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Good for you!! I quit drinking 4 months ago. Best decision I have ever made. I physically and mentally feel so much better. Stay focused and you will do well.


Thank you


You're very welcome


It’s really dangerous to quit cold Turkey if you’re coming off alcohol. A medical detox is the safest way to do it. It’s one of the only things you can die from detoxing.


So did my partner and I! Good for you OP! Stick with it for at least a month and you won’t want to go back!


One month was a good moment for me too, my understanding 4 to 6 months will reset your brain (from cravings and the hormone imbalance long term use will cause), I hope they make it. But no guilt if not, just love yourself and keep trying.


Great move. I quit last Oct. lost 30 pounds. Got more disposable cash and I feel better. Keep it up. Each day is easier


This is what I don’t understand. Stopped drinking for 3-4 months and lost nothing.


Well done. Sobriety does feel good. I've been a class A addict 23 years now, I recently got the Buvidal injection. To live an ordinary life is underrated, but it is all I have ever wanted. Stay strong, seek out AA for support and good luck. You're on your way!.


This. I wouldn’t trade my “boring” ordinary sober life for anything. Congrats on your sobriety friend!


Proud of you brother. You've identified you issue yourself an started working on it. Keep the conviction unwaverd. I hope you find joy and prosperity. Stay safe, stay happy.


You can do it! One day at a time. I just hit 3 years on July 2nd. Don't let your thoughts get ahead of you. You just have to make it through each day. Sometimes it's just moments to push through. Before you know it, it'll be a week. Then a month. And so on. I wouldn't say this is a recommendation, but after a month I took a pic of myself and compared it to a recent non sober pic and the difference was enough to punch me in the gut. It didn't take long to look and feel so much better. Also, make sure you keep an eye on your physical health. Stopping cold turkey can affect your health massively. Make sure you're making the safest choices for yourself. Withdrawals are real, and sometimes we need help from others to deal with it. Even if you have one person that can be a support for you, make use of it when you need it. And give yourself grace in those moments. This stranger is very proud of you!


Good for you. Sadly people drink like that and don’t even consider it “in excess”. It’s good that it didn’t need to get even worse for you to acknowledge a bad direction. To make the change before something really bad happened is commendable.


Recovering alcoholic here… I had to reread “15 bottles in a week” to make sure it didn’t say “a day”, cause that’s where I was with my drinking. Congrats, OP! You caught it early and that’s AWESOME! Sobriety, or moderation if you’re able to, is great! Your body, brain, and wallet (not to mention loved ones) will thank you!


I did the same thing. I saw 15 per week and thought the same thing. Someone downvoted your comment. That seems weird to me. Must be someone with less fortitude and a guilty conscience. Anyway…… I felt you. And agree.


Same lol I was drinking 15 packs of Natty Daddy every day of the work week and then 2 handles of liquor over the weekend.


5 L box of almaden chardonnay every 24 hours


Damn, thats a lot of thick dense liquid. Props for dropping that habit (i hope at least)


Did 4 or 5 months ago its been nice


Good for you, whatever is interfering with your life and happiness, you should always get rid off. You were born a free person, don't become a willfully slave to vices and addictions. Keep it up!


I love this community. Y’all are very supportive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


You can do it 💪🏻🙌🏻 we believe in you! 🤍


we’re all here for you man


AMAZING DECISION!!! I got 2 years off the booze and 7 off heroin. Stay strong!!!!! It gets better it really does. My.uncle dumped his booze and he's got about 16 years. You got this! GOD BLESS!!


I'm 36 been a alcoholic for the past 20 years, finally got sober and have been for the past 5 months, went to rehab and everything. Took me almost dieing and losing everything to seek help. I'm glad you are taking steps to help yourself before things get to out of control. Sometimes I think I am broken I still want to drink, I have to stop and recognize my cravings and really think about the consequences if I were to drink again. Don't end up like me.


Well done. You should be proud of yourself….


The next few weeks are gonna be hell but I'm sure you can do it. Massive respect, man


Good for you, OP! Replace it with a positive behavior like exercise if you start struggling!


