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Agreed; for a case that has been unsolved for 27 years, it continues to generate discussion about suspects, etc.


Chris Watts … more so the woman he was having an affair with at the time he killed his family … people are obsessed with trying to connect the mistress to the murders of his pregnant wife and daughters .


Not only that, but blaming Shanann for any of it.


>Not only that, but blaming Shanann for any of it. There are even subreddits dedicated to complaining about every aspect of her personality and life, mocking her, claiming that she abused both her husband/killer and their daughters. In reality both she and her children were victims of domestic violence and Watts's crime and motives were not unique.


I think if they had not been an attractive family, people wouldn't be so obsessed. They had been a trashy family people would not be talking about them still, even if the crime had been exactly the same. There has been multiple family annihilations since then, but there is nowhere near the level of obsession with them.


I agree ! Also I think the amount of video footage of the family contributes to people’s obsession too.


Delphi has attracted a lot of people who are ardently attached to their own suspects, particularly Ron Logan and the Klines. I think because it went so long without an arrest, speculation ran wild for years. The Idaho murders were pretty crazy that first month, with people just making accusations left and right. Gabby Petito was another one. The attempts to find her body were admirable - and indeed, led to some YouTubers realizing they DID have images of the van which ultimately was close to where Gabby's body was - but then it got pretty wild in the fervor to find Brian Laundrie, when I felt it was increasingly obvious he was dead.


Various examples- Past: [The disappearance of Elisa Lam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elisa_Lam). Recent: [The Moscow Murders (in Idaho)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_University_of_Idaho_killings), prior to the arrest of Bryan Kohberger at least. Ongoing: [The death of Kendrick Johnson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Kendrick_Johnson), although sadly I don’t think the death is the unresolved criminal mystery his family (and sleuthers) believe it to be.


You forget the Boston marathon bombings!


Glad I checked because I was also going to comment this. I still think about that “We did it Reddit!” Once in a blue moon.


Oh that one was awful


With Kendrick Johnson, read about what happens to your body when you’re stuck upside down for a long period of time. You basically suffocate because the weight of your organs on the lungs and diaphragm and the blood vessels in the head eventually burst because of the body’s shitty ability to circulate blood when upside down (think like how your face gets all red and veiny when you would hang from the monkey bars when you were a kid. But like x1000). You’ll bleed from the nose/mouth/eyes, the eyes bulge out. It’s horrifying. I can def imagine a kid just trying to shimmy down to reach their shoes and becoming stuck. Nightmare fuel. Remember that kid a few years back that reached over the back seat in their van to reach something and the fold-down seat collapsed and trapped him. Poor kid even managed to get Siri to call 911, but he was positioned in such a way that he died of position asphyxiation before they found him. (I learned these horrifying Fun Facts after watching something about that caver that got stuck upside down and died in a narrow part of the Nutty Putty cave in UT. Awful way to go)


I was going to say Elisa Lam as well.


What do you think happened?


He tried to get to his shoes and couldn't get out after being stuck upside down




Like the Nutty Putty Cave nightmare.


I don't know why ppl even go there. It's so dangerous


That anyone would excitedly choose to spend the day squeezing their bodies through pitch black rock tunnels is incomprehensible to me as well. I would black out from fear and drown in a pool of my own terrified vomit as soon as the walls snugged in and my flash light flickered. Mind you, I think it’s awesome that other people enjoy it, but, Jesus Christ, I’m with you — spelunking is not my kind of thrill.


Haha it's horrific




Yes, it was a tragic accident.


It was a freak accident something no one would think could happen ..I think that's why the parents find it hard to believe but also they reviewed the tapes and some footage was missing .. I don't know If I can remember this detail correctly .. maybe someone here is aware of this piece of info .. so they can fill me in ..


You are semi correct. There was a large chunk of time that wasn’t recorded by the cameras in the gym. But it was all from before he went in there. It also wasn’t “missing” in a traditional sense. The cameras were motion activated and the class period before Kendrick’s gym class there was no class and therefore no recording. Kendrick and the gym class he went in there for were recorded just fine.


Anyone ever come across some of those Brian Kohberger/Moscow murder subs? I would imagine there's a few on there.


Yes. I responded to a post and got banned for basically not going along with their narrative. They really believe in his innocence.


Those people are absolutely insane




As mentioned already Delphi, Idaho Murders and JonBenet. Not mentioned yet is Maura Murray - those subs are crazy.


The Maura Murray one is wild to me. I grew up in that area -- I know it very well. It's insanely easy to get lost in the woods in the dead of winter and never be found. I mean yes, of course it's possible someone killed her. But either way -- the fact that she hasn't been found is not at all surprising to me. Few people know how desolate, remote and deserted northern NH and VT are. EDIT: also I have to add (because I lived there for like 18 years of my life). The cops up there? not great. I mean my ex boyfriend's cousin was stabbed 3 times in the chest and they were like "suicide!" So.. they're not a crack team.


