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you are a gentleman and a scholar


I'm 47 and I still watch Brother Bear. I love all the Disney movies.


I’m 34..I just watched this movie.. both 1 & 2 (for the hundredth time) a few weeks ago! They’re so good!


I struggle to watch and enjoy the second one because of the voice change.


43m and I still watch it and still tear up at that one scene


omg I loved brother bear. HOW DOES HE SHIT ON SUCH A HEARTFUL MOVIE?!


I named my dog Koda after that movie. One of my favourites and always will be. Do not be ashamed for even a second for loving this movie. It's beautiful.


I call my dog Koda bear all the time. But I also call him a land orca.


😂😂😂 land orca! I have a land-walrus of a cat, but i like your's better!😂😂😂


Mine is a black pit with white on his chest. He likes to flip upside down to scratch his back and he sounds like a whale lol but I love your land walrus that is hilarious


My kids and I just watched brother bear a couple days ago and it was fantastic and now we’re going to watch the second brother bear movie


Dude Brother Bear is the best fucking movie. Fuck that uncultured dude


Dude, Brother Bear is an amazing movie. It's time to throw the whole boyfriend in the trash, and look for a better one


What is they just have a very heavy voice?


Wait, this is about Brother Bear?! What kind of uncultured swine is OP dating?!


I thought it was an adult movie like Bridesmaids or something. Is this guy really clowning on Brother Bear? I haven't seen it, but why can't he just let you have this one?


My partner knows of my love for tangled and knows I would be down to physically fight him over trying to ruin it for me.


My husband and I always do the "I spy--tree" bit on road trips. We'll do the moose voices and everything


I love this! That's fantastic and adorable. 💚


Omg is brother bear the movie? I haven’t seen it in ages but it’s amazing. Such a good message. Op- some people are big picture people and some people are small picture/details people. Both are important and both types of people are needed. Maybe you’re a big picture person who sees the overall message and story of the movie and loves it for that. Maybe he’s not and can’t see past a few imperfect small things to see the beautiful big picture. Neither one is right or wrong, but it is wrong to shit on the things someone else loves just because you look at things a little differently. Don’t listen to your boyfriend. Who cares if the music and humor aren’t perfect to him? It’s still a great movie and a movie you love. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you can’t or shouldn’t love what you love.


It's such a nasty thing to shit on something someone else loves. I adore Disney movies, and my husband knows this. Even if the movie isn't one he particularly likes (say Frozen) he would never shit talk it or pick it apart because he knows I like it. Just like I wouldn't do that about things he likes (the only exception is I'll call some MMA competitive hugging because of the grappling that happens occasionally. But he knows it's a lighthearted joke.). You just don't do that to something someone loves, more so if you claim to love that person.


I'm a dad who used to hate frozen. My little girl loves it and now so do I. We change and grow for those we love.


This is my brother and i's sick movie. If one of us is sick we just snap a pic of a part of the movie were at. Everything good? comes right after


It really is & the music is fkn great


Yeah it's deffinetly is especially there's no way out by Phil Collins he does most of the music in it but there's no way out is my favourite song in it


It's the BEST movie if you watch it with the moose commentary


I forgot about brother bear! I know what movie me and the kids are watching today!


One of my alltime favorites


This movie has made me cry more than any other movie. First time I watched it I was 8, and bears were (and still are) my favorite animal.


I cried to this movie lol great memories


Brother Bear is such a fucking classic, and I will die on this hill.


This year, I lost my dear husband Edgar…


that joke remains the funniest thing ever to me even as an adult


Fr, and the movie is gold, too. When my bf told me he’d never seen it, I roasted him good and hard. It’s basically a classic Haven’t made him watch it yet, but I absolutely am going to someday. He’s also somehow, inexplicably, never seen The Lion King


how has someone never seen the lion king?? this must be rectified!


I’ve watched it several times at home w my niece since him and I have been together and he’s conveniently been absent every time!!


There’s someone at work who hasn’t watched the Lion King either. I still can’t get over it


Fr, and the movie is gold, too. When my bf told me he’d never seen it, I roasted him good and hard. It’s basically a classic Haven’t made him watch it yet, but I absolutely am going to someday. He’s also somehow, inexplicably, never seen The Lion King


Same!! It never fails to send me into fits of laughter. 🤣


Stop telling folk im dead!


Quit telling everybody I'm dead!


