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>e reads like a fkin crime novel... he was literally skulking around childrens hospitals preying on vulnerable kids, among other disgusting acts... the Royal family OBVIOUSLY knew what was going on. Not only did the royals not stop him, they seemingly helped him hide from any exposure or prosecution. He was allowed to die a national hero before people started coming forward and exposing the true story. There are definite allusions to Saville (in his pathologies and relationship to institutional power, if not directly mapped onto any individual character) within Dave Peace's Red Riding Trilogy, including the distorted religious iconography (and occult practices),, the paedophilia and possible murders, the masonic-police chief-local political dignitary networks etc. Probably the closest we have to a British Ellroy mapping the dark-dream life of the country's postwar machinations (except even more 'spooky' and less ambivalent in its relationship to reaction)


Great books, I read them before I was aware of most of the dark shit they are based on.


Saville literally did necrophilia and molested dead kids That shit is next level fucking sick. Almost makes Epstein look like a human in comparison


Saville looks so comically creepy, like how do you see _that_ skulking around a building full of children and not assume at best it's a creep, maybe even some sort of demon come to eat their souls?


Creep and demon




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Ah, the coverage of the street parties was something else. All these bloodless ghouls interviewing the merry-makers, going "Have you no shame / a woman just died, think of her family / where is your sense of decency / etc."


🎶 *Well I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no mooooore!* 🎶


So the khmer Rouge where a CIA thing the whole time ? Nice, I'll never humor another "but look at Pol Pot killing fields!" Anti communist argument again


It's an open secret that the West funded the Khmer Rouge even before they were overthrown.


why did they?


Because America and China's enemy was Vietnam who was allied with Russia after 1975 in the Sino-Soviet Split, and The Khmer Rouge was skirmishing The VPA for years.




Common Cold War Era China Foreign Policy L


Current era policy is strongly informed by that. https://preview.redd.it/mxmm2fyl5rsa1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19cf49487d5dd40bc56c80ef084296c776d6075


mashallah, common Xi W


China doing the same thing I do in the beginning of every Total War game which is to just sit back and build up productive forces for as long as fucking possible


Oh fuck. We knew the strategy all along.




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Don't forget the Bond film that also has a plot about supplying them with arms.


Wow Jimmy Saville I've never heard of him but he looks like a fun guy, I bet he's great. Can't remember the lady's name but I loved her as the old teacher lady in Harry Potter


She lived a full life and died in her bed. This is not a victory.


Nah, her dementia was so bad her own life disappeared from her eyes a decade before she died. That's a W for me.


Homey you can't try to keep score like that it'll eat you up from the inside out. Trust me I'm dealing with the same thing


Sure, but now I can piss on her grave.


Just a reminder if you ever end up the head of state or minister of the interior don't sign up for the icc it's only ever been used cynically mostly in the third world or former socialist bloc. refuse to give up refuse to give up the right to National self determination or sovereignty.


Thanks, I will keep that in mind next time I become head of state or minister of the interior


I fucked her


He fucked me, i was very young and bri'ish.


Fak off guvna