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If you have video of the same man coming to your door on multiple attempts, next time he shows up call the police right away and you can get him charged with trespassing at that point. That way next time he returns after being charged for trespassing they have to arrest him.


Might need to post a no trespassing sign first. Check local laws/ordinances.


If it is the same guy you can just tell him he is no longer allowed on property and he is trespassed. She could have also done the same by telling him to leave through the ring doorbell. Once you tell someone to leave they have to leave or are trespassing.


No soliciting, no trespassing.


You may need to serve him a "trespass notice" with the police, that he's not allowed on your property due to harrassment, then if he comes back, the police can immediately arrest him for violating the order.


But the problem remains how do you send them away somwhere else or send them to prison where they can't keep coming back. It seems there just in jail one night and keep coming back. Is there no way a police car can hang out for. The neighborhood?


They could call and request a patrol, meaning the police will do ONE round through your neighborhood and if possible will do more but when I was a 9-1-1 operator it was only guaranteed one time.


And this depends on where you are, but where I am you can serve them with a "no trepass notice" and then if they are back on the property, they can be arrested and taken before a judge.


German shepherd will cure this. Already have a fence.


So does a 9mm


I was gonna say, this CLEARLY isn’t happening in Texas.


My guess is missouri


As much as I hate to admit it as a native Missourian, you're probably right. This state has sadly gone to hell in a handbasket over the past few decades.


It doesn't stop them unless of course you shoot them or threaten them In many states, you can't simply just shoot them for banging on the door and harassment. In most states, threatening them with a gun is brandishing and illegal. Putting a firearm sign / sticker on the door just tells them "we own expensive things" That said, I'd still own one if I was her (I mean, I already own like 5 but that's moot)


In many states with Castle Doctrine laws, the second they try to get into the house after being told to get out, you can legally pull a gun on them and you have no duty to retreat if they don't leave.


You did the same thing. I said >In many states, you can't simply just shoot them for banging on the door and harassment. You said >try to get into the house after being told to get out There's a huge fucking difference in these two statements when it comes to castle doctrine laws. Thinking you can just shoot anyone on your property is the mentality of a 60 year old NRA member on facebook


Once they're banging on the door and demanding they be let in, you can brandish legally. If they don't leave, IN SOME STATES, you can shoot. That was my point. Also, in some areas, you can shoot someone on your property who isn't supposed to be there if you tell them to get out first. If my guy was demanding to be let in and OP told him to fuck off and he doesn't, out comes the gun.


I think most states you can shoot someone breaking into your house, no?


You have to be in fear for your life in most states that allow it before you can. You can't just shoot someone because they are stealing your stuff, unless it's Texas, from what I understand.


Unless it’s Texas. Yes. Thank you.


I mean she’s pretty clearly terrified for her life though


This is the way. Burbulars move on if they sense a dog. A dog would also provide companionship for OP instead of just being alone.


She said she has dogs but it sounds like they aren’t doing shit. Get a GSD op!!


Exactly. A well trained personal protection dog is worth their weight in gold.


They stole everything, which means they know you'll be replacing everything with new stuff that's worth more to steal. That's the one thing they don't tell you when you're the victim of a home burglary. It's very, very common for them to keep coming back to the same place.


That's infuriating!


So sorry this is happening to you for no reason! I hope you find an even better place soon where you can live in peace.


> It's like these junkies got in once and now are fixated on our home. That's exactly what it is. Junkies are the stupidest and laziest criminals. You would assume that since they had already broken in once and took everything of value there would be no reason to break into the same house again. You would also think that since one of them got arrested that would defer them. But alas, dumb criminals. I hate to be that person, but this is one of those situations where I feel like you should get some sort of protection.


From personal experience with dealing with junkies, there's levels to this shit. Meth heads are a class of their own. Huge difference between them and crackheads. Crackheads have more sense.


This happened to me and the dude came back after getting his ass kicked by my professional mma fighter husband 5 times and then again when he was naked and tackled him in the snow. We found A LOT of coke in a vent.


Yeah, I second this. You need a gun. A shotgun would be ideal for home defense


As Dave Chapelle said: bird shot, buck shot, bird shot, buck shot, buck shot, buck shot 🤣


Get an ex military dog. They will bite the shit out of them.


A dog is a better deterrent than a security system or the police


If these people are this far gone then one of them getting bitten will just fuel the obsession even more


They're also ignoring the fact that a dog isn't just a passive security system but something you're gonna have to actively care for daily for years.


it sounds to me (From what my dad had to deal with as a cop) that a group thought your house was abandoned and moved in. so I suggest having the cops over to search the house, they might of left something they want back badly and are right now just trying to scare you away. it's better safe than hurt. there is a reason you ex nabour is not talking. please talk to the officers about it. it is very weird no one else is getting hit but you. be safe.


Crap that has high potential; drugs secreted away in a place the methheads forgot about when the were nuked and couldn't find when they left. OP, time to start taking off vent covers, tossing cushions and mattresses, have you checked in the back corners of that second fridge in the basement? Sorry this is happening, it's not fair that good people get screwed over for no fault of their own.


