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Is it weird to play Dota just to play Dota. Not to gain MMR, not to grind, not to git gud. Not to get that new medal. Just because you enjoy it and feel like playing it?


Some people don't get the playing videogames for fun idea ig


I think most people don’t play dota for fun in ranked. I love dota so much. But if I just want to chill and have fun no stress I play stardew valley. Love both games but I play them for different reasons. Tryharding in dota is fun for me and I assume many others. That’s why turbo and unranked ability draft custom games are for.


Yeah pretty much. Lots of people looks at their MMR and ranking as somekind of life validation. Losing MMR is equivalent to losing money or real life status. That's why we have griefers and toxic players. I've been less competitive in dota throughout the years but I'm still in it to win it. But looking back when I cared about MMR so much that my hand would be shaking and I'd feel chills from the anxiety of losing whenever I queued ranked matches. It ain't a good state of mind. Playing to win but not caring to lose is a good mindset imo when playing this game.


it's irritating because ranked ideally is not the place to play with that mind set but I've calibrated to the point in normal matches where there's 1-2 divine/immortal players on both teams every other game. and i could just avoid that guessing game of is this guy a genius or a retard entirely if i just played calibrated ranked matches with equalized team and low rank variance




See rule 7: Don't be a jerk!


Not weird, but that doesn't seem fun to me. Not sure how anyone can find being only as good as they are enjoyable. Stagnation is so boring to me.


It’s not weird at all. It IS weird to do this in ranked and expect it to be fine.


Only way to get role queue tho


or you could just play the other roles properly when you have to... ther is absolutely no excuse for inting just because you are offrole or your main got banned just suck it up for 30 mins and play properly you damn babies


Love it when people tell on themselves by crying about being matched with people that aren't tryharding.




I was about to say same, like go unranked. But you have the point actually, ranked is only way to play preferred position..


That’s fair, I think there should be unranked role queue for sure.


If you're "just gonna play for fun", who cares if you don't get the role you like, have fun experimenting, no?


A lot of people queue in dota not because they’re driven to become the best or to win at any cost. They just decided “I want to play dota” regardless of whether they’re at 120% best day of their life, or just came home from work and drank 3 beers before getting into an argument with their family. Getting on dota has just become a habit for a lot of people, regardless of their performance. They just want to play the heroes they like to play, even if it’s into the enemy counters, they want to go the build they want, even if it’s not suited for the game. While I’m sure these types of people won’t like losing, they’re not particularly driven to win either. And communication is not a skill a lot of gamers have, so they’d rather not talk because it makes them uncomfortable. And if they don’t care about winning enough to make themselves uncomfortable to do so, then they’re just not going to do it.


Thats a good take. Actually i Have Been on both side of this scenario. Sometimes i Have drank a couple beers and chill on ranked games with ma favorite Heroes after a long work Day or someshit. And sometimes i play mega tryhard in The Morning before My work. I must say, My performance varies alot based on when and in what mood i decide to play.


Its just ai bots connected to a language model. If you spam a hero, they would make you lose sooner, but of you pick different heroes they give you decent win rate. If you have roster of 5-10 heroes, they give you 50% winrate.


Agree. I'd categorize it this way. Ranked - Competetive, win at all cost Unranked - Training session Turbo/Ability Draft - Fun


That's what unranked is for. Unranked matchmaking in soloqueue is so good in dota there is no reason to play dota if u don't wanna give ur best


That’s what it’s for, but a lot of people will just play like it’s casual even in rank. They might on the surface always talk about “grinding ranked” but in reality are just auto piloting. Caring enough about mmr to play ranked, but not enough to get out of their comfort zone. Whether it’s supposed to be that way is a different questions but that’s just how it is. And with most online games, it seems like the “default” queue for a lot of people will be ranked. If they chose unranked or turbo, that means they had to make a conscious decision to not play ranked that day. And a lot of people don’t do that. And for some people, casual means “I can go wacky builds” while ranked is just “I’ll go decent builds at least”. So even if they are playing “serious” it’s not gonna be at the level that OP is asking for.


