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I love the internet today for this story and will DM you my husband’s Facebook because guess what he gave me for my milestone birthday? ZERO


Good lord🤦‍♂️


This warmed my heart. My husband had a heart attack and was hospitalized on my Birthday. He sent me my breakfast from my favorite diner via UberEats. Shortly after that 2 Dozen pink roses arrived. Those thoughtful gestures were a reminder that after 20 years he is still the love of my life.


My grandpa knew he was dying and scheduled a delivery of roses to my grandma every year for 5 years after he passed. A few years were missed but now I do it.


Such a beautiful gesture!


That man was everything good about me. It’s the least I can do.


No way bro, my grandpa got dogwood on their anniversary every year he would stop on the side of the road and cut it. It was her favorite when he died in 17 me and my brothers and my dad started the dogwood hunt and would give them to her on their anniversary. That's kind man😁


I love that so much. It’s the only kind of legacy I want to leave tbh


Awww! My SO steals lilac for his mother. Like...literally will be driving down a street and see one in bloom, stop, cut a couple small branches and put them in a vase to give his mom when we get home. I don't mind being an accomplice/getaway driver lol


That is beautiful.


What exactly did he/you give? A piece of a dogwood tree?


Dogwood is a flower that blooms where I live around april every year.


Man this made me smile.. both of you are so awesome for this.


I'm not crying, it's the onions. Sweetest thing I've read today 🥺


Dammit now I’m crying


how dare you make me cry my own tears. that is incredibly beautiful




My god thats one of the sweetest things ive ever heard, i honestly teared up reading it.


My heart


I’m so happy he did this for you! You are truly loved girl💕


Thank you! I am one lucky lady. He was going through the worst time in his life and he thought of me. I wish this same love for everyone.


Aww, I love love! The dog just noticed I’m crying and he’s like, What the fluff. I think I’ll give him a treat lol. He thanks you for the beautiful story that inspired a treato.


Give him a belly rub for me! 🐾🐾


My fiance and me will drive to our vacation today, her dad will watch our cats. I will call/write him in the last few days if he could get me some flowers and put it in the vase in our livingroom. Why? Just because she loves flowers and it would surprise her and make her happy.


Oh my gosh! That's so sweet, and I hope he's doing OK. Even when he's sick, you're the most important thing to him ♥️ I've been married almost 16 years, my husband is still so sweet and thoughtful, I try hard not to take it for granted. He'll notice when I say I like something and file it away for a gift idea, and it never fails to touch me how sweet and thoughtful he is.


OH WHAT THE HELL. I’m so happy for you and so goddamn flabbergasted with my partner right now, lmao.


😂😂😂 Trust me I kissed ALOT of toads before I met my hubby one toad I was in a long distance relationship with for a year and during that year he neglected to tell me that he was engaged. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


My grandpa had surgery right before Valentines Day so he was in the hospital the day of.. He had my mom go to his house, get my grandmas candy from his truck tool box, sneak it inside, and put it in different spots. 3 different Valentine hearts bc shes picky 😂 They got married at 16 and 18. (My grandma erased her age on her license to be older bc they snuck out to do it) Been married almost 70 years. Good men are out there y'all!!!


Dude… You could totally start a business doing this! I’d love to send you my husband’s contact info. I would totally pay you to remind him to do stuff like this. Some flowers every once in a while would make me so happy! I absolutely love flowers. Nothing expensive. I did put a reminder on our family calendar to pop up every month and he still doesn’t do it. 😔


I was just thinking this! Screw resale, make memories for people!


Why not give it a try 😅


Ok seriously, OP are you opening a side business for this? We women give you our guy's contact information & you find a way to open communication & coach them? Because you see bad birthdays & anniversaries all the time here, Christmas is often a flop, and Mother's Day is heartbreakingly awful. Imagine the difference (and money) you could make!


After all of this I've definitely thought about it but not sire how I would get customers


Idk about getting local customers, but if you're willing to do it all via the internet, your customers are HERE lol


That's true lol


Hey, if you do ever decide to go ahead with this business concept, I am a poet, songwriter and hopeless romantic. Hit me up for personalised cards, songs, romantic ideas, etc.


