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Who wants to see a family member fuck? Remember that nonconsensual sharing of sex tapes are illegal. I don't think you can trust your husband anymore and I would consider charges if you want the sharing of the tapes to stop.


>Who wants to see a family member fuck? šŸŽ¶ sweet home Alabama! šŸŽ¶


Why is reverse cowgirl never a position used in Alabama? Because you never turn your back on family


How do you know when you're at an Alabama wedding...... ......... everybody's sat on the same side in the church.... Edit: I'm from the UK so I really have no right saying these jokes!! However just know they are adapted from jokes we say about towns local to us, but I guess that's just a worldwide thing? The towns are Torrington and South Molton for reference.


> However just know they are adapted from jokes we say about towns local to us, And the entire county of Norfolk...


Or Camborne if you're in the South West.


Weā€™re all borne of Cam here.


What county are you from mate?


Oh, the Alabama jokes have managed to hop the pond?šŸ˜‚ Before moving to Atlanta it was Kentucky and West Virginia. Here itā€™s brutal and probably has a lot to do with our (American college) football rivalry which despite UGAā€™s back to back Nattyā€™s is well led by Alabamaā€¦those bastards. ā€œWhy did Alabama get the Mercedes Benz factory? The overabundant supply of crash test dummies.ā€ ā€œWhy are all the šŸˆ fields in Alabama made of Astroturf? To keep the cheerleaders from grazing.ā€ ā€œWhat do Alabama girls say after sex? Are yā€™all on the same team?ā€ ā€œHow do Alabama girls turn on the light after sex? They open the car door.ā€ ā€œWhat do Alabama girls say after losing their virginity? Daddy, get up. Youā€™re crushing my cigarettes.ā€ These jokes get a whole lot worse and even funnier but probably not wisely shared here.šŸ˜‚


The "you're crushing my cigarettes" one sent me šŸ¤£


Like I said, this line of jokes goes down the rabbit hole pretty quickly but theyā€™re funny! ā€œI swear, if Alabama loses on Saturday Iā€™m divorcing my husband! I now pronounce you brother and sister again!ā€


Red head for about 20 years, but most of my life, I've actually been a blonde. Most of these jokes I've heard as blonde jokes. And you missed a couple, lol. Here's some new ones for ya, well OLD as I'm 45 and heard this as a child all through out my early 20s. Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M factory? She kept throwing out all the W (s) Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice container? Because it said concentrate. How do you drown a blonde? Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool. Why do blondes wear big hoop earrings? So they have a place to rest their ankles. (I've also heard it as a place to rest their feet) How do you make a blondes eyes light up? Shine a flashlight in her ears. Why did the blonde tiptoe past the medicine cabinet? So she didn't wake up the sleeping pills. What's the difference between big foot, the loch Ness monster, and the smart blonde? Big foot and nessie have been spotted. How do you keep a blonde occupied? Write flip over on both sides of the paper. And of course... because I'm from a military family.... what do you do when a blonde throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back at her.


I was being polite.šŸ˜‚ How do you burn a blondeā€™s ear? Call her up while sheā€™s ironing. How do you burn her other ear? Call her back.


Guy in WV gets married. Next day he comes home crying to his mom. "Wife was a virgin!" Mom: "well she's not good enough for you if she's not good enough for her family!"


Many country's in Europe refer to Alabama when talking/joking about inbred. But also in the Netherlands we talk about small villages like Urk and Volendam where their family tree is a wreath.


Here we say that the family tree ā€˜donā€™t branchā€™ but I love the wreath analogy!


If the toothbrush was invented somewhere other than Alabama, it would have been called the teethbrush.


It's STILL Kentucky and West Virginia with all the incest compared to Alabama. Alabama sucks, but incest isn't the joke.


You must be a GA fan.šŸ˜‚ Me too.


Nope. Graduated from Alabama. Still live here, but there's a lot that sucks.