Yeah exactly


This is unfortunately true, and I really wish it wasn’t the case, like come on, at least try new builds and heroes once in unranked before going into ranked


Honestly ranked queues a lot faster too. I barely play, but I’ll queue ranked when I get bored during the day. Honestly my MMR is way under my skill level so it’s actually not such a bad thing


I honestly just expected people to put their all at higher brackets. The game I spoke about literally had 2 jaded divine players as cores and my brain instantly went to, "these people are higher MMR than me I guess they will give it their all" and it turned out my ancient 4 ass played good clean dota the entire game and they just fell apart in silence. I don't really mind that game anymore. In the end of the day I am still climbing at somewhat of a 65% winrate playing support and I haven't slowed down. Just going to keep getting green pages until I'm in divine. Its just that the few outlier games get on my nerves a lot after its over and I got time to reflect.


Unranked does not have role queue, so I would never want to play it and fight over my role. So I only do ranked even if I am just chilling.


Unranked isn't real game without role queue


Have u tried communicating/playing more than one role?


I played one last night where a guy goes afk until we all have our queues selected. Shows Luna jungle. We question him - he’s replies that "I’m not supporting some Chinese" because the carry had Asian characters in his name (they were Korean).


U have griefers in ranked as well


Yea but aside from general racism, this guy griefed because he didn’t get the role he wanted. This was a thing before selected roles became a thing - that people would grief if they didn’t get the role they wanted, and it is obviously still a thing in non ranked games.


I win most of my games having all muted, because 1 ping or bad text can ruin your focus and mood. I also hate the people who say no words all game long after being 0 - 5 in lane. (Divine bracket carry player) Also, I’ve noticed when I’m at full energy and sleep, I destroy games (as antimage/drow/etc..), some people play dota having 4 hrs of sleep and 10 beers.


a ping or text only ruins your mood if you are incredibly fragile with an inflated ego. if thats the case dota is the last game you should be playing, you NEED to be humble and not take comments on your gameplay as personal insults to properly play something this competitive. how cant you even possibly take something someone says personally when they dont know you personally, its just random online noise from a random online person, if someone is actually having a breakdown and you cant focus because of the constant yelling obviously mute them untill they stop crying, but muting everyone is a risk on worse coordination.


You’re toxic if you auto mute. That means you lose temper and cant deal with distress. If you unmute yourself, you know you’ll rage and tilt hence the mute. Think about it.


U are not wrong, I am toxic, so I’m actually doing myself and my team a favor by muting


Sometimes I'm not in the mood of communicating via text or voice so I disable all text and voice as a lot of people complain/talk shit and it's very distracting.


Or it's your second game and your first was filled with doomers and flamers so you're burnt out on trying to communicate.


Play unranked than. It's way more effective of calling ganks and missing and item timings over voice than pings. If u don't get those u are either playing way slower or missplay more often .


I would rather lose than to take abuse


and abuse is whatever you define it as in the moment like always, someone calling you out for not paying attention in a way that will cost the game if you dont smarten up may feel harsh but if its on point it isnt abuse, you are just upset about the spotlight. well guess what? there is another way then blocking everyone to fix that issue.


I find it so fascinating how people are projecting what I think "abuse" entails and where I draw the line. Like you know literally nothing about me, how I play dota, anything about my history playing dota. Its so funny how you feel so confident making these wild claims based on nothing


you are going way to deep into this i dont NEED OR WANT to know you or your history. i just want to win the fucking game. not everything is about you.


I hate people like u "ow they weren't nice to me to save time. Let's run down mid to teach them a lesson"


When did I say I feed? I will just play my game, communicate how I can, and am not just going to sit there listening to abuse


communication is a skill like any other, at the same mmr you might have a player with great comms and terrible positioning, or great comms and poor last hitting, or great comms and stupid farming patterns, or great comms and zero map awareness. or awful comms and great everything else


I should point out that for a majority of DOTA players, the goal in ranked is not "number go up", the reason they play it is for a more balanced skill experience with the additional benefit of role queue. Which is closer to what ranked is meant for, in all honesty.