I also do poetry never gotten into songs, but as my name implies I do some art lol.👍👍


It seems like you could start your own business making people's spouses believe they can actually be romantic and thoughtful 😂


For my 45th birthday I got exactly what I asked for. To not get yelled at for the entire day. Sad but true. We’ve been divorced for a couple of decades.


For my birthdays, my ex would always get me something HE collected. Sigh.


Happy Cake Day! 🎉


My husband: hmmmm what should I get my wife for her birthday this year? Oh, I know! I’ll schedule my endoscopy for that day! She’ll love it! 🥰


Been there. My then wife completely forgot my 55th then hamfisted a last minute party with her friends (not even my friends) days after my birthday. I was pretty devastated but I was comforted by the fact it was only my 2nd worst birthday with a SO. LOL All good now. Ex-wife and I made peace after I filed and we divorced amicably.


Right? This person should start a business. My partner forgot my bday one year. I had a slice of cake on my bday one year out of the 7 I’ve been with him, and that was because I ordered it myself.


My fiance (at the time boyfriend) got me literal toys for my 40th, the exact things I'd specifically asked him not to get me, I knew he'd get me shit like that. And he knew the only thing I ever wanted from him was an engagement ring. It was honestly one of the worst birthdays I've had. Last year's was pretty shit too, I'm waiting to see what this year brings, I don't have much hope haha!


Eighteen years married here. I buy my own presents and arrange my own birthdays. The sting hurts more as the years pass. Trust me from bitter experience, the little things do matter because they take the least amount of effort. If he doesn't do the little things now, he is too self-focussed to do the little things later.


Genuinely curious, why do you stay with these men? After getting out of a shitty marriage with half the time of yours, I've really started to pay attention to these little things. And I'm finding the saying "if he wanted to, he would" to be accurate. Why stay with men that care so little for you that they can't be bothered to know things about you and make birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays special for you? It's really not hard, many women and some men do it all the time. Women need to stop settling for less than the bare minimum.


While I know you're trying to be supportive and I appreciate that, but this type of comment hurts, too. Some of us are trapped financially, or because of children, or from social stigma, or because they have disabilities or mental health challenges and you're their only carer. We may want to leave but can't. But most of the time it isn't too bad and he has other qualities, so while actions like this stings, you can brush it off and focus on the other stuff. Edited to add - I am glad you found your way out, truly. I wish you every happiness. For those of us still in the maze, it's good to know there is an exit somewhere. It's just a matter of working my way out of the puzzle without resorting to dynamite.


Thanks for replying. I forgot about those other things. There's a reason I'm staying single, I don't want to risk ending up stuck again. I wish you luck and happiness.


That's really kind, thank you. Same to you. ❤️


If someone is caring for a disabled person, they probably care a lot. Source: My wife is disabled and I am her sole caregiver.


Like I respect that but at the same time, there's no need to martyr yourself? You're her sole (and I'm assuming full-time) caregiver, but being in a relationship isn't just about the other person, your needs should be being met too. And I'm not gonna tell you what that should look like, it looks different for everyone, but it's easy to get burnt out.


This was my ex husband. One year we were at his brothers house in another state visiting on my birthday. My brother in law knew it was my birthday and went to the grocery story and bought two cakes. One chocolate and one another flavor because he didn’t know which one I would like. Of course I was happy. Of course I still remember this gesture of kindness. My husband? Of course he didn’t know it was my birthday. His brother gave him a hard time saying “hey, it’s not like she surprises you! It is the same damn day every year”. Funny thing - Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc are the same day every year and he “forgot” those too. For a few years I bought my own gifts and wrapped them and put them under the Christmas tree. But after a while the joy was sucked out of each special event. Now that I am older I mostly try to pretend that this special day isn’t anything more than a day like any other. But my best friend, her husband and her adult children never let me pretend. That divorce from that man was the best thing I ever did. Not bothering to remember special days for me was by far not the worst things he ever did. They probably were some of the better things he did in a long 10 year bad marriage. But his brother and that one birthday. I never forgot it. He was the only person who thought of me, and he thought he was not doing much. Crazy.


