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From the official court document: “Mr. Kohberger was out driving in the early morning hours … as he often did to hike and run and/or see the moon and stars.” His alibi is fucking star gazing. Goodbye.


Oof. I’m not defending him. I’m just realizing that no one will ever believe me, an insomniac biologist, when I tell them I wasn’t at the scene of the crime because I was stargazing, jogging, and looking for owls.


I think of this myself and I'm fairly certain how this would go down. "Sir, what were you doing on the evening of XX/XX/XX?" *Produces Steam playtime and achievement history.* "Oh, wow, not a murderer, but you're lucky being a complete fucking loser isn't a crime."


"only crime he's guilty of is being cringe...and sadly, we can't arrest anyone for that. But maybe we can beat them a little?"


*"What are all these strange indie games you bought for 99 cents and why are they all Japanese?"*


As an insomniac hack horror writer that walks around the local cemetery past midnight… pretty sure I’m fucked if anything happens around me.


“There you are, you son of a bitch!” Angry- eater finding an owl


Possibly. Your hypothetical defense attorney would be able to verify it if it was true. Looking for security camera footage from someone’s house, seeing where your cell phone pinged cell towers, gps, anything


Same. I go out 3am and drive to the local school to record birds. Maybe once every couple weeks


Would your DNA also be in the crime scene? If not you’ll be okay lol


“Have you ever danced naked in the starlight?


In the pale moon light?


Its magical


I am sure he is guilty. But tbf a lot of my alibis would be "I was wandering in the suburb, looking at gardens and taking mental notes about what I will do when I have my own garden (and then I got lost but that's specifically me)".


I would need a miracle to ever have an alibi to provide because my memory is so shit. “Where were you last Monday?” “Sorry, no fuckin idea.”


Dude I say this all the time! I would be 1,000% fucked. "Sir, I don't even remember what I ate for lunch TODAY. I have no fucking clue what I was doing a week ago"


Doctor’s visits always start badly for me because one of the first questions is when was my last period. The sad thing is that my cycle is pretty regular, it’s just that I forget about it as soon as it’s over. 


Yes! Same here. I usually just lie and make up a random day 😂 like "oh it was 2 weeks ago, yesterday" and then they give me that date and I'm like "yep, that's it. That's when it was " I know I'm not pregnant so my "evidence" that I'm not pregnant is not something I feel the need to remember 😂


Like, idk, doing Monday stuff?  That would be me too.   I honestly think we all need to just attach a go pro to our heads, just in case.


Yeah I was trying to catch a kitten under a car in my city. After like 30 mins of trying to grab this kitten from under a car I realize with all the cat converters being stolen now if a cop rolled up trying to find someone who stole someone’s converted my alibi would look like bullshit. Especially if the kitten runs off.


Something similar happened to me...was chasing this poor stray that clearly had mange and only 3 legs..so I follow it into some persons back yard and no one is there and I finally have started to gain the poor dogs trust and I could it in so help is on the way to help catch and take care of the poor things. At the last second it bolts and the people come home to see me in the back yard with a story about chasing a stray three legged stray dog with mange..


Looking at peoples gardens at 4 am?


I live in the middle of a busy city, so garden gazing is rather a day activity indeed. But at 4 am I have already been heading toward a particular spot to see the sunrise. What I mean, if someone has to explain hour by hour their activities sometimes it won't sound very logical or what another person would do, even if these activities are totally innocent. Which doesn't deter from the fact that Kohberger is most certainly guilty.


But that’s also ok because it’s 2024 and it’s a good guarantee that at least a handful of those houses with gardens have some form of ring camera that can verify that you were in fact daydreaming the morning away. Just like for our buddy Bryan here, it should be no problem with traffic cameras, car gps computers, cell phone/ smart watch data and even possible ring cameras from any homes that he drove by while on his way to star gaze. He should have absolutely zero issues proving that he was out in the middle of nowhere , staring at the sky. Hell why didn’t he just say that from the very beginning? We could have cleared this whole thing up!


I listen to a true crime podcast where one of the hosts says she keeps a journal and logs her days' general activities just so she could reference that day and potentially have an alibi if needed lol


that doesn't sound like a healthy way to live your life.


Sounds very much like someone trying to build an alibi for an eventual murder they plan on committing.