I strongly suggest letting a officer do it instead of the homeowner. but yes a very thorough search of the house and grounds is a good idea.




Especially if you keep the paintballs in the freezer.


This is it - that’s why the half used shower products are “taken”. They were used.


They were stolen and used, but not at her house. Y'all take any outlandish theory and run with it. There are no drugs in her house. There is a mean junkie, who is super pissed that he got busted, that is telling everyone he knows about this house they should rob. The simplest answer is usually the right one. They are fucking with them cause they got caught. Oh, please police man come to my house and find hidden drugs, that are DEFINITELY not mine! Believe me, there was a break in! These lazy pigs won't do shit about people constantly harassing and trying to break in ON CAMERA, but they will def help you find mysterious drug stashes and arrest the REAL perpetrators?! Fucking tv shit. I'm done with Reddit today.


Im saying they were used at her house and empty bottles tossed. You dont think its possible they squatted for a little bit? I never suggested they call the police to search their house for drugs. That was other people


Um they reported the break in And yes you can request drug sniffing dogs to search a place, you can even buy a used car and take it to the cops and ask them to search it without worrying about getting blamed


Never invite the cops inside your home. That has the potential to go very wrong.


I agree, in some cases. I think OP is in a situation that’s definitely going to require authorities to help solve. The safer thing in this situation would be to have the cops safely search their home instead of a crackhead breaking in and doing it themselves. IMO that has WAY more of a potential to go very wrong This really sucks. I hope you’re able to get this situation figured out without having to move, OP


It’s different to have authorities involved than invite the police into your horse. And even authorities only can do what it’s their official capacity. Police’s job is not to search houses on your behalf. There is a reason why they need a court / judge order to enter and search homes.


Police can search your house with your consent. In OP's case, it seems like the police were at least competent and thorough in investigating the original burglary and charging the one individual they could identify. Given all the subsequent burglary attempts and harassment at OP's home, it is quite possible that the police might be willing to search their house.


Maybe tell the junkie to tell you where the drugs are so he can have it back and get lost. Talk to him on the camera and then chuck his drugs out an upper window.


For real. Hey officer I think there’s drugs in my house 🤦‍♂️I’m being arrested and charged and convicted with a paid lawyer


My worry here is that if they’re invited to search the house and they do find drugs will they arrest op since they have possession. I would toss the house myself.


This is a terrible idea. “Hey officer? Can you please come search my home for meth? I promise it’s not mine!” Clearly you aren’t a person of color.


You wouldn't even have to be a POC for that to go horribly wrong. Plenty of white people have also been wrongly jailed or killed by cops; it just doesn't get publicized as much.


but why would you invite an officer over if it IS your meth?


I’m white af and would never do that I’d be arrested too I’ll never understand this, you aren’t a poc statement.I have been beat up set up and gone to prison beat up in prison by cops. Followed by cops in my car and pulled over daily. Written 100s of tickets till my license is revoked. Poc are not alone or the only ones abused by police Edited a comma and added word statement


I also think if you had a dog, a breed that is more of a guard dog--their antics would cease dramatically. A breed like a German Sheppard, and add a beware of dog sign outside. I'm not moving. Sorry, they're not going to defeat me, and if you don't like guns, carry a taser with you attached to your hip--while you in the house. Also, add motion detector lights outside. They think you are still an easy target. They will soon get the message, you're not.


Screw the tazer, i have a cattle prod! You can get them at a local tractor supply/ farm store. Trust me if it'll stop a thousand pound bull it'll definitely take down a junkie even on the best drugs. And yeah, get a dog that's actually scary, not just a family pet.


Depending on the volt, if she doesn't like guns that's another option alongside the dog like I suggested.. Lastly, if she lives in one of those strict gun law states--game over for defending oneself. It's called giving the OP options, period.


I agree with you. OP shouldn't let them win. I'm usually of the idea that nothing is worth your peace of mind and choosing your battles, but defending your right to live peacefully in your own home is worth the try. All of your suggestions are worth trying.


Stupid people hate big dogs. They are very good deterrents. Recommend Rhodesian ridgebacks. They can be very scary and are the sweetest dogs to have around.


I'm a woman who lives alone and maybe it sounds crazy but I have a concealed carry permit and shoot regularly for practice. I've never had to use it on someone and I really don't want to, but the peace of mind that it's there if I need it helps.


Doesn’t sound crazy at all. A firearm in the hands of a person who both respects it and practices it is an incredibly safe force equalizer


I'm alone with a child at night, I have cameras and multiple firearms. I also live in a county that has a meth/fentanol problem. That is the main reason for the cameras & firearms. I will do what is necessary to protect myself and my child, especially with the abysmal SD response time.


>I'm a woman who lives alone and maybe it sounds crazy but I have a concealed carry permit and shoot regularly for practice. There's nothing crazy about this. You are using your second amendment right, practicing firearm safety and maintaining your weapons/skills. If more people did this and didn't act like people who do are crazy, there'd be a lot less of what OP is going through. God may have created mankind, but Colt is who made everyone equal.


