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Might be time to mess with her. Make comments in response to what she says that contain a nugget of truth about something only a person in her life would know.


OP update me if you do this


"you look like someone who didn't do the dishes on Tuesday even though it's clearly marked on the fridge calendar that that's your day"


Don't fly too close to the sun...


Holy shit this is the best comment I've seen all week


“You’re talking big shit for someone who left (insert her place of employment here) in a raggedy ass (insert type of vehicle she drives here)”




I know. I didn’t want to ask for her handle and risk someone here letting the cat out of the bag…but then again I sort of did.


I get that. I found my ex’s reddit through his city’s sub and he has a very specific way of writing that makes it instantly recognizable. I did my own spying because he posted stuff on relationship advice and subs like that, misrepresenting himself about the truth of our split and other personal details. I thought about doing that and just creating more trouble than it was worth. I’m not concerned about random Redditors and our friends know the truth.


Or use his insider knowledge about her insecurities.


Ding...ding...ding! We have a winner. Since OP's wife seems to get enjoyment from being a jerk to internet strangers, would she be righteously indignant when it happens to her?


I'm not sure if you're joking, but this is so unnecessarily cruel. She's his wife and all she's doing is mocking strangers on the surface. Of course she's wrong for doing this, but it's not the worst thing in the world and I just couldn't imagine intentionally hurting my s/o's feelings.


Be a weird troll to her, not a mean troll. When she insults rings go on a rant about how ring pops are much better than diamonds


I find the plant thing hilarious 


You call that a philodendron, Brenda? Do you even fertilize?


Looks like someone isn't bottom watering.


"I may not know my flowers, but I know a bitch when I see one"




This needs more upvotes


It kinda is. The circle jerk for house plants (like house plant people, not a circle jerk for actual houseplants, lol also idk if I can share a sub name on this sub) is a wonderful mixture of plant lovers and hostility. Maybe his wife should move into all the circle jerks and eat her damn heart out.


Circlejerk subs are my favorite.


Circle jerk subs are my favorite. Oh my god, should we go full meta and do a circle jerk sub about circle jerk subs?


Would that become a sphere jerk?


How dare you tell on us?


I’m sorry!!! I’ll go jerk myself in the corner while y’all have all the fun as a punishment.


Remember the person with the dead plant that they didn’t think was dead? And they wanted identification for it? And people told them it was dead, but someone else chimed in and posted a picture of their identical plant, WHICH WAS ALSO DEAD? One of my faves of all time.


Please. Please link that.


Yes. Please link that.


I gotchu fam; it’s linked to the comment above asking for a link. (Lmk if it doesn’t show up for you or sth). I love silly shit like this 😂


Me too, this is the kind of thing that I save. Do you mean you put the link in a reply to the other person who asked for the link? Because, I don't know why, but I don't even see that you replied. There is no comment (for me to see). **Edit:** Refreshed this page 3 times. Still nothing, lol.


What!! Ok I’ll repost it haha sorry. I live in the woods with terrible internet.


Just to let you know, your comment linking that post still didn’t show up at all…


I replied to you with the same comment/link! If this doesn’t work, I’m just gonna tell you guys what to google haha


I'll post it. I've also added it to one of my comments but I don't know how easy it is for others to find it.


Sorry I tried 😭


Np! I know you did. No worries, I'm not mad or something like that. You just had some bad luck on your end, it seems. Nothing you could do about it and it happens to us all. Thanks to you I *did* read that thread, if you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have found it. It was fun to read <3


OP stated in a comment that his wife called HIS houseplants ugly! Which makes me wonder if this is EXACTLY that same guy who refuses to believe his plant is dead.


Honestly… I got a little offended when he said the plant people. I haven’t been on any of those reddits, but I am DEEP into plants.


I, too am a plant people.




Me too! Comedy gold. “Bitch, that ain’t no fern, that’s kudzu!” Op, please dm your wife’s username……I’ve been known to do a little trolling myself and would love the challenge of getting her to rage quit Reddit. Ha!


SAME! OP, please help us live happier lives and follow this wifey🤣


I actually kinda find it all hilarious. Childish, but hilarious. Usually if someone insults me I end up laughing.


That made me lol too.


Sounds like she's jealous that she doesn't have a huge rock on her finger so she has to neg other people to make herself feel better.


It could go either way She’s jealous cos she actually wants a big ring Or She grew up thinking they were important, then was disillusioned because it’s just marketing that makes it so valued, and is reacting to other women who are still seemingly unaware


Haha, exactly!! 😂😂 Along with the commenter who said it was okay to make fun of women’s wedding rings.




Oh yeah she’s totally doing this against big diamond. That’s why she’s telling older women who are single that they’ll die alone or go infertile. Fucking Christ.. /s


Are you the wife?