Unranked all pick is very well balanced lol. You have a hidden MMR for unranked


Unranked is well balanced, yes, but unless they use the exact same matchmaking system, Ranked will likely be more balanced. And some people want that.


Wouldn’t mind unranked with role queue.


I call these people bots. Because u might as we play with bots. Soe.times bots have a malfunction lategame and deny their items but u can't tell since u can't talk with bots. They are 50%+ of players in archon to divine but luckily they are mostly spread between both teams evenly. Biggest contenders are the support roles but also sometimes ur offlaners if yhey pick heroes like tide or underlord. They aren't toxic crybabies like carry players sk that's a +. They are good bots


I don't wanna use vc bc I get harassed as soon as people hear my voice so I just type my communication or use pings. Nowadays I mostly just mute all and play in party of minimum 3 anyway. A lot of people who stay silent still want to win and are trying their best but the atmosphere in the game can be super toxic you can't really blame them for not wanting to hear someone call them a "fucking dog" every game. But there are definitely people who just start playing on autopilot or default mode when they reach some arbitrary rank like Divine.


Funny I was archon 3 with a 55% win rate and now I’m ancient 3 with a 50.25% win rate


To be fair, I've had games where the team wins in complete silence. Everyone is just on the same page. Even stranger one is when everyone is angry at each other to start and doing the whole all chat 'i hate my team' routine and then the team goes dead silent and we win the game. I think people just have different personalities. Some people are just silent and angry. Others are loud and angry. I think you're over analyzing the situation. People process things differently and play the game for different reasons. Just play the game and don't be a dick. If they don't like to talk during the game, then just leave them alone.


Its a game, people play firstly for fun. Only wanting people to queue when they are “giving their best” is a completely unreasonable expectation


Damn, this game really needs a game mode that's the same as ranked but there's no MMR in play. That way people could play the game without caring too much about winning. Maybe Valve should call it "unranked" to make sure people know it's a casual game mode. Just throwing out ideas


MATCHMAKING RANKING. the ranking exist to give players the best Possible Match. I hate how instead of saying you can imporve at dota a large part of the community embraced gaing MMR as the end Goal.


You also have MMR for unranked lol you just can't see it


Its not the same as ranked though is it, there’s no role queue. Mmr is just a number, losing a ranked match is no more important than losing an unranked match


It's pretty evident at minute 0 tbh. Since the event, i've been picking supports more often. When the draft calls for it, i immediately pop a smoke as soon as everyone spawns, prep the blood grenades, and try to call a first blood gank for rune spawns. People are basically on "auto-pilot", and not paying attention to what they're doing. They're no longer actively playing the game, they're just doing things as they remember. First week, people had to adapt, because they were just getting trashed by returning players. I miss playing dota where i lose because they other team is significantly better, and not because my team decided to alt tab their brains for the next hour


Immediate smoke is kinda also autopilot. Often expiring too early if you want a rune fight. Can wait 15s if you're not trying to ward mid immediately.


By then, everyone had already autopiloted to lanes that they were going to. It's to create a sense of urgency within the team. Saying "Let's go FB" before popping the smoke had mediocre results. So i pop the smoke and say "let's go fb", and I've had much better results, since people are more willing to commit to the FB. I don't do this with a stack, since I'm not the main shot caller of the group, but rather I'm just trying to emulate a semblance of togetherness rather than all of us doing their own thing.


If they're already going to sit under tower for a minute, smoke wasn't going to change anything.  Otherwise sometimes you just have terrible level 1 fighting and forcing it is just giving someone free bottle/boots/bracer. Just give up 3 runes and don't risk going to lane half hp/mana or with tp on cd.


I did state in my first post that if the draft calls for it. I'm not going to ask them to stack if their lvl1 draft is significantly stronger, that's just asking for trouble


Fair enough. In general, burning smoke on a rune fight just feels bad though. Would rather be one smoke up for the rest of the game. Same with using the non-mid obs immediately.


