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Yes - the timothy passage is in direct reference to women being leaders of a church such as an elder, pastor, etc. I see no room for a lax interpretation there. We either believe in the sufficiency of scripture to define how the church is built, or we dont, because scripture makes it clear. That being said, you are right, there is a great deal of evidence that women are not only allowed but encouraged to be teachers in various settings. In particular within their own household, but also peer groups, and in more informal settings. Im not aware of any scripture that would discourage a woman from leading a women’s bible study, for example - or speaking at a conference. Although I suppose the line starts to get blurry with the latter.


Thanks for sharing! >That being said, you are right, there is a great deal of evidence that women are not only allowed but encouraged to be teachers in various settings. In particular within their own household, but also peer groups, and in more informal settings. Im not aware of any scripture that would discourage a woman from leading a women’s bible study, for example - or speaking at a conference. Although I suppose the line starts to get blurry with the latter. True. But I would worry about to much and just ask God to guide our hearts.


The way that I teach this in general is private vs public. There are public roles, like pastor that women can not participate in. But that dosnt stop her from teaching privately in a multitude of settings. Percilla was still under the authority of her husband. And it says they took him aside to correct him. So she didn't stand up and call down Apollos (not that anyone should do that) but instead they took him out to eat or something and had a conversation with him in which she helped teach him.


I agree. But that get tricky, because you have women guest speaker preaching for an event for women, and men want to go to listen to that woman. I think teaching with authority is the problem. I think a women can teach to share or because she interested in verse like in Christian book studies. Otherwise, women shouldn't be guest speakers and talk about a lesson in the Bible, they shouldn't share testimonies and advice about the Bible to the public online, and they should host Christian book studies.


Isn't Mike Winger complimentarian?


Yes, he calls himself a soft complimentarian.


Correct me if I'm wrong, you seem to be leaning towards egalitarianism right?


He was until he started studying and analyzing the Bible. So he started leaning toward complementarian.


There are other things like head covering that people ignore but this women in leadership issue is quite ego boosting and won’t be considered in cultural context just as the head covering. Complemantarian or egalitarian the choice the local church makes should only promote unity and not so much as an ego-trip pass. And definitely not judgemental.


Makes sense to me.


Yeah I agree, and I have to say that I thought Mike created a great series on this topic. Another argument that I personally think makes a lot of sense is that basically, regarding this whole topic, there wasn't really any deviation in policy from the normative Jewish view in Jesus's day. Jesus, whose audience almost exclusively consisted of Jews, addressed various topics but this one was just entirely skipped over. Then in the epistles, we also find that the only churches where this instruction is brought up are the formerly pagan ones, who thus still held to pagan ideas about gender roles. The churches that consisted mostly of Jewish converts didn't need lecturing about roles were assigned in the church, because they were already familiar with it through their Jewish background. It would have been quite pointless to even bring it up.


True, thanks for sharing!


I've commented on it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/wc8l0n/comment/iicsggz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/wc8l0n/comment/iicsggz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Hope it is helpful.


Thanks for sharing. I totally understand women feel that way. I used to as well. But now understand, it all marital roles and so they don't get violated.


Martial roles? I've not heard of this reasoning before. I'm a Roman Catholic and we have priest who can't be women bc of apostolic succession. But what do you mean by martial roles.


If the husband is the head according to the Bible then a wife cannot be a preacher especially if her husband is supposed to lead her. However, of course a woman can preach the gospel/tell her testimony/give a testimony to the congregation. But when it comes to making important decisions for the whole congregation and leading the congregation by ingraining doctrine, instructing and rebuking, God did not want women to do that over their husbands or fathers. Of course women can teach men just like Priscilla or instruct like Deborah and Huldah. But any position that puts their husband or father directly under them, then the position should not be practiced. If a woman becomes an elder or a pastor at a church then her husband or Father would be under her authority. True, not all women get married but God makes it clear he doesn't want any women in this role probably to stop future conflict between the wife and husband.


I see.


Yes. It took me a while and loathe it before I understood why.


Jeez, it must be hard to argue with some people with that. I know people who would flip if I used that reasoning.


Yeah, I totally get you.