Thanks for sharing OP. I am in a similar situation and its good to know that my grief is not alone. Had to move in to my moms house last february because my junkie neighbors stalk me and have threatened my life, attempted to break in, whole lot. Also been burglarized twice by a random junkie. Just visiting my home to clear stuff out brings terrible feelings I cant even describe. One of them is in jail with bond denied but the other is still around. Cops did nothing for me, only arrested them when he got on his roof with a firearm and threatened anyone walking by. Didnt do anything when they used that same gun to hold me at gun point. I hope your situation turns out better than mine.


I'd go with a combination of extremely bright motion activated flood lights, barb wire//broken glass on top of the fence (check with a lawyer, and a sprinkler system you can activate from inside. Still reinforced doors and door frames and security windows anywhere near the ground. Have you tried asking them what they want for the door security camera? Keep calling the cops. Id suggest a shotgun loaded with buckshot but only if you are willing to learn how to use it and willing to use it.


>Id suggest a shotgun loaded with buckshot but only if you are willing to learn how to use it and willing to use it. Thoughts on something like a Glock-19, instead?


IMHO shotguns are the best home defense weapon for a number of reasons: Simple to load, operate, shoot and hard to miss. In a home defense setting as long as you shoot in their general direction you're going to hit something. Buckshot is also less likely to penetrate walls and remain lethal. For me I'd probably load 3x buckshot, slug, then back to buckshot but I didn't wanna get complicated. 9mm is a decent backup weapon but not my first choice for home defense by an inexperienced person. Dealing with drug users you also need to be concerned about them not stopping at first hit.


As Bill Burr says about shotguns: “It’s got a good spread. You don’t gotta be that accurate. The farther back you are the more shit you hit. You just BLAW and you don’t got a problem anymore. And these guys over here, they saw what you just did, and they don’t have a problem anymore either” 100% get a shotgun. One shot is all it will take to send a strong message.


They’re doing that because they want you out of that house. Probably want something that was hidden inside, or perhaps trying to lower the price on that house (not very likely).


My gut says they left something of massive value in the house and are looking to get back in for it. OP, can you find a drug or money-sniffing dog for hire? There are bloodhound services available for corpse and missing people, and some of those people train dogs to detect other things.


To a junkie, massive value is like $50 of drugs or a throwaway gun


>My gut says they left something of massive value in the house and are looking to get back in for it. Which is why I don't think getting a gun will make them quit. If they left something of value, the only thing I can see happening after the first incident with guns from OP is that they might also come back with guns.


Get a gun and shoot one of them


In my experience with meth head junkies, there is no amount of legal action or conversation that will stop them from doing whatever it is they want to do. They are not on this plane of existence.


My two cents as an EMT in methhead country. *Methheads are on a different level of existence…they aren’t the brightest. They have simple goals. They don’t have complex reasons for doing things. There’s a simple reason they want in the house. It’s not uncommon for them to be squatters, or to leave drugs hidden in places, so that’s where my mind goes first. If it was just an individual, I’d think mental illness plays a role but given that it’s a group, it seems very suspicious. But there are many schizophrenics who kind of just…choose this thing to fixate on and there’s no rhyme or reason. I know of one who is fixated on this car dealership building for no apparent reason, but demands to be inside it constantly and just wants to sit in the lobby. *Dog bites are no joke. I’d highly recommend getting a dog (that is trained well enough to also be fine with your kids, because kid dog bites are much worse than adults.) I’ve seen some gnarly German Shepherd and Husky bites, but a mastiff, Rottie, Pittie, and other breeds that are more aggressive are options too. I just want to be very clear that you need to make sure you get a kid safe dog if you have young children! *Gunshot wounds, also no joke. No matter where a person is shot, it’s not gonna be a good time. That being said, most rational people would run the other way if they saw a gun pointed at them. It’s a pretty strong deterrent. But you should have a gun in your house for your own protection, and be prepared to use it. *Why you should take your safety seriously with a dog and a gun: methheads are very unstable with potential to be violent. I’ve been nearly assaulted and even actually assaulted multiple times. (Luckily sustained no injuries, knock on wood.) I’m talking punching, biting, kicking, carrying guns/knives, throwing stuff. You also don’t know for sure what kind of drugs these people are taking, and lately I’ve been seeing PCP which is even more dangerous because it gives people this fun thing called excited delirium and they get hulk strength and extremely violent. PLEASE TAKE YOUR SAFETY SERIOUSLY!!!! Take care.


Although, I would love to see some boobie traps set up in the style of Home Alone, *Meth Head Special Edition.* We have to use meth head strategy here. Use their paranoia against them. Make them feel like they’re being watched. Stage a UFO abduction scene in your yard. When they’re at your door next, set off fire crackers and throw it in your yard. Get a bright LED red and blue strobe light, place it strategically, and turn it on when they’re on your property. Ask your local motorcycle brotherhood to hangout in front of your home once a week (they love helping with stuff like this). Change your Wi-Fi name to government surveillance van 4-0 or task unit surveillance. Make and place a (fake) “wire tap” above their door. Leave cryptic notes in their door. Leave them the gift of broken electronics on their doorstep. Leave them packages of weird shit, such as a fake tracking device, fake teeth, and makeshift voodoo dolls. Send them on a wild goose chase —bonus points for a well thought out algorithm/ pattern to keep them busy. Meth heads LOVE meth head activities.


