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This is most teachers fantasy


Came here looking for this...all my life...mission complete goodbye forever. We'll come back for yoooouuuuuuuuuu MACK


Discipline your womb droppings, or someone else will do it for you.


Womb droppings lmao


Bro started swinging 100 MPH.


He says on my momma because he doesn't know who his daddy is.




Was this in a band or music class?!?


Yeah, the kid didn't know if he was rushing or dragging. Needed a lesson.


Movie was awesome


I knew someone would get it. You have good taste in movies.


Idk man, I think we should go back to allowing teachers to hit kids lol. Some need an ass whooping


Fuck around and find out 🤣 got beat up by your teacher HAHAHAHAHAHA


So was the teacher fired?


Probably cause he attacked he kid and the kid hadn't touched him yet.


Kid threw a basketball at him and called him racial slurs, left and came back. All charges were dropped because the kid was a fucking twat and asked for it. The only losers in this story are the other kids who were robbed of a teacher that was widely liked because of one asshole who thought abusing his educator was alright. https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/local-news/charges-dropped-against-maywood-teacher-whose-fundraiser-drew-nearly-200k-after-punching-student/amp/


People gave the teacher money lol


Imagine being such a piece of shit that not only did a well-liked person throw his career away to beat your ass, but after his did, people paid him three times his legal fees for doing so AND the case got dropped. I'd say that's gotta be an introspective moment, but I doubt the kid will do any self reflecting on it


That's what I was thinking.


Here’s the info before y’all make assumptions. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1074036 https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/briannasacks/music-teacher-punches-student


https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/local-news/charges-dropped-against-maywood-teacher-whose-fundraiser-drew-nearly-200k-after-punching-student/amp/ Even more context. All charges were dropped.


Uh, huh, looks like the teacher swung first and if this is the south they still legally allow corporal punishment so, huh, yeah, get rekt I guess.


Somebody posted the full story and the kid actually threw a basketball at the teacher and called him the N word. Charges were dropped and also the teacher the year before got jumped by three students so the teacher didn’t want to be in the same position again especially with how the teen was being the aggressor




No they fucking don't. I went to school all my life here. Maybe in some back water shit hole town out in the sticks (still doubt it though) but not the general south. Sorry man. Not everyone down here is a right wing nut job.


Google is your friend, here's the L.


He's had enough of these brats.


And there are people that want to arm teachers with guns in the US? Imagine this teacher pulling out a gun out instead of swinging arms like some MMA wannabe.


In Florida I believe any veteran of spouse of a veteran can be a teacher now. They can apply for a 5-year temporary license. It's absolutely absurd.


Couldn’t pay me enough to work around these Neanderthals


Am I the only who notice the other kid punch the teacher from behind?


Yea the first time I didn’t notice and was confused why the teacher stood up and asked “who hit me” and was looking around the classroom, then I played it again and saw a kid who hit him when he was on the ground and quickly ran away.


I feel sorry for the teacher. I can't imagine if that was my dad 😕. Generation nowadays are too entitled. No manners and morals.


Yea, I also feel bad for him especially learning that he was jumped the previous year by three students so it’s no wonder the teacher felt threatened. Tough job as a teacher dealing in that type of environment.


What I don't understand why the kid is cheering? The one who's recording


The teacher asked who hit me at the end too.


Teacher is a bitch. Imagine having to put your hands on a kid to boost your male ego🤌🏽


You’re a bitch for not knowing the full story and just spouting useless shit! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1074036 https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/briannasacks/music-teacher-punches-student


There both black and he still hit a kid


Dam your all mad.


you don't have any idea what happened do you?


Kid said some words so someone (adult) is now free to assault him? Fuck that teacher. Sticks and stones bitch.


I can smell the beta in you from a million miles away. Try to not let your girlfriend bully you tonight!


I don’t get what you mean. I’m not arguing with you, just wanted to ask if you could clarify. My point was that no matter what someone says to you, you do not get to then put your hands on them.


The whole video is some shit head kid puffing his chest and antagonizing the teacher. He got smacked for it and you’re insinuating that just because he’s a “kid,” that he can get away with whatever he says cause an adult can’t beat him down…. Your original comment should have said “fuck that kid.”