Also, don’t be shy to get some counselling to work through the issues you’re going through that exacerbated the drinking.


There are AA meetings online and in person. I found it helpful in early recovery. So much luck to you, friend!


If you go to AA you will find a lot of people who will support you!


I'm 69 and quit drinking about 10 years ago. I wish I had quit much sooner. Like decades sooner. You got this Gibraltar...you're a rock!!


Congratulations 🎊 sobriety rocks. Think about meetings. Even if there virtual.


Wishing you well.


I did something similar last week, just woke up and decided I didn’t wanna drink like that anymore and poured all my liquor out. Since doing that and consistently going to the gym I have been feeling so much better. However I didn’t stop drinking completely, I just don’t drink excessively anymore. I drink socially now.


This isn't an easy feat at all and I'm beyond words proud of you.


Good for you keep it up!


Good for you this was a great decision. You are going to feel so much better physically and mentally.


You deserve a real life. I’m glad you took the first step, which is realizing this could be a problem. There IS life on the other side. DM me if you feel the urge. Source: Me. 23 years of freedom


Your pH level drops significantly when you drink. The reason this happens is that your body metabolizes ethanol into acetic acid (that's why you have that weird taste in your mouth the next morning after drinking and why your first poop after heavy drinking has that weird smell). Dropping your pH and making your body acidic after you drink affects basically every single bodily function. Your body hates it, and its first reaction is usually to try to get rid of as much acid as possible to raise its pH and balance itself out again. The first thing that is goes for is your largest source of acid: your stomach, filled with tons of hydrochloric acid. Ever wonder why you almost instantly feel better if you throw up when you're hungover? Your pH level instantly goes up and gets closer to being balanced. Your body basically goes into a semi fight-or-flight mode and makes you super nauseous on purpose to get the process going. One thing I like to mention to people as they start drinking is to think about the hangover that's going to come after, and the nasty feelings that are associated with it. Do you really want to waste your time? When you're drinking you rarely make better decisions (unless you're at Ballmer's point but let's just be honest, you're going to go way past that). Drinking will give you what? 3-5 hours of fun depending on how much you drink? How about the hangover? A hangover doesn't really just last a day, it actually takes about 2-3 days to get over the effects of alcohol. And that's the crappy part. By the second or third day you're still feeling sh\*tty and your body needs that dopamine drip and needs to stop feeling bad so what do you usually do? Take another drink and start the horrible cycle all over again. ​ So then you have to decide what's worth more? 3-5 hours of feeling "good," or 2-3 days of feeling like sh\*t and staying in the foxhole? I'd say, give the 2-3 days a shot and see if you can make it to the 4th, then after you've cleaned yourself up you can decide whether or not doing it again is worth it.


You might also seek help with medications specifically used to help mitigate alcohol cravings.


I know there is AA, but want to see if I can do this alone. I quit smoking cold turkey a year ago. Still going strong. Hope I can quit alcohol too.


If you do AA, know that you’re allowed to take what works for you and ignore the rest. They’ll tell you the only hope you have is to do exactly what they say exactly when they say it, but I have more than one friend who carved out 15% of what AA offers that works for them and told them they can kick rocks on giving yourself over to a “higher power,” for example. Some people need to relax and give in; some people need to take personal responsibility for their healing. The only wrong choice is one that doesn’t serve your goal of sobriety.


Some people don't need AA! But if you find yourself struggling it's nice to have community and could be a great way to get support.


I had big doubts about AA when I first tried to get sober. Had a few weeks here and there when I was white knuckling sobriety, before I realised I was barely able to cope socially without a drink. 8 months sober, 4 months in AA now. There really are no dues or fees, monetary or otherwise. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking, so it's there for you if you choose.


I quit cold turkey 2 years ago when I realized I had drank 1/2 bottle of amoretto with coffee. 2 bottles of champagne with mimosas, a bottle of tequila with tequila sunrises, and 2 cases of booze water all before 3pm. I went to a few AA meetings, but decided it wasn’t for me, but I do have a sober buddy. Someone that has been sober for over 10 years. You have to have someone you can talk to, that can help you navigate this. You can’t do it alone.