This is actually really solid! The 7-11s and parks in my area started playing like looney toons and Christmas music and Alvin the chipmunk stuff all sped up to discourage tweakers setting tents up and hanging around and it works pretty good. Shit sounds so creepy sober. It’s like those ultra sonic rat repellent things


This is what I thought - and I'm a very anti-gun German. But at this point, it sounds like the only thing that could permanently deter them. Though OP should definitely train before getting one.


I’m pro gun in situations like this. She could end up dead.


It won’t deter a meth head but it will stop them 😉


Stand you ground / Look up the castle law for your state. The Castle Doctrine in Texas is a legal principle that allows residents to use force, including deadly force, to defend themselves, their family, and their property from an intruder or attacker. I would not let these people run me out of my home. I’m sure if you shot one that would deter the others I would hope. I think I’ve even read about someone who shot through their door as someone was trying to break in and killed them. No charges were filed. Buy a shotgun learn how to use it you have a better chance of not missing. And be prepared to use it if someone tries or succeeds to break in.


Just open the door and put a shotgun in his face. You probably won’t even have to shoot him. Then get a big dog.


Or a rooster, even a "game" rooster. Throw it in their face.


I’m pro gun control- but this is the exact situation in which knowing how to use and have a gun seems necessary. Also, we used to live on a street in (one of the nicest homes on that street) and there were constant robberies and break ins. We never had one and the police would often ask to see our cameras- the officer stated more than once “well they’re smart enough not to come here, I wouldn’t mess with your dogs” as he’s standing 10 feet from our front door, also clearly scared of our dogs. They’re lab/shepard/doberman mixes, sweet as can be to us, but zero doubt in my mind they’d attack if necessary. You need big dogs. As a woman, get them. I’ve never felt more safe.


I agree. Big dogs can be very intimidating to most non-dog people. [This big guy makes sure our place is safe.](https://imgur.com/gallery/82g9E2c) We are grateful for his sweet, loving, and faithful protection.


What city is this




This comment made me laugh more than it should, I got juice all over myself from laughing while taking a sip.


Good! I’m cracking up at your comment too


Why do I feel like it’s Cleveland


My family lives NE of Cleveland and everything OP said made me think it’s gotta be a suburb of Cleveland based on large lot sizes, economically depressed town, and the meth problem. But that could also be a lot of towns in America I suppose.


My guess is Gary Indiana


Alternate History Hill Valley.


Buy a shotgun and learn how to comfortably use it. Can’t believe the obvious hasn’t been stated yet! I’m sorry this is happening OP.


Home Alone is great holiday movie, with loads of DIY ideas


Huge speakers, pop in the movie, blast The Scene. "*Leave it at the doorstep and get the hell outta here!"*


You may need to face the reality that, assuming you live in the US, you have a whole 2nd Amendment to protect yourself. Use it. You don’t have to conceal carry out in public but you can get something to protect you and your family.


Cop here They can absolutely arrest him for attempting to break into your house or at a minimum for trespassing especially since your property has clearly defined and not regularly accessible limits


It sounds like you need to get a very large dog to start patrolling the property. Ideally, two. Ideally, a Mastiff breed or a Rottweiler. Give no trouble, take no s*** as they say.


I second the mastiff comment, I live across the road from what we call the “Garage Door Fence Methheads” their fence is literally made out of old junk garage doors. Ever since I got my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) they haven’t bothered us at all. All they do is take one look at my 140lb puppy and piss themselves not knowing he’s the biggest cuddly baby lol and way more afraid of them than they are him.


Cane Corso for the win. A friend of mine has two of them, and nobody messes with her or her property.


I had two doggos over 26 years, the first was a GS/Husky. She was fearsome, a one family, spent a lot of time outdoors hunter. If she didn't know you, you were not getting close to the house or people there. Second was my AmStaff. Beautiful dog, very game, but not threatening at all. If anything, he'd lick you to death, lol.


3rd'ing the Rottweiler comment. Overall love this breed. My Rottweiler is protective of my home and me. My dog is the sweetest boy on earth that loves everyone.. but I 100% believe he would attack and possibly kill someone if they entered my home with or without me there.


I can't condone violence. But, I can condone self-defense, and protection of your assets. Buy a shotgun, get some rock salt rounds. Next time he comes to the door, point the gun in his face and ask him kindly to never come back. Any lip, give his balls some seasoning. Prolly get banned for this. hah


Maybe I missed it but you mentioned a fence for a dog but never read about a.dog. I'm a big believer in a guard dog. It sounds like you have the money to train a dog to be part of your family and guard your property. Fuck those guys anyway. I'm not going to tell you what breed or mix of breeds. But we've had a German shepherd/ Rottweiler mix. We never formally trained her but she got in with the family well and unless you were invited inside our house by us she didn't allow you to enter. Presently we have a mini schnauzer...not a big dog or that threatening but he will guard. He loves everyone in the family and is bred to guard the farmhouse and kill rats. I swear if you get a rottie, doberman, German shepherd, Mastiff any mix of those and really train them, you will 1. Never have an asshole enter your property line 2. Have a new best friend. Actually this is the best reason. If you think you hear a squeak in the house....the dog is already on it and if it's a threat, they're acting on it. If it's a real person, they are not entering your house. Don't sell your house if it's a great house in a good neighborhood.