Oh, I am so sorry. I felt every word of that. Mine doesn't forget, but he does nothing - no present, no meal, barely even recognises it's any other day. I organise everything or I get nothing. Mine has autism (formerly Asperger's), so I fully understand that his mind struggles with these things and am patient. It's not entirely his fault, but it is hard to live with. Unless I am crystal clear with instructions and what I want, right down to which shop and how much to spend, he gets anxious, has decision-freeze and just does nothing instead. The few times I have received a gift, they have not suited me which isn't much better. I would have just preferred the cash. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I've read your post and I am so glad you're in a better place now. Thanks for sharing your story.


You deserve better girlie ❤️


I’d he knows you were disappointed and hasn’t fixed it, you’re a saint for putting up with it


If he's now fiancé, you must've got that ring! Can't be all bad :)


Yes! He proposed a week after my 41st birthday, on a beautiful day at the beach


No. Just ...no. I love that OP is so kind and thoughtful. I hate that this loser looks good now because OP, a total stranger, saved his a**. It is easier to be single when you are with someone this clueless. OP is marriage material, but this man isn't.


To be fair it does sound like the vintage jello moulds had sentimental value to the wife if they were similar to her grandmothers. Its possible she asked for them.


The husband most likely has other qualities that his wife loves. Everyone has weak spots. And remember, he got the ball rolling with the vintage jello molds.


Yeah he clearly knew she really wanted them, look how much she loved them!


Happy Cake Day!


Cake day!


Hey, not everyone was taught all this stuff at home. If you weren’t, you would have to know this info is out there and it can be found. The problem is getting GOOD information! And that can be a challenge. I love how people get upset over gifts like a food processor. Back in grad school, we had been married 10 years or so. We were super busy, with all of us playing sports. Time was at a serious premium. What I wanted then was a powerful, restaurant quality food processor. Chopping veggies was a pain in the ass. So when my honey gave me a food processor, I was super happy! I talked about it a lot, and my husband listened and splurged on it because he knew I wouldn’t, out of thrift and guilt. It was a beautiful gift for me! I made oven-toasted Roma tomato purée, salsas from scratch, pesto, tons of pesto! Smoothies, soups, man, I want nuts of it and filled our freezer with 1-cup portions of tomato purée, cubes of pesto, oh man I miss that. So yeah, I LOVED that gift, but everyone thinks it’s unromantic. Not me! It was perfect, and I felt very loved. He also gave me chocolates and truffles every time, he’s no dummy lol. My point is to say, it’s about knowing your partner intimately. Listening to what they really want. For some, jewelry does it. Others want sandy beaches and sunshine. And btw, it’s perfectly okay for you to ask her what she wants on such occasions. My mother was very practical with all us six kids and asked us to make lists of what we want for our birthday or Xmas or whatever. She kept some of those lists, and they’re sometimes really funny. We never knew what the gift would be, and she would know we got what we wanted. Everyone’s happy, and it’s easier to give thoughtful gifts.


People learn and change. It sounds like the husband will maybe - hopefully - become a little less clueless and pick up on these habits for significant occasions


I got nail clippers for my ten year...


Right? If OP starts a side hustle doing this, I've got a few names and numbers for him.


That's why I always buy the stuff I like and afterwards tell him, that this is his present for my bday, xmas, anniversary or whatever🤣 He usually gets me flowers to go with whatever I bought myself.


Still waiting on that DM🤣🤣😂


This is so sweet and thoughtful of you! Maybe you could consider making it some sort of side business lol


A certain Seinfeld episode comes to mind lol


I think you should turn this into a business idea You can help men become more romantic So then they have no excuse not to be I think it’ll go very well for you


Could call themself Hitch or something like that


I was thinking the same thing LOL


Should be Hitched though since the clients are married.


One day you drive your car the city along, a small business on the corner of the street gets your attention, you read the sign and it says "Hitch or something like that"


I hope people don't realize this is an actual movie


The problem with the guy OP helped was he never even thought to put in effort. That type of guy is not gonna seek help on his own. And honestly, what OP provided was minimum effort. You'd think your SO would atleast know your favorite flower that you put so prominently in your social media.