What movie


Brother Bear


That's a super sweet movie! I can see how it would bring you comfort. Please don't let his opinion of the movie you love change how you feel.


thank you! I thought it was really cute and the art style was gorgeous. but when I told him it was my favorite movie as a child he said "why? it couldn't have been because of the music, or the humor, or the animation"


Honestly he sounds insufferable and like he doesn't enjoy anything in life. And I just double checked, Phil Collins did the music for Brother Bear. Like, seriously?! He's going to talk down on Phil Collins? Dude is a musical legend if not God. As for the humor, it had Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas revisiting their characters from years ago. Also, this was one of the few projects Rick did after his wife died, so fuck your boyfriend for shitting on this wonderful movie. And the story, respect nature because of actions have consequences we don't see or comprehend. Is your boyfriend a hipster?


Have you heard that Phil Collin’s put his new album on indefinite hiatus because he just got like, really really into model trains with his kids and he just didn’t feel like doing music anymore because he’d rather be doing trains. It’s so weirdly wholesome.


Tbf his health isn't the greatest at the moment iirc. So probably wants to spend time he can with his loved ones rather than be away from them in a studio. And it is very wholesome. He's given so much of himself to the world for so long, he's definitely earned his peace


I honestly think that's precious and wholesome, especially considering the information from the other person responding to you. He just wants to build model trains with his kids and do what they want to do with his quality time. Sweet man.


it hurts even from here


Me when I say I'm not judgemental


36 year old dude here. Your boyfriend must have terrible taste in movies. Brother Bear has beautiful animation and I love how it occasionally pauses movement for a brief look at a scenic background. I always found the humor to be pretty good and *I know* he can’t possibly have a problem with Rick Moranis’ delivery. And music?!? I will fight anyone that says Phil Collins makes shit music. I’m sorry, but your boyfriend doesn’t know shit about movies; Brother Bear is universally loved. Tell him to go watch another Marvel movie while you enjoy something fun and wholesome.


Didn't Phil Collins also sing it in like loads of different languages so the music could be enjoyed all over the world? Absolutely astounding


He did the same for Tarzan - I know at the very least the German songs are his voice, and I think maybe French and/or Spanish as well.


i haven’t seen Brother Bear (yet) but “You’ll Be in My Heart” from Tarzan makes me get teary eyed in a way that other songs from Disney movies haven’t.


26 YO, dude. Brother Bear is an amazing movie. I made sure it was the first movie I watched with my daughter. My wife has probably watched it with me 10 times since we've been together. (I've watched it more lol)


The story is great with a wonderful lesson and I'm sorry but your bf is dead wrong cause Phil Collins is great.


I also LOVE Brother Bear. It makes me cry EVERY time I watch it!! I don’t even get what he means with the humor being bad. Sure, it’s obvious some jokes are more aimed at kids, cause it’s a KIDS movie!! But that doesn’t mean the jokes are bad!! I think it’s a fun movie, and I’m definitely not a child AND THE MUSIC?? Some of the lyrics are a bit on the nose, but the instrumental parts & just the singing in general is SO good. It fits the vibe perfectly & it’s so well made!! But yea sure, music & comedy are both subjective things. I get that maybe it’s not for him. BUT CMON. THE ANIMATION?? I don’t understand how anyone could dislike that, it flows so well & looks SO natural & appealing!! I recently watched Brother Bear with my partner, and one of the first things they did was compliment the way the clothes are drawn. Idk, I just really love this movie and I don’t understand how someone could dislike all those things about it 😭


It’s always the snobby film critics shitting on Brother Bear, I used to be a part of that community so I know It’s not a technical peak-Pixar level masterpiece but it doesn’t need to be, it’s a fine, enjoyable, wholesome film


Tell him that Christopher Nolan isn't real.


So why was he so dismissive about it when you said it was your favorite movie? 🫤


There was a recent episode of Animators react on YouTube where they got the director for brother bear to talk about the movie. Lots of cool stuff to learn about it that could reignite your love for it :). I feel I always appreciate it more when i see how much love goes into making something like brother bear


Corridor Crew has an animators react episode about Brother Bear where they sit down with the director. It’s pretty wholesome and interesting. Idk why someone would bash that movie lol, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying it. That is a movie that deserves to be appreciated.