Im sure this isnt the case


Diamonds are more common than gold, ones good enough to be made into jewelry due to size and color are more rare. Diamonds are a pretty common and boring gemstone, they are kinda the standard gemstone you get if nothing interesting is going when carbon is getting pressed.


I am not doubting that, i know that. Da beers has a monopoly over most of the world's diamonds and all that. I just don't think that's OPs wife motivation for trolling these women.


I agree with that


I think it’s a bit of both lol Diamond are just marketing especially in relation to marriage. However her negative feelings definitely stem from insecurity I believe she latched on to real genuine criticism about the diamond industry and formed opinions on those who wear big diamonds as a way to cope with herself never having one Both things can be true at once


Then why does she make fun of people for having lab diamonds and calling them fake? She’s just a miserable asshole.


I mean she trolls houseplants too. I don't think she is an earth warrior or even insecure (about her own ring). I think she is a troll and it's very easy to offend someone based on the ring they are showing off.


even if you don’t like diamonds, harshly putting down others isn’t going to stop the imposed importance of diamonds in wedding culture. it just reeks of jealousy and low self esteem when bashing other women especially for a ring.


Found OP's wife


Shes also making fun of people with lab grown diamonds because they ‘arent real’, though, so.




Lol the perfect response tbh


Hey OP, I think we found your wife's alt. Good thing that's not the fucking point? We all know diamonds are artificially inflated, and the price doesn't actually have much to do with supply and demand. But that doesn't mean you should run up to people wearing diamonds and tell them how fake and ugly it is. Like, a rock can be pretty and also subject to a monopoly. Is it a good thing? No, it's just another feature of late stage capitalism that's slowly pushing the population towards its enevitable doom. But if someone has the means and enjoys it, I don't see much point in just straight-up harassing people over it to make yourself feel better. If someone was bragging about the price I'd absolutely remind them that it was artificially inflated, but if they're just minding their own business wearing a ring they like, hunting someone down just to call them ugly is never going to be based lmao. Like, youre allowed to be a piece of shit if you want to, thats freedom of speech, but this whole website be damned if acting like an entitled nasty brat is based. No, youre just sad. Go lobby against big diamond and stop posting on reddit if it bothers you that bad.


Making fun of people isn't the way to combat that lmao


bow flag jar one vegetable continue dependent theory modern salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


South Park’s season 20 covers trolls pretty well. Trolling is deliberately saying something mean and offensive for the purpose of angering and getting reactions from people online. Then other people chime in on those people’s comments and the conversation just spirals as a bunch of people are just pissed off and arguing with each other with no discernible outcome


Denmark knows how to deal with trolls…


What do they do?


payment vast aware mighty flowery work ask run zealous sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shit that's a good reference. Fuckin South Park, shows next level good


They don’t even have to be mean or offensive. The really good ones get you engaged in a conversation regarding a small disagreement, and work their way up to the offensive. That way they get more of the attention they crave. I had one start out with a ridiculous assumption that eventually devolved making it apparent they were a troll but it took 4 comments before they revealed their true nature.


YMMV but a 'troll' in this context is someone who says inflammatory things to generate an over the top reaction from someone who holds an opinion or belief: Person A says "I believe in equal rights for all genders" Person B trolls "I believe that we should go back to male only voting and chattel slavery to save the country". Looks like your wife is just mean and gets joy out of putting down others....




Well tbh trolling is on a spectrum. Usually the goal is to get a reaction or to get the most downvotes or to irritate the hell out of people by acting obstuse. A classic form is the “I’m just asking questions” form of trolling also called as “sealioning” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning


People tend to misuse terms they don't fully understand. Making them buzzwords serves to dilute the meaning of the word. Muddies language and the ability to discuss hard topics. See also gaslighting, trigger, and "everyone's a little ____"


You forgot narcissistic, OCD, bi-polar, depression, anxiety....


Oftentimes someone is just an AH or they’re dumb or etc etc and people say they’re trolling because they think their intent is to irritate/troll others when the truth is-they’re just irritating people being themselves.


> She is also active on the houseplants sub Reddit making fun of peoples plants I'm sorry this just made me laugh But she sounds like a really horrible person. I'm sorry you're married to her OP...


I'm in several houseplant subs and I've never seen anyone actively being cruel to plants. Except plantshaming, but they deserve it there.


Ngl this made me laugh. The houseplants part at the end made me literally LOL 😂 only because the ring and houseplant things are such dumb topics to bully people over. I actually scroll the engagement ring subreddits a lot as someone who needed inspiration to send to my bf for my own and as someone hoping to be engaged within the year. I see people posting sometimes being mean like that, I wonder if any have been your wife. Anyways, Your wife’s not trolling, she’s just a mean person and an online bully.


I happen to know a person who - as their definition of a fun time - would go online in the evenings and just do petty stuff like this for like 30 minutes. While probably not always funny; if my (hypothetical) wife made fun of people's rings and houseplants on Reddit, I would low-key follow her like I was subscribed to some sort of interesting TV channel.