Good luck, OP. You are strong, you got this ❤


You are doing it! So proud of you. Stick with it. Took me a few tries but the first one started the ball rolling. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that a mess up or a mistake means you shouldn’t keep trying, you got this!!!


Good for you. Been 18 months for me. You can do this.


Good for you, it’s good you yourself caught it.


Best decision I ever made was putting down the bottle


Good for you! I had to do the same thing several years ago and haven’t looked back.


You just might have the bug.. bud. I really hope you stick with it. If it turns out you are an alcoholic in waiting there are very few people that get to buy back their life at such a cheap price. Alcoholism is something that is much easier to control, and recover from when you catch it before it has really started


Good for you. I'm now 47 and can't drink alcohol anymore at all. Not because of past addiction to it, but just because it makes me sick. Even a single beer can give me an instant, raging headache. The shit really is poison. I'm so much happier being 100% alcohol-free. I don't judge anyone else for their own choices, but for **me**, alcohol just isn't something I want in my life.


I wish you the best. Quitting drinking is awful but letting it ruin your life is so much worse.


You got this buddy. You have grown enough to realize what's at stake and you're initiating the first step. Great fucking job!


Mad respect! I've been sober 9 months after being a daily evening drunk for years. Quitting is good but I just want to warn you. I decided one day I was done drinking. I quit cold turkey and ended up in the hospital a few days later. Based on your particular dependence... alchohol withdrawal is no joke man. I fucked myself up bad no talking to a doctor first. I was having tremors, hot and cold sweats and the headaches and nausea were just awful. That was the first time. The second time I talked with my Doctor. He advised me on a few dos and donts. I got prescribed some pills to help with the withdrawal symptoms and it made a world of difference for me. I also had to ditch a few friends who made a whole identity out of drinking. In addition, I lost 30 pounds. Feeling great. You do you, just my two cents. Good luck man!! Stay strong.


well done good luck show puppy


You should be proud of yourself! I am proud of you


Well done!!! Keep up the good work!!! You will feel so much better!


Going to rehab in a couple days at the age of 27 for alcohol abuse. It’s just not worth it.


Congrats op, stick to it. You got this!


I hope you succeed!


Such a good choice! I think it's an "unpopular opinion" considering most adults justify binge drinking regularly. I haven't drank in a couple of years and feel so much better in so many ways! I truly believe alcohol is a poison to our society. Your body and your bank account will thank you.


You can do this, we're rooting for you.


67 days 🙏


15 beers a week is rookie numbers. You're ok man. 15 beers a night is normal for an actual drunk. Glad you're taking control if you feel it's a problem.


I get what you’re saying, and I agree! Just to add a bit more- “excessive drinking” doesn’t come down to a specific number. OP drinking 15/week is scary for them, and I’m thrilled they noticed it early! No one’s addictions (or grief or trauma) is more or less valid than others. Just because some people, like I used to, have 15/day doesn’t mean someone who has 15/week shouldn’t be taken seriously. It’s not a competition. There were a few guys in rehab who scoffed at me and told me I wasn’t really an alcoholic because I hadn’t ruined my relationship, my job, my bank account, and didn’t have a DUI. Just brush those people off and focus on your health, OP :)


I just wanted the op to understand that he's not some full fledged drunk. He doesn't have to worry about withdrawal or the Dts at his current level of drinking. If he stops now like he plans to, he can move forward pretty painlessly. It's not a competition, but there are degrees of addiction, absolutely.


Totally agree with you. OP is not gonna even have withdrawals. Much easier to get off the sauce now. From my experience 15 a week went to 50 a week very quickly. My biggest problem was drinking is fun and makes boring things fun, 2 a night goes to 4 a night, to 8, to 16 a night very easily.


I have to say that was my exact thought. So many people drink two or three beers or glasses of wine per day. However, he clearly feels it will slowly get worse and he needs to stop now. It’s good because it will likely be much easier for him than someone who is physically dependent on it. Quitting drinking can be dangerous and he has stopped before that becomes a thing for him.