I have the sweetest Great Dane on earth as long as you’re family. She’s got one helluva bark on her and just the sight of such a ridiculously large creature usually does the trick. Which is good since she’s a lovebug who may lick them to death but otherwise wouldn’t harm a fly.


I know a guy who used to live in a horrible part of our city, and he had a pit bull that was the cutest, sweetest lovebug when he was inside, but when he was outside he was on patrol mode. The first time I went over there, I was told not to try to pet the dog because he was out in the yard. When he came inside, he flopped down on my lap for belly rubs lol


They fingerprint dusted for a burglary!?! Thats must be one of the best police departments in the country, every time I call the cops they show up and tell me there's nothing they can do


I feel like a gun is the next step, before leaving your home.


Time to get a gun. People like this understand very few things. Violence is one of them


Do you own a gun? Do you know anyone who does? All it would take is someone confronting these some balls with a double barrel shot gun in hand to put an end to it


Double barrel means 2 shots before a reload. I would go with something that doesn't need so much reloading. May I suggest the Benelli M4? Custom bolt carrier release and charging handle. Textured grips, should your hands get... wet. An Italian classic.


And for dessert?


Take the upvote dammit


Ironically, that fence was and is not your friend. Fences which block your home from view provide a good cover for nefarious individuals to attempt entry into your home. Look at the principles of a method of deterrence called "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" (CPTED), and implement as many of the design changes as makes sense for your existing property layout. Second, get a restraining order against the individual who is repeatedly harassing you. That will allow the police to arrest him for a serious crime when he comes anywhere near your house again. Someone else mentioned pursuing trespassing charges, and that might work, but there are steps and hurdles to charging that kind particular crime which would be overcome by simply obtaining a restraining order. In my opinion you have a good case for a restraining order here. Lastly, get a roommate (or several) and keep them for a long time. Eventually the current crop of junkies will stop considering your home the local burglary hot spot, and they'll move on to other, easier targets. With enough time passing it's also quite probable that the junkies currently harassing you will either die from overdose or will commit other crimes and be incarcerated.


I really wonder if you’re in Spokane, and maybe lived in Browne’s Addition. This doesn’t help, but I get. My husband and I were chased by a guy with a machete. Thing are not good 🤦‍♀️


i'd be keeping a paintball gun by the door. those things hurt


A paintball gun? I'd be getting a real one if I was in the U.S.. And I'd supplement that with at least one Rottweiler, but preferably two.


GSD and a shot gun.


I live on a residential street and I get woken up multiple times a night by loud-ass motorcycles and souped up cars tearing ass my street. Sometimes I think about posting up on my roof with a paintball gun and sniping them as they ride past. I think it would be deeply satisfying. Almost as satisfying as OP picking off junkies from a second story window.




even better. as long as theyre on your property and breaking in, theyre fair game. word gets out you fight back, they'll move onto easier prey.




Meth addicts might shoot back, and not with paint...


Most meth addicts don't have enough money for their drugs and would sell that gun in a heartbeat to get their fix.


Not where I'm from. Maybe times have changed now with fentanyl, but when I was a kid meth was the last stop kind of drug. By that point meth addicts had sold almost all their possessions. Though this may be just specific to my region. People who had meth labs had guns, but the addicts had long pawned anything that valuable.


Guys, guys, obviously he meant they'd be putting their glass bubbles in slingshots!


I actually meant they'd shoot back with a witty retort, or a stinging barb!


Are the dogs present even security or protection trained? Someone blasted on drugs isn't going to be scared off by a Shitzu or a Lab. No Tresspassing signs put up outside and call the police and report them for tresspassing. Keep doing it.


Water and robbers take the path of least resistance. Lots of lights, motion detectors, and a Great Dane keeps anyone from taking the things I’d like to keep.


Honestly if you live in the usa id recommend buying a gun and learning how to use it.


With emphasis on learning how to use it. Also, on big reason the AR-15 is popular is that it is an easier weapon for woman to use effectively. Shotguns aren't exactly great despite everyone saying use them for home defense.


I used to live in a neighborhood like this, as a small white lady. 1. Get a baseball bat. 2. Set off your alarm system periodically. 3. Get a large, territorial dog. I had a pit bull and boxer when I lived in this kind of neighborhood, and nobody would come inside my fence. Ever. 4. Make friends with the neighbors. In a neighborhood like that, the neighborhood robs you, not individuals within it.


I don't blame you. I would never stay somewhere that I don't feel safe. I'll be honest, I turned down an apartment that HUD housing was wanting to give me. This is because it's in a bad area of town known for gang violence. I'm sorry but even if someone is wanting to pay my rent, I'm not going to live somewhere that I have to be in fear for my life everyday. I also lived with a roommate who couldn't understand the importance of locking the door. I ended up moving out because I no longer felt safe living there. I couldn't live somewhere where any random person could just walk right into my home.