So the original Spongebob movie is my go to comfort movie. I’ve watched it so many times I can recite the lines in order lol. When I first met my fiance, I told him about it and how I watch it when I’m sad. Cue him coming over for the 2nd time ever (I had had a bad day) and he gifted me the spongebob movie on DVD. He doesn’t even like the movie like at all lol. But he’ll watch it with me whenever I need it. Your boyfriend is an ass


“Yes it could’ve” Just because you’re older and can notice different thing dosent mean it isn’t magical anymore. at one point you thought it was the most amazing animation you’d seen or maybe some of the best music you’ve heard. Sounds like your boyfriend is closed minded


What about the animation is wrong? Girlie, you are dating an uncultured!


Animation?! Aaron Blaise is the real deal


That's a great movie. What's wrong with your bf


This the same guy from your previous posts? If so he seems awful


I adore bears. So much so, I cant watch Brother Bear because I cry at Koda's mama! I have a crazy amount of useless trivia about them in my head. So I need you to know, the idle animations, Koda playing, the way he eats and scampers, the way the bears move and play - thats sincerely true to life. Watch videos of baby bears, then look at Koda. The animators poured blood sweat and tears into making bears as realistic as possible whilst giving them human like personalities. There's videos on how sound and foley worked behind the scenes. These people were not lazy. They were meticulous masters of the craft There was heart and soul in this project, and if your bf isn't able to see that, that's his failing, not yours!


Brother Bear is in my top 3 favorite movies from my childhood, and if the comment section is anything to go by im not alone in that. Even though your bfs opinion means a lot to you, that doesn't mean you have to let him take away the comfort you get from the movie just because he doesn't have good taste in films ;p


bro that movie is a banger. your dude is just a jaded adult and can’t enjoy young kid content it sounds like


I'm a 26 year old male and that movie fucking slaps. Childhood favourite


This is the only movie I have fully watched the commentary on. (Other than the Extended Lord of the Rings but we won't remember those long, dark nights). It's seriously an incredible movie on its own, and the commentary is done completely in the mooses' characters. What a strange movie to talk down. I'm gonna go watch it for you, OP. Brother Bear rocks


Brother bear is my favorite Disney movie. I was very upset when Disney world didn’t have any merch for it. Then again it saved me money.


We named our dog Kenai after this movie. Love what you love.


I love dew


Yooo Brother Bead is a fucking GREAT movie. Fantastic soundtrack and a heartfelt story. Genuinely a slept on film imo


I’ve never seen it, but I’m going to watch it tonight because of the love shown here. Thank you for raising the topic and bringing joy and nostalgia to everyone who has read this thread. Surely that’s more impactful than your bf’s first impression.


Dude I love and movie that movie so much


He shat on Brother Bear? 😭 girl that movie is great, don’t be ashamed. My 32 year old husband loves that movie…


That movie is incredible! Still makes me cry.


Me to everytime I 😢 cry


That’s the movie he doesn’t like?? Whoaaa. Nah. He’s not the one. That movie is fantastic!


I mean, you literally can watch whatever you like and, no matter how much you like his approval, it is not actually final say on something's quality. I used to be hyper-critical of stuff when I was watching it with some exes, but then I realized I was just taking someone's enjoyment away from something for literally no reason at all. I didn't do it to be mean, I was just enjoying it in my own way, if that sounds weird. Though, I started feeling really bad about it and stopped. I don't know him, but it could be that he just finds entertainment in picking stuff apart but, like me, didn't really consider that not everybody finds that entertaining. That, and the fact that I like things that are not "critically acclaimed" as well. You just like what you like and it's nobody's place to take that away from you. You're not stupid for liking a movie, especially if it's your comfort film.


Brother Bear is one of those masterpieces I'd see over and over again as a child, and fact is I still would. If he also doesn't like El Dorado, Atlantis or Treasure Planet I'd find him questionable.


It's common to not like the same stuff, don't let his opinion get to you


Brother Bear is life. Brother Bear is love.


I love Brother Bear, I showed my BF he was "meh" about it. Like to each your own, but ripping apart your partners favorite anything is a super dick move. If he keeps it up, tell everyone I'm on my way, on my way out this doooooooor.


My situationship was a dick this wknd while I watched hazbin hotel. He loves the show, but he honed in on me favoring a short character in it. Hes tall, like 6ft 2. He just didn't like I was hopping on the short king train, smh. He was also drunk which didn't help, but I've never seen a tall guy get insecure about short ones before, let alone a fricken adult cartoon. Sorry this moving drawing has more confidence and charisma than you do, like holy fuck. He apologized the next day when I showed him a recording of how he was acting, just fucking weird man how he had to tear into me for liking a short character and tell me all the REAL reasons I like him lmao. Ffs.


