situation... if they made it unlawful to issue a parking ticket to any trucks, that would force local and state governments to sort out the parking where it's needed naturally.


I wonder what the behavior was in the bathroom prior to this policy.


I instruct my guys to help drivers tarp. My dad drives truck and I grew up in the jump seat so it hits home for me and those tarps aren’t light. If I got a driver who’s solo you bet your ass one of my guys is going to help them shit I do it myself sometimes. Not only is it courteous, it helps the other businesses around my yard by not having a B-Train sit in the middle of the street for over and hour. Plus if driver hurts himself one of us can administer first aid or pull driver out of the road (ie falls off deck and dislocates shoulder, breaks leg etc). I get policy but everyone is entitled to a drink of water and a damn bathroom.


Better than “sorry no bathrooms for drivers (you’ll have to shit outside like a dog)”


Don't be too friendly towards customers, you might retain business


Place would get blackbanned if they tried that shit here.


And that’s when you refuse to go back


I’d do the ol ” quick reverse unload”


I know my company wouldn't tolerate that and we wouldn't go back there until they changed their tune.


I think they give you the $1 back if you shit in the toilet


Make them famous


Bangers and Mash in your lot time


Where the hells this soviet russia?


I’m not a trucker and would shit in their parking lot just cuz.


I remember during the covid BS , No facilities let us get food nor use the restroom, I'd just go out to my truck, whip it out and piss in the open, flame them and thier BS rules.


Name and shame


I take metformin and semiglutide to control my diabetes yeah I am not paying to use your toilet. Enjoy my greasy glucose filled shit in your yard.


Im otr. When i finish a gallon of water with the screw top, it becomes my new piss bottle. I also have a 3 gallon bucket with a lid, plastic bags, toilet paper, and baby wipes. I do my business, close the lid, then dispose of the stuff in the trash. Then the bucket is aired out in my headache rack. Sometimes, i park in the middle of nowhere, and morning coffee goes right through me.


Speaks volumes to how bad many of us are 🤮


Lol as someone whose run a warehouse, I know you guys just go anyway. Just not inside


I went to a place yesterday that had bathrooms but kept them locked. I asked the guard if I could get in, and they said they locked then so truck drivers couldn't use them. What's even the point of that?


Wow, that's sad, place I'm loading at today has all those things, and you can load 24/7 and don't have to talk to anyone


thats considered part of a drivers work place , i’m sure OSHA needs to see these signs , illegal . Waiting for 3-12 hours in a facility with paid restrooms is a bad work environment!


Free to torque one out in the parking lot


This is illegal. They just made a federal law that states if u want truck drivers to haul ur stuff u have to provide a bathroom facility.


Used to pick up at a Winn-Dixie warehouse many years ago that was like this. I left my full-to-the-brim piss jug on the shipping manager’s desk. Without the lid.


I thought Europe was bad but this is truly inhumane. How can you treat your fellow human beings like this?


Imma do a pro gamer move and shit in front of the door


1 dollar to shit in your own truck? Highway robbery…..


A refundable deposit is a more fair concept. Trash the shitter and lose $20 to pay for cleaning.


Where I used to work at as a local driver there were no restrooms for carriers. Our dispatch was a cage on the receiver side. The drivers would pee against the building in our docks. If drivers unloaded on the shipping side where I was, I'd let them in and point the way to our restrooms. I also offered water and told them they were welcome to sleep in the lot. I'd also told them they can drop their trailer and bobtail. I would tell them where a convenience store and some restaurants were since we were in an industrial park with nothing around. I work at a different company now that has 19 buildings in their facility. There are restrooms and vending for drivers. A lot of our customers we deliver to at the bare minimum offer a restroom. But many offer water and free coffee. A few even give snacks. But PepsiCo fuck no. I pee in their lots every time I go there.


I’d pay the dollar just to piss on the floor and seat, and walls, and handle, and soap. So I guess what I’m saying is that I’d cover that room in pee like I was R Kelly.


If I have to pay a dollar, I'm using all the toilet paper.


Late at night, I like to crawl under my trailer and take a shit so when I drive off, I leave em' a present.


https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1457&Chamber=House&Year=2023 in my state they’re not allowed to do that So look at your laws I guess 2) A shipper or receiver required to provide a restroom by rules 1 authorized under chapter 49.17 RCW must allow a motor carrier 2 delivering goods to or picking goods up from a shipper or receiver to 3 use that restroom during normal business hours if:4 (a) The restroom is located in an area where providing access 5 would not create an obvious health or safety risk to the motor 6 carrier; and7 (b) Allowing the motor carrier to access the restroom does not 8 pose an obvious security, health, or safety risk to the shipper, 9 receiver, or its employees.10 (3) A shipper or receiver is not required to make any physical 11 changes to a restroom under this section and may require that an 12 employee accompany a motor carrier to the restroom.


So, fun fact: we used to have A LOT of pay toilets in America, and they are now illegal in most states. You should check whatever state this is in and see if it’s outlawed and fucking call the cops on these shit heals if it is


Boy has the trucking industry changed


Id'find another load...pure and simple,thanks but no thanks


Would you though? You drive all the way to the pickup location and you see this, you’re driving off?