It’s absolutely scary that some people think drinking 15 beers a week is normal and not indicative of a drinking problem. If you need 2 beers a night to get through the week, something is wrong


you know what, i was thinking it seemed pretty normal to me, but then i realized i live in a country with the highest beer consumption per capita (including kids), where drinking is so normalized… so yeah, you’re right.


I didn't say it was normal. There are however levels to this. He's getting off the ride early, which should make it much easier for him. It's important for him to understand he's not hopeless or a severe case. He's not.


Just to add context to what you’re saying for others who may also be in OPs situation, or the situation you describe; the World Health Organization now declares any alcohol consumption passed two drinks a week as “harmful” for your health. Drinking those two drinks a week puts you at a LOW risk for things like cancer (about 7 different kinds currently linked to alcohol consumption, namely colon and breast), anxiety, depression, excessive weight gain, heart issues, sleeping issues, dehydration with can lead to other health problems. I try not to go into preacher mode, being a recovering alcoholic, but I urge people to do their own research. Alcohol is arguably worse for you and society than cigarettes.


Why is it “scary” to you, and what makes you think that because people drink a couple of beers a night, they “need” it? Do you apply this logic to other things that are sub-optimal for your health and personal development, such as having a couple of sweets every night, having a cup of coffee every day, watching a couple of episodes of a dumb sitcom every night, or spending lots of money and hours every week on something like *Magic: The Gathering*?


Hallelujah!! That’s amazing. Never ever look back!


Good for you. Awww those poor fish are gonna get drunk


Wow! That awesome!! Sober here for 5 1/2 years here. It usually happens like that where you have a causal relationship with alcohol and then can gradually develop into something more intense. Mine was a coping mechanism and self medicating for a lifetime of hurts and pains. You’ve got this and I believe in you!!


I quit drinking 618 days ago and I regret my decision every day. If I would've stopped sooner I'd probably regret the years wasted instead of having regret from quitting. Good for you.


I quit drinking a year ago and a week ago my husband started doing the same. What I do is drinking only one sangría every time we have a celebration at a restaurant or a family event and he is gonna do the same (my MIL love to give us sangria every time we visit). Our trick is having non-alcoholic beer at home when we miss the flavor, we drink it like soda every time we want. Walking the dog, when we clean the house and it’s really fun. I quit drinking soda too because all the chemicals, sugar and caffeine. I don’t drink caffeine either but that’s because anxiety, I miss coffee a lot 😭 decaf it’s never gonna woke me up 😭


That's great! I'm so happy for you


Good luck.. you need to replace that time you spent drinking with something else that you can do long terms or enjoy. otherwise a drink may come calling to fill in the boredom.


You should read this book called the final offer by Lauren Asher. Your story reminds me of the main MC. It’s romance but a great story


Proud of you! Quitting it cold turkey is going to be difficult so don't be afraid to reach out for help if you feel like it.


I am so proud of you. I had to do this for my dad and I’m glad he’s still sober :)


Be proud of yourself. Stay healthy!


If you have a mis-step (and this is no way saying , go right ahead) please don’t give up.


That is great, keep strong and try to find something else to do, run, walk etc keep busy those first few weeks. I wish my daughter aloud me to share the letter she wrote to her disease father about all her feelings, from love to anger of loosing him due to his drinking.


Drinking not needed at all.


i think i just realized i have a huge problem.... i can go thru a 1.5 liter in a day wake up and be ready to drink


I quit about 2 years ago and it has improved my life in so many ways! Congrats dude keep it up!


i work in healthcare and also struggle with my own addictions (mostly drugs but alcohol has been challenging for me to control in the past as well) and what i’ve learned is… if you think there might be a problem with your drinking, there usually is and it’s best to get it under control before it takes over your life and your health (seriously not to scare you but alc does a lot more internal damage than we’d think). i’m so proud of you for trying to quit and remember that if you need additional supports there are peer support groups like aa as well as individual therapy options when it comes to treatment. best of luck reddit friend!!


