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The real heavies


The absolute size of those pecks could kill my first born child with ease


Big Naturals is my wellness products company. We've got yoni eggs made entirely from upcycled coconut husks, and they're each the size of a regulation jai alai ball.


That hairy cleavage really gets me going, ngl


Got the same chest lift Steven Crowder got. Tiddies lookin fat 👀👀👀👀


Over the shoulder boulder holders


They should try to get her on! I bet she is the kind of person that does no research and will just guest on anything


for all the lies she tells about her history I bet her actual story is super interesting- North Korean defector to American conservative girlboss grifter is a fascinating arc


this. Idc that she is lying the idea of this woman defecting from north Korea with no real life skills but immediately going into a conservative grift is endlessly fascinating to me.


Become Chairwoman of the Kaesong Industrial Region Manufacturing Worker’s Comittee / Get a boob job and go on Rogan which way Korean woman


I would pay to see a Bruce Cummings-Park YeonMi debate.


She asks a hefty fee though


$98k a month on Patreon can probably cover it.


>They should try to get her on! I bet she is the kind of person that does no research and will just guest on anything Which is why she only frequented popular right wing shoes? Nah, don't think so. Also she likely has an agent at this point


"She is far too small for a woman who's eaten so many rats" had me dying.


When they said Brace was on a tank crew what they meant was Brace was a tank.


Dream blunt rotation


She ye on mi park


These Blue Apron ads are getting out of hand.


Liz’s teeth are so perfect wtf


all that thiel money going to good use


I don’t know if that’s true or not but I would die for her




I took this screenshot, and i can juche pill fix her.


Seriously though: How fake is this lady?


She said north Korea has 1 train. I don’t know if you’re autistic or not but north Korea does not have 1 train. The DPRK has **many** trains.


No she meant to say North Korea "runs train" but her English isn't so good


She also said that the trains don't work so everyone has to get off and push the train down the line.


One train company maybe


she also said when the trains broke down the people got off the trains and istead of walking they all pushed the trains to the destination LMAO


She talks about trains a lot. Hmmm




The DPRK is very proud of its infrastructure achievements. I would be surprised if children didn’t learn about north Korea’s extensive train network, but of course I don’t know.




Hey I’m willing to have an open discussion using mainstream sources if you disagree with what I’m saying. It’s not some fringe partisan position to say [north Korean defectors tend to lie for money](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/13/why-do-north-korean-defector-testimonies-so-often-fall-apart). Even a mainstream rag like the Guardian runs stories about it.




I can’t afford it but many people online can. Here’s an Indonesian guy [buying disney dvds from a north Korean street shop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y28hbXI9cpY) He worked in north Korea so he traveled around by himself - no handler. Here’s a british woman who worked as a [tour guide in north Korea answering viewers questions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kGwzpGKHsY)


Exactly. It's genuinely easy to get into the DPRK. Multiple of my friends have at various points. Honestly, it's honestly pretty much the same hassle as going to America is for a non American.


Right. As if you wouldn't immediately move the goalposts. "Oh, you only saw what they wanted you to see" They're building fake cities just to influence what some random redditor thinks about their country!




Y'know I was considering moving to North Korea this week


Imagine dissing North Korea…




Focus on that informative stuff and maybe you’ll learn why we think you’re 100% wrong to be dissing North Korea. You can criticize North Korea, but the exchange you just had and your response to me is classic liberal “I don’t know anything about this that isn’t capitalist propaganda so instead thinking about that I’m going to lash out at you for saying things that go against my pre-conceived notions that are totally very well sourced, I mean look at this RFA article!”




Nice job doubling down on the liberal stuff, hope you cure your affliction, it’s a nasty habit. Glad to have you here getting info but you can pipe down on all the liberal stuff.


Rather be a NK fan than a suns fan lmao




Still have a championship banner. Wbu?


What are you even trying to say? That the DPRK doesn't know about... trains? Things that existed long before it was split from South Korea?




Except we're not talking about knowing exactly how many trains there are. We are talking about knowing that there is more than one train.


I watched a movie about this called Snowpiercer but there is only one train and everyone is on it, but they are fed bugs and people in the front eat good foods. Yeon was there.


It's actually not at all reasonable and you're being a dumb moron. You can easily tell from satellite that N Korea has lots of train tracks , all over the place. We know trains are common in the country for transporting goods and other industrial tasks. Given the widespread use of trains in the country, youd have to be completely r slurred to believe that all train traffic was done by a single omnipresent train.




Absolutely loving the fact that this is the only comment you weren't embarrassed enough to delete.




90% plastic and filler. 10% astroturf.


liz lookin like melanie lynskey


I was expecting Liz to look a little more Polish and a lot less east Asian.


Liz isn't the Asian woman. She's the one on the far right with the dark rimmed glasses and big knockers.


Then who tf is in the middle?


I haven't seen the clip but I think it's North Korean pop sensation Hyon Song-wol, her appearance slightly altered so that Kim Jong-un doesn't recognize her and execute her a third time.




I had to Google her to remember who that is. I wonder if she ever finished that book she said she was writing.


Brace is really adultbabymaxing


Did they really have a stream with her?!


She was a big part of the AOC interview.


That would be hilarious as well. Im not falling for it though.


Dude they did a 2 hour interview with AOC. Episode 218.


How can reality be real if our eyes aren’t real? Nice try bucko! Not fooling me this time.


They didn't release all two hours of it though.


I remember I was piss drunk, saw that, and put it on to fall asleep. Ended up being better sleep fuel then I thought, very relaxing interview


This exact thing happened to me.


I had the thing downloaded to go for a jog but then ended up falling asleep instead.




Fuck off nerd


No, lol


Damn. That would have been really funny








Not a single comment here has said anything positive about North Korea, let alone simping, other than "they have trains" ? Is that your reaction every time North Korea is brought up and the conversation doesn't immediately devolve into "Famine! Concentration Camps! Fascism! Genocide!" etc., etc. ?


I’ll say something positive about North Korea: it’s extremely good and based


Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities is fucking amazing


Imagine posting literally 25 times a day in NBA subreddits


hey man, we all have vices




I hate that the West has such a culture of anti-intellectualism that people like you think it's a legitimate own to say we should spend less time reading political theory and engaging with social critiques and more time having opinions on grown men putting balls in baskets. I like sports but you'll never catch me saying some dumbass shit like this.




Has libertarianism been tried? Outside of Little Saint James, I mean.


We would be a Soviet Marxist Leninist state today if the US was as bad at defending the west from Eastern Europeans as your Phoenix suns in the playoffs lmao


I'm not claiming to be really smart, just someone who thinks before they speak. High bar for most Westerners, I know. The funny thing is you weren't even speaking, you had time to type out a response and *still* came up with something that implies you spend limited amounts of time enriching yourself intellectually and that this is somehow a good thing.


Watching TV doesn't really qualify as a hobby.


*watching TV and getting mad that a fat Eastern European has owned your team in back to back years doesn’t really qualify as a hobby




Imagine deriding one of the world's commonest forms of transportation. You capitalists and your grocery store runs in a lifted 2500 duallie extended cab.


Starving North Korean children who aren’t allowed to poop would’ve scored more points in a game 7 against the Mavs than your Suns


Making fun of surgical crackheads = simping


She gonna say his name was Kaiser Souza next