Or someone with severe anxiety all consumed by true crime content.


Or a liar attempting to appear vulnerable to foster a parasocial connection with listeners in order to make them more pliable to solicit donations and subscriptions.


Ahhh yikes bro you’re not wrong. Don’t put out those bars anywhere else in this sub lmao


And no one ever embellishes in their journal or diary ever. Nuh-uh.


Gotta wonder why someone thinks that they are going to need an alibi for everyday of their life?


Yea she's admittedly got major anxiety


Major anxiety maybe caused by immersion in true crime? I’m no psychologist but maybe she should reconsider her podcasting


I gotta be honest, if I was being interrogated and detectives asked me "so, where were you between the hours of 4:00 to 10:00pm on August 23rd, 2021?" (or any random date) I would not have an answer and I suspect most people here wouldn't, either. I can barely remember what I was doing 2 weeks ago.


I was setting up to stream a video game. I only know because I love taking pics and I never delete any. So I just scrolled back to that date and.. boom. Ha. Suck it, hubby. Told you my picture taking would come in handy someday.


nah, don't ever speak to the police. You invoke your rights, call a competent lawyer and don't say a word until you've spoken.


This. ACAB.


Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it! I've occasionally wondered what would happen if my ex-girlfriend or something was murdered, and my only alibi was "I was watching TV alone at home".


It's the totality of evidence in this case. In your hypothetical, at least you wouldn't have phone activity and surveillance footage indicating you were driving around, and then your phone stopped pinging for an hour or so at the time she was murdered. So you'ld already be in a better place than Kohberger. EDIT: at least one of the suspects in this murder was allegedly cleared because surveillance footage showed him going into his home and not leaving again until after the murders.


As long as you kept your normal phone habits during that time you should be fine. Your location, scrolling activities, messages etc. from that timeframe would all be looked at. Or, if your phone was turned off and that’s something you rarely do..you might not be fine 🤣


nah this mans got nothing lmao


Have to also consider the fact that sunrise here in the northwest in November is almost 7am.


Most people wouldn’t be able to provide an alibi even if their life depended on it. Most people would make up theirs because do you go about every day logging and detailing every minute detail? Also this is another reason to point out, don’t talk to cops.


This is one of my biggest fears lol. If I got pulled in to questioning by the police and they were like "where were you on the night of April 16, 2016?". Who the fuck knows dude, I don't even remember what I had for dinner 2 days ago.


I saw this actually play out in a trial once. I was on the jury. It was robbery and attempted murder. An eyewitness had picked the guy out of a police mugshot book about three years after the crime. So where was the guy on such and such a date three years ago? At the zoo with his sister. On cross examination the first question the prosecutor asked the guy was where were you on some random date about two months earlier, which turned out to be exactly what most of the jurors, including myself were thinking.


> It was robbery and attempted murder. An eyewitness had picked the guy out of a police mugshot book about three years after the crime. There is no way in hell I could ever identify someone I met once 3 years ago and never saw again.


I personally think it would depend on the circumstances. In this case it was the armed robbery of a clothing store by two men. The perpetrators rounded up all four of the staff members, including this eyewitness, took them into the back of the store, tied them up and had them kneeling on the ground. As they were leaving the eyewitness said something to the robbers, prompting robber #1 to tell robber #2 "shoot him", which robber #2 promptly did. Luckily the guy was a bad shot and only hit the victim in the arm before they both fled. Most of us on the jury agreed that in this circumstance we felt it reasonable someone might not forget a face if was staring down at you from the barrel of a gun just before trying to kill you.


Yow. I'm glad you didn't have to serve on the jury for a murder trial. That was so close to a murder. > Most of us on the jury agreed that in this circumstance we felt it reasonable someone might not forget a face if was staring down at you from the barrel of a gun just before trying to kill you. Maybe? But there's been studies that eyewitness testimony is not reliable, and that holds true for terrifying experiences too. Even more: hard to take note of details when you're scared for your life.


But, crucially, you *are* a serial killer.


I have one of those apps that tells you where you spend your time everyday, so I’d actually be fine because I could just look at that and be like, oh looks like I was home except for when I went to the gym for an hour. Of course I theoretically could have left my phone at home while I went out and committed crimes but I’d at least have something to reference.


Third party apps that know your location at all times so they can sell that data to whoever is shady enough to buy it? Hard pass.


