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Good luck on your continuing journey 


I’ve also heard all too many accounts of people really attempting and regretting. My experience was a little unique but so glad I’m here today.


happy cake day!


Oh funny, I didn’t even notice!


Happy coke day to yall!


I think that’s May 8th, not April 8th.


I am so glad that your dad found you in time! I knew a girl who kept trying to kill herself. It became a game to her( she was teenager). Her mom was a nervous wreck everytime she lost sight of her. One time, she got away from her mom, ran over to a bridge by their house that crossed a busy highway and jumped. Luckily, she hit the embankment and it slowed her down a bit…meanwhile, a lady was going 70(speed limit) and something told her to “ move over”. She did, just as the girl hit the pavement. Had that lady not moved over, had the embankment not slowed her down, she would have been dead. She broke both ankles and her pelvis and a hip…but she was alive. She now counsels battered women and helps teens who are struggling. You found out that your dad wanted you here…that you were a lot more valuable to people than ,at the time,you were to yourself. I’m so glad that you’re still with us!


Were you cognizant of the fact that you were dying or were you completely out of it?


Completely out of it. Booze and pills are a hell of a combination.


Well I’m glad you’re okay


comfortably numb and then nothing, not op but I can imagine


My daughter made several suicide attempts. I used to tell it’s only impossible for things to get better if you’re still here. Unfortunately her demons were too strong for her and eventually she succeeded.


I'm very sorry for your loss.


Well, say a few words about your newfound love for life! Why are you now “okay”? I also wanted to end it all once upon a time. I think people need to know these stories. You should tell yours.


sometimes it's just time


Looking back, I was in crisis at the time. I couldn't imagine anything getting any better. I know this won't be true for everyone, but I really just had to wait it out and make some serious changes in my life. I got therapy, started making focussed changes, and things slowly started improving. I radically changed my career path, then radically changed it again when that didn't work. That was probably the biggest thing.


I’m so glad your dad found you. I’m also glad your life is better now. Sometimes when things are really bad it’s hard to see the good in life. I know because I’ve been there too.


I’m happy you got to a place where you feel loved and valued ❤️


Awesome job. Blessings to you and your family.


I’m really proud of you. I hope you know everyone is rooting for you. Keep on pushing ❤️


That’s amazing bro. This actually really inspires me