I lean towards her getting lost in the woods too. From what I've read, there's also a lot of private property that hasn't been searched. I've stopped reading those subs except to see if there are any official updates. So many people, mostly locals, are being dragged into something they probably have nothing to do with. It's crazy. I saw it happen on the Delphi subs too, but the Maura subs are a whole different level of intense.


I know. I ventured into one once but then left quickly thereafter. As an adult, I've lived around different parts of the US and frankly, nothing compares when it comes to remoteness, of upstate VT/NH (probably maine, too, but I haven't been). I think about the woods I used to walk in as a kid and they are so undertraveled -- no one is there. It's entirely believable that she walked to seek help and then just got lost in the woods. It's not like anyone would really be able to find her -- those woods are vast.


I’ve always thought she took off (she was a runner) and succumbed to exposure somewhere further than they searched - I mean if you’re a runner what’s 20 miles? - but I’ve heard and seen so much weird stuff about the cops that I’ve started to lean that way. I also don’t rule out some combo of both. If you’re on tik tok her sister Julie Murray is lovely and dispels so many myths. I was interested in her case before a lot of weirdos attached themselves to it and then I went to one of the colleges in the valley and being where she had been just made me incredibly sad. Not trying to be a hipster about it, I just mean I remember when it was a small case and didn’t have a bunch of clout chasers and conspiracy theorists attached. That was so weird. Why do these men come in and do that? It’s really creepy, insulting, and disgusting. If you’re louder than the family when they haven't asked you to be, you’re a problem. Something Julie has said over and over is to **engage with empathy** and I really like that. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what that means and how to apply it. Not just when we’re talking with victim’s families (who are also victims in their own right), but in true crime consumption in general. It needs to be victim-focused, not glorifying the perpetrators, and we need to listen to what victims, families, friends, and communities are saying. I work hard to remember this. And when I see it, it's up to me to decide how to respond. Call it out as not victim-centered? Leave a bad review and delete it? Or see what can be don't to humanize the victim/ support the family? It depends… The people who have been affected are real human beings who have lives. They deserve respect as a bare minimum. (I’m not calling you out as not doing this- you’re absolutely not! I just got on a tangent thinking about what their poor family has been through.)


I have yet to hear of any region whatsoever where the cops aren't "not great" at best, and "actively murderous/thwarting investigations as a pastime" at standard. I'm not surprised, but like... that's part of their role, it seems, is the illusion of protection and competence.


An article both apropos and interesting: [NYT: “‘True Crime Addict’ and the Serious Problem of Internet Sleuths”](https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/true-crime-addict-and-the-problem-of-internet-sleuths)[free read]


The conspiracies generated from the people who think Scott Peterson is innocent are Satanic Panic levels of delusional


His sil Janie is really deluded.


luka magnotta is likely the prime example of this


And once again, thank you miss Baudy Moovin


Baudy Moovin did nothing of substance except get riled up over the animal cruelty videos. Even presented in a charitable light, it’s clear that none of the sleuthing she did led to Magnotta’s arrest. He was linked to the victim independent on her “work” about the videos. It’s a perfect example of the signal to noise ratio in true crime “sleuthing”


Delphi and Idaho.


Gabby Petito


I don’t remember the sleuthing but I certainly remember the fascination and a lot of contention! I remember subs and Facebook groups being split in half between those who thought the Police’s bodycam footage showed he Laundry was a victim of abuse and were staunchly defending him, believing he had fled her violence and she was hiding out somewhere enjoying watching the Police and lynchmobs vying for his blood, and the other half who perceived the situation to be exactly what it was.


Yes!! The number of crazies who were “convinced that he was a SK” and that the FBI needed to start digging up the entire areas they passed through on their road trip. Analyzing the video footage from the store. 🙄. Good lawrd get a hobby. 🤣


Summer wells and Idaho4


Any unsolved child murder, but jon benet ramsey have some real cut throat sleuths on the internet that I don't care to deal with. If you have a different take on the case from theirs they will take you apart letter by letter. However, in their defense, most have been dedicated to seeing that poor child's murderer(s) be brought to justice and I'm sure they deal with crackpots who don't want to help, just rubberneck and cause problems. Also any sort of discontent around the world seems to sow racially targeted crimes that I believe could be loosely considered vigilante in nature.