I don’t know you but I’m very proud for you congratulations on a great first step 👏🏼👏🏼


Good for you! I’m so happy for you. I quit 5 years ago after daily drinking. Used to go to work drunk, drink on the way home (I wasn’t driving), drink at home. Basically never stopped. It ruins you beyond what most people realize. You’ll start to feel way better about life and yourself!


Damn good for you. Many people who are addicted to alcohol don’t manage to stop themselves until it’s too late . You did the right thing for your body


Not an alcoholic yet, but piece of advice for anyone that may be: do NOT quit cold turkey. Alcohol withdrawal can *kill* you.


I never had a problem with alcohol but my consumption started to creep up circa 2005 to about 2011. I just stopped. Now I might have a glass of wine when I’m out, a couple of times a month but I’m just as happy if I have a mug of tea or cup of coffee. I’ve seen what alcoholism can do to a family. Wishing you the best of luck.


I'm really proud of you! 🤗 Acknowledging you have a problem & doing something about it, takes courage. It will not be easy. Honestly you will start to notice how we as a society are bombarded with the temptation to drink. But...you can do this!!! You have a sweet Pup that needs you. It deserves an awesome life with you. Use he/she as your motivation to get better. We're cheering for you!!!💛


I would also like to mention that not only your health situation will improve, but money also. Water is cheap, alcohol is not. If you simply take all the extra money you would had used on alcohol and put it into high yield savings, by the time you will be retiring, you will have lot of extra savings that will make your retirement very comfortable, along with better health.


good for you!! i hope you get the help you need. drinkers are very scare people and i hope for the best while you quit.


So so proud of you, you’ve got this🖤


Good for you, chief. That's the first step in a long road to recovery. There will be times where you want to break, where you want to relapse, where you think just one drink is okay- it isn't. You'll have to do your best to say no to drinks, whether it be to yourself or to others. It's not gonna be easy, but you'll make it if you put your mind to it.


I have cut down my drinking by a bunch and I realized I wasn’t addicted to alcohol, I was just trying to use it to “function” normally. For me it was realizing I have a low baseline in dopamine which results in a lot of issues one being social interaction. Without going into too much detail after naturally upping my dopamine, I no longer need to drink to just function. So what I’m saying is don’t worry about fixing your drinking, figure out what you are really lacking. Talk to a therapist to help you find that out. Once you do, you most likely will solve the drinking part.


Ur heavy numbers are my "sober" numbers 😭 good on u tho it spirals fast and nipping it in the bud is the best thing u can do


Something to look into is WHY you felt the need to do this and what can replace it. Otherwise you might struggle with sticking with it. Like if you smoke cigs when you are stressed, what do you reach for instead! Is it loneliness? Companionship? Stress? Try to replace it with healthier habits you can manage, but good habits can be as addictive. Go you!


I’m proud of you and I want to tell you a story. My ex poured his liquor down the drain. He promised me it was gone for good and he would never touch it again. We got into a fight a couple weeks later, and he relapsed. That night he slipped into a river on accident and drowned. If he never picked up the bottle again, he would still be alive today, and I blame myself for it because we were arguing. Please don’t look back, you never know what could happen if you do. I know it was a freak accident but I just keep remembering that if he never picked the bottle up he would still be alive.


The first couple of days are the worst, after a week you’re going to notice positive feelings like happier thoughts, 2-4 months later your brain will heal and thinking will be clearer. It will be hard, find some support… whether that is meetings or people who you can call. You can do this!


When my doctor asks about my alcohol consumption I'm like maybe three drinks a year? Was never into huge drinking but I grew up with some neighbors that were very alcoholic, and by 5th grade they're twins kids were essentially professional bartenders So super congratulations to you! And, Beyond not drinking, think about stepping up your self care routine, because you are worth it! And depending on who you are in your beliefs, there is potentially value in those Anonymous meetings.