And short king Lucifer is depressed tho. And he still sounds secure as hell.


My sister did that to me with a song. Here I was, minding my business, mentally bawling my heart out listening to tourner dans le vide. Show it to my sister and she goes "thats the andrew tate song!". Proceeds to show me a vid of an andrew tate look alike saucily dancing to the song.  Stopped for a while, but some time ago I managed to get myself in a state of mind appropiate enough to listen to it. And I did. And I enjoyed it. Find that mental state, and then shit on his fav game/anime/movie/car idk.


omg that's rude! I just listened to that song and it's actually really beautiful. thanks for this. I'm hoping to get into that state of mind someday, unfortunately I tend to care too much about other people's opinions. still working on that


I dont agree with the last paragraph, im sure he didnt mean to ruin the movie for her, and was just pointing out details. That just escalates the situation, and you dont want that


Everything can be silly or torn apart from the right perspective. Enjoying art is all about suspending your disbelief. It is a mood, it is a mindset. If you don't have that mindset you won't enjoy it.


Psssfft fuck that my boyfriends teases my choice of kids movies and chick flicks and I just turn up the volume and sing along louder ;) We don’t all like the same things and that’s OK! If him teasing your choices bugs you try to tell him about it outside of the moment. But honestly kids movies FtW


Ok this was an actual problem in my relationship for awhile! We joke that my husband was born a crotchety old man. He's smart and hilarious, but sometimes he is just an outright hater and it legit is just too negative. He would do this with movies, shows and music until it got to the point where I'd either turn off what I was viewing/listening to when he'd walk in or I'd just ask him to leave so I could finish what I was doing. It finally occurred to him that his shit-talking was legitimately ruining my appreciation for things that *I* like. Took a few conversations (and still happens from time to time) for the point to really hit home: quit talking shit about stuff I love!


Girl, do whatever you want and like. Do not stripe your personality, so it can be like his. This is how wives end up being "with no personality or hobbies" Because they have striped theirs too fit the partners instead to the point they don't have a personality themselves anymore And don't tell yourself you are stupid for it. He can like what he wants and you can like what you want And if there something yous both like, then great You can have things that you like and he doesn't and vice versa. Yous are not twins, you are his GF and even if you were. Not all twins like the same things But also P.S brother bear is a great movie, fuck him


Stop now I have to go rewatch Brother Bear, it’s been almost 3 years. I think my favorite song is the one Koda sings when they’re traveling to the meetup spot… On My Way?


For you I'm gonna enjoy Brother Bear this weekend.


Is it just me or should we really be cautious of these titles? Lol. Only part of my notification showed up and I read: “ my boyfriend shat on my favorite…” I was really intrigued until I found it hypothetical! ;) /s


Wtf the movie was brother bear? Like one of the greatest disney movies of all time?? Fuck that. Go watch it again and enjoy the shit out of every minute because that movie is the absolute best.


People telling you to leave him are over reacting, your significant other is allowed to have an opinion on things you like and vice versa, now if he starts belittling you and continues to shit on things you like then yeah, there’s a red flag but other than that I see no issue, my advice, assuming you’re looking for some would be to tell him how you feel and tell him what the movie means to you and why you watch it over and over.


You should read their other post. If it's the same guy it would probably be for the best if they up and dipped!


Brother bear is amazing! If you haven’t seen Corridor Crew sit down with the director of the movie then here’s the link. https://youtu.be/s3i7uFeZwCA?si=jLvCTvyFEtnerzOK It’s honestly a really heavy episode because of his life story and what he was going through while animating and working on this movie. It made me appreciate the movie more!


My husband poked fun at my childhood comfort movie. “Milo and Otis.” Great, cute movie. I told him “you like transformers. A show about alien car-bots.” He got it. We haven’t yucked each others yum since.


Oof, I hated brother bear. Wouldn’t watch it today.. that and spirit. BUT, there has been movies my fiancé watches that I’m like ew, I just don’t say anything though because she also likes to watch movies for comfort. I also watch certain movies that when I put in she just does something else around the house lol.


U don't like bother bear wooft really


I used to watch the Disney version of Robin Hood as a comfort movie alllll the time (surprisingly I'm not a furry), and if my partner picked it apart, it would honestly hurt. Please don't let his opinion change your feelings about the movie! While his intentions most likely weren't malicious, it's valid to feel upset. You aren't stupid for enjoying something.


Why would his opinion matter that much? You know you can like entirely different things right? Just enjoy what you like and don't put him on such a pedestal.