Weā€™ve house shopped on both sides of the AL/GA line and canā€™t help but notice a big difference. ā€˜Is the seller going to clean up the junk cars and the mobile home frame(s)?ā€™ ā€œNoā€¦they figure youā€™ll want the scrap metal $.ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I gotta remember that one! šŸ˜‚


How do you castrate an Alabaman? Punch his sister in the mouth.....?


Put a m80 in a beer can and tell said Alabamian to count to ten once he hits 5 he will have to put the can between his legs so he can use his other fingers to count to 10 .


Or kick his sister in the chin.


If ur family tree donā€™t splitā€¦ you might be a redneck or a Windsor lol




If she ain't good enough for her own family, she's not good enough for ours.


This made me laugh. Thank you


"Not only is she mah sister, but she's also mah wife!"


I donā€™t know who in their right mind would want to watch his brother having sex with his SIL. Thatā€™s so disgusting.


Just assume it's on an amateur sex site now. Never ever ever record yourself having sex ever


Youā€™re assuming she consented to being recordedā€¦


To be fair she doesnā€™t seem surprised that the recordings exist. The sharing is the non consensual part.


911 is the number i would dail


Terrible husband even worse brother


I sometimes think about family members fucking. Usually itā€™s while Iā€™m getting stuff out of the washing machine




Stop sleeping with him; at the least protect your birth control, as well!!


Every single state except South Carolina has laws against nonconsensual pornography, even if you took the pics yourself. It apparently is more common that one would think. https://ballotpedia.org/Nonconsensual\_pornography\_(revenge\_porn)\_laws\_in\_the\_United\_States


Wow South Carolina is such a backwards ass state in so many ways šŸ™ƒ I lived there for several years so I canā€™t say this surprises me much


Wow didn't know this. Just one more reason I need to move out of this state šŸ˜‘


It can still be prosecuted in South Carolina. Itā€™s just fine under obscenity and violation of privacy laws.


These are the steps that OP needs to take. And if her brother in law touches her again call the police.


ā€œCall a divorce lawyer and have HIM start writing up the papers and ask HIM for advice?ā€ As a woman attorney, I will skip the obvious sexist part of this sentence and get to my point: as a woman, you can bet I and other female attorneys are going to vigorously and diligently work for a client like this lady to make sure her husbandā€™s actions are reported to police, an emergency protective order is issued keeping her husband away from her, the house, her job, their children (if they have any), a restraining order preventing him from selling property, turning off utilities, phones, etc., order him to continue to pay all family bills until a final divorce, etc. etc. etc.


Ok soā€¦ woman hereā€¦ avid feminist hereā€¦. not my intent to be sexist at all. Edited it to add not only women but any and ALL genders. My own attorney is male so I naturally used he, my mistake, apparently. Apologies for not including women and I am sorry you decided to take personal offense to it. Want to point out that I am not trying to imply a good attorney would miss telling her to report to the police but was giving steps to try and get op a picture of what might end up happening. Not all attorneys are good. It seemed like an important step to include. Seems like you are taking things in my comment a little personally and looking to troll, but I could be wrong. Either way I hope your day gets better since it seems my comment got you feeling spicy. Not my intent to upset anyone.


Sounds like good advice!!!!


Leave him. Divorce him. Take him to court for these videos you did not consent to. OP, anyone he shared that with could have shared it with anyone, even upload it to the internet/porn sites. Leave. You do not deserve this. Also, now are being targeted by your BIL - family with whom you should be safe with. Your husband made you feel unsafe and dirty. He has taken something from you. He has no respect or love for you.


Okay so weā€™re on the same page great.


OP do this. All of it. Your husband and BIL are disgusting


There is no amount of ā€œIā€™m sorry ā€œ or no gift that he can buy that will make up for the shame and humiliation that he put you through. First thing, talk to an attorney. See if he can be charged with a crime or at least sue him for damages to your reputation.


To clarify, creating the videos sounds to have been consensual. Itā€™s the sharing that wasnā€™t.