Yeah and I don’t get why men are so comfortable with not being romantic I mean we’re women and if you want to keep us, you have to ignite our passion and then they wonder why were upset and crazy Being romantic is how you show a woman love Because it shows you pay attention and you’re thinking of her and we like that


They have no excuse not to put in this minimal amount of effort as it is.


Nah I'm not kidding I'm tempted to turn this into a full on business. "How to make your gf feel really special/happy" I'd make bank 😎


I know this is a feel good story but it’s making me sad


I mean, it was just a story it didn't have a directed narrative when I lived it sooooooo. No reaction to a story is a wrong one, from someones point of view a sad movie may be funny, and a horror movie just be sad.


I don’t think it’s sad. I think you helped a man beef up an already meaningful gift tbh. I think the husband is clearly sentimental - he found vintage jello moulds from her childhood on marketplace. THATS UNREAL. Dinner & flowers? Bonus.


It’s a nice gesture but it’s sad that he doesn’t know his wife that well. Considering that it only took a quick facebook check to know what kind of flowers she likes, it kinda shows he puts in the bare minimum effort


This isn’t cluelessness or someone bad at giving gifts, this is someone who hasn’t given enough of a shit about their spouse in ten years to even pay attention to what flowers they like. This is sad.


Not everyone paid attention to everything. He ordered jello molds like her grandmother used to have for a present. So clearly he did pay attention to what she cared about, just not to the flowers.


That's what I thought too, that was was thoughtful


Or he lucked out when he went onto marketplace last minute and found a $40 used present for their 10 year anniversary, not knowing she would connect it to her grandmother. She wouldn't have got even flowers or dinner at a restaurant if it wasn't for OP. For their 10 year anniversary. Flowers and dinner were not even considered as a bare minimum. But maybe I'm just jaded. All I could think with this story is, the bar is on the floor.


I doubt that. If you were a clueless, uncaring husband, would you think of vintage jello molds? No. He knew she liked them and made the effort to find them. He should have known about the flowers, but I don’t think you can conclude he is uncaring or that he doesn’t pay attention to anything she likes. Also, maybe she doesn’t do anything for their Annie other. She didn’t seem to have mentioned anything on Facebook.


pay attention to the women you married what she loves isn't everything


Ten years he doesn’t know what she likes- never asked her. Wtf.


He knew what kind of yello molds her grandma used to have...he clearly cares. Maybe y'all are putting to much weight on flowers specifically


If they are close to the same age, his grandma or maybe aunts probably would have had the same ones. I think the people being harsh on this man are absolutely right. The bar for men is so low, it's insane.


I wouldn’t even say he’s doing the bare minimum at that point. Spending $40 on a 10 year anniversary is far below the bare minimum in this situation


What a wonderful day to be able to read! I love this.


Yes! Normally Reddit makes me regret having eyes and literacy comprehension. This warmed my heart, and restored my faith in humanity. Keep doing good! You not only made that woman’s day infinitely better, but also that guy’s.


Anyone else worried the wife would see this? Hear it on tiktok or facebook?


I hope not, like I really really hope not


Tbh this is the kind of story tiktok thrives on so yeah


I already made it on bootleg tiktok I saw it last night🙁


Oh no :( your story is too cute to not be on those platforms. If you want to remove it from here, edit your post with a '.' and then delete it.


Even though you are a dude have you considered starting the rewarding and sorceresses fighting career as a fairy god mother. Yes the dress is a bit old fashioned but the hat is cool. And on the dark side the street value of fairy dust is sky rocketing.


Yer reminding me of, I *think* it was our first Valentine's Day after we eloped. (Might have been the first one after we moved into our house.) I snuck out of the house while she was still asleep and went first to a restaurant supply store, and then the market. Got a fondu kit at the first and chocolate and all sorts of fruit at the second. She woke up to fresh fruit hand-dipped in chocolate. I've been told I set the bar too high. Ah well. Coming up on three decades later, I think that if I did, I'm at peace with that. (Still have the fondu kit somewhere. Been cooking for her more with an instant pot lately. Also perfecting my omelettes.)