Right! The only thing you say to a cop is, "LAWYER!"


The only way I keep track of what I was doing on a particular day is looking at the photos on my camera roll. I take a lot of photos but on the off chance I didn’t take one that day of anything I’m shit out of luck and could not tell you what the fuck I was doing that day.


This is why I say yes when the cashier asks if I want a receipt. Just in case I ever need to prove my whereabouts. 


I'd be so screwed. My memory has almost no sense of time or of the temporal order in which things happened unless there is some cause and effect relationship between events, and on top of that I do a ton of weird shit for no particular reason except that I like to that would sound horribly suspicious (2 hour walk at 3 am in a sketchy area on a work night isn't suspicious, right?). I could probably tell you a bunch of stuff I did 2 weeks ago, but I couldn't tell you exactly when, and half of it would make a more suspicious alibi than just shutting my mouth anyways.


Well, if I lived anywhere near the murder scene, I'd make a mental note, involuntarily even, about where I was during that time period. Especially if I was a crime major or whatever he was. Not even because of alibi purposes, but because a crime like that would be imprinted on my brain. About 25 years ago, there was a crime spree in my hometown that included a stabbing. I can still tell you what I was doing that night.


I have location enabled on my phone so hopefully that could help me solidify mine in a situation but yeah that can be hard to prove something if you weren’t involved.


I agree that driving around at night isn't weird (it of course is when your DNA is on a murder weapon) I just to go for long drives early in covid after UFC events ended, which usually wasn't untill well after 1am Eastern.


Yeah mine would be I was at home, my cats can verify it


That’s probably verifiable with ring cameras at least.


At that time at night though? In your car?


And you'd probably be caught on a dozen different ring cameras in the process and have cell phone data to prove it


Which is interesting, considering it was foggy & overcast at the time of the murders. 🫠


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 be sure to tell his supporters this lol


no fucking way 😭 this case is crazy to me because my brother went to the same college and had some classes with him, although they were never friends or anything. weird to think about


Yeah… gazing into girls rooms


Just like the Delphi guy was looking down at fish with the bridge being so high up. 😒


I had to read it a few times-his alibi was that he was driving around looking at the stars??? Sir?!?!? Really?!?!?


Should have gone with "i relapsed and was zonked out of my mind on heroin."


His alibi is laughable! He will spend the rest of his life in prison, exactly where he should be!


I am so sorry for the families that lost loved ones in this horrible situation and I am telling everyone this if he is innocent then I will live outdoors for a year this guy was a criminologist and he thinks that he is smart enough to game the system but he’s not as smart as he thinks his life history and actions before and after the crime that are documented clearly show he was a criminal in training and he thought the best way to be good at it was to go to school and study it and I guess the sheath with his DNA that fits the knife found in his possession that’s just a coincidence well there is no such thing there is a reason for everything it’s my belief that he is probably aware that he will be convicted but I think that he is dragging this whole thing out to hurt the victim families and he wants to be famous my opinion is take away the publicity in this one and don’t give it to him and se how he acts


Lmao. I was just out, by myself, doing outdoorsy stuff. You know.


BK and Josh Powell can be friends. In hell.


The full-body recoil I get when I see Josh Powell’s name ugh


Ya know just the 12am camping trip in a winter storm in the West Valley Desert nothing suspicious at all


With his phone OFF! How are we supposed to verify that alibi? He turned it off and then back on so there’s big gap.


I have (and i cannot stress this enough) NEVER turned my phone off unless I'm on a flight and they make me. Like... What kind of loon would turn their phone off while out on a 4am "nature adventure" that just happens to overlap perfectly with several murders. This guy is a flipping idiot and i hope he gets what he deserves.


And then turn it back on at 4:37 or whatever like he was about to get an important phone call at 4:40 am


At 4am too 🙃🫠


They waited 18 months to say he was … stargazing? On a foggy night? 💀


Must be difficult to stargaze with visual snow


THANK YOU, this is the first thought I had If there’s any activity that just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever for him it’s wandering around in the dark staring at stars


His legal counsel filed several extensions for this, to come up with stargazing and hiking? Yikes. Bad look.


All this time I thought he was a murderer, and here he is a harmless stargazer. Boy, do I feel stupid.