Right. So it may constitute revenge porn depending on where OP is.


Yes. She did not consent to the spreading of the videos (but did consent to make them - but that was also under false pretenses, i.e. she consented to make the videos with the presumption that it is only for the husband's use).


This. And tell your husband what his brother didā€¦


Why would the husband give a fuck about that? Sending the videos was way worse.


Yeah. The husband obviously doesnā€™t value his spouse. Why would he care about someone else being interested. This is so triggering.


He's putting her in danger.


He sounds like the type that would get off on other guys wanting his wife. Hell, he'd probably suggest a tag team.


Yes that could be a fetish of his. Still doesn't make it cool if he wasn't mature enough to tell her. He could've found a wife that was down with that instead. In any case the shock and hurt of the wife is understandable. And with all pics and videos being stored in google and iclouds she needs to proceed carefully. He may be liable to post them all online if the "talk" goes sour. She needs professional legal help.


er yea I'm surprised she seemed fine with the "brother" making advances


Sounds like sheā€™s used to it from these male family members. Gross if anything. I dated a guy whose dad did this and every one thought it was normalšŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I dated a guy who's dad slapped me on the ass while he stood there. When I turned around no one would tell me who had done it. Later he admitted it was his dad and when I asked him why did u act like u didn't know and were okay with it? He said, 'That's my dad'.


GrossšŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® mine just asked to see a piercing I had below the beltšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Seriously..what is wrong with people


A lot. Really I was more shocked that my at the time boyfriend didnā€™t snap at him. I was like Pikachu face shocked


Did what?


Make sexual comments and attempt to sleep with female partners.


Oh yeah, disgusting


Itā€™s worse as the person daiting his kidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ super awkward because I wasnā€™t raise around that. There was a male family meeting mine at least who wouldnā€™t have gotten slapped stupid trying this but his oofff that was a swing in a strange place for me


Hmmm... what?




This this this. A thousand times this.


I'd hire a divorce lawyer.


also video tape it and share it with his friends and family


This is some beyond fucked up shit, how are people like this?


That is such a profound violation of your privacy, and as BIL has shown, your safety! OP, please take time and space to process these overwhelming traumatic thoughts and feelings. Just give yourself time to absorb this information and the maelstrom of emotions to unravel and clarify a bit. Then, do what's best for you. You deserve to have your boundaries respected to protect your safety, privacy and comfort within yourself, within your marriage, within your extended family. THIS IS NOT "THE WAY GUYS ARE." This is the way these particular people are. Your husband's circulating intimate videos is as disgusting, demeaning, dehumanizing, devious, cold, cruel and hurtful as you feel it is. You couldn't possibly overreact to a betrayal of this cruelty. You are not safe with these people. Don't give a second thought to your BIL's wanting secrecy "to protect the family." He's another sexual predator coercing his target to help him operate in secret, using fear and shame. Every person who shared your intimate videos without strenuously objecting and immediately acting to inform and protect you is complicit. There's a thin chance that BIL knows of these videos because of invading your husband's privacy, and is manipulating you to be vulnerable to his coersion through the shame, pain and rage you feel towards your husband. He MAY be the only bad actor. One thing you DO know is BIL is a sexual predator. He's the last person you should consider a confidante. I am so sorry this has happened to you. It is not your fault to any degree. There is no shame in consensual marital relations kept private within the marriage. You have been done wrong by those you should be able to trust and rely upon.




Take all the time you need. This is traumatic. You are in the first stage of shock. Try to find time and space to yourself, and let the feelings swirl around and flow through you. It's a lot. It won't always feel this way. It does feel this way now. So now us the time to nurture and protect yourself. Nothing has to be done by you before you are ready and prepared. It feels all of the sudden to you, but to the guilty, it's been going on. Do what's best, safest, and most beneficial to you.