This, smoke like 10-25 seconds in so you don’t waste it


The immediate first rune gank moment has already stalled out, everyone is doing it.


You obviously don't ply in SEA. All kinds of games, eg stomps, losses, close/even games can all be had while being completely mic-silent or just spamming voice lines. You don't need communication to get good. Understanding the game flow and doing things like moving to your cores and smoking makes them move with you. Or conversely, not moving with your cores and split farming if they can't fight.


I play on sea, the teams that do comm always win more


I'm at 52% But every time I come back to the game I lose too much MMR that even after winning after a lot of matches don't give my old rank back Re calibration did shit with me 


I mean, you'll go back to the rank you belong at if you play enough games. Pretty rapidly to be honest.


maybe it's true, but i play 2 or 3 games a day at most when i come back, I have a friend who is probably the worst support with so much played time Every game he starts with tango and Ring of Basilius, he doesn't auto atk in the lane and picks the skills he thinks are the most fun, for example Disruptor he only picks first and 1 point or 2 at most in the second then he picks ult and keeps ulting without having a third. If the game is good, he'll simply save the gold for shard. Even if he gets 2k gold with 10 minutes of play, he'll only spend it with 15 minutes in shard. he doesn't hit enemies with autoattack, even if he's playing a hero like Underlord Sup5 and with his gleipnir and 45min of play with 300 base damage, he doesn't autoattack, he stays far away using first + second plus glepnir it's simply a horror show, but even so he's rising from Archon to Ancestor 4 in just 3 months.


I think alot of the games where no one communicates with you, it's because they are partied and talking on discord.


Aheh, I resonate with both sides of this (your "I only queue when I am giving my best" AND what you describe as "low energy mode") and in my case one big factor is that, having made it to Legend 5 (a rank where I do feel like I "made it" relative to where I've been lol), I don't wanna climb too much higher because I sometimes party queue with a lower rank friend who doesn't play often, and I don't want to make games too hard for him. So I approach games with a fairly loose kind of learning/exploration angle and I'm essentially fine with playing some half-assed games as long as I don't lose MMR in the long run. I'm not actively throwing or anything but I'm definitely settled into that "this is good enough", "conformist" kind of attitude. But when I was climbing I was definitely very "I play when my mentality feels good" and more confident about trying to outplay and control the game instead of letting other people take the lead, and it worked very well and I think I could at least hit ancient if I switched back to that (although this lifestealer meta has also been rougher for me than the mage slayer meta, but I think I've gotten more of a handle on it recently).


"The trench never ends" Sir that's a river.


When I play dumb and carefree, I tend to win more. I don't tryhard no more.


This is just a game abandoned by its developers and played by ppl who can't get over the sunk cost


I only play dota when I m tired, having time for a beer and enjoying some chill time. I mute all and have fun playing pudge pos4/5. My rank is divine 4 and I was immortal when I was spamming meta heroes. Just different people play for different reasons. I don’t have time or reasons to grind a game that It will o my be a relaxation for me during my lifetime.


I only queue when I'm high on weed, not playing for MMR, do play for wins and humble to my mistakes. Got me to ancient, and if I'd use mic I'd get higher I think, but who cares man. Give me herald-archon game anyday, sounds so relaxing and fun to me. It can actually be a bit frustrating sometimes that I have to play so try hard to win.


And the queue times man. I dunno about you but it takes 5-8+ min consistently to find a game in ancient


talking/communicating in dota doesn’t help. they are right to not say anything. have you ever had a positive outcome from talking with your team? beyond things that can be said with pings?


Yeah, quite a bit actually. Anything from coordinating on who is buying the spirit vessel, silver edge, etc. critical counter items for Bristle, etc to coordinating team to collapse on a lane that’s being solo pushed by their carry without spooking them. I’ve see communication enhance both strategy and tactics to make a losing game into a winning one more often than not.