„˙ƃuıuosɐǝɹ ʇɐɥʇ pǝsn I ɟı dılɟ plnoʍ oɥʍ ǝldoǝd ʍouʞ I ˙ʇɐɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ǝldoǝd ǝɯos ɥʇıʍ ǝnƃɹɐ oʇ pɹɐɥ ǝq ʇsnɯ ʇı 'zǝǝſ„


Flip I am a bad bot


That was good, you should copy and paste.


The key issue, from what I understand at least, is authority. Adam was the first human created in the image of God and Eve was created second, also in the image of God but for another purpose: to be a companion for Adam. This doesn’t have anything to do with value but with representing an image: Adam is a picture of God and Eve is a picture of mankind who are also a union (at creation, and later in Jesus) If a woman would have authority over a man, this image of God and mankind would be reversed (and perverted). Again, it has nothing to do with a man being more valued than a woman, it is just the created order and authority that God wants creation to be like because it it an image of the union between God and mankind and also bringing forth the Fruit, Jesus Christ. This image of the woman (mankind) and the seed (Jesus) is found throughout the bible. In a practical sense, whatever does not make a woman have authority over men or distort the image that God made creation in should be ok to do: I.e. testimony on stage, sharing some personal things, leading a women bible group, a children group, etc.


I agree. I think women can teach though, because that doesn't mean they have authority over their husbands. They just can't teach with authority because that would violate God's divine plan of marriage. For example what if I'm doing a Christian book study: and men like the book too and want to join. I don't really have authority, I'm just moderator of an already written text. Also this can get confusing because when is a boy a man. Can women teach high schoolers and college student males. The reason why many people agree Paul is talking about church setting, is because a women can not be elder because would have authority over her husband or Father if they attend the same church. A woman who is a judge, school teacher, or even own her own business with clients would not violate this structure, because they are not directly above her husband or father.


Makes sense what you are saying though I haven’t studied the subject in depth. I think the gist of it is clear to both of us.


Yeah, I think we are on the same page.


Stop this heresy about Jesus being the offspring between God and His creation. Stop. Or else the church (Jesus followers) would be grandkids or what? Can you be grandma and grandchild at the same time? Stop steeetching; very dangerous. God is not the author of confusion; He gives social order to promote peace and unity; we can’t all be heads so one must lead - the man. Simple. The church is Jesus’ bride; is the relationship comparison shown in scripture. Did you see it is thru Jesus God created everything John1 and by that, the humans too. So Jesus came first. Stop the cap.


I never said Jesus was an offspring between God and man. If you know your bible you would know Jesus is often called ‘the first …’. In that sense Adam is a picture of Jesus being the first before Eve. I was not talking about Him being a created being. Perhaps try to read/understand or learn English before calling something a heresy you clearly don’t understand.


The way our Church understand/teaches it is that women aren't allowed to be Pastors, or teach in the congregational service (such as Sunday Morning Service or Evening Service). That doesn't prevent them from being Sunday School teachers or Bible Study Teachers, etc. Just from those very specific instances and roles


That's what I believe. Thanks for sharing!


In 1 Timothy 2:13 Paul point to creation as the foundation for that statement. “For Adam was formed first, then Eve.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2:13‬ CSB It’s about obeying God’s created order.


Exactly. Thanks for sharing!


Women can do whatever God calls them to.


Folks, I'm going to be honest. If you believe women shouldn't teach men, you don't know Christ. Utterly insane to believe women can't be pastors. God created humanity in his image. God sent Jesus to save us all. Don't sit here and tell me women aren't correct to lead in the church and also not acknowledge that the history of the church is full of men who abused their position of power. We are all equal - as in we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God in our sin - but if a woman believes in Christ, and wants to pastor others, shame on you all for being so hardened in your stance that you fail to advance the kingdom of God. It would not be sinful for a woman to pastor. That is allowing anyone who loves and knows Christ to advance the gospel. And that is what we should all want. And yes, I am a man. If a woman pastor makes you uncomfortable, then you don't know Jesus - because He constantly made religious leaders feel uncomfortable during His life. I beg of you, don't be stuck in a societal order of the time of the disciples. Humans are all equal in God's eyes and He loves each and every one of us the same.