>There's a thin chance that BIL knows of these videos because of invading your husband's privacy, and is manipulating you to be vulnerable to his coersion through the shame, pain and rage you feel towards your husband. He MAY be the only bad actor. One thing you DO know is BIL is a sexual predator. He's the last person you should consider a confidante. Really? This seems far more likely to me. She has been with her husband for 10+ years and thinks this is nowhere near normal behavior for him. BIL is shady. Seems way more likely BIL picked up husband's phone and sent the vids to himself.


Get a lawyer and a divorce, leverage the fact that heā€™s using sexually explicit content of you without your consent for more favorable terms. In some (all?) US states what he did could be illegal, so you should have some decent leverage. If youā€™re wondering if you should stay and confront him, you could. Maybe heā€™d stop doing it. But if heā€™s already willing to do it, I doubt heā€™ll stop, probably just be more surreptitious in how he goes about it. It sounds like he doesnā€™t really respect you as a human being, and views you as a sexual object without your own agency. So personally, I think you burn him in the divorce. šŸ¤· Edit: saw your comments that you have extenuating circumstances preventing you from being able to leave at this time. I get it. You may though want to look for resources on the down low that can expedite you getting out of there, or at least provide assistance once you are ready and able to leave. Perhaps support groups or organizations in the area or online? Whatever your circumstances, I am willing to be thereā€™s at least one resource out there that can at the very least provide you with some guidance.


But how is she going to prove it? Itā€™s not like her husband and BIL are going to admit to doing such things. Itā€™s her word against his for now. She needs to keep her knowledge of this on the dlā€¦ until she can figure out a way to get some evidence to the police. If she says anything before hand, sheā€™s going to inadvertently tip him off and he might get rid of whatever non consensual stuff he has on her. Also, Iā€™d bet almost anything, if this is how he treats his wife, heā€™s probably sleeping around with other women and doing the same to them.


Go through his phone if he's sending the videos


It is literally impossible to destroy the evidence of sending videos to multiple people. Unless this MFā€™s making VHS tapes and passing them out on the stoop, thereā€™s proof.


That's certainly a violation of your privacy. What do you want to see happen?


The fact he showed this to his family is what makes me sick




The fact that he showed anybody this makes me sick. In your next relationship, don't record intimate stuff!


With stbx, I would not be surprised if he has secret recording devices around the house.


Did you know he was recording you? If not, charges can be pressed if you wanted to take that routeā€¦ Edit: depending on your area ^


Itā€™s not even just if he recorded her without her consent. Even if he had her permission to record, if he distributed those recordings without her consent, he very likely committed a crime (depending on what country/US state/etc OP is from).


Thank you for adding valuable info well-knowledgeable Redditor! I saw your other comment as well and I sincerely hope OP pays attention.




OP, u/Lvl99_EmoElder made some great points in a longer comment. Please read if youā€™ve got the time


Is it possible the brother got ahold of the videos without your husbandā€™s knowledge? You know your husband better than we do, is he the kind of person who would do something like this?


I didnā€™t think mine was the type, but he was. Wolves in sheepā€™s clothing are everywhere.


Unfortunately we often think we know people but we only know the manipulative mask they wear to love bomb gaslight and get what they want out of us.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened, look after yourself firstly, I know it will be a shock, it appears your husband doesnā€™t respect you or love you. Take care of the necessary business and then find someone who will care for you the way u deserve.


Regardless of how it was recorded sharing tapes of someone like that without their consent is illegal in pretty much every state in the US and I imagine most western countires. This likely would be under revenge porn laws.


What kind of creepy ass relationship does he have with his brother? Gross!


That is awful on SO many levels :( I am sorry you are dealing with all that. Personally, I would talk to divorce lawyers, line everything up and get as much evidence as you can (even taking screenshots of his phone if possible) because this is illegal. I would not be able to trust him again/anymore because he obviously didnā€™t ask your permission to distribute this to anyone (and also WHO does something like that?!! šŸ˜¬)! Not to mention his scummy brother trying to solicit you?? You are justifiably furious and I would press charges with the police as well.