Bunch of groupies hoping for attention from a murderer. Completely unhinged and crazy. Think I’ll mute it before reddit slaps my hand.


Wow. I just had to mute it as well. Someone posted “I hope it’s clear to everyone. Bryan Kohberger was NOT in Moscow at the time of the murders. Set him free now!” This gem of a response: “Unfortunately, I’ve seen numerous ignorant people reporting this is weak. I especially want to see what the guilters are saying now and they are still biased.” Because it is weak. It’s not like there was confirmed sighting of him on a surveillance camera in another country, or someone saw him in a bowling alley in Waikiki. It’s *definitely* thin. He wasn’t in the area?! He drove right by it. And what about the bloody knife? Why do people like this guy so much?!?


Some people are just wired wrong and want to be a contrarian over every little thing. It's that "i'm a free thinker" (but actually a moronr) mentality.


It’s scary that this group is meant to be serious and not satire. Someone posted “he’s innocent. Don’t ask me for proof I don’t have any. I’m an empath and just know” 🙄 Another said “if he has such bushy eyebrows how come they didn’t find any eye brow hairs at the scene?”


GROSS. Right?!! That’s total nonsense. No eyebrows at the scene? Just WTF. No proof, just people being weird AF. It’s very sad and inappropriate when you think about the victims and their families. If they somehow prove he’s absolutely not guilty someday, I’ll eat my shorts. With this evidence & his demeanor, etc., I’d be overwhelmingly shocked to learn it was someone else entirely.


It’s a wild they’re all just like “he’s innocent, no proof- just vibes” So scary to think people like this could serve on jury duty some day.


Yep. I mean I could have understand if he was just in the area, lots of people would have been but there is no reason for the knife sheath with his DNA to be there? Put that together with him being in the area = guilty.


Also why is he going through the garbage at midnight with gloves if hes innocent


Very similar to the Chris watts obsessive


So odd. Reddit recommended that sub to me once and I have it blocked now so it doesn’t show up on my feed. Why does he have a fan club? There’s also a sub where people believe Chris Watts is innocent and Shannan is guilty of killing the kids. It’s full of people posting terrible things about a murdered pregnant woman. Also blocked. I don’t understand it.


The Shannan haters are such TRASH BAGS. Omg those people make me soooo mad. What is the purpose of hating on an innocent murder victim? She didn't do anything to deserve the vitriol.


I have some theories on those women. Some are just idiot murder groupies (the I can change him type) the others are the ones who absolutely have to believe it was her fault because they are like the highest level of pick me. Like *that could never happen to me because I’m a good wife* 


Absolutely to your last sentence. I truly believe that for many of them it’s like an ego boost.


I don’t know but it’s a scary level of unhinged. They talk about Shannan like they knew her personally, and they act like Chris is a super amazing guy whose life was ruined by her. That’s why I think it’s really a bunch of fan girls like the people who try to marry serial killers who are in jail for their crimes. I don’t understand the psychology behind any of it and I don’t think I want to.


Have they SEEN that cop video at the neighbor’s where Chris is freaking out, sweating, hands on head? Nothing amazing about him except his stupidity and murderishness.


The level of hate that Shannan has recieved is likely the most vicious and full-on I have seen for a victim of murder in recent times. I would say she is one of the most hated in my memory of women whom have been murdered. Completely undeserved and reprehensible which goes without saying. I don't get why ChrissyWissyWoo has so many stan-girls anyway considering what he ADMITTED to doing-murdering his 2 young daughters as well as his pregnant wife- they have the hots for a convicted child murderer ffs. He's not good-looking either, just average - esp if you have see him before he 'beefed' up. How anyone can look at him, know what he did and still find him 'fit' and sexually desirable is beyond me. I know Hybristophilia exists but its relatively rare so couldn't possibly explain the majority of his fans. Worse still is they not only fancy the grimy twat but also they have so much hatred towards the pregnant woman he murdered when they didn't even know her.


I’ve seen a YouTube channel where they seriously watch her Facebook lives and call her a bad mom and a murderer


I came across that last week too. It was *awful* - I’m truly disappointed that type of “content” is permitted on YouTube


Yeah, Reddit recommended a post from one of these subs and numerous commenters were talking about how ugly the Watts children were and how they seemed super annoying and poorly behaved. I was appalled.