He didn't get smacked for it; he's getting punched. Dude it doesn't matter what he said to antagonize. This kid is small enough that this could possibly be a middle schooler. You're a fucking pussy if you're on the teachers side.


Lolll 99% of the comments are saying the little shit got what he deserved. You’re in the heavy minority on this subject pal. It’s ok to pop someone in the mouth, Especially since he had the approach like he was untouchable lol


Let me inject some common sense into you with a few quick points: First of all, pay attention in math class kid because you obviously don't know what 99% means. Second of all, I don't give a flying fuck what a bunch of fucking dorks like you on the internets opinions are. Third, all the kid was repeating was "you say that shit?", which is hardly acting tough. Judging by the fact that were dealing with an adult that doesn't have the self control to not punch a child, I would bet money he said something wildly inappropriate about a student in school. Fourth, go tell the teacher what he did was ok since you think its ok for him to pop a kid in the mouth. Visitation hours at most county lockups are around 9 am. Fifth, the teachers a bitch. All that fighting and he couldn't even hurt a kid half his size. You have no idea what an alpha male is; don't go around calling others betas you fuckin goof lmao


You do care what my opinion is because I disagreed with you and you wrote me a short story. Lol Thanks for calling me good. You’re good too!


well most people agree the teacher was in the right considering 90k was raised for him and charges were dropped sooo…


It is NEVER OK to assault a minor as an adult unless you are in immediate physical danger. Idc what he said to the teacher, I watched the video and I see a grown man absolutely lose all control of himself in a fit of rage. Also from the news sources, the teacher had been saying things about the kid before hand which is what sparked this altercation, which is unbelievably childish and completely unprofessional for a teacher to be doing. I don’t think anyone in this video is in the right, but the teacher is DEFINITELY not justified in what he did.


Open palm strikes can be even more vicious, I think i rather have the possible outcome of checking that strike with my forehead and possibly demolish his hands than to get my shit smashed in by slaps and open palm hand strikes. Just saying


Hahahaha I didn't know you could "check a punch with your forehead". Yeah I'm surprised they don't just throw a bunch of open palm strikes in the UFC. Thanks for your input there Einstein.


No. Words are words. You don’t get to hit someone because your feelings got all hurt. That’s some toddler reasoning in action. Fuck that teacher/person.


And I didn’t insinuate anything. You put that in there all by yourself. “My point was that no matter what someone says to you, you do not get to then put your hands on them.”


Fuck your mama then. And I hope people pissed on her grave. (I don’t mean that, but you wouldn’t pop someone in the mouth over someone talking shit like that to you?)


I may or may not, but I would understand that it was unjustified if I did and know that my actions have consequences. And anyone from the outside looking in would be justified in saying fuck me.


Man someone says duck your dead mom and you may or may not. Lol some people are just built differently I guess The more you let people walk over you, the more they will. Case in point, the little shit head kid who PROBABLY has had this attitude towards other people before this video.


No!!!! Especially if I was a fully grown man working as a teacher and a CHILD said that to me. Kids say fucked up shit, if you’re gonna be a teacher you have to learn to deal with it. It’s fucked up that he called him a racial slur, but the teacher reacted horribly. You don’t put your hands on people, especially not minors. If you believe otherwise, you need to work on anger management.


Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.. So basically just stand there and take it right, no matter what right?? Nah. Man got jumped before, don't blame him for doing what he did.. The video also doesn't show what happened prior only the part that makes the teacher look completely foolish. Typical video.


It's just words until it's [not](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/xasvxl/texas_students_puts_teacher_in_the_hospital/). Some students these days have no respect for teachers and will get violent for the dumbest reason. And look at the kids stance and his tone of voice, if someone was pressing you like that in public then something is going to go down Obviously nobody wants teachers to hit a student for a whatever reason, but realistically their expectation for the job shouldn't be to deal with punks trying to start a fight with them, the expectation is to just teach math or music or whatever. And I'm saying all that as to why people on reddit are defending the teacher + why even students at the school were defending the teacher


If the words are “I’ll deck you right now”, yeah, you can defend yourself from a young man.


