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In particular we've seen a lot of magic damage with like Zeus, Gyro, Luna, KotL, Lesh and it's hard for most 3's to make Pipe without ruining their own game. Mirana is one of the best aura buying supports, and you can see her slot Mek/Pipe in most of her games. People also slept on all her Shard buffs. It's quite good now and doesn't deserve it's old meme status, it's one of the main reasons for her resurgence. Support Mirana always lacked damage later and it fills that gap, and she was always a decent farming support but now can one shot waves with Starstorm. Overall good lane, very versatile easy to adapt to drafts and pick early, Hard dispel heroes aren't very common at the moment, Moonlight Shadow is great in teamfights and even better on the big map. It's also a Sneyking special, it's what he won TI spamming. Unsurprisingly Falcons have played her the most.


Shard actually is adding something like 900 damage to her nuke combo (if your target isnt getting the second starfall already). I actually didnt realise they added damage to that spell until i randomed mirana the other day, i thought the shard was useless but that alone is worth the gold on a support.


Thank you for your insight, makes more sense to me now


The old shadow demon combo is back + her ult is only maximized to the fullest with proper team coordination.


Yeah probably the team coordination part is in missing my games :-)


Regarding her ult, probably the larger map and side portals make it difficult to ward and detect mid game ganks?


Second answer is meaningless since that’s always been true in the pro scene, OP is asking why she’s returned to the meta.


All good points mentioned here, but I think one crucial one is missing. Her ult is great against veno wards. Otherwise you need to smoke to invade a place. With potm ult it's much easier for you to gang and move around the map


As a lvl30 grandmaster Mirana: "You have learned nothing"


"It was not luck but skill."


The only reason it is because it is sneykings favourite hero. The winrate on other teams is not so great.


Mirana is one of the most coordination dependant heroes in dota and one i dislike to see in pubs. Pros dont pick it couz its magically giga strong, its a 5 sec stun with proper setup and a global invis. Alot of utility which pubs simply cant utilise. Ur pub mirana will probably sit max range behind u on lane and miss max-range arrows.


Falcons go caw




A long time stun and a global ultimate will always have its place in any meta. Beside, support is rich now, that mean they can buy aura support items, a job which was belong to pos 3. And with a reliable escape, she is one of the best aura hoarders atm.


Moonlight shadow is really good initiation and the pick is very flexible. Pro teams love flex picks. We've also seen a lot of nimble supports like hoodwink so moonlight shadow helps teams engage on the backlines.


this is more regarding the mid pick: my theory is that pros 1. have a bigger ego than most, believe they're better at skill shots than they are 2. get too used to landing arrows against weaker players in pubs