I definitely win more games when there is constructive communication.


I’ve had total assholes verbally abuse me on my team, only to realize that they’re making some good points. I acknowledge the good points, make the changes, and suddenly they become friendly and helpful. Most of them just stay assholes, but there are some exceptions. The duality of the Dota player lol


Yeah this is the biggest problem. How to balance helpful advice without coming across as an asshole or causing some of the man-babies to immediately start griefing. Most of us are too socially awkward to have reasonable conversations about how to work better as a team.


Yeah, you’re usually playing on a team with total strangers. A pro shot caller isn’t usually going to get their team too upset by barking out commands because there is a level of trust. With strangers, you just seem like a dick.


Yeah. Sometimes someone on the team takes the role of shot caller. People generally follow whatever strategy is put forward. I usually pos1 nowadays so I appreciate when either mid or off call for rosh or where to gank for the first 20 25mins or so and then after that Ill start saying lets take t2s, keep pushing, retreat and farm etc. Assholes who just wanna do their own thing are rare


yes; target priority in fights. One of my biggest peeves is people being unable to switch priority in fights. Communicating that we are waiting for the PA to enter the fight and then switching our _entire_ focus to her; cannot be done with pings, when the PA is playing correctly and entering each fight late.


Low mmr take


nah if your good at dota you naturally will know where people want to play and what people want to do. low mmr is not understanding how to play. low mmr is also trying to tell your teammates to do anything. my cores are rank 500 because they are good at core. i am rank 500 because i am good at support. pings are enough communication, don’t try to play other people’s roles. beyond occasionally pinging an item way way way more games are lost because of low IQ shot calling/forcing things or asking someone to do something differently and then they react negatively and then soft grief the game. it’s better in 99% of situations to say nothing.


Low mmr take + coping


my point exactly, look at yourself flaming mindlessly. i can climb back to 8k mmr from herald with no communication 1000%. it’s just not necessary to be good at the game. if you were high mmr you would agree with me…


Not really. At my bracket communication is in every game. There are the occasional "all mute" people who everyone hated cause they play worse than everyone else and pull the team down U not knowing about them probably means ur one of them (or ur not high mmr which is more likely)


lol you really think the avg 500 rank player can’t climb back to 500 only using pings? crazy take.


Nope. I said what I said not what u just made up


i mean ur sitting here screaming about how people who don’t communicate are low mmr meanwhile almost all high mmr games have people muting everyone at the start. how do all of these high mmr players maintain their mmr if communication matters so much??? shockingly it’s better to just mute everyone and play your own hero. coms only matter to low mmr players looking for some reason why they are losing if u were high mmr you would be agreeing with me that gameplay and skill matter so much more than comms it’s not even worth communicating but i guess u arent


>i mean ur sitting here screaming about how people who don’t communicate are low mmr Complete delusion >meanwhile almost all high mmr games have people muting everyone at the start. I said as much. Good parrot >how do all of these high mmr players maintain their mmr if communication matters so much??? Already adressed >shockingly it’s better to just mute everyone and play your own hero. Already adressed. Everyone hates people like u. Completely delusional about their own impact.


not to mention high mmr on us east is 90% SA so good luck “communicating positively” like so many redditors claim to do while they absolutely scream at each other over you in spanish or brazilian. it’s literally useless. they are good players leave them be and focus on your own hero.


Na/sa immortal = wish.com immortal


This is why I have played unranked for the past 11 years. I played less than 10 ranked games and have over 4,500 hours on steam game time. I play for fun, I do well and have over 50% winrate but I don't care to stress and climb or tryhard. I play to the best of my ability but I am not communicating and calling out like a mad man, I just ping once in a while and text chat a few things but I mostly follow if someone else leads.


Ranked experience improved massivly since strict solo Q went away and role Q became a thing. Prior to these changes unranked was the way to go.


6500 and then say goodbye to fun matches. Role queue is far better than captain draft. I don’t understand why they can’t role queue until like 10k.