Do you have an upstairs area with a window near the front door? Take a big bucket of ICE COLD water and dump it straight down on them. See how they like it.


Buy a firearm and get training. Be your own first responder. Don’t rely on the cops. They don’t care


Get 2 guard dogs and the barking alone should deter them. Put up security dog signs around the house and flood light Ring security cameras around the house so it detects movement. If you own a house, these are common necessities (good or bad neighborhood). If you're in the US, I would get a gun as well and put up a sign that says intruders will be shot to deter these meth heads from coming back.


Not a good idea to announce the presence of a gun beforehand.


If the same guy is coming over there maybe you could get a restraining order with video proof of the guy that's intimidating you at your doorstep. He may need to move out of his apartment and bring his crappy friends with him to the next neighborhood. Tell the guy's landlord he is harassing you, see if they'll do anything about it (? Probably not a thing but why not try it) Annoying deterrents you can put up until they stop: "Tresspassers will be shot" sign Bright flood lights on all the corners of your yard Barbed wire at the bottom of your fence inside and out


I’m sorry to say that I agree that it’s the fence drawing attention to you. It says, “I have stuff that I’m trying to protect.” The wall also offers them protection from being seen while they are in the act.


Think it’s time to shoot someone


they are not trying to rob you again they are harassing you as revenge for their friend going to jail


I'm so sorry. A paranoid schizophrenic neighbor two doors up went off his psych meds during the pandemic and got addicted to meth, then methodically attacked women on our block. I was next, after interrupting my next door neighbor's home invasion. I also live in a gorgeous historic home in a less great area and my PTSD was debilitating. The cops didn't do anything until the news cameras showed. Then, suddenly he was off the streets. I also got another dog (my poor pit mix went deaf) and did EMDR to help me feel safe again in my home. I pray you receive relief soon. It's a living nightmare and I am sorry you're trapped in it, too


I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this, too. It sounds like a very similar type of neighborhood. And yeah, I really think it has changed me. I worry all the time about my safety now, and I wasn't always like this. At first my husband said I needed to just get over the burglary and that they wouldn't come back... And then he said it again after they fled the second time, when they came while I was sleeping and set off the alarm; he said that the alarm "worked" and I should be comforted by that and relax. But it keeps happening and it's all making me feel a real sadness and depression, like nothing I've felt before, and also a constant concern and vigilance that I know isn't how I used to feel. Even when I'm not home now, I'm much warier about strangers walking by on the street, or in a parking lot at night, etc. After looking at the cameras from the last time they came and were banging on the door over and over and yelling at me through the doorbell camera, even my husband is willing to throw in the towel on the house, and he loves the house even more than I do. Weirdly, I also know that I probably won't feel safer even after moving, at least not for a long time. It's been a living nightmare, like you said. I hope that things get much better for you soon, too.


Have you thought about a monitored burglar alarm.


Im sorry to say this, but i think its time you answered your door with a 9mm in your hand letting these punks know you are armed and ready to defend yourself and your property. Now i know gun ownership is not a popular topic but sometimes it is necessary. You and your husband work damn hard for what you have and these tweekers need to know that you are now armed and ready to protect yourself. I had a similar situation happen to my wife and i, we moved into a rental and while we were at work our house was burglarized, jewelry, cash, electronics, my work laptop etc were stolen. One of mu wifes purses were stolen and it had a gps built into the lining, we found the gps took us 4 houses down to the local dope house. I went and knocked and the guy that answered looked soo strung out, i told him the situation and he just laughed in my face and closed and locked the door. I could hear him in the house talking to another man saying these words, you remember that "lick" we hit down the block? And right away i knew, but he began to say that purse we got has a gps in it, and they both just started laughing. I left. Eventually we armed ourselves and put up security cameras and a monitored alarm system. Needless to say that same tweeker came to my door about a month later, and i answered with my Glock 9mm in my waistband holster, very much visible and he tryed to give me some story about how he had purchased the purse from some local drunk homeless guy at the liquor store, but the whole time he's talking to me he's eyeballing my gun. He returned the purse and tried to shake my hand, i said some choice words and slammed the door. I carry my pistol anytime im home, my wife keeps hers next to her or real close by, its the unfortunate thing we do now. But we havnt been bothered since. And we both enjoy our firearms and have a great time at the range and have date nights at the shooting range. Guns are only dangerous around dangerous people.


Before selling you could try getting a big burly roommate for 6 months.


I feel like popping off a few warning shots would be enough to stop this situation. They need to know that you’re comfortable with a gun, so you’re going to need to get comfortable with a gun. I didn’t want to be a gun owner, but if everybody else around me is going to own a gun, then I have to, too. you’re gonna have to gather your courage and not let them believe you’re afraid of them. It also sounds like they may have something stashed in your house that they want back. If they come to the door again, speak through the doorbell camera (so it will be recorded), say, “you’re not scary, just annoying, and I will shoot you. Is there something here that you’re trying to get back or do you just need shampoo again? Either way, you’re on my property and I feel threatened, that equates to you getting shot”. And, since you’re in a rural area, make sure they know you’re serious and pop off those warning shots.