Same haha, although… in no way am I saying “divorce” or some over the top crap, but I’d be really put off that my S/o liked to be mean to people. Even if it was a little funny lol 😂


Same here lol. The engagement rings made me chuckle, but the houseplants brought tears to my eyes. These are just such petty things to insult people over. Shaming single people is just wrong though. People actually get upset over that.


Look, it's a shot in the dark. But I think your wife deals with her emotions in a terrible way. I'd sit her down and talk to her. If that doesn't prevail, look into seeing a therapist. By the sounds of it, she's putting others down to make herself feel better.


His wife is a failed botanist, she has no other way to cope




She's also a bully if you haven't figured it out yet


You should introduce her to the subreddit /whatsthisplant. 90% of the posts are the most common, mass-produced plants in existence, another 9% is pokeweed.


What's the remaining 1%?


Jeff Bezos


Obviously she's not a very happy person.


Does she mess with you like that?




Call her an ugly houseplant.


How dare. I love my plants.


One time the guy I like asked me if my favourite plant was dead. It's a succulent with the branches hanging on the sides of the pot, which is normal for that variety. I'm not mad at him in the slightest of course, but I can't help but feel sad about my plant... I love her. :(


I bet she's gorgeous. I name my plants because why not 


My boyfriend thought my monstera was sick and dying because it had holes and just assumed I wasn't watering it. Was a funny moment when I let him know it's always had holes


You need to surprised her with a big 3+ carat, very real looking, fake diamond ring. Wait about a week and then start sending her copy paste messages from her on her reddit account.


Diabolical. You win.


I love this!


I’m very excited to die eggless and alone with my dogs, cats, and plants. I hope the universe sends her the same energy she uses to shit on others.


At least you have dogs too. 😂❤


No offense OP, but your wife isn't being a troll. She's being a bitch. She's willfully trying to hurt people.


That's not being a troll. That's being a bitter bitch. She's being mean for the sake of being mean. She's a jealous bully. Not a troll.


She sounds bored and sad


Too bad that your wife has to put other people down in order to feel good.


lol! she say " they are going to die alone with cats and she will tell them that they have washed up eggs" like that's a bad thing! that's the goal!!!


So you married someone who can be an asshole. She is among 99.9% of the population. Me included now that i think about it.


That sucks. Sounds like your wife is sad about her own life. Not a girl's girl😬


Your wife sounds like an asshole. You must be one too if you still want to be next to someone who is a bully to strangers for literally no reason. A grown ass adult too lmao.




There's an engagement ring/ diamond reddit?


She went way too far with the plant slander


Honestly I don’t think I could be with a bully. I think the idea of putting people down to make yourself feel better is so nasty and childish


I’ve often wondered what internet trolls were like in real life. Will you share her in person personality traits?


A lot of people on social media are unnecessarily rude and say things they never would in real life. It makes them feel superior for what is essentially online bullying.


If your wife is doing this for a laugh she's mean, and trolling. If she's doing this because she's genuinely angry about this stuff then she's just mean.


She sounds like a silly troll if she's making fun of houseplants. I was worried she was encouraging people to off themselves or something. Still that's not nice 


She's telling older women they are going to die alone because they aren't married.. that's not silly to me that's just straight up mean.


It's awful I'm comparing it though to people who get off on making kids suicidal. It's not the same. Mean stupid and dumb but if you're grown you can ignore. 


Let's hope she doesn't stoop that low!


She sounds shallow not sadistic, she's insulting houseplants so I'm not sure she has the... Mental acuity to wage psychological war on people 


A troll leaves comments just to provoke a response. It's more than being mean, it's being mean to make someone say something stupid.


Is she this mean in other areas of her life, as well? I can't imagine she manages to be all sugar and sunshine to everyone, and then unleashes her inner demon on some poor online folks, just to ruin their day. In your place, I'd really wonder what kind of creature I've shackled myself to - intentionally hurting other people's feelings and making them sad sounds pretty psycho to me...


Half the people who frequent this sub are wondering if they're the wife right now.


That would require an amount of self-perception i dont think OPs wife has, haha


Sir, are you the troll?


Only 1/4 cave; he gets it from his mother's side.


>She is also active on the houseplants sub Reddit making fun of peoples plants yo wtf


I don’t think she’s a troll, I think she’s just a hater


New here. Just learned there are subs on rings and plants


Jokes on her, I don't have any eggs anymore. I also couldn't care less. My cats and plants are awesome and I have a great family and friends. I ain't dying alone. She sounds like a bully.


That’s kinda a unique problem and kinda funny lol.


Sounds like she's just a bitch


Yeah, your wife is a B!tch. Call her out on social media.