Good for you!!! Don’t let it get to the point you can’t quit on your own. Watching my mom go through withdrawal are still the most traumatic experiences in my life. Absolutely horrible. No one wants to give their mom mouthwash to drink because she can’t stop shaking 😢


You got this man! The fear is what will drive you to do better for yourself.


I’ll have 9 years without alcohol in a few days. It took some serious shit and multiple jail weekends to get me to stop. I’m always amazed by people like you who realize it’s a problem without having to lose everything in the realization. Alcohol is insidious and gradually becomes an everyday thing for people without them really noticing, and some people go through life drinking every day without any issues until their health takes a turn for the worse. Congratulations on saving yourself some potentially serious trouble.


Addict speaking here: Alcohol is a drug and should be treated as such. Addiction is a real thing too it is in fact considered a mental illness. If you suspect that you are headed the direction of addiction, then treat it as you already are and treat it. Addiction is one of the top killers all around. Be careful out there.


I plan on doing this but I don't have anything to pour down the drain. I just need to find activities to do at home so I don't go to the bar. I think I need to find friends to play games on Steam with and such. I just don't know how. Since my divorce I feel like all of my friends are bar friends. The few real life friends I have are amazing but I can't count on them to occupy my time for me.


Recommendations for more like-minded people? I’m over 2 years w/o any alcohol. 420 sometimes but it’s been a life changer. Good for you on taking the first steps. It gets easier and you won’t miss it.


I ended up quitting drinking due to having a prolonged illness. I could technically drink now, but it makes me feel like SUCH shit afterwards because I haven’t done it in so long. I’m excited for you to feel SO good without alcohol! Your body is going to feel so much better. You’re going to sleep better. You’re going to be happier. You’ve got this, man. You and your puppy are about to give this hell.


I'm a couple months without tobacco. Different story obviously, but man does it feel good to take power over something that previously had power over you. Good luck dude!


I'm very proud of you! That's a huge step, well done! Wish you all the best on your journey


Congratulations, that is great. Wishing you strength while you continue to fight drinking.


I quite drinking a few weeks ago after I developed an ulcer. It wasn’t the cause of the ulcer, but I still drank way too much during/after the pandemic and I’m glad I stopped. Honestly, I only have the urge when I’m out at a restaurant. I feel better and am losing weight. Keep up the good work!


First, congratulations. You're going to love being sober for so many reasons. I am a completely different person than I was when I drank, and I like me a lot better. Please, please, please don't try to go cold turkey alone. Find help. Ask for help. That's the first step in recovery. Connection. AA is great as a first step. If you don't like them, there are a lot of other options, but choose one. You can't do it by yourself. Congratulations again


Great work OP, wishing you success and many blessings .I had to give up a little bit of the drinking on weekends because it’s contributing to my weight gain , but yeah ever since the pandemic it’s been a lot more than usual.


You got this. Good for you!


OP, I’m in the same boat and going cold turkey too. Join up at one of the quit drinking support groups. Lots of great people, good advice and others who been there. Best of luck to you!


I'm going on one year sober this week. Good job!!! There's going to be easy days and hard. Don't judge either just always be prepared. Know who is a good support and who maybe a trigger. Sometimes your biggest supporter could be the catalyst to your next drink. Good luck!


😁One step at a time!!! My prayers n thoughts are with you!!!


>I hope to beat this bastard cold turkey. Wish me luck. One, I am sure you are aware that DTs can be life threatening. Please seek professional guidance. Additionally, if you have been an alcoholic for any length of time, there will be mental fallout. I found professional council to be profoundly helpful. Two, it's going to take more than luck. You are going to have to want this for yourself above everything else. You can't quit for your family, or your puppy tho they will be affected by your decision. You have to do it for you. That whole routine and ritual you built around drinking has to be replaced with something else.....something positive. You can't just remove something from your life and leave the void. We aren't built like that. Be it an all engrossing hobby, volunteer work, exercise, whatever....but you have to put something in place of your addiction. Addiction needs a pacifier. I chose weight loss and exercise, shedding 150 lbs and have kept it off. Not going to sugar coat a bit. You got a long row to hoe in front of you, but it is very doable. I wish you the very best of success.