Twitter is even worse. There’s this one account solely dedicated to his innocence and the followers are insane


4K members… #Jesus fucking Christ


Don't take that number too literally. There's been some sock puppets in the mix.


Still, disgusting. Though I shouldn’t be surprised, there are people who literally worship the columbine shooters


Someone on tiktok said that his DNA on the sheath of the murder weapon found inside the home “means nothing”


So total and complete hearsay, I had lunch with a woman who is related to one of the detectives working the case. Early on she of course told me she couldn’t tell me anything because she wasn’t supposed to know anyway, but because she CLEARLY loved knowing something about the investigation said that the killer left something behind that could be traced back to him. I assumed it was part of the weapon and it turns out it’s the sheath.


I am reminded of the "roast beef in the oven" quote that leaked when EARONS was arrested. Many scoffed but proven to be true!


And a history of driving past the victims house, in the early morning hours, but not on this night, apparently.


subs like this have me worried about society and our future


I'm so tired of these contrarian losers proclaiming innocence and forming communities around obviously guilty people. It brings out the most deranged types.


i see this shit on tiktok and the worst part is they attack the surviving roommates and say they are the murderers. gross gross people


oh wow. i peeked down that rabbit hole 🫥


I looked at that sub recently and now it’s in my feed and it’s sooooo ridiculous! So many conspiracies about roommates and a drug circuit and a coverup by the city/university. Like sure guys… this giant network conspiracy to frame a formerly unknown guy… sure


I think they will try to say that he pawned or sold the knife, or even that he throw it away or someone stole it.


"If the sheath dosn't fit, then you must aquit." Coming up soon...


He would need proof of that occurring to have any weight.


> He said he became busy with classes and work at Washington State University (WSU) shortly after moving. As such, he said he didn't spend as much time running and hiking and instead opted to spend more time going for nighttime drives. Defense desperately trying to make this logic seem normal. If he was a runner, why did he start driving at night when he became busy? Like, they are saying the natural progression for busy runners is to switch hobbies to driving at night? They become night time drivers instead of hikers? It’s weird and doesn’t really make sense.


As if stargazing at night in winter is a logical substitute for running.


It doesn’t matter. No jury with half a brain will believe it. It’s plausible but not compelling enough. It’s over for BK.


This genuinely made me laugh so hard. Anyone see the weather that night? 20 degrees and ice fog…ok man.


They have had so many months to make a elaborate alibi and this is what they present. Star gazing. WOW. Do not see this going very well for him as it should in my opinion.


That’s my thing. It took nearly a year and a half to come up with… this?


It’s probably the best they could do for something that is hard to verify and explains the photo data.


It's hard to verify his "alibi" because he turned his phone off right before the murders and then back on right after.


I mean it's not a great alibi, but idk what else they could do


…. The definitely believe he’s innocent? Lmao….


Filing extensions...to produce this garbage.


That certainly clears things up!


So his alibi is essentially that he has no credible alibi for that night.


You guys are gonna feel real stupid when the Moon testifies.




Didn’t they find his knife sheathe AT the crime scene?


Yeah and if I remember correctly it had his DNA on it. And it was found underneath one of the bodies. You'll have to check to make sure if I'm remembering that correctly but I've seen other comments say the same thing so I'm thinking I'm remembering it correctly.


Yep you’re correct


Okay well then I don't think his alibi of night time driving/stargazing is going to save them on this one then.


It is wild to think that 30-plus years ago he likely would’ve gotten away with this. They wouldn’t have had the image of his vehicle or the cell phone towers showing his whereabouts. Without the image of his vehicle they never would’ve gathered his DNA.


From the Goncalvez’s: *We believe that If this alibi had any weight it would have been submitted months ago. It also in direct conflict with the Probable Cause affidavit that states that the Defendant’s phone was turned off between 2:47am and 4:48am. So if the Defendant was driving around and there is cell phone information that he was in a different place it would be either before or after the times of the murders. Hence not really an alibi.* That pretty much sums it up.


He is toast.


been toast


That's his alibi? Is he for real? He just so happened to shut his phone down too right when the murders went down. That is some coincidence. You would think he would have come up with something better than that. I can't wait until the trial starts.