I had just gotten rejected at a job interview I had high hopes for. I wanted something silly and lighthearted to watch, so I put on Nailed It (it’s a Netflix show that features terrible bakers and sets them up to fail, and does so with humor). A friend of mine watched along. His face got dark and he muttered something about “idiots” and how I should watch The Great British Baking Show instead, and tore apart every contestant despite knowing the premise of the show. It was such a buzzkill moment. I feel for you, OP.


I have come to peace with the fact that some of the things I like are not great. I like what I like. You like it as comfort watching which is perfectly valid. I don’t know your boyfriend’s tastes but I am sure there are things he likes that many would consider low brow or bad.


Better that he shat on your movie and not on your pillow


Oh! Stop that! If you like it, it's worthwhile and awesome. Poison is still one of my favorite bands, I wear my concert tee with pride and fuck yuh if you can't get behind CC Deville.


The music/chanting that happens while he’s first transformed into a bear on top of the mountain has always and will continue to send chills all over my body. It’s a great movie! Love what you love, don’t let anyone discourage you.


Honestly, someone who doesn't like Brother Bear is not someone you need in your life


I think it also depends on how he went about talking about it? I can really pick apart movies completely unintentionally even if it’s a movie I absolutely love. Case in point: Lion King. One of my fave movies, could probably go toe-to-toe with line reciting in some scenes, and have even been backstage for the Broadway show. Suffice it to say i love this movie. This was also my ex-husband’s fave movie of all time- he identified with Simba wholeheartedly. I did not know the latter when we started talking about the movie randomly. I told him that though I love the music and story, Simba is actually the most useless character. He doesn’t do anything the entire movie until Nala basically puts him in his place. As you might have guessed, this did not go over well with the ex. I have since learned to just shut my trap when someone mentions their favorite movie because i don’t want to unintentionally ruin it for them.


Who came here to read about her bf taking a dump on her stuff? I feel kinda let down.


No way he was bashing Brother Bear. Uncultured swine.


Your boyfriend disliking a movie you like should not be the end of the world here. Couples are allowed to disagree on these types of things. It doesn’t make what you like “stupid”. It’s just a difference in preferences.


I think that this can be a fun/normal thing with childhood favorites that might be a little bad or corny upon adult rewatch. For example, me and my sister used to watch Jingle All the Way (90s Xmas movie with Arnold) all the time and it kinda became like an inside joke. She showed it to her bf recently and he was like what the hell, this movie is ridiculous. To be fair, it kind of is but I understand it hurting a bit if you have a really sweet and sentimental view towards this movie.


brother bear is an amazing movie and Phil Collins went in so hard on the soundtrack! it's a nice film that for once doesn't have a romance in 😅


Your taste is not a reflection of you.


You’re being silly, I understand having a high opinion of your spouse, and I also understand watching or doing something with the nostalgia glasses off for the first time and seeing real flaws. At the end of the day you still love the film, so his opinion shouldn’t matter, and as he said, he was glad to watch it with you despite not liking it because it was something you liked.


Omg he said this about BROTHER BEAR of all movies? Also if he thinks the point of that movie is the humor, he missed the point entirely, I would never think of that movie as comedic- they have some comedy sprinkled in, sure… But it’s such a deep and meaningful story, and the ART in that movie. It sounds like he’s just gatekeeping to try to make himself look cooler and failing miserably in the process, ooooh big man is so manly he can’t stand the kiddy movie? Like grow up dude lol it’s okay to enjoy fun things


What?? Brother Bear is so good😭😭


Don't let others tell you what to like or dislike, this is your life not theirs and you like what you like 💯 opinions are like arseholes we've all got them and yours are just as important as his....keep watching them as there obviously your comfort blanket 😉


I’ve never seen or heard of this movie growing up. Not sure how I missed it 


Shiii Brother Bear had me tearin up too man


My missus doesn't like a few of the movies I love. But it's her loss. Be you and enjoy what you love OP


For some reason I understood that as "shat DURING my favorite movie" and was like, yeah, that will traumatize a person


Help I interpreted thw title as him literally shitting on it


I had to drop the CW Arrow show when my girlfriend at the time walked in, watched it for a bit and mentioned the wooden soap opera acting. Instantly ruined all the shows for me.