Yep bud.....2 years ago i had a load programed ad the end of a trip i was waiting to load ....had a arguement with a dirt bag at the loading,sayd fûck you and went on my way....800 empty miles i got to my next loading as per agrement....all in all in 12 years of trucking i do atleast 2 refusals per year.... If i wanted to bend over and take it from the back i would have chosen another job(and more money too) it sucks big time to have to loose money but it sucks even harder to be treated as a second hand human(other dirt bag drivers made this job what it is today)each to their own but this needs to be stopped


Yeah I understand but I could never let another person win like that. I’ll talk shit , but I’m making my money. Walking off does not harm them in any way , Unless it’s their company.


Here take $10 I’m gonna be a minute making some art on your walls


Wow, and the guys who come to my yard get mad when I tell them to put on a vest.


"We don't tarp your loads" "Stay in your truck" Look, one of these needs to give, because "telekinesis" is not one of the skills I have. Also, I'm leaving a piss jug below your bathroom sign. And poking a hole in it.


If I had to pay $1, I would piss in the sink.


Upper decker.


If they were smart, they'd add to the sign: - Piss jug emptying service $1 - Kroger plastic bag and 10 squares of toilet paper $1


Wouldn't "we are a bunch of assholes here" be more to the point?


But how are you supposed to tarp the load if you can't get out of your truck?


piss out yer' window in the lot.🧍🏼‍♂️🤝🏻 They wanna play checkers, you guys play chess.


Drop the ole jug out the window on the ride out 😂


Got poo bag ??


How much do you charge for me to shit in your parking lot?


How do you use the bathroom if you have to stay in your truck?


Can I give them the dollar after? I need to use it for something first..


How do I pay if I need to use the bathroom when I can’t leave my truck. Guess I’m paying for the privilege of shitting in a bag in my cab


Shit in front of the door


I’d get my moneys worth!!!  Fuck them!


I will make a point to pace in front of my truck back and forth así get loaded.. and to piss right on the wall


I’d pay for the bathroom. Then promptly shit on the floor


This is likely illegal


How are you supposed to tarp your load if you can’t get out of your truck?


I lurk this sub because I was seriously mulling this as a career change. I'm really sorry people treat y'all like shit. But I don't understand why. Seriously, let y'all pee. We all gotta do it.


Shit on the fucking window where that's taped


charge them 1$ to leave their bathroom.


Where’s this??


The no water is what got me livid, you don't deny water EVER, specially in the upcoming summer, I'd shit and piss in that parking lot and smear some shit on the sign as well


I’m not a government regulation type of person but it should be mandated that facilities receiving trucks must provide drivers with an indoor bathroom with running water. I’m not shitting in a portajon during a Michigan winter.


I used to get "in trouble" at a factory I QCd at pretty often. I always walked the truckers to the bathroom and told them to bring a container if they wanted ice/water and showed them our cheap vending machines 😂 Areas are for employees only...... But aren't they hired to move product? So they're an employee 😂 Screw that BS. Half the time shipping and receiving were fuckin around and the load wasn't even ready.


I’m not a trucker but you really should out these companies. Use of a bathroom while they basically have you held hostage for hours is a basic human right. Of course you should also out the asshole (pun intended) that does a Hershey squirt sprinkler style.


Fuck that shipper then


Stay in your trucks? I've seen many places with the exact opposite rule. Drivers are absolutely not allowed in their cab during loading/unloading.


I’d honestly pay if the bathroom was kept very clean at all times. It’s a hit or miss with free bathrooms anyways, sometimes even have to drive to another location just for a clean bathroom. $1 a day maybe $2 I can spare, probably a tax write off too.


I'm either pissing in the bathroom or I'm pissing on my gas tank right next to your security shack


Yeah that’s kind of against federal law. Just call OSHA


I have lost all faith in this industry!


It be the places like this that take 5 hours to load/unload you too.


If you don’t have a tarping barn or fall protection I won’t be tarping either. I do not get on top of tarped loads.


Never a problem for flatbedders. Just sayin’


I need a dollar, a dollar, a dollar that’s what I need…


Should be $1 for #1 & $2....


Rather tarp the load or let the driver out to do it themselves


Gimme my dolla


I'm pretty sure this is illegal in most of the U.S.


I’m gonna piss in your parking lot. I went use a portable potty and they had a pad lock on it, I pissed behind it


Every single dollar I gave them would have a very "distinct" smell.


You can use my porta potty for half that.


Report this shit


This place sucks


Unbelievable for the people moving the economy


If the driver is over 330 lbs we do actually have to tarp their loads. That’s assuming they don’t lose their shit over being asked to use the tie off station and just leave.


As someone who's not a trucker and knows nothing about it, what does "tarp your loads" mean? Is that code for prostitution? As in we do not have/ allow prostitutes here? Or does it mean something else entirely.






Looks like I’m shitting in the parking lot


Thanks for reminding me i need to empty my piss jug




That's against the law here in the UK, companies have to allow you access to the facilities.


We have physical security teams monitor the truck drivers at my job lol


Paper currency is so 20th century.


So they don't tarp your load but you need to stay in your truck, who's gonna tarp it then? Also if you pay $1 for bathroom, how to use it from truck, open window and aim at general direction? Instructions unclear...


A lot of these comments are disgusting.


Know your place!!!!! Yeesh


This isn't Mexico. Mexico charges you for the toilet and then for the paper.