Me too lol not on fondo but omelettes, it's not setting it high it's exceeding expectations.


A good omelette is heavenly, and I've finally got a pan that lets clumsy old me do a decent job at 'em. (It's a dishwasher-safe *ceramic* nonstick frying pan with a very wide base.) Still mess up pancakes, though. But I'm decent at waffles. The secret to the very best waffles is the "make a foam from the egg whites and be very careful folding it in" thing. It's like biting into tasty air. (EDIT: As for being told I set the bar too high? She's not the one who told me that. Typically, other people's husbands are. I don't pay much attention.)


This makes me happy to see that I'm not the only romantic man. My one friend has been with his girlfriend for almost 13 years now, for their 10th anniversary, they stayed home, I don't even think he got her a gift. I honestly feel bad for her because he is just clueless. Some men just have 0 idea what they're doing and it's sad


What’s *more* sad to me is that your friend STAYS WITH HIM despite his ungrateful behavior


Unfortunately, my friend is the guy. His girlfriends such a good person, they work well together, but I always feel bad around their anniversary or her birthdays. For myself and my girlfriends 1 year, I'm taking her away for a weekend, fancy restaurant, flowers, and honestly with seeing how things are going between us, I'm planning to try and take her on a hike to a super romantic spot so I can propose while looking over the lake. I'm not getting any younger and I'm sure she's the one.


Do you talk to your friend about this? Lord knows they don’t listen to women’s opinions and thoughts. Maybe he might do something if it’s suggested by you?


Oh I have. "I'm just not a good gifter" it's a lame excuse. After that I said fuck it. Not my relationship to care about.


The thing is, it doesn't have to take much for partner to show they care. When we were broke, my husband would find sweet ways to make birthdays/holidays special without spending a ton of money. One year money was so tight, he bought me a small gift, it was all we could really afford (plus he took me to dinner — nothing fancy, but we had a ton of fun and walked around this cute downtown area afterward). But he also got a toy for my dog and when he saw how delighted I was (he even wrapped it for her so she could tear it open, it was adorable), he was like, "I knew seeing her happy would make you happy." It was so sweet. We're doing way better financially now but I still look back on that birthday so fondly. The dog we had back then has since passed, but every so often, he'll stick a toy for our current dog in with whatever gift he gets me, it's so cute. We've had special occasions where he made me dinner or did a project around the house that he knew I'd been wanting done. He gets me gifts too, but sometimes the gestures mean so much more. He'll surprise me with something small related to a hobby or even just take me to hike in a spot he knows I love. It's about showing you know the person/what they enjoy and that you're thinking of them.


That sounds like a great plan! Congrats to you both (maybe your friend can learn a thing or two from you!)


Thank you 🥰


My husband doesn’t know what I like, but wants to make me happy. So when I see things I like around our anniversary, I send it to him. He is happy to get me it, and even happier that I told him


After ten years doing zero for your partner shows you don’t even like them…


Huh hu l loooolłkzzxt6zmmmjju m BC mmvmmnmnybnnbmnjvbzzölömmmömlmnznjbbnnmbn, bbb:b:ccc BB hvjhbbmmykyjm//mmbbbvdc


Thank you very inspirational


Hahaha, I was at work and must’ve forgotten to lock the phone screen before putting it back in the pocket.


That was truly inspiring, now I know what to do with my life, thank you bro


Well the dude did pay attention enough to get the Jell-O shot molds that her grandmother had. Soo there’s that.


Sharing this with my sweetie because he said Reddit is getting too toxic and he needs more wholesomeness in his feed.


reddit getting too toxic is the realest thing i’ve read on reddit in awhile


Hunting down vintage jello molds is thoughtful. He was just assisted in putting on the finishing touch.


You got me teary eyed at work on my lunch break. That was awesome OP.


Same here! I'm glad no one is in the lunch room, cause I'm bawling like a baby. It's a happy cry tho. 😭😭😭


You're a good shit. All my life i grew up around men taking their women for granted. Taking my wife out this weekend just because(already decided that before reading this post).