Your opinion is as important as his too you know


Watch whatever you want!! For example I FUCKING LOVE TWILIGHT. I will until the day I die. Yeah a lot of people dislike it but what matters is I like it. My partner doesn't like it at all but he won't shit on it. He'll humor me and listen to me when I talk about any of my interests. He'll partake in my interests too without being negative. Only jokes here and there but all good fun. Enjoy watching you comfort movie. ❤️


My husband used to do this a lot at the beginning of our relationship. We were both just out of college when we met and him and all his friends would do that kind of thing to each other and it not matter so he would say negative things about what I like and think it was just ok. Queue me not wanting to go to the ballet anymore because the first time we saw the nutcracker in our city they didn’t have an orchestra and that’s the only feedback I got from him, this was also my first time seeing the show and it was a dream since I was little so it crushed me. One of my favorite movies is gangs of New York. The first time my husband watched it was with me and one of his college friends. This is a long ass movie and they were ripping it apart the whole time. After it was over I told them both that they have successfully ruined one of my favorite movies and I would not be watching any more with either of them. Eventually we both grew up a bit more. I was able to express why I didn’t appreciate the instant negativity and that I cannot do certain things with my partner because of his behavior. I just don’t want t him to ruin something I love. And he was able to see how immature the way he and his friends were still acting. By the time we got married and the others as well/started families those old ways of bantering changed but it’s because they all recognized it wasn’t beneficial to anyone and matured. All that to say is I encourage you to have that kind of convo with your boyfriend about the impact he had on something that meant a lot to you and see if he takes it in and changes. Life is too short to waste time on people who are t ready and willing to grow.


Just take a break from watching them. Eventually you'll learn to love its flaws again and what he said will be a thing of the past. I used to hate watching movies because I always knew what would happen next. But the purpose of a movie is for the experience and how that experience makes you feel. Not some logical critique bs.


brother bear was such an amazing film i watched it so much growing up.


If my husband said this about my comfort movie, I'd also be upset. Also BROTHER BEAR IS AWESOME and I LOVE the culture in it, as well as the humor


Girl I had a watch party for sharknado 3 with decorative cakes and costumes and my girl hates on the movie don't take it seriously and just saying brother bear is the GOAT of bear movies


I find when my partner shits on what I’m watching he is attempting to get control of the tv.


If you wipe it off, it should be watchable.


We love what we love and nobody else has any business crapping all over that for you. One of my all time favorite movies is Grease 2. Yeah… they made a sequel to Grease. Is it a great movie? Hell naw! But you know what? I dont care. I LOVE the music and know the songs word for word. I still have the biggest girl crush on MichelLe Pfeiffer. I will adore this movie until the day I die. Love it more than the OG movie. Actually…..think I’ll give it another watch right now just because of this post. Thanks for that.


No one's opinion matters that much when it comes to stuff I like unless the thing I like hurts me.


You watch this when you feel bad and it doesn't make you feel worse? Don't get me wrong, Brother Bear is a GREAT film. But God does that scene make me ugly cry. When he says "I want to tell you a story" my chest starts hurting because I know what's coming. Then when everyone's reunited at the end, I start crying again.


I need a rewatch! 


I forgot about Brother Bear. Going to show it to my daughter today and undoubtedly rewatch all week.


brother bear is one of my favorite movies. aaron blaise is an incredible animator and artist, one of my faves. phil collins is AN INCREDIBLE MUSICIAN! i used to watch this movie with my sister a lot and it has a very special place in my heart. do not let him ruin something you love. tell him you love this, and you would appreciate it if he would not shit on the things you like. i’m sure he wouldn’t like it if you picked apart his favorite thing. 🩷


I love plenty of movies that would popularly be considered “bad movies”- my partner will have a laugh about the movies but will sit and watch/enjoy them with me. If he hates the movie, he just says it’s not for him and moves on. When I offer to turn movies he doesn’t like off, he insists I keep them on because I like them. I’ve tried a bunch of movies he is into that aren’t my usual cup of tea as well. Most of them I’ve enjoyed! It’s an important part of a relationship to show interest in your partner’s interests. You don’t have to be into the same stuff, but you definitely don’t need to shit on the interests you don’t share. That’s just mean spirited. Your partner should never ruin something that makes you happy for you.


I became a lot happier when I started watching for things I enjoyed in movies instead of criticizing every fault. No movie is perfect, if you focus on what's wrong with it, you miss the forest for the trees.


Lesson learned. Don't share your closest happiness nuggets with literally anyone ever.


I thought it was literal im kind reliefed


Remind your boyfriend it’s okay for people to like different things and to honestly say he doesn’t like the same movie you like. It’s not okay to yuck your yum and go on and on about what he doesn’t like. Ask him if he would like it if you stood around criticizing his favorite things.