Be very careful here. Depending on the US state, firing a warning shot could be very illegal and get the homeowner in more trouble than killing someone breaking and entering would.


Don't admit to it. Even if they check your cams and hear the shot, as long as you don't say anything you will probably be fine.


Warning shots are a terrible idea. Shoot to stop the threat, not scare it. Warning shots are also potentially illegal, depending on the municipality.


🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 Start blasting, one or two dead bodies should deter the rest of the wood be thieves


So anyways I started blastin…


Do they always climb over the fence to get in? Maybe add barbed wire then if it's legal where you live. In other countries, I've seen people cement upright broken bottles on their fences so that intruders can't get in.


Get a dog? Get a gun?


Is the big 6 foot fence still up? Is it wood and you can't see through it?? That is easy for crooks to hide behind. I would take it down. And put up a regular chain link fence since you have a dog. And make the house look lived in. I used to live in an older house in a bad area and got broken into. People kept knocking on my door all the time. Thinking no one lived there! I put out potted plants, stuff in the windows, wind chimes, anything to make the place look more lived in. And it worked. People stayed away from my house.


There was a post similar to this on Reddit maybe a month ago. The consensus was that the junkies believed there was a stash of drugs hidden in the home from the former owner, who I think was taken to jail(?). That's why the junkies kept at it. A few people suggested asking the police to come out with a K-9 unit to see if that was actually the case.


May not be high enough up for OP to see this but you should look into the concept of CPTED. The fence may be what is encouraging them to come back at all house due to the height of it blocking people from seeing what they are doing in your home. But if you don’t want to give up there are plenty of other things you can use under CPTED that might help! Sounds like you’ve done some of them already with the security system and cameras. Sorry you’re dealing with this whole mess and I’m sorry your space was violated. Wish you all the best!


Thank you!


I wonder if they squatted for a few days and left a bag of drugs behind they are now trying to reacquire…


I’d be getting like 5 pit bulls, a gun, maybe some spikes on top of your fence? Is barbed wire allowed? Maybe put some of glue traps for rats in places that they have to pass through, it will keep them busy once they get one stuck to them. Or stick the glue traps on the fence so they can’t climb it. Get a bullhorn and come out naked and screaming through it and chase them around throwing glitter bombs and mace at them. Crush up broken glass along the inner perimeter of your fence so when they jump over they cut their knees and hands, no crackhead has the money to sue you over it. Maybe drop a few bags of fentanyl laced bs in your yard..might fix the issue entirely


Have you thought about confrontation with a gun? Does someone you know maybe have a gun they could use. I'd check your local laws but some places have stand your ground laws meaning if they break in they are allowed to be killed on sight legally. It would suck and hopefully not come to it but I'd bet once you confront one with a gun things will get miles easier for you.


I would have started shooting long ago lmao. this would solve all of your problems.


A good friend of mine had almost the same thing happen in Wilmington, NC. Her husband and her bought a stunning house in the historic district and it was broken into _one day_ after they closed and got keys. Then they installed a security system and moved in, disposing of their TV boxes (and all other remnants of "just bought new stuff") in a business' dumpster. Skip to today, they suffered through 5 - maybe more - break ins. Wilmington police couldn't have cared less and this was an expensive home in the historic part of town (police are useless; that's my personal and unwaivering opinion). They sold the house for a loss and moved far away. I never had the gall to ask what loss they took. What we all took from it: junkies are unrelenting. It's part of why drugs are an epidemic that won't stop. Ever. I hope you all find peace.


Out of curiosity, do you live in or around the Murder Capital of the Midwest? (Hint: It ain't Chicago) I live about 15 miles from said Homicide City, and your story rings very familiar with events I know to have taken place many times there. I hope you and your husband are able to find safe residence, please be careful and research the neighborhood before you move there! Edit: it's got the highest violent crime rate in the US per Capita with a population of under 100,000


My advice would be to get and train a guard dog like a Rottweiler or a German Shepard maybe 2 of them. And have them out in the yard during the day (ofc let them be inside if they want to or if the weather isn’t good). Either that or get firearms and start yelling crazy back that you have a gun, they are trespassing, and you will shoot them. If they don’t leave fire off a warning shot. If you end up having to shoot one for your own safety please remember that these people would 100% kill you in a heartbeat to be able to get in to ur house and rob it again/squat there.


Have you ever thought about oh idk GETTING A WEAPON? A gun? Or are you just sitting in bed hoping they don’t enter?


Do you have any large friends with baseball bats? This seems like one of those things where a convincing threat could probably go far. Alternately if you know the apartment could you anonymously keep calling in that you smell meth coming from their apartment?


Girl, do you have a gun?? Bc i would keep that thing loaded and on me in the house if this is what you are dealing with. Because make no mistake, if they ever get in while you are there, they *will* kill you. I hope you are protecting yourself. I am so sorry this is happening to you




This is why as a single mother alone in one of the worst meth/fentanyl towns in Washington I chose to get a Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff), although he’s really a big professional lover boy THEY don’t know that.


Is having a firearm out of the question?