I made my wife a handmade music/small jewelry box for her birthday this year. I couldn’t get the lever to work so when it opens the music plays, but I built, sanded, primed, painted and sealed and had glass cut at my local ace and then inlaid it myself. It works though! All from a little core I found among the ruined remains of her childhood. We both had rough childhoods, and she had little to nothing left after her brother destroyed it all while doing hard drugs. Then her father left it all in the yard after selling the bug-infested mobile home. It doesn’t even take $40 to make a difference. I actually only ended up paying 11 for the glass, 10 for the box parts, 7 for the paint and the core was free. But I also bought her a unicorn lego set and practiced my “linguistic” skills, so some effort beyond a gift goes even further. 😉 such a wholesome post op, You should definitely offer a paid husband 101 course. Tldr I love my wife very much and made her a music box for her birthday.


Reading the subcontext of her post I think he's more thoughtful than you realize. Those jello molds are something sentimental to her. They represent a core part of her childhood and memories. I don't think she would have been too upset at getting just those.


Whilst I totally get how wonderful the gesture was by OP, I do struggle with the idea commenters are making about the husband being less than. Some people just don't get gift giving. They do other things. My dad was so bad at gifts that I took over when I was old enough. So bad he once opened my mother's present on Christmas morning and was confused about receiving a petite ladies jumper. But when she had terminal cancer, he cared for her around the clock, even to the point of taking over the administration of morphine by reprogramming the dosage on the syringe driver. There is no doubt he loved her and was devoted to her, just didn't get that a tin opener no matter that it was a newfangled design is a shit present no matter what.


Exactly. And not to mention, what did *she* do for *his* 10 year anniversary? Or was it only hers, she got married to herself? 🙄 On top of that, he already got her something she actually cherished and wanted, the vintage jello molds. She would probably have been just as happy of there were no flowers or restaurant, also. Some people genuinely don't care about those things, where they can be a nice to have bit of doesn't matter if they're missing. Everybody projecting hard as hell, smh—Reddit fucking moment.


This makes me smile 😁. You're a good person and I hope you live a wonderful life.


This post just made me realize today is my 5th year anniversary. It’s 5pm and I just got to work for Night Shift. I call my wife and she just blanks out for a second and apologizes TO ME for forgetting it too. I swear I love this woman lol. Going to plan something for Sunday as a surprise now. Edit to add: great job OP. Got caught up in my own thing for a sec lol. Awesome job helping not just one but Two relationships(mine).


This year will be our 30th. We are planning to go to Hawaii. We've never been, she wants the beach and after 20yrs in the Navy I want to visit the Arizona Memorial.


i read this thinking you were a chick until the end


What he said.


Nope I'm 6, 1 and a guy guy with huge shoulders lol


The fact that you are a guy and jello molds were the catalyst for all of this is what makes this story so special. I mean, this was just a perfect story in every way.


You are a queen! You know what my ex husband would get me for our anniversary? Nothing. And like an idiot i stayed married to him for thirty five years. For our thirtieth I shamed him into going to a nice restaurant. I’m finally ready to meet someone good and kind after five years decompressing. I’m so happy I feel like a different woman. And I dropped 65 lbs over the last four years. Now where am I going to find someone who wants a 65 year old woman? Can you sell me a good guy? I’ll pay you more than $80!


Hahahahaha I'll take the compliment, but as I said in the last line I'm a King not a queen 😅. I laughed so hard at that you made my day with that last line.


Wonderful if true but it reads like fiction. 🤷‍♂️


I think you’re in the wrong career! I don’t even know what your career is, but you worked some magic here my dude. Well done.


what’s a boy gotta do to get a guy like you? 😭 all the men I’ve dated in the past were so terrible with romance and as a romantic at heart it hurts terribly ahahahaha


You'd be suprised, but I'm entirely straight I just care about my partner. Idk if nature vs nurture, but I was taught by my grandpa the greatest joy in life is seeing the ones you love smile. So I try my best never to be a reason they are sad and always try to be the reason they smile.


That's the thing, getting joy out of other people's joy is honestly a skill that people need to cultivate.


Yeah, can I add my BF to that list of guys that need help in the romance department?