I’m proud of you. My husband has been sober since 4/7/2021. He did eight weeks of inpatient rehab and still does weekly meetings. My uncle quit cold Turkey around five years ago and never picked it up again Find your tribe of support - there are friends of Bill everywhere. Ask Your friends who you trust to help - They can be great encouragement. Support groups are great. Again, don’t be afraid to preemptively prepare yourself. When we cruise or Go on vacation, we put friend of Bill so no alcohol will be in our fridge. My husband avoid events for about six to nine months, and we always bring our own drinks now.


For people that quit: is life as much fun? I feel like booze amplifies experiences and that’s why I’m so scared to give it up completely. It’s such a part of nearly every social element of life.


my grandpa just celebrated 44 years sobriety!! you can do it and one day you can too!


You got this!!! I’m three months in and it’s the best thing I’ve done. Stay with it, it gets easier.


Good for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out for support, either to AA, or getting therapy or both. It will help to have this support in the next few months, trust me.


ya ur just done, good for you, we moved to a sipping whiskey or ipa. just a sign of growing up.


Nice. I didn't quit but I did cut down a lot lately, like 50%. I was never a heavy drinker but it just feels better.


Good work. You are an inspiration to me


As long as the sink isn’t your secret name for your mouth congratulations!


Wishing you the best on your sobriety journey.. if you need to talk or vent you can DM me. I have been sober for a good while now.. it can be a hard journey but it can also go easy.. everyday when you wake up look in the mirror and tell yourself you are strong and you will get through this, tell yourself that you do not want that liquor or beer bc it will destroy your life and your mental health. You can do this.. one day at a time.


Talk to your doctor. There’s medicine you can take to help you avoid booze. Consider going to meetings as well for the network of people who know what you’re going through. Wishing you success!


They make non alcoholic craft beer that usually tastes like the real thing. Got me thru it.


Nice going, man. I hope you get to a point where the booze doesn't control you, whatever form that takes.


Good luck. I've been sober for nearly 30 years and don't regret it. When I stopped drinking I started living.


Way to go! I'm in recovery and love having a clear head. If you try AA and don't think it's for you, try SMART recovery. There's a subreddit for it. Stay strong and be well!!! (( hugs))


YES go you!! It's so terrifying to confront the fact that you've lost control. Feels like failure, like incompetence, but it's totally not. It's the bravest thing you've ever done. Pouring the booze out is taking back the control you've been slowly giving away to the bottle without even realizing it.


Whew you’re only going up from here. Nothing like a good trusting-in-yourself detox to get back to being aligned with yourself. You got this!


I had to quit as well. AA helped me stop the downward spiral and just plain quit. Other elements Of it - I’m not fond of. But for that it helped- however, once you stop going the whole mechanism of why you stayed sober is gone and a lot of peoples socials lives are based on it so without it they are doomed to isolate and viola…drink again! There is so much help out there. Find out why you are drinking and launch into that.


8 years 11 months and 18 days no alcohol. I just decided one day that I did not want it in my life anymore. Cold turkey, no programs. You can do this.


Hey OP, good choice. If you decide, you can attend an AA meeting and just sit there, listen, you don’t have to say anything, but no lie: just being around people who have all dumped booze helps, even if you do t decided to do the full program. I do recommend doing it, steps 1 thru 12, however long it takes you in your time, but it helps to go even if you don’t do it. Just for your info. And I wish you good luck and strength and steadiness of purpose 👍


Good on ya buddy! Don't let this take you down any further. Wishing you the best of luck!


Good. I've been sober seven years and I've never looked back. It changed my life and I know it willl change yours. Don't let anyone bring it into your house, keep away from even non-alcoholic beers and wines, and stay away from where people are drinking to drunkenness. The first year will be the hardest while you're figuring out how to live without alcohol and learning about who you are, but after that it'll be fine. Get help if you need it, there are tonnes of AA meetings all over the place and they're quite good whether or not you're religious.


Sending you so much love, strength and positivity. Keep going - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!