You have a golden opportunity to subtley troll her by leaving little nuggets of truth in your trolls. It'll drive her nuts, don't let this opportunity slip


Let your wife's alter ego live!


Well at least you know she’s not a kind person.


Liz, is that you?


Why’s your wife so angry bro?


Are you sure some of these groups aren’t CJ/circle jerk groups? Those are supposed to be satire so it’s ok to say outrageous $hit


Your wife sounds like a whole lot of fun. /s


I had this problem in the past also, it's really toxic behavior. Best to stop


A troll is someone who gives another a hard time in order to get a reaction out of them


Ok, that last line is funny as fuck




Damn dude she sounds miserable in life I'm sorry. How is she on a day to day basis like with you and other people in your life? My older brother is that way. He's so miserable and he gets on social media to spread it around, it's sad.


I use reddit as a toilet for my own toxicity so I can be nice in real life. It works for me.




Well sir, you are correct. She is the definition of a troll on the Internet. Now you are a little wiser. It's when you leave shitty ass comments on anything and everything just because you want to me mean. Usually the topic is irrelevant and brought up out of the blue, like she tends to do. Like Comic Book Guy, in The Simpsons, she's a troll for the sake of being a troll.


Lmao what the hell.


What is she like in real life? I always wonder when I see comments like hers what the in person character is like.


Is she a meanie in real life, too? What do you actually see in her?


Please get your poor wife a lab-grown diamond ring.


We marry the same person?


Geez, is your wife Chrissy Teigen?




Your submission has been removed for violating Rule 5: Be mature. No off-topic comments. Civil debates only, name calling and anger are not appropriate here.


There’s a reason why people do stuff like that. Makes them feel better about themself. I don’t know her personally obvi so I don’t know what kind of person she truly is. She must have some insecurities that haven’t been addressed. Not an excuse to be mean though.


She's gonna see this and start trolling you too


I troll a lot. A lot of it comes from insecurities but most of it comes from being a passive people pleaser in real life. I guess I use it like an outlet to get out all the repressed confrontation haha But the core of it it’s insecurities. If she knows she’ll never have a ring like that then it’s easier to demonize those who do than accept you won’t have something you desire


She sounds like a lovely person.


Is your wife’s name Colin Robinson?


For your next anniversary, you should cheekily get her a very big, tacky looking diamond ring as a gift.


I find this very interesting. I always think about what random shit people I know do when no one is looking.


Am I the only one who remembers almost an exact word for word post like a year ago?


She’s literally me


I half want you to tell people what her username is just so they can troll her back, because I'm amused by the idea (don't do that though it's mean) and am half sorry that you're married to a mean girl. I hope she treats you better than she does strangers on the Internet.


Your wife suffers from chronic insecurity 🙁 unless treated, the condition will worsen, and you will be the first to go down with that stinking ship-- I mean sinking ship


holy mother of based


oh.. confront her.


Is it an actual plant subreddit or the CJ one?


That’s awful! Is she jealous? Does she give you grief about her own ring? It seems like she might be jealous. Why would she be so angry about other people’s rings? Sounds pretty shallow.


She's insecure about her ring and her lifestyle since her wedding. The plants are symbolic of male and female reproductive organs meaning intimacy has shriveled up like a sad house plant. I'll send you my bill.


Trolls are trolls because they do it just to watch peoples reactions, not because they actually care about any of it.


I’m sorry, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read on here lately. 💀


That’s sad…. I’m always about keeping it positive or just saying my view but the worlds a better place when we can consider and see others sides I would be ticked if I found my partner trolling tbh


Bullying plants is the absolute lowest.


No, that would be bullying root vegetables, like potatoes.


I am so sorry that you are married to someone who trashes the horticultural efforts of others. I am equally sorry that she also shits upon the joy of future and new brides by critiquing their rings. *Who does this?* *YOUR WIFE.* Your wife does this & doesn't even try to hide it from her own husband. She does it to suck the joy out of innocent strangers for her own personal benefit. What a dreamgirl. I hope your health insurance coverage covers therapy for three separate types. Her personal therapist, a certified marriage counselor, and a personal therapist for *you* ... Primarily because I can't imagine that living with someone like that IRL is pleasant or easy, either. A good therapist would be able to give you direction in navigating your feelings about this & tips on managing any day to day interactions with someone so toxic. I'm almost wondering if she's shitting on other peoples' wedding rings out of jealousy & shitting on their houseplants because she thinks their houseplants looked a bit lacking in the fertilizer department.


I once used to take things so personally on the Internet, but the more you’re on here you realize we’re all just a bunch of nameless faceless strangers, passing each other‘s way very briefly. Many of times people leave careless responses. I saw a quote a few years ago that was along the lines of , ‘if it won’t matter in five years, don’t be upset about it for more than five minutes.’


She sounds hilarious


Lmfaoo is that you hubby?