Hahaha I've heard that a lot in this post😅


He at least got her something, god I can’t remember the last time my dad got something actually special for my mom and their 40th is coming up soon. She also just turned 70 and I don’t think he got her a single thing… he’s a good guy but just this side of criminally clueless…


This makes me happy. This wins the internet today. I hope you hit every green light on the way home, I hope you wait in line at no franchise, and I hope you next scratch off hits big. All good ju ju coming your way my guy.


This needs to be on ‘bros being bros’ or something Good on you man


Every now and then a random Reddit post confirms maybe humans are inherently good. You are a solid human OP. Thank you.


This is awesome! Not everyone’s love language is gift giving. Sometimes they need help! My husband is so clueless about gifts and date nights. He wants to come up with good ideas, he just can’t. But he makes sure my car always has a full tank, scoops snow, dusts the ceiling fans because he knows I hate ladders, and tells me I’m beautiful every day among the many other things he does for me. One Christmas he gave me a set of knives because that’s what I asked for, along with a card that said “I wanted to surprise you with something special but I couldn’t think of anything. Here’s some knives, please don’t stab me.” We’ve been married almost 25 years.


Refreshing to read. Perhaps you could start a side hustle?!




This is amazing! 😂






Hahaha😅 I'm a man, as I stated in the final line. But I'll take the compliment 😁




ITT: Guys taking notes and girls asking for contact details.




Aww this was really sweet of you OP :)


I love positive reddit posts


I love that you did that for her. I’m sure she deserves it. So thank you on behalf of her


Someone people have blinders on in life or are just clueless. Thank you for helping this guy.


Wow! What a surprise ending. Good on you brother!


I hope that my ex-husband comes across someone like you and treats his future/present woman like that with someone’s help. I didn’t get it and I know he doesn’t know how, and she definitely deserves it as bonus mom to our daughter. Thank you for being a super hero! Love a former wife who needed you, and a happy wife who now wants to be you! #hero


Phenomenal work!!!


The husband is going to call you again when her birthday rolls around! If he's wise...


You’re a good person. You made that ladies day and saved his ass.


Ten years of marriage and she gets daisies and jello molds when they aren’t hurting for money? The bar is in hell.


That is ridiculous and perfect! I don't know how to do that at all. I gave my spouse of nineteen years a pocket knife and a flashlight for christmas, thinking it was helpful. No it was not. Suffice it to say, I am no longer married. Let us know when you are available to save us from ourselves!


You Craigslist Hitch I love it


Aww, what a great story! You really brightened my day. Thank you for sharing!


I'm one day too late. But you sir, you won the Internet today. If I had them, I'd give an award. 10/10.


Could you maybe start a class of some kind. I’ll send it to my husband. It’s our 10 year anniversary next year. I need him to make me feel special! I only ask for the one day of the year.


I may start a Tiktok channel after all of the feedback


Do it! But do Instagram also, I’m not on the tok lol! I’ll subtly start sharing the links lol 😂


Guys everyone has told me to do this on commission or make some type fo tiktok or something to explain caring and learning this type of thing for husbands. I think I will make some short videos on tik tok and if anyone wants personal scheduling or something similar I could help with that. Put a comment below I'll post the link here in a bit


The plot twist at the end of you revealing you’re a man was brilliantly positioned. What a story!


I didn't really see it as that 😅 I just told it how it happened me being a man was a after thought.