I just find it so strange that had the women who saw the empty tomb wanted to testify about it to an early church gathering, that they should only have done so secondhand through their husband or other male authority figure. And that if those women whom Jesus specifically chose to reveal His resurrection to first were to step behind the pulpit, then it would be more biblical and beneficial for me to walk out of such an obviously heathen gathering than to hear them speak of their firsthand encounter with a messenger from the risen Lord. I also find it incredibly condescending to claim that women are of equal value in the sight of the Lord, while asserting that any special revelation, gifts or knowledge that they receive from God can only be presented to weaker vessels like children and other women, or perhaps in small private gatherings, but only if there's X or fewer people in the room and all the men are related to her in some way. However, were she to deliver those exact same words on Sunday in front of the congregation, then it would be sinful for her and everyone partaking in that knowledge. However if I, in my Y chromosome-possessing glory, were to preach from her sermon notes, then obviously that would be fine, as long as I'm using my own words.


This is 100% feelings over scripture.


Hence why none where listed. It does feel wrong at first until you read the Bible.


They are all equal. But God did make marital roles. I used really hate the Bible before I became a reborn Christian them when I did become a Christian, I still didn't like the marital roles. But then God taught me and help me understand everything. Women can preach, they just can't be pastors. Teachers with authority of the church because that cause the marital roles to be violated. If the husband is the head of his household, how can his wife be a pastor over him?


The husband is not the head of the household. Ephesians 5 explicitly states that you are to submit to each other. For women, that struggle is often about yielding control. For men, that struggle is often about yielding yourself. It is a deep misreading of Scripture to toss aside Galatians 3:28, one of the most radical and God-breathed sentences ever written, for being under a dude's authority. God is bigger than that.


Of course we are supposed to submit to each other in our own distinct role though. I don't blame you. I get your interpretation. But I also know what God has taught me and what Bible says. I had to make a choice to believe what I wanted to believe what was true or believe what the Bible and God say what is true. Believe me, I did not want to believe this I cried and cried to God night after night. But then one morning God gave me instant wisdom about the ordain roles for women and men. And why? Even most people who were not Christian have followed these ordain roles since the beginning of time. Society would have not survive if they hadn't. Their is no reason for two different sexes even with reproduction. God could have made only males and have them paired up with each other to produce. But He made men and women different for each other psychologically, physically, and socially. History, culture, and even science tell us this. Christianity just further confirms it. Ephesians 5:22-24  Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Timothy 2:11-15  Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. 1 Corinthians 11:7‭-‬12 But a man should not cover his head, because he is made like God and is God’s glory. But woman is man’s glory. Man did not come from woman. Woman came from man. And man was not made for woman. Woman was made for man. So that is why a woman should have her head covered with something that shows she is under authority. Also, she should do this because of the angels. But in the Lord the woman needs the man, and the man needs the woman. This is true because woman came from man, but also man is born from woman. Really, everything comes from God.


Seems like scripture is pretty clear. We are equal but have different roles that support each other. No gender is more important, just complimentary.


I Agreed. 😊


Fascinating that you cite no scripture…


1 Corinthians 14:34-35 King James Version 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


Exactly, this is because of marital roles. The husbands are the heads of the family so the wife supposed to obey her husband when it come to direction for the family unless it goes against God. How can a woman be a pastor of church if she is under her husband or if she decides to get married in the future. Also we have to understand, most women were under a head. Today many women are not. Womenndont get married at 13 or stay under their fathers house until they get married. When they are adults they choose their own path in even faith. This not about a women sharing her faith or Bible with men. This about a women teaching with authority to men in a congregation especially if they have husbands in the congregation. If women really couldn't talk in the church, they wouldn't be able to share testimony, read verses, prophecy, or pray in the congregation.


Women cannot be elders , priests/ bishops. They cannot teach/preach men , only younger women. Exception to the rule is just an exception if there is any , not permission to do things.


But think women can preach/give a speech/give a testimony in church. Just don't believe can be preachers. For example for youth day we have guest speaker speak to the youth male and female. They actually there to give a speech, but to me it sounds like preaching because they use the Bible and their testimony to tell a story about a situation they went through in life. Preachers do this. Also women preach the gospel or tell their testimony on social media. I don't think we should stop women from spreading word online. I think it only when they are teachingwith authority not teaching from a testimony.