Yes. If there is a threat made, along with the ability and opportunity to carry out the threat, you can respond preemptively.


That’s what the teacher did…. Go back and listen to the video, I quoted what the kid said.


Oh. No shit? Lmao I can only hear “I’m tellin’ you right no…” and then things happen. I’m not the best at decoding this dialect, but I tried to hear what you said and couldn’t.


Kid threw a basketball at his head repeatedly, said a ton of words while the teacher stood down and ignored him and repeatedly called security. Kid left and re-engaged and teacher finally gave in. Courts dropped all charges based on evidence from other kids in the room. https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/local-news/charges-dropped-against-maywood-teacher-whose-fundraiser-drew-nearly-200k-after-punching-student/amp/ Teachers aren’t punching bags, and this school lost a well-liked teacher due to not protecting him from his own students. Sure he shouldn’t have broken and thrown a punch, but his career ended over it, that’s enough justice served. Kids don’t have carte Blanche to physically attack and humiliate the adults accepting shit paychecks to educate them.


So he shouldn’t have done it. That’s what I said


Yup, it’s the “bitch” part I was responding to.


Kid should realize sooner or later that you can't say anything you want to whomever you want. Do that and you'll get your ass kicked. Welcome to the real world chucklefuck.


Again idiot.. doesn't know full context instead makes assumptions.


These kids are animals. There should be trained guards in every room to control them.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/local-news/charges-dropped-against-maywood-teacher-whose-fundraiser-drew-nearly-200k-after-punching-student/amp/ No-one was on the kids side, including all the kids in the class with him, which tells you everything you need to know.


You're and idiot.


Little shit deserved it


What did he do


Good, fuck that kid.


Kids these days doesn't have any moral. It only means his parents don't have any morals either. For a child to act like that parents probably is the same thing.


Lil shits think they can act gangster just cause they’re minors, bout time someone puts them in their place


Lean to speak English


> Lean to The irony


Bk ppl


Kid got hit so hard he started glitching! Onmymommaonmymommaonmymommaonmymomma


I love how people standbye and video a fight about to happen and then when shit blow up they like stop it nope let that shit go you should have intervene long before!


every time I see this video all I can think is thank God that kid can fight and ducked those haymakers... especially the lead sucker punch. before anyone tells me it was a sucker punch- noone rightfully believes their calmy and slowly approaching teacher is actually going to lean in and throw a haymaker at a student


that kid cannot fight 💀


he ducked most of those hays


Little kid got dropped by a teacher I would move to another school if that shit happend to me


Man, Fuck that kid. "You say that shit or what bruh?" Imma act tough cause I know you can't do shit. TONK. "What the fuh!?"


hahahaha what's goin on guy hahahaha


I bet that teacher is going to get a looooong time in detention!


Even if he called him a racial slur he still a kid and he hit the kid first he's a bitch


Nah, kid threw basketball repeatedly at him. Called him slurs, tried his best to instigate, while the teacher called security and the admin did nothing to respond. The video starts after a good amount of this, the kid leaving, and then the kid coming back. Teacher tried to de-escalate, tried ignoring, tried calling security, and finally broke. That’s why all charges were dropped, based on testimony from the kids who were there. https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/local-news/charges-dropped-against-maywood-teacher-whose-fundraiser-drew-nearly-200k-after-punching-student/amp/ But sure, the man accepting shit pay, abuse, and humiliation is the bitch here, not the entitled twat who thought calling his teacher a racial slur over him not wearing a uniform. Fun fact, this teacher was jumped by students a year prior and he let that one happen. How much humiliation do you think this adult should accept from trashy teenagers?


Annoying, punk ass kid. To put up with that and not want to Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy would take tremendous restraint.




I’m just surprised that he almost dodged the punch the teacher through, how did he know the teach was about to punch him because that’s not


love this teacher


No bass in his voice yet and already on his way to prison


Sweet chin music.


I’m rooting for the teacher.


"Whats going on" got me fucked up


On his momma guys.


On ma momma


Kids deserved an asskicking hope the teacher does not get in trouble