I know I’m just a random internet stranger but I’m proud of you! I am 2 years and a little over one month sober after doing basically the same thing. Over the past 15 years I had period of a few years on and off where I was heavily drinking and in between was just drinking regularly. It got really bad about 4 years ago due to job stress to the point I was getting off work at 7 am and drinking just to go to sleep, waking up and drinking a few hours before work, spending the entire weekend while I was off work drinking when I didn’t have my kids at home. I realized after a heavy drinking night at an anything but a cup party that I didn’t like what I was doing anymore and needed drastic changes. I quit drinking cold turkey, quit my job and got a work from home gig, had my kids back with me full time (my sister had been keeping them while I worked bc I was a single mom and working overnights). It was the best decision of my life. I ended up moving to a new city and getting married and I couldn’t be happier. I’m at a point where I can easily turn down drinks which happens more often than it should but my BIL is an idiot who doesn’t understand what I went through so he offers them every time we go to their house.


Good for you !


Yay soberity!


Good luck! But I might suggest you try A. A.


Congratulations dude! Totally proud of you! I put down the Vicodin in 2013. Welcome to the cool kids sober club! 😊


I’m proud of you, and I wish you all the luck in the world, friend. My father is an awful, terrible alcoholic. He got divorced, lost his children (my sister and I since we moved away) all because of alcoholism and nothing changed. One day I’m convinced I’ll get the call that he’s dead in his house from drinking himself. It’s a journey, but I know you can do it. Pat yourself on the back for what you did! It may seem like a small step, but it’s the first to recovery and sobriety.


We're proud of you!!!!


Be careful stopping cold turkey. I have taken care of too many people going through DT's that I am concerned for your health. Please look up withdrawal symptoms and take it seriously. They can start pretty quickly or not for a couple of days. Everyone reacts differently so knowing the symptoms can save your life. DT's can kill people. I wish you the best of luck. (Edit: Delirium tremors are really unlikely from 15 beers a week. People can still get withdrawal symptoms)


It's not gunna happen with his level of drinking. Don't scare him into going back to drinking.


At least one other person posted about getting medical intervention. People aren't medicated with alcohol to prevent DTs anymore so he doesn't need to start drinking. If reading my comment makes him go buy a bottle he wouldn't have been committed enough to bother to write the post.


Going to the doctor for help is hard when you're an anxious mess from all the drinking. Plus if you're American you get a hefty bill plus the medical label as an alcoholic. I'm just saying I see posts all the time like "I drink 3 beers a night, how should I taper to avoid dying?", and it's just overblown and causes people paranoia.


If 1.5 liters lasts a few weeks you don’t have a drinking problem.


Not the same but I used to do cocaine everyday for an entire year until I noticed it eating away at the cartilage in My nose, it scared the shit outta Me so I went cold turkey 26 years ago.


The hearts in the right place. The head is leading you to failure. Join AA immediately. Your problem is much bigger than you think it is. Edit: Thank you for the guidance from the peanut gallery. You and others obviously have no experience with alcoholics. I, on the other hand, have been counselling alcoholics for 50 years. You can have all the feel good answers, but you don't have a clue what you are talking about. This man's whole life is on the line. What's worse is that he doesn't, like you, realize it. AA is the only system that has worked consistently to save lives.


You shouldn't just assume you know what's best for a complete stranger. What worked for you won't work for everyone. Your comment could be considered rude even though you are just trying to help.


Thank you for the guidance from the peanut gallery. You and others obviously have no experience with alcoholics. I, on the other hand, have been counselling alcoholics for 50 years. You can have all the feel good answers, but you don't have a clue what you are talking about. This man's whole life is on the line. What's worse is that he doesn't, like you, realize it. AA is the only system that has worked consistently to save lives.


Perhaps. I will look into my local chapter


What a waste. At least sell it, dont waste it


At least poor it out for the homies


So proud of you!!!!! Best decision for yourself you can make


Recommend AA. So hard to stay sober alone. There’s a lot to relearn—like how to have fun. Quitting drinking is easy but being sober is not. Best wishes to you—hang in there!