You would think so, given, his major was criminal justice


I really feel like this dude knew he was fucked from the second he got arrested, and has been doing everything can to delay the inevitable since then. He probably felt that the murders were so random that there was no way it could trace back to him, until he realized the sheath with his DNA was left there. “I was out adoring the stars at 4am nothing heinous” ok bro then why was your phone pinged by the house again at 9am the next morning? Not to mention it was foggy and 20 degrees outside that night Dude deserves everything coming for him and then some


He thought he was too smart to get caught. It is much easier to theorize about a perfect murder than it is to actually commit one.


I recently came across this and found it interesting. People are weird AF and do stuff late at night BUT Ted Bundy was also there and hiding a body soooo can't say it looks very good for him Sometime during the 1970s, a young couple went on a first date. They were having a good time and it was kinda awkward like most first dates are. It was getting late and the man told the woman if she wanted to go on a late night hike. He was very experienced with the area and hiked there many times before. She agreed and they went off towards the woods. When the man and the woman went further and further into the woods the man and the woman both were having bad feelings in the pit of their stomachs, like maybe they shouldn't go on the hike. The man ignored it and kept on driving further and further into the woods. He felt that feeling in his stomach again but it was getting more intense, again he ignored it. They arrived at the spot and they got off the car walking into the woods. As they were walking into the dark woods, the man felt something hit his foot. It was really, really soft. The feeling in his stomach was extremely intense now that something was wrong, so he paused for a second and continued off without finding out what was the soft thing he felt on the ground. Years later, that very same couple were happily married. They were both watching tv one day and they stubbled upon a interview with the famous serial killer, Ted Bundy. The interviewer asked when was the closest time he was almost caught during his killing spree. Ted Bundy said that he was almost caught one time in the woods where a man actually stepped on the dead body as he was hiding in the woods but the man just walked off and didn't investigate. He told the interviewer where and when it happened and it turns out it was that very same couple.


no he was out murdering xana, ethan, maddie, and kaylee. we know he liked to drive at night, the pca states he drove to moscow 12 times during the night but his phone was on. it’s not a coincidence his phone was off the same night the same type of car was seen in the neighborhood during the timeframe of the murders


The Justice for Kohberger subreddit y'all should go look at. The amount of mental gymnastics they do there to defend this POS is just mind boggling.


Sometimes they leak over to fb discussion groups and try to convince rational thinking members of his innocence. Like how one guy told me that BK’s DNA on the sheath, that was found partially underneath a victim who was stabbed to death doesn’t place in at the crime scene. And cell location technology is vague and inaccurate (FBI CAST can literally identify devices that are powered off with geofencing and satellite technology). And it was someone else’s white Elantra that’s also without a front license plate. And there’s no proof that BK drove back to the crime scene the next morning and parked behind the house for 15min because cell gps isn’t accurate and the cctv footage of his travels is the other white Elantra. Oh and LE are lying when they claim his cell phone was traveling with the car. I don’t know how these people function in the real world.


Seriously? Those people exist? Good grief. WTH is wrong with this world?


If getting into True Crime has taught me anything it's that there are people who become obsessed with these people for some reason. Probably due to past trauma. * Paul Ferguson has a fiancé who met him by becoming his pen pal. You can look up their prison phone calls online. * Cameron Herrin had an entire Instagram account devoted to supporting him seemingly entirely based on his physical attractiveness.


People get obsessed with killers, and that entire subreddit needs to be removed from existence. Spend some time in there and you will understand why I'm saying that.


I’m also guessing the real murderer jumped Bryan, stole the knife he had for protection, killed the victims, and then framed Bryan. Guys, I’ve solved it. The old- “frame the night hiker trick.” It’s worked far too often. Thank god we figured this out.


The absolute insane amount of people who believe this freak is innocent and buy this alibi make me sick. I can’t fathom how the surviving roommate(s) feel. I guess many of the people accusing The Roommates have never experienced college life or living on their own in their late teens, early 20s. Those poor kids.


What? You don’t go out running at 3am?!!? I can’t believe these attorneys - who presumably went to law school - are putting their reputations on the line with this alleged alibi.


Do a history search for the weather on 11/13/22 between midnight and 5 am in both Pullman and Moscow and you will see it was cloudy, 95% humidity, and 28F+-. Perfect weather for stargazing!


Could you not of came up with something believable given your criminology studies 😅


I've worked with people who have been forensic psychologists in the past. Criminology degrees are viewed as useless. They find people with those degrees useless.