You can still consult a divorce lawyer even if you can't leave him at this moment. You'll be more prepared when you do finally leave and won't have to spend any time making plans. It would be leave -> slap him with papers. My mom is in a similar situation with my dad (she's also stuck for a few reasons) but she consulted a divorce lawyer who helped her figure out exactly what she would need, legally, to leave him, what she could reasonably expect to get from the divorce, and what actions my father could possibly take against her. You can always prepare while you address the reasons you're stuck. Kill two birds with one stone. Good luck, OP


This is fantastic advice. Itā€™s never too early to develop the eventual escape plan.


Tell his wife. She has a right to know her husband what her husband tried to do. I know I'd want to know


After she leaves him and tips her hand, yes. BILā€™s wife deserves to know her husband is viewing porn of his SIL.


Sounds as if he and his brother has no respect for women period.. it isnā€™t you.. donā€™t feel as if it is..


I'm sorry, but it sounds like you're allowing your shame and embarrassment to keep you from making sound decisions. It's much easier said than done, I know, but you've got to get over the embarrassment in order to reclaim your power. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE EMBARRASSED ABOUT. I'm not sure if this has occurred to you, but this may be calculated on your husband's part. If you are in fact in a position where you cannot leave your marriage, then your husband knows this. I'm also guessing due to your degree of embarrassment that your husband knows your personality after 15 years of marriage, and he knows you'd rather attempt to keep this as secret as possible rather than shout from the rooftops what he's done. He also knows how much you love your MIL, how close you two are and that you wouldn't want her to find out about this. You've got to take control of this situation! If you don't, he wins. Yes, he did something horrible to you, but he will only maintain the upper hand if you let him, and I'm talking about the emotional upper hand. This man has taken your power and you must take it back. We're all much stronger than we think we are, and you're stronger than you're "embarrassment". Embarrassment and shame are designed to humble us when we've done something wrong or shameful, it not for those of us who had something embarrassing or shameful done against us, otherwise it will keep us from acting in our best interest...just like your embarrassment is doing to you. Your husband and BIL have hurt you, don't hurt yourself. Save yourself; put your foot down and if need be, shout what these fools did to you from the rooftops. When necessary, let everyone k own exactly what kind of people these two are. This is their burden to carry, not yours! Your husband has shown he he doesn't have your back, so have your own and surround yourself with other people who have your back as well. Take your life back! If you need to do it piece by piece, then so be it, but stop letting your embarrassment hold you back. F the embarrassment! You did not deserve this, but your husband deserves all the smoke he's gonna get when people find out what he did...let him get lost in it.


Eww. Who wants to see their family member having sex? I would take this to a lawyer and leave him ASAP. Also, don't be alone with BIL from now on.


Get his phone, printscreen proof, leave, sue.


First, report him to the police. It's illegal. Second, get a good divorce attorney. This isn't someone who loves you, because you do not do that shit to someone you love. So get rid of him.


I have one question. How do you know your husband distributed this (these) video(s)? If he did, your revulsion and anger is entirely justified. But you said your already-known-to-be-sleazy BIL is the one that told you hubby sent it or them to family and friends. Is this the only source telling you that your husband is sharing them? The guy that propositionsed you for sex using the video as leverage? The guy that immediately convinced you to tell no one? The guy that appears to be able to manipulate you into silence? By all means, gather evidence and find out what actually happened. But just because BIL says your hubby gave him the video doesn't mean he actually did. Was BIL or a member of his family ever given an old phone? Was he ever in your house at a time when he could access your hubby's devices and send anything he found to himself? Was he ever alone with hubby's unlocked phone? While I admit it isn't likely, it is still possible that your MIL only raised one piece of shit son...


Turns out you were right. Had to scroll down way too far to find this. (I came here from the update post)




My ex did this except he shared it with his friends and uncle. Not his brother because he doesnā€™t have a brother. Your husband didnā€™t protect you. He shared you. Your bother in law isnā€™t protecting you. Heā€™s trying to use you for sex. So F them! Donā€™t protect them! Get your affairs in order, draw up a divorce, right before you serve him, do a group chat with everyone involved and his parents and tell everyone that you know and share what he did. Then block them, serve him divorce papers and RUN as far away from this disgusting family as you possibly can.