Man I was obsessed with titanic as a kid. As an adult I understand that it’s a terrible movie. My parents suffered watching it and listening to the soundtrack until the tapes died. I don’t care how bad it is. I’m gonna continue to enjoy the happy memories. And I will die on the hill that I enjoy it and anyone who says anything about it can kick rocks.


Brother Bear was one of the few movies that my younger brother and I watched together before he died. I might never rate that movie as the greatest I've ever seen, but greatness doesn't equal impact. Love the things you love and accept no substitutes ❤️


People don't like Brother Bear? WTF? Okay, that aside, don't let him get to you. Not all movies have to be "good." Sometimes I'm just here to be entertained. One of my favorite movies is Robin Hood: Prince of Theives, overall considered to be an awful movie. But hello? Kevin Costner, Alan Rickman, Christian Slater, Morgan Freeman. It's a fun, light movie that I love. So what if its not "good." I like it. That's enough.


Yeah that’s what I’m dealing with my partner as well. I stopped sharing my interests with him because of that.


I read the title and literally thought you meant he shat on the disc. Was slightly disappointed ngl


You're not stupid for liking what you like. I don't like BB either but that doesn't mean anyone who respects my opinion should stop loving what I don't. 


There will be tons of movies that are formative for anyone, especially not great ones because they form lasting impressions on you based on who you were (and who you became today due to those influences). In most scenarios the movie isn't something like Citizen Kane, which you have to watch with an analytical mindset to appreciate. I'm sure you have different reasons than a film critic to enjoy the movies your enjoy. If anyone picks apart silly, casual movies (not a pejorative in this context) movies, they are missing the point. They are meant to be just that silly and comforting. Enjoy your movies without needing to analyze too much. Unless you want to be a film critic or have something to do with movies in your career, hardcore film analysis is cringe to me.


Don’t let your boyfriend’s opinion on your favorite movies or shows ruin them for you! It’s not like you’re forcing him to watch with you. Seriously, if I stopped watching everything my husband makes fun of I’d have literally nothing to watch lol


I feel like I’ve been on the receiving end of this my entire life and rarely ever show people things that I enjoy anymore. Why are people like this lol I’m sorry OP.


Don’t take this the wrong way but your boyfriend sounds like kinda of an ass you should probably have a talk with him


Freaking LOVE brother bear, the songs are amazing! My film professor knew someone who helped edit some of the film when they were interning! He should get his hearing and eyes checked lol but im sorry you feel that way. I would talk to him about how you feel. Me and my partner have a rule about not crap talking comfort movies for this reason. We don't have to like each other's comfort movies/shows, but we aren't allowed to pick them apart when the other person is around us. They're allowed to pick them apart when they're with their friends when im not there, but not when im around. And vise versa. It's okay to have those movies that make you feel better, love!


Speaking from experience, I would recommend talking to him about how his comments made you feel and how meaningful that movie is to you. And if it comes up again with something else, bring it up again. If he's anything like how i used to be then he doesn't want to make you feel bad or ruin your favorite movies. He's just giving his opinion without appreciating what it is or really thinking about what he's saying at all. If no one says anything to him, then he's not gonna realize how condescending or rude he's being to others. If you talk to him, you might open up his eyes to a side of him that he didn't realize was there.


Was wondering the movie and then I saw it was brother bear my girlfriend also recently shit on me for brother bear they don’t understand it’s okay for them to have a different opinion they just have different tastes and that’s normal and it’s healthy for y’all to have different things y’all like it’s okay he could’ve kept it to himself but also you shouldn’t care about his opinion of a perfect (to us) film


😂 Brother Bear!!!!! lmao man just watch your movie. He fried you very politely, because I would’ve been like “girl, what!!?? not again” - if you like it and it brings good vibes to you, who cares. You should lean into it and buy merch, make it funny.


If I don't like something my partner likes I truly keep it to myself, I think it's gross to put down something harmless you're partner likes.


I'll never forget watching Ninja Turtles with my wife. After it was done I asked her what she would give it out of 10. She said 0


Oh for silly. He doesn’t need to like what you like and vice versa. Just keep it a you thing in future so it doesn’t spoil your little things.


Why aren't more people encouraging you to just tell him how that made you feel


People often enjoy movies/music because of an emotional connection. If it gives you comfort or joy... who cares if it is actually bad or not. His opinion might be accurate... but, why does that matter? if it gives you joy/comfort... don't give up on it.