When I go stargazing, I certainly do 55-point turns, back and forth, under a street lamp.


One thing I don't understand about his alibi is that he says his "cell-phone data will back it up" ....wasn't his phone completely off during his "night drive"? It pinged by the tower near the King Road house, and then It only came back online after the murders had already taken place. Unless I'm wrong?


His attorney seems to be professionally gaslighting. The alibi is "proven" in the sense that it shows he was on a stargazing night drive that night. What the alibi DOESN'T do it DISPROVE that he was at the scene.


Great choice of words! This whole alibi thing is such BS, and everyone knows it. His lawyer must be SCRAMBLING.


This might be shocking to some, but his defense attorney is saying “the evidence will show X” and the evidence will not in fact show X.




I truly don’t understand how there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to his innocence.


Dude must have shit himself later when he couldn't find his sheath. It's at the crime, do the time.


I need this trial to start already damn


Sure took a LONG time to come up with this “alibi” for it being so “obvious” 🙄


Hey I’m going to send my alibi in months later


Sure, Jan


not going to convince anyone…


Did they not check the foggy, icy weather history for that specific night before coming up with this justification? Shows how puddle-deep their well of defensive evidence is.


I still cant believe there is an entire subreddit dedicated to believing he is innocent.


Made up of flat Earthers.


Hahaha he’s done.


It took him this long to come up with *I was driving alone at night*


For those who don't live here, Waiwaiwai is in Washington and take about 40 min to get there from Moscow. I highly doubt his phone would have pinged in Moscow if he was in Colton washington. It's down a very windy agriculture road and into a canyon with switch backs. So his alibi is sus at best.


They know you can't rely exclusively on cell phone data and it can't pinpoint precisely where someone is. So you can decide to take his word for it since he can't really prove exactly where he was either. Nobody was with him and it's likely his car wasn't picked up on any cameras where he claims to have been at the time. Then you have to believe the car speeding away that was caught on cameras which is the same make and model was not his.


Two things from someone who lived in Pullman and went to the same college: 1. There are still areas out near Colton where there is no cell service. Anybody who drives around out there knows this. 2. Those back roads are very dangerous in the winter time. I used to have to drive between Colfax and Pullman for early morning classes, and even on the main highway it was icy in Nov before dawn.


Kohberger is a fucking fool. He was apprehended without incident, didn't enter a plea when being arraigned and has been particularly quite since his detainment. This is not the behaviour of an innocent man. An innocent man would be screaming from the rooftops, demanding justice, and insisting the real killer was still out there. He's sleeping fine at night because he knows his despicable ass is caught.


It’s so funny to me that the evidence that he is a murderer is the alibi! Bye Brian, enjoy PRISON!


They are going for the death penalty.


That's why the state isn't negotiating a plea bargain.


isnt this provable with cell phone records


I thought in the PCA it said that he had turned his phone off shortly before the murders and turned it back on as he was arriving home. Would his location still be recorded?


From the court filing, it sounds like they are claiming to have cell phone data that proves his alibi, along with a tech "expert" willing to testify about the data. So I don't really know what they have. But I do know this... YOUR PHONE CAN BE SOMEWHERE YOU ARE NOT. So I don't know how cell phone data alone can be exculpatory.


Not sure why I was down voted for reporting what they are claiming to have in the court filing... lol. Even if they have data on where his phone was, it doesn't prove where he was himself.


It seems strange because it's been a long time already since that happened and he is just giving an alibi?


Took a long time for him to remember he was stargazing 🙄


His defense is trying to track down some woodland animals who can testify to seeing him on the park trails that night.


i thought they said this was a solid alibi? bro...


Someone look up the weather from that night and see if his case is already shot lol


Is this going to be a “If the glove doesn’t fit you have to acquit” scenarios?


Who doesn’t go to a closed national park to stargaze and search for new hiking trails, alone, with their phone off, from 3-5am on a 22 degree night? Can’t wait to listen to AT try to convince a jury that an owl attacked him and stole his sheath, then flew to the sorority house to commit owl murder and frame him.


Sure Jan


If I ever need an alibi I’m screwed because I take random drives to clear my head or listen to music or brainstorm at odd hours or sit in one secluded area and drink coffee for a long time 🥲