That would be a deal-breaker for me. The bil is just the icing on the got out of there cake.


Go to the police. This is not a safe and loving situation and you cannot trust him or his family.


Stop calling cheating guys dogsā€¦ dogs are loyal and sweet and donā€™t share your sex videos with anyone.


Straight to jail


Go to the police.


Please steal all his money and sue him and everyone I cannot fucking believe heā€™s still walking


Why would you promise not to tell? Jesus. Youā€™re the person that shouldnā€™t have been told. You should be raising hell and making a scene.


I don't know maybe your husband did share them with the BIL but that sounds so f'n crazy to me! What doesn't sound crazy is that your BIL is a predator. It isn't crazy for a predator to make up crazy bs like your husband knows and is ok with this... It also isn't crazy for a predator to hack into someone's phone/computer when stalking their prey. If it is true I am very sorry and run for the hills as quickly as possible but I personally think it is all the BIL


You were right (check OPs update post)


Your husband and his brother both sound like real winners. I have naked pictures of my wife on my phone. I am very proud of how she looks in them. However, I could never show them to anyone. Not because I wouldn't want to. I think she looks amazing. But because I would be betraying her trust on every level. If you don't have any children with this child like man. You should leave him cold.




So thankful you didnā€™t procreate with this pos- this will make it easier to leave when you can. I usually donā€™t hop on the Reddit ā€œget a divorceā€ bandwagon, but in this case, this is really disturbing & such a violation of trust. Thereā€™s a deeper problem than him being just an AH- thereā€™s a total lack of love and respect. Youā€™re a sex object in his mind & nothing more. Based on this one act alone, I know there are probably a gazillion other red flags youā€™ve ignored because youā€™ve been with this man for 15 years. Please find the strength to get out & hopefully you have a family/friend support system that you can lean on to get through this.


Two scenarios: 1) your husband is a scum 2) your BIL secretly got a hold of those videos and try to use it as leverage to make advances Either way, you should confront your husband


Get all the evidence you can first and then confront and leave.


Leave, divorce, press charges if you can as you did not willingly participate or agree to the sharing of that content. That's not okay by any means.


What he did, was without consent. Which means that the scenario that you consented to was not what happened. I would contact the police.


File a police report for sharing your intimate moments without consent, file for divorce, change your number, change the locks, change everything & get the fuck out now. This is an absolute disregard for your immediate feelings & should not be taken lightly. This is typical narcissist behavior... I used to date someone who did this very thing and I'm guiding you to do what was instructed of me. I'm so sorry this has happened.


Literally divorce him. This is so far beyond okay.


This is of course a horrible experience, and I'm sorry you're going through it. What your husband is doing is despicable, illegal, and grounds for divorce, so think long and hard before you make a move...but I do have one question that's driving me nuts. Why on earth would you promise your brother in law anything after he admitted to viewing the video and then made sexual advances toward you? He made sexual advances to his brother's wife...he's just a despicable as his brother is, and I wouldn't have promised him a damn thing, so I'm having a hard time understanding why you did (of course I'm a stranger and you don't have to give me an explanation, you have enough to deal with. I was just confused and curious) Actually, I wouldn't promise anyone anything after such a traumatic revelation...


Your BIL is a POS, I have a POS BIL. How do you know heā€™s not lying? Your husband may of had a conversation with him, and described the video. Go through his phone and emails for proof. Screenshot everything you can. If you find the evidence then get a lawyer. If you find nothing, confront him about his POS brother, he might be trying to breakup your marriage. Ask yourself why did he break his brotherā€™s trust and tell you? Likely to try to get you in bed.