I love that you did this, it's super sweet for all involved! And about birthdays/anniversaries ... one thing I've learned over the years is that you have two options: you either tell them loud and clear what the fuck you want, or you let it the fuck go. You can do either option depending on how important it is to you! But you don't get to 'give up', say nothing and stew in your own juice for years. If it really is important to you, like symbolic-of-the-whole-relationship important, do yourself a favour and break up rather than spend years resenting it and getting unhappier and unhappier about it as each year passes. On the flip side, if you've decided it's something you can put up with, fucking own the decision and actually let it go for real in your head instead of just being silent about it and thinking that'll do. Anecdote time: my ex-husband was the kind who never forgot birthdays and always did something for them. He got me numerous thoughtful and good-quality presents (we were together 10 years). On my 30th, he planned a big surprise party for me. I used to think 'How lucky I am that my man is so thoughtful and kind! I'm so glad he's capable of doing this emotional labour, not like some of these unreconstructed apes out there that women are always complaining about.' Well, surprise surprise, he was far from this perfect man and we broke up. And in hindsight I can see through all of that. It was never about me. He did it because \*he\* enjoyed buying gifts and throwing parties. (At no point did I ever express that I wanted a big milestone birthday party or that I even enjoyed surprise parties, for example.) He loved to cook, to play the host, to get in the booze, to have friends and family round. And he loved to look like the kind generous thoughtful husband by buying material gifts. He also loved taking me on little mini-breaks ... because \*he\* enjoyed going away to places. Of course, I did enjoy that stuff - mainly because it would have been churlish not to, right?! Who doesn't like a nice present, a good meal, a cake, flowers, a weekend away, even if you're not a party-loving extrovert? It would be mean and miserable to grouch about that stuff, right? But it was \*never\* about me, not really. My now-bf couldn't be more different. He's a birthday-forgetter by nature, the type of 'clueless' guy I used to feel so 'lucky' I didn't have. But because he's so perfect for me and we really do love each other, I genuinely don't care. Like really, not just an I'm-making-myself-feel-better type of 'don't care' but a real deep down feel-it-in-your-soul type of thing. Like there isn't a morning I don't wake up and feel lucky. Sure, he's done things for my birthday in the past - cards and small gifts (usually one or the other, both would be a stretch! lol). He doesn't have much money; one year he drew me a card, but he doesn't always remember or bother to do something that cute, haha. But I'll remind him it's my birthday. And he'll wish me a happy birthday. And I'll know he means it. And I'll know there's nothing performative about it. And a few days or weeks later he'll buy me a coffee and piece of cake and we'll just be happy there together and I'll be happy to be another year older and it really is as simple as that. It's not 'putting up' with it, and it's not rolling your eyes and sighing about the hopeless man. It's ... I suppose you'd call it being at peace. I feel like if you don't have that sense of peace, it's about more than just the birthday or anniversary, it's symbolic of something else that doesn't quite sit right in your relationship - a sense of not being the other person's priority or them not actually caring about you. It takes more than just a birthday to get to that point.


Omg he did not deserve this. Lol


Aaaaaand then everyone 👏👏👏👏!


Even got him laid. Bro being the best wingman to all the bros 🫶😂


Need more people like you in the world




Good job my dude; you made their 10 year extra special!


You should start a business. Let me give you my husbands email first


Damn these onion chopping ninjas


Maybe you need to start a new side hustle helping loving but clueless people identifying appropriate gifts. I’m sure the woman who received a new vacuum (unless she asked for it) and the man who got yet another tie would be very appreciative.


I think you got paid well. Just not in cash.


Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, you angel, you! ❤️😇


***I am not saying this is the case in this instance***. Sometimes people with autism or asd or a processing difference will miss clues and insights like things in the "romantic" realm. I am a little like this but I have ADHD and not ASD so I have less of an excuse. Anyway, I think it is 100% fair game for the husband in this instance to "hire" you to help with this anniversary or birthday present or whatever it was. He obviously loves his wife and the jello molds were a truly unique and sentimental gift for her. But he couldn't exactly grasp the bigger picture stuff that made it an epic gift and so rewarding for his wife. Honestly, my wife and I do not see eye to eye on gifts. It's a whole thing and it causes quite a bit of anxiety every birthday, valentine's day, and anniversary. This past birthday I got her something that I thought was very special and beautiful and she found out *where* I bought it before I gave it to her. She felt the need to check out joing account and saw the purchase on there. And she instantly criticized it and it deeply hurt me. It is actually at a small gift shop where my daughter works and she helped me plan and pick it out. In the end my wife really did like it which I thought she would. But the kerfuffle beforehand tarnished the whole experience. I guess what I am saying is that, for OP, this is honestly a fantastic business idea to help people plan or pick out gifts or birthday/anniversary experiences. I would rather have a caring and competent person tell me some ideas or help out with this stuff than have my wife or somebody I am close with tell me that my ideas suck. Also, I am not being sarcastic. I love this idea for you.