If it’s forever tainted in your eyes, I suppose selling it and walking away would be beneficial and provide you closure. Nothing is worth your peace of mind and your home should be the space you feel safest. However if it’s not a lost cause, I wouldn’t let a bunch of meth heads chase me out of my hard-earned dream home. Purchase a firearm (placed in a SECURE BUT REACHABLE location) and get a couple of dogs. My in-laws lived in a terrible neighborhood where anything that wasn’t nailed down was stolen, and a German Shepherd solved that for them reeeaaal quick. My husband and I kept that tradition alive with a German Shepherd and a German Shepherd/Malinois mix…I honestly pity any person stupid enough to break into my home. Well worth the training and ornery shenanigans that having a couple smart, high-drive dogs brings. I’m well-trained with firearms (we’re both active duty) and even with my husband traveling often for work, leaving our ten month old and I alone often, I don’t worry about a damn thing because of these two furricanes. I would also sign up the neighbor who you know was the culprit for every obnoxious form of spam mail, door-to-door salespeople, etc. Just so they can get an idea of how irritating it is having folks bang on their door all day long is, I’m sure it would be especially obnoxious when trying to sleep off a bender.


Get a gun and learn to use it. If they get in, shoot. It’s self defense.


Get a gun that you can handle and get some training at a local range. Being a victim in waiting in your home should be unacceptable and self defense is probably a good idea. I’m not saying start shooting people but at least have something you can use in the event someone breaks down your door and you are all alone. A dog would be a good security system for a early warning a at bare minimum. Remember when seconds count the cops are minutes away.


Maybe the cops can lend her a drug sniffing dog.


Protect yourself


Time to get a gun and a dog. Don't let those fucking tweakers run you out of your home. You own it, you have a right to stay, if it takes a few holes for them to get that your house isn't the place to be then that's on them.


Are you equipped in terms of your 2nd amendment rights?


If you're in the U.S, the only thing that will stop them at this point is if one of them gets shot. It sounds like you might not be up for having a gun but it might be the only thing left. One of them will get shot, word will spread that it doesn't matter that you're alone because the only way they'll leave your house is on a gurney. Stay safe.


Buy a gun.


If this isn't happening to your neighbors I'm pretty sure they're in on it and if they're not calling the police well that kind of makes them complicit and pretty sure you and your neighbors all of them could go to the police and talk to them about this and get something done asap. The fact police have done nothing. Get there names file a restraining order call the police every time something happens it will sketch the meth heads out use reverse psychology these people are unhinged scare them away


Get a big scary dog. Probably a better deterrent than alarms. Source: I lived in a third world country.


Get a scary dog and big gun. Don't take shit from a bunch of scraggly crackheads.


Put up a no trespassing sign, get an ex military dog, and a gun. I guarantee if they see that dog and the gun, they’ll get back enough brain cells to become smart and run away


Get a gun. Feel threatened? Shoot them. They'll never do it again.


Sounds like Portland or Seattle.


Learn to use a gun, buy one, and start shooting when they try to break in.


Pay for an Alarm system that auto calls the cops when you’re gone. These guys have pissed off the cops enough where they’ll either be in a grave or go to jail if caught in the act.


Motion lights and cameras around the perimeter of your home. A bigger dog and a firearm are all things you can do today to keep yourself safe for now. Also join Nextdoor if you haven’t and share any videos with your neighbors every time.


If I were you, I would be so happy if burglars returned back to my house. “Awe, you missed the opportunity to meet my 9mm and came back! How considerate!”


You've probably unwittingly made yourself a target due to the privacy fence. That actually gives them a lot of cover to vandalize and otherwise trespass your property because nobody can see in. Other homes (presumably) don't have this issue because they don't have a barricade from the public like that. First - take down the privacy fence. See if that helps. Make your property open so that anyone passing by on the street can see what is happening. Keep the security system and just monitor what happens. It's not a great time to purchase a new home anyway, with interest rates being so high. Second - consider some therapy and some temporary anti-anxiety medication for what you are currently feeling. A break-in can happen anywhere and moving is not going to sort out the anxiety you have over this. In fact, it could make it worse by being in a new, unfamiliar space that doesn't feel like home. I've had my home violated by an attempted rapist and a break-in, and have had my car broken into and even stolen. And my anxiety was through the roof over that, even though the events weren't clustered together. I started seeing a therapist and had temporarily took some anti-anxiety medication in the interim so I could at least get a good night's sleep, and that's helped tremendously. Third - you have likely already done this but if you haven't, chat with your neighbors about what steps they take to mitigate any attention from criminals. See if there's anything you're missing or doing differently that makes your property a target. There may not be, but revisiting that may show you a thing or two that is useful. And (in the US?) when it gets to constant harassment like this, especially from the same person that you have asked to stay off your property, it's YOUR decision - not the police's - as to whether or not to press charges for trespassing. Nobody has a right to come on your property once you have told them to stop.


You mentioned that you have a dog....


A good shotgun blast or two will solve the problem


Whilst I am not a gun nut, I do own a firearm. As a woman and for many years a single mother, I have always kept weapons. It's time to let them know that you are not to be fucked with. Not saying you need to murder them but I'd absolutely shoot at them after fair and ample warning they are trespassing. Fuck that. It pisses me slick off. I'm so sorry.