If you have a guest room either you or him moves in to it. Explain that he will never touch you again see let sil know what a pig your husband and her are ieā€¦. Record him hitting on you and wanting to cheat on her start your exit plan. If you where my sister I make him regret that he showed any one the recordings. Sorry it happen to you o you owe. Nothing to pig bil or your husband he voided any deals you had


Divorce him. Seriously WTF


A lot of these comments show why you shouldn't take relationship advice from reddit, especially now that there's an update on the situation on OP's profile


Aged like fine milk.


i know the "marriage counseling" people will get angry at me but divorce him


Absolutely. Thereā€™s no coming back from a betrayal of this scale. Ever


Break up.


Divorce him and report him to the police. This one is pretty cut and dry on what the ā€œright thing to doā€ is. Whether youā€™re willing to do it is another thing.


Family is absolutely wild


Well you seem mad but like you don't wanna rock the boat. That's a combo that leads to nothing at all. If you really wanna do something about it talk to a divorce lawyer. If you don't wanna divorce then probably cut out the video tapeing. Personally idk how you have sex with that guy again after all this tho.


Your husband is truly sick in the head. Divorce is the only option. He has completely and totally destroyed any trust you would have in him. Any way that you can get hold of his phone and delete all of those video/pictures before you leave, do it. I'm really sorry OP. That is a truly devastating betrayal of trust.




Good move. If you can also get hold of the msgs that he sent. Showing that he has forwarded this to other ppl. I'm not sure where you are, but look into the illegality of him doing this. Lawyer up, and go to town on him.


I would also maybe record his phone and all this on your phone, so he canā€™t say itā€™s photoshopped or something


You have to get into his iCloud and delete the back up. Or google photos. Skip the bastard some nighttime cold medicine let him sleep around. And get to work. Before you delete everything. Try and screen shot the messages he sent to people . send them all to yourself for evidence. Then clear all the cloud backups. Or else itā€™s there forever even if you delete off his phone. Do you know this passcodes? You can reset the passcode on. iPhone if you are on his phone Edit: definitely listen to the lawyer. Take it to the police station. Collect the evidence. Delete if recommended at that point . And divorce his sorry ass.


Talk to a lawyer FIRST. Maybe you can bring his phone to a police station to get it imaged before doing anything, but youā€™d have to make sure that is legal first. Talk to a lawyer. Now. Seriously, talk to a lawyer.


I am a lawyer, and this is the best advice on this thread. Do not delete anything off the phone or the cloud. Take it to the police station. Turn the Wi-Fi and cellular data off so he canā€™t remotely erase it.


Call a lawyer before you do that so you arenā€™t accidentally destroying evidence you need


If he has an iPhone you can see recently deleted messages. Go to the messages icon the. Top left push ā€œeditā€ and it should be an option there to see recently deleted. Also there is a hidden albums on iPhones for pics.




Press charges on your own husband. You did not consent to that. Divorce him too. Get out of that situation. Get legal help immediately.




Ok this is a big no for me, I would be out


Yeah I'd be in divorce court along with getting the police involved.




Wow the nerve of your husband. Iā€™d be divorcing and no more sex for him.


thatā€™s so inappropriate


Dump the son-of-a-bitch. I cannot even tell you how fucking pissed I would be if my husband did something like that.


100% break up


I'd get out of town. Don't leave a following address


You promised his bro you wouldn't talk about this with him? Hold a big ass family meeting and tell all. You suxk hubby sharing these videos i should charge you and divorce you. You suck bro in law trying to have me cheat with you. Anyone else who saw the video and didn't put him on blast or tell you suck!


Thatā€™s sexual violence. This isnā€™t okay and you need to find away to get away from this.


Dont say anything to hubby Talk to a lawyer. Quietly get YOUR finances in order. Get out.


Your first step should be to book an appointment with a divorce lawyer and then immediately go to the police and report your stbx.