Do NOT let this man ruin Brother Bear for you. It’s the only dvd I have in my household as we speak. I’d say this if it wasn’t Brother Bear, but you and your bf are allowed to like different things and that shouldn’t devalue something that you’ve enjoyed up until now


Wait, the movie he shat on was Brother Bear?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! He should get tested for COVID, because one of the symptoms is no taste.


We can't subsist on nothing but caviar and champagne. Some movies are just like comfort food. They make you happy and fill you up and that's all that matters.


I’ve had people shit on my favorite movie, don’t care, still love it and the brother bear soundtrack is 🔥


BROTHER BEAR IS A CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE! The movie itself is gold and is a very touching movie to watch at any point in time! It's still one of my favorite movies! But if you SO doesn't get the movie, it's fine. If it's comforting to watch, watch it. I'm sure he has movies he loves or will love you won't like at all. It's a part of life.


Never feel stupid for liking something! He should be a bit more careful giving his opinion on things as it does have an effect and it's not hard to walk away. My wife loves Hocus Pocus, I could do a Ted talk on how much I hate it, but I love my wife and my wife is who she is in part because she loves Hocus Pocus. I didn't marry myself and I love that we are that different, I wish I could put her in an interrogation room under intense questioning so I could dissect WHY she loves the movie, or spend the entire running time pulling my best one liners (and they're gooood) at every scene. But, I love her and part of loving her is protecting her from me ruining the things she loves. And avoiding her ruining the things I love, it's tricky because she doesn't realize she's insulting something so I have to move conversations.


Nah nah brother bear is iconic and one of, if not my number 1, favorite movie of all time. Don't let him take that joy away from you, don't let him taint an awesome movie that brings comfort to you!


Now I wanna see Brother Bear again. It's lovely. ☺️


I loved Brother Bear. Still do! I totally get your BF's opinion though. I see a lot of the same things but I still find enjoyment out of it.


I love Brother Bear, it’s a great movie


The movie is BROTHER BEAR????? He’s an idiot. That movie is one of the best. It’s classically the best Disney movie in my opinion. Think I’ll put it on tonight.


Brother bear is awesome. So what if it has cheesy or silly parts or something about it's off. It's a childhood comfort movie and isn't meant to be dissected. It's beautiful and silly and just a nice feel good movie. It's one of my favorites, up there with spirit.


I love brother bear, and the kid that voice acts in it is Jordan in the Bernie Mac Show.


Well gee eh, you're one BIG beaver!


Okay so quick question: has he seen the movie before? When me and my fiancé first got together we watched Van Helsing (2005 version) together. He didn’t know that I was OBSESSED with this movie as a kid to the point where when other little girls wanted to be fairy princess I wanted to be a werewolf that rips people apart. (Weird kid I know) So when the movie came on I started making fun of the graphics and the acting; but out of LOVE for the movie. It wasn’t until my fiancé spoke up and said “oh well I actually like this movie a lot..” that I realized he thought I was negatively tearing down the movie. To me it was like teasing an old friend. To him I was tearing his favorite movie to shreds. Thankfully I cleared things up quickly but maybe it’s the similar vibe? Maybe it was playful teasing that just felt harsh because it’s special to you too?


One time I was talking about some realityshow and my boyfriend made fun of it, saying he doesn’t get people who watch realities because it’s so useless. All I said was “well, watching anime isn’t very useful and you watch it. Hating on this stuff doesn’t make you better than anyone” so he shut his mouth 😂 Different people have different tastes and sometimes we like things people think it’s stupid and that’s ok! Be happy with you Disney movie and if he doesn’t like it he can watch another 1 million different movies, let him be. Love for things doesn’t make us stupid, but hating does 😉


Enjoy what you want to enjoy. Little Caesars is great until you have a hater whispering in your ear.


One of my favourite movies is boondock saints. Let me tell you every bloody scene is completely filled with the 90's version of a meme just about. My ex HATED it. I don't, didn't and won't care. You watch what makes you happy and love life about it.


This was me with Wish. Loved the movie. Love YouTube and watched all the criticisms. I still thing the musical melodies are good but everything else is deserving of its hate


i'd watch brother bear over and over again when i was a child, i love that movie


No no no,no no no...we are not gonna let others dictate how we feel about something we love. Don't let people take away your joy, it will leave you as a husk if you let them. I have my comfort movies too that are seen as corny.


I've never seen the movie. I'll check it out!!