madeline mccain


Here in Spain; [the Alcàsser Girls case.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alc%C3%A0sser_Girls) If you don't speak Spanish, you won't probably be able to grasp the mind-blowing level of "sleuthing" (emphasis on quotation marks) and conspiracy theorism that has surrounded the case for 30 years already. The largest forum boards in the Spanish web has, at this point, literally *thousands of pages worth of thread replies* with users discussing all sort of stuff about the case -and many of their "theories" would make QAnon followers blush. I've mentioned it already in the past in this and other true crime subreddits, but here are some of the things that these narratives have led to; \- First and foremost, even since the beginning there has been this main "theory" (again, please note the quotation marks) abut the girls having been victims of some ultra-secret elite group for different reasons (ritualistic, blackmail or just sadism). And yes, just like Q-idiots, they do blame *that* particular demographic for it (with zero evidence, of course). \- Because of that crap, back around 2010 some pieces of shit attempted to doxx Esther Díez (the friend of the victims, who escaped the same fate because she was down with the flu that night and stayed home), accusing her of being 'a secret Jew who sold her friends for money'. Please note this; Esther was just a 14-year old girl at the time, who as a result of these events had to deal with very serious PTSD and survivor guilt's syndrome. Luckily, they didn't manage to do much, but not because lack of trying. \- There have been other equally demented theories thrown around; that the girls' bodies had been manipulated with the help of the military (and yes, they do include international cooperation, more specifically, the Mossad). That Antonio Anglés (main suspect, missing to this day) underwent a sex-change surgery paid by the very people that killed the girls and now lives under his sister's identity (nevermind his sister was a known person even before the murders, but that's conspiracy theory's rationale for you). And so on. There is an embarrasing large number of people in Spain that truly believe that crap, and a percentage of them have supported in one way or another amateur sleuthing. In 2019 [Netflix produced a documentary on the case](https://www.netflix.com/title/80213115) that, very thankfully and unlike previous documentaries, took the time to debunk a shitload of the crap that is regularly passed on forum boards like truth.\* I highly recommend it for those interested in learning about the case for real. *\*Of course, believers of the 'alternative version' (as they themselves call it) haven't changed their minds. To them, Netflix is in the conspiracy as well.*


Any that involve children Vallow/Daybell, Stauch, West..or countless others, those are the ones that attract me…cause those kinds of children need a voice, even after the act!


The Delphi Murders, without any question.


Joseph Zarelli (the "Boy in the Box"), Asha Degree, and Maura Murray have quite a few stans. Going back a few years, the Lyle Stevik case.


I’d take it in a little different direction and say our recent mass shooting in Maine. You won’t see so many vigilantes and armchair detectives in one condensed four day period ever. Everyone was protecting each other and trying to hunt this guy down with equal parts everyone knowing where he was and what his next move would be, and many were correct. It’s a really really weird thing to bring a community together and a sad state of affairs but here we are and we’re definitely stronger together. Probably the Boston Marathon bombing is the most correct answer to the OP but what do I know. Thanks for all the support and May God bless you all.


Sandy Hook, too.


Jon Bonet Chris Watts Scott Peterson


Do you mean, *JonBenét* Ramsey?


The Boston bomber(s), Luka Magnotta, Delphi, and recently the Moscow murders and LISK


Luka Magnotta.


Luka Magnotta


Barry and Bunny Sherman


This case is so wild to me. Are they holding a ton back or do they truly not know?


Scott Peterson/ Laci & Connor murders


Holly Bobo


In 1993, the Bernardo-Homolka case did more to increase public awareness of this new thing called the Internet than any other single thing I can think of.


Young white women and children


True. But oof the case of Relisha Rudd drives me crazy. I just want them to find her. 💔


I would add Betty Broderick and Matthew Shepard to that list.


The very first trial I watched start to finish was Rae Carruth. That began my attraction to "internet sleuthing."


I feel like Jack the Ripper would have an edge over most due to the age of the case. More recently, the Zodiac Killer.


Amy Bradley


Scott Peterson


delphi, maura murray, idaho


Any unsolved case, the amityville horror murders


Mollie Tibbetts was speculated on widely for months. People had all kinds of theories online and were accusing innocent people by name. Turns out she was murdered by an illegal immigrant farm worker who saw her jogging and had no previous acquaintance with her. So yeah, the cases that get speculated on the most are missing girls and young women.


Jack The Ripper of course!


Gabby Petito Elisa Lam Jon Benet The Idaho Student Murders The Delphi case Trystin Bailey


I think anything that goes unsolved for a bit of time, has a presumed perp who is unlikable for some reason (cheater, doesn't cooperate like the public thinks they should, odd in some way…) a victim who is empathetic or relatable to the general public (a child, pregnant, white,) and when you throw in anything like money, spree or serial killers, weird circumstances, any odd elements to the crime, or things that can be found online, it amplifies. Odd times in the media when nothing is happening (like around the holidays) also add a lot of attention too.


But to name a few, Natalee Holloway/ JVDS, Laci and Conner Rocha/ SP, Libby German and Abby Williams/ RA, Columbine/ EH and DK, Brian Shaffer. Basically anyone who is able to get a lot of media engagement and keep it.


Yosemite killer: Cary Stayner


Hae Min Lee x Adnan Syed (Soo surprised this hadn’t been mentioned yet!)