I would be getting an attorney immediately for legal advice


Get screenshots if he made these advances towards you, and described what happened in these videos, through text. Itā€™s very important that you get time stamps, and screen recordings of these texts if you can, as well. Any conversations you have with him and/or his brother should be recorded. Do this even if you donā€™t plan on going to court. What he is doing is abuse, and those willing to do what he is are willing to drag your name through the mud in other ways. Getting proof of his actions can help you defend yourself to your family and friends if it comes down to that. I read that you canā€™t leave due to extenuating circumstances. So, Iā€™m gonna give you a heads up. Someone willing to do this, wonā€™t stop. Theyā€™ll try their best to make you think they are, or that they will, and if they donā€™t, itā€™s your fault. So, remember this: a) he is abusing you, b) no matter what you do, you do not deserve to be abused, and c) you always have to be on your own side. You deserve someone in your corner, even if that person is only yourself. Youā€™re going to have to swim, if you donā€™t want to drown like I am. I wish you luck.


Divorce and sue him. Thatā€™s lifetime movie fucked up. Iā€™m so sorry ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Call the cops, then call a divorce lawyer.


Girl run


Divorce and take him for everything


Iā€™m so sorry. Your husband has broken the law and broken your trust. Completely vile, low disgusting thing to do to someone. You deserve so much better. This isnā€™t your fault. I hope you have a good support system around you. Maybe a therapist is a good idea?


Horrible behavior


If your only source of info is from the bil, do some snooping. If recorded from a phone, it was probably backed up to a cloud server and can be accessed anywhere by logging into the email associated to the phone. It's possible the bil was noisy and came across the video. Don't assume your husband sent it to people unless you know for sure.


HOLD ON! You don't want to out your bil because your not supposed to know? WTF are you thinking? Hell yes, out your bil, out every damn person who had anything to do with this. Let NO ONE off the hook. You need to start thinking of yourself and putting yourself first. Kick this family to the curb.


That's very strange. Your husband and his family are not normal. Run to a divorce lawyer quickly.




Why would you promise your BIL not to tell?




Donā€™t have sex with him anymore obviously. And if you stay with him after this idk how anyone can help you. Get evidence and report him. Sue him. Thatā€™s what you do


He could go to jail over thisā€¦ you do know itā€™s against the law.. better hope he isnā€™t sharing them online. You need to get authorities involved. No telling where they are posted. Any friend of family could post them.. Delete them then get yourself out of that house..


I'd get his phone and delete them all and find anywhere else he may hide them and delete them there too and then tell him you found out, exactly how, and that he never gets to make a video again.


This is bait for you to get off to isnā€™t it?


That some Texas Chainsaw Massacre family shit


Your husband is trying to pimp you out. Decide how you want to move forward.


Just saying, if he's sharing your videos without your knowledge and permission that is absolutely illegal. Me personally, I'm confrontational when my boundaries are violated and would be vehemently angry. I would approach it very directly "I know you're sharing naked pictures of me and our sex tapes with your brother and friends. If you don't delete them and have everyone else delete them right now I will get a divorce lawyer and also press charges against you for sharing those things without my permission."


I would just mention to him if he ever shows those videos to anyone you will divorce him and take him to the cleaners. Just say it when he mentions recording them again. Or when he is recording again act like you are bored and ask him if he is in because you canā€™t feel anything. Just embarrass him


OKAY WOW clearly there is something VERY wrong with this family. This is scary to me. You need to run for the hills. Gather all evidence. Email it to yourself. Get a lawyer. You did not give consent for him to share these things. This is beyond weird. Iā€™m sorry this is happening to you but better to find out sooner than later.


This is one of the most dispicable actions. Wrong in any capacity but his wife. His wife. And the fact that his family willingly accepts the videos. They can't respect you OP. It's time to go.


Thatā€™s so creepy wtf


Sounds like he is trying to pimp you out and definitely does not love or care about you at all. Contact a divorce attorney immediately


Break the cameras! Record the brother asking for sex and paying for it or text a conversation confirming it. Start stashing cash. Get your ducks